r buiit place whe^H^H|9H|HH^H the new firm halHS'HSHH^H stock of goods jH;HH9flfl| success in their ej^^BE9|^H Mr. Samuel GanHHSj^H ing to build n ,VHHH| the public road City to SingleUUy flgMaH 3 miles below Lal<4ty^QHEfl most of the lumbav the groSS The road across Make at Singlet ary bridges is l?y in need of repair. Some of t bridge cov ering is rotten and i dangerous condition. On September 9r and Mrs J J Eaddv were niK happy by me arrival 01 a uaujri. A similar event the 14th inst?another gir!?jdened the parental hearts of Mid Mrs W 1 W Burrows of I?o. Still another "lit stranger" was ushered in?o the isehokl ol Mr and Mrs J A Carton Sept. ? 25. This is their ti and the parents are justly pi of the new arrival. Kgo. . | From Coleman tad. | The crops have beeury fine and the harvest is plen in this f 1 community this year. Master Benton Mtomerv, ... I.? t\AAn fori' ill mm/. WIIV llil? 1^X11 ?V?j ffwmcrwhat belter. Mrs S E Smith ot Mu;, S. C. visited relatives in this *hborhood recently. 1 i v* Mr Leon Ferrell left week |; for llartsville to attend Wel>h Neck High School. Mr W I) Fulton of uzons visited in the commuoit;nday. 1 Miss Bessie WindhamGret , i leyville is visiting the ly ot Mr WhiteG*'t. fK ^ Mr C L Montgomery k Saturday night and Sundayh his ^-parents on the Coleman i. | Mr W D Ferrell v:j at Mouzons last Saturday aSun1 day. Our enterprising nerct, .Mr H i..? _.i In .u inciiuui^, iinn jut hi iiiut: stock of fall and virfe;oods. Mr Richburg contemplifetuildr ing a large new stor? ii t near future. 1 Potato cu6tard seaoiis hand. I i What has becone of*Wild I Violet,''she is takiu a lot furlough evidently. I Brxn he is given the place of honor as , novelist of the number indicates the quality of her work. The story deals without gloves with a social situation that is new, yet as possible as an every-day passion. OUT OF DEATH'S JAWS. 1 "When death seemed very near froin , a very severe stomach and liver trouble that I had suffered with for yesjrs," ui.ies P. Muse, Durham. K. C'., "Dr. ' New Life Pills saved my life :trs i jjave perfect health." Best, pills , on earth and ontv 25c at D. C. Scott's Inn* store. ? '4 >. . __ : Not way Is il?s consular ser?| vice separASpd from that .oL Sweden, ^ sjp 'M di! v ' ^ ^ MEX MUSTANG will thoroughly, q nently cure these , is 110 j^uess work a iment is used a eu YOU DONT KNOW lr;,' >Iustn4ig Liniment. ,\?u tl'**h If things continue at their present rate it will not be so very long before a coal thief will be every bit as respectable as a Wa'l street operator. i AMERICA'S FAMOUS BEAUTIES Look with horror on Skin Eruptions. Blotches, Sores. I'iinplca. Thov don't have them, nor will any one. who use>i Bucklcw's Arnica Salve. It glorifies the face. Eczema or Salt Rheum vanishes before it. It cures Sore lips, j Ichapped hands, chilblains. Infallible for Piles. 26c at 1). C. Scott's drug store. Germany now has 140 Socialist publications, ot which 51 are dailies. i Costs Osly 25 cent frftqjfllBOr mil W ce?U to C. I Omci or D. H- &i [ I bar* forod Dr. Sfoflett'e TEETHINA k (oieodt4 m brr *11 k teeth I or child, **e ry roeoerdinr a?r warned i TEETH FN A, kad befkn M ooce admlniitertnf ft to hist. I Chat da/ on be recuperate!. I bare oooetaatiy kept ft ; pieamre io eoosdinf k? praitm to kU toother* of yooaj { Period vu paaaed. The Bigges Ever obtainable in 1 are now being offerei RACKET At prices that cannot t Think of it! We are n Good, Reliable C cent Below Ne Come and see for you HERE ARE A Best Calico at 3 l-2c anc V n rd - wid e Y e^lo W Hom Check Homespun - best All Colors Duck at 6c to Ladies1, GentM1, and Chi 26c per p.tir. The biggest line ol here at 25 per cent! LACES and [tlBMlIS Fine Line jjjmress Goods, C and Hi uickly and pcrmax ill ict ions. There bout it; if this linre will follow. inirkly n l?urn nr *onM ran Is*prrnxt _\ huw trfutol it \ritli Alexlcoa licaliT it :. j We have reached that point {where the public lias a perfect right to assume that the man who : wears Panama hat is without the ' price i?i a derby. 1 ?Md mmA IULtt 5 at WBfftSl* TEETWNG EAST.J. MOPFKTT. M. D? ST. LOUIS. NKL moT. tocrotarr *( State. Aram. T?)u, Bo?* aedr nod ttid for mr teaChtaf oblKlrm. Wkoo Mr MM i m tbat w? wood (sen tab)? lo*a no. I b*f>j*&?d qm and hit lmpf?am?o? tu m?rk*d ta ? koala, and from and oted RMaoa wttk ar cbildraa, and h?*a tikM iml (c&ildfM. Ttorodk U^aloUUyr?^ i Garg&ms Williamsburg County i in the STORE, >e duplicated elsewhere, ow offering loods at 25 per w York Prices! rself and be convinced. FEW FKIUES: 1 4c a yard. jspun at 3 3-4 and 4c a yd. grade - 4c a yd. 8c per yard. Idren's Hose at 2 l-2c to F SH0E5 ever seen below factory prices. Going at lc, 2c. 3c and up pei yard. X X X X lothing, Harness of all kinds r rdware. % L ^ .v p * **> rli i' gnnBgsHWout: IHBHfe ol ^HpRy'SC We prefer the money to tht to^nake quick sales. Co to buy high quality goods Now is the time and the ph T*>" Onlft ftf flrn Pnn MIC tllCdtCM OdIG Ui Ul| UUU Caps and Millinery Ever Sc3a."U.ltz's Ba ?Xtle Dls| Will begin MONDAY OCTOl Goods sold cheaper thau ever heard of at this Ore Calico, worth 6c, only 4c. F Calico, worth 5c, only 41c. C Check Homespun, worth 6c, only 4c. Yard wide White Homespun, worth 6c, only 4c. . Double width Worsted, worth 25c, ^ only 121c. ^ Single width Worsted, worth 10c and 12c. only 81 o. 42 in. All Wool Cashmere, worth 60c ! and 75c only 25c. 1 There are thousands and thonsai tion, ?o come and see for yonr self and brothers, uncles, aunts, consuls, mothei Hemember the name and place, Schultz's Ba IKE SCHULTZ Next to Dispensary, Highest cash prices paid for Ch v | Going Oui i iness.^?(6j Oag$, Oliver ? decided to disco?\ ? are closing out th @ at absolute cost. @ You will therei j?j if you buy elsewh X specting stock ? prices. ? Thanking you @ al support in the ? Yours ?' Gagg, 0 ? @ @?:@:?:?:?:?:@:?:@:@ IMPROV Tj fVirt nrder r?f flip ilav. FY painting and repuiring my sto for caah my entire Stock of Mer DRY GOODS, N( CLOTHING, SH( AND FURNITUJ AT ACTUA Reduced Prices t Keep Fresh GROCER] prices. Come and see i ?' A. YOURS >'0K |Wofto. Tin* be sure we clcwe .. me to see t>s if yon want at. rock bottom price#. . ice 18 T < v;. ' * iH ^'s Cas/i Store* ==?1 r' 1 ds, Clothing, Shoes, Hatsr , j Known in the South, at. xg-aiia Store, ?en**arjr. V ' 3ER 6th, j'or 10 Days Only. before. Just l?teu to the prices . Ll Sale: , . : * v " it ' ;iy 'aper of Pins, worth 5c: only le. j*2, fold Eye Needle#, worth l(Jc,otl!y #cvi ' : ? ' % / - . # *? *a clothing, clothing*. ... / j ien's Pants from 49c up. den's Black Worsted SuitS'f^.98 up< shoes. shoes. /.' den's Sunday Shoes 98c and up, , i ladies' Sunday Shoes 68c and up, ' ids of articles to numerous to inenbriug your father, mother, sister?, ' r-in-law, and don't forget tbe cook. V , ; v rgain Store,, ; V , Proprietor. kingstree, s. c. - j " ickens and Fkks. - . , - , & \ ' . v . t of Bus- 8 I @ m ^ f . ? "/; Co. having jg .. ? itinue business , * * *^ir entire stock S ^ .** . fore lose money ^ ft ;ere, before in- ft' a?t:?:@:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:$ EMENT >r the next 30 days I shall be re and for this reason 1 offer chaudise, including ' ' -.4 )TIONS, HATS, TfNWARF. 'E x ,L COST- ' *'" ; on Hardware* .... . lES at Lowest Market' ae. BUSINESS 1^^^ |