I ?mmmmmmm 1 LOCAL ITEMS I OF INTEREST ?mmmmmmm Miss Lulji Stroug is visiting relatives near Central. l>r W J Haselden was in town Tuesday Irom Cades. Mr T J Phillips was in Kingtree Tuesday from Central. Market report?Cotton 8 1-8 to 8 1-4; cottonseed $16 05. Mr \V C Wilson of Iudiantown was in Kingstree Saturday. * r - -...tj Slillaml riifnrnpll Mnn ?ur 1AIUI3 Uliiauu 1V??I?V>. - (lay from Hender/jonville, N. C. Mr ST MeCrea of Cedar Swamp was a visitor in town yesterday. Mr and Mrs J C Everett of Salters were visitors in town Monday. I Every body should go out to hear lialph Bingham next Wednesday night. li 0 Whitehead Esq and C W Stoll Esq went to Lake City today on I business. One hundred and seven bales of cotton were bought in this market | yesterday. Attention is called to legal j notices and notice of second pri ? I inary eiecuuu. Messrs S W Gowdy and J C Mc? Elveen of Hebron were noted in town Tuesday. / Messrs J D Cox and Wilson Altman of Johnsonvilie were on our' streets yesterday. Politeness is the outward and visible expression of an inward and spiritual grace. Miss Evie Cunningham of Indiantown left last week for Sumter to . attend the graded school. .Miss Jennie McCutchen of Indiantown left this week for Rock Hill to attend Winthrop College. Mr Louis Jacobs, Jr., of Charleston came up Sunday, and spent the day with his parents in town. MrSJTharpe of Cedar Swamp and J ? Tharpe of Johnsonville were in town one day last week. Miss Ossie Epps returned from Charleston this week, accompanied bv her sister, ijrs D P Frierson. Miss Vlrgie Walker of Georgetown is visiting the family of Oapt John A Kelley in Academy street. - - - -r I n DWIIIIum. Messrs J M, ^ M auu uf ? iiiiivih?*on of the Cades section were among the visitors in town yesterday. The Graded school opened las Monday with over a hundred pupils and the attendance is increasing daily. With some people an argument is like u hammer; it only serves to drive in more firmly their false opinions. Mr B I'ittman of Ashpole, X. C., lias been appointed assistant station agent here. He reported for work this morning. Ralph Ringham has appearod in Philadelphia 142 times. lie will be here on the evening of the 24th. Don't fail to hear him. Miss Mellie Brockinton, after a visit of some length to her aunt Mrs R H Kellehan, returned last week to her home near Harpers. Miss Louise, Marion and Tommy Kami vuitinc the VTiilctllUj ? HI/ 11M > V 1 *va ?) ?... family of Rev W S Martin at Johnston, have returned home. You could not give your boy or girl at college a more acceptable present than a subscription to the County Record during the school term. We are requested to announce that the members of the Baptist church will hold a meeting at the church next Sunday, at 11 o\ilock, sharp. One of the prettiest show windows in town is that of Mr Ike $chu!tz, on Academy street. Their special sale takes place on next Monday. The faculty of the Graded school is very anxious that pupils who are going to attend should be entered at once. A day lost at the tirstof the season ean never be uiu^e up. AFFAIRS CAUGHT BY OUR ~3 LOCAL REPORTER AND ^3 NOTED ^3 Written in Condensed Form ^3 and Printed in Like Manner ^3 for the Sake of Our Busy ^3 ! I Readers uuuiuiuiiiumumiiuuiiiiii Mr. Walter Logan, the wideawake traveling representative ol M Drake A Sons., Charleston, was in town yesterday takiug orderfor his "house." Rev Carey, assisted by Misses Payne and Fuller, is conducting e holiness meeting at the school house near Mr A J Smith's. The meeting will last one week. Miss Annie Chandler, who habeen on a visit to her lister, Mrn R \V Humphries at Ridgeville, S C, returned to her home at Benson last week. She was accompanied by Mrs Humphries. Mr J \V Josey, the popular and well known representative ol Melchers & Co., Charleston, was circulating among our merchants yesMV i a welcome visitor at our sanctum yesterday. Although he was de. a candidate for the Legis I i , i lature, Mr Hutson says he feels as 5! grateful to the friends who sup; ported him as though he had been (| successful at the polls. t j We lire requested to state for the {benefitof those interested that the ,| next term of the Welch Neck High j School will begin Wednesday, Se|>; teuiber 24. It is desired that all ' pupils report on the evening of September 23. Teachers will meet ' incoming trains at Sumter and Florence. I All the teachers were in their : places at the opening exercises of :tthe Graded school Monday. The teachers have been assigned to grades us follows: Miss Agnes ; Erckman, 1st and 2nd, Miss Bertha . Wells 3rd and 4th, Miss Amelia Kennedy 5th and 6th, Mr Ernest Wiggins 7th, 8th and 9th. The following young collegians took their departure this week for the several institutions of learning that they will attend during the next scholastic year: Misses Marie r and Selma Thorn, Staunton, Va. Misses Pearl Koger, Bessie Harper, Dora and Selden Epos, Winthrop i College, Bock Hill, S. C., Mr G O Epps, Clemson College. The following from this place , took in the Darlington-Charleston ] excursion this morning: Charles j Burgess, H J Burgess, W R Funk, 11 E M Hirsch, Marvin Martin, C R i Weaver, J W Lewis Burry Epps, Dye Burgess, D Cooper, F W Beardon, C McGee, H McGee, H J Burgess, J H Burgess. R T Flagler, J G McCutchen, L I* Kinder, Fred Harper, Mr and Mrs Marion Barrineau and others. Prof X D Lesesne, principal of Greeleyvil'e Graded school, who has recently returned from the op country, passed through town Monday ou the way tu Cedar Swamp to spend a few days his mother, Mrs M E Scott. Mrs Lesesne is visiting hpr friend. Miss Bertha Epps. near town. Prof Lesesne took occasion (luring hi?* absence from the county to attend the State Summer School at Rock Hill. it Bargains Williamsburg County sd in the STORE, be duplicated elsewhere, low offering Goods at 25 per \\v York Prices! irself and be convinced. i i FEW PRICES: j d 4c a yard. espun at 3 3-4 and 4c a yd. ; grade - 4c a yd. ) 8c per yard, ildren's Hose at 2 l-2c to f SHOES ever seen below factory prices. Going at lc, 2c. 3^ and up per i yard. X X. X X.I ????????????? Hoihing, Harness of all kinds irdware. , Kingstree, S. Q. :?:? :?: | New Store? g P. 5. COURTN At Benjamin's 0 g A FI'IAi STI> A> i:\fEPTIO.\AI.I.' ia Fancy G-xc ^ ? All we ask is a trial to convince you tl | P. S. COURTNEY & CO., @:?:@:@:?:@:?:@:@:@: ?:@: In fits nl' That's Our When you are out sh< to call at THE OLD ] STACKLEY'S C/ %%%%%%%* We prefer the money to the go*, to make quick sales. Come t to buy high quality goods at Now is the time and the place : 0 | Going Out ( 1 iness.-? ? 'Gagf, Oliver decided to discontin @ are closing out their @ at absolute cost. You will therefor w if you buy elsewhere S specting stock ai 7ir7*/*A*. x f* ? Th anking you foi @ al support in the pt @ Yours tr ? Gagg, Oliv ? ? ?:@:?:@:?:?:?:@:?:?:?:@: I TTki(p> ?LL ilii A. N Next L)o?r to The County \ 81.00 PER ] J. P. NELSON, - IMPROVE Js the order of the thtv. For tbi J painting and repairing my store at: I for cash my entire Stock of Alerchau DRY GOODS, NOT CLOTHING, SHOE AND FURNITURE AT ACTUAL C Reduced Prices o I Keep Fresh GROCERIES Prices. Come and see me. YOURS FOR BUS T . . ""> V ' \ \ ? ?:?:?:@:?:?:?:@:@ New Stock! ?* EY&CD., ? Id Stand. -?. ? K OF VrsJ i j ihoes, Tinware, @ ' k u\i: mi: of jgj ? jcexies. pping be sure , RELIABLE, ^SH STORE, > % % % xls and we sell close ' J o see us it you want rock bottom prices. J 8 ? s Cash Store, ; v I A T\ O )t iJUS- 5 p '?i Co. having a ue business entire stock ? e lose money (g) before in- @ id getting ^ at m your liberxst, We are ? uly, ?. er & Co. w /A w 9 Hotiase, I Record Office. j PAY. - Manager. ;MENT e next 30 days. I shall be \ ' J id for this reason I.offer idjsa. including. IONS, H ATS* SS* TINWARE * *. *V ?. *. ?S OS T. n Hardwa re * i at lowest; Market; II NESS. WILKINS A i'