* EXERCISE AND EATING. ; i RfrnfmbN- That n "Mred Stomocfc 1* a Wt'?k Stomach. A good dinner at night is necessary for those whose jdeusure or work k??ejt6 them up very lute. Hut for ordinary folk who dine at 0 t* 7 and go to bed atxuit 10:80 only a light wholesome repast should l>e taken at the eud of tin ' orsons of weak digestions that a quick. brisk walk taken befon i a meal gets up nn appetite and helps the stomach to digest the food. Now,, this is exactly what it doesn't da Ex-' erdse spreads the blood tnruuguout uit body. For the proper digestion of foot' the Mood ie needed In the stomach. Few realise this important fact. After a k>og. exhausting walk, bicycle spin or any severe physical or ment:il strain take a pood half hour's rest In a comfortable armchair or lying on a ufa l>efore vou eat a substantial meal. ! A Telephone Whistle. When the earpiece of s telephone receiver Is held to the mouthpiece of the transmitter, n more or less shrill.tone) or whistle is beanl In the receiver. This ' ; occurs wlieti the apparatus hi In pood | working oondltiou and when the trans- i inlttcr is oo short circuit. This effect: is seemingly due to a series of rec ctions ! analogous to but much more complex than those which occur In an electrk j bell when its circuit is closed. A movement of the diaphragm of the receiver toward its magnet tends to weaken the pressure on the curiam of the transmitter. which causes a weakening of the current, allowing the diaphro*'" to foil! ? 1. n again and i olso Increasing current strength, where- j % by the diaphragm In again attracted,' and this action Is repeated over and i over again.?CassJer's Maguzlna, Th?- Raman Moolk. It has b*>en discovered that the boman mouth Is slowly hut surely and steadily moving toward tlve left of the ! face, which will in time bring it aomo- | where in the neighborhood of the left .ear. All the five great races of man have an uncontrollable tendency to eat only with the teeth which grow from the left jaws. This wears out the left teeth more rapidly than those on tbe j right side of the mouth, and this in turn gives the upper and lower Jaws! an inclination toward the loft. . j It Is the expressed opinion of many ; scientists who are foremost in the world's roll of professional honor tliat In the course of time the mouth from causes above mentioned will hove completely changed Its position and that it will then t>e situated rather nearer the J left ear than to the nose. ___________ Oriental Hairs. Oriental rugs." nays a Now York dealer, "are nearly an standard as gold. When an auctioneer sells you one for $"tM. you may think you ore getting it: clieup. but you can pet It at about tbo, Fame price from any repntuble dealer. Every rug house lias its agents at auctions. who puy mighty dose to the inar-1 kct price for the outline article. When you have had an oriental nip for ten or fifteen years. it Is worth more than , when you tKiught It, provided It Is In pood condition. It Is then an antique. When you hear of any one buying see-, nndhnml oriental nips at irtsmt onethird or one-quarter of their value, you | may safely wager that tbey have beep ; patched." Rclnr ncmnn?(rnnp?>. Johnny and Harry had been k*ft at * home with their big sister, tuotlier having pone out. At bedtime they wanted to "stay up for mother." but their sister relentlessly put them to bed. llarry maintained a stolid iudiffi retice. but Johuny cried lustily. Their sister listerw-d at the foot of the stairs, hoping they would soon Ik* good. At last Johnny stopped. and the listener heard him say: "You cry u bit, llarry. I'm tired."?London Mail. ^ Rain ?nd sweat ^ \ \ \ > K i have r.o effect on f|tn IP' harness treated W i WW W* fl l\r s", with Eureka Har-#t/#I JLrlft/T J* , fl ness Oil. It re- ^ f ; I do sot break. S\ fej 9 No roujhmr- \ \ \ \ K IFF H lace to chafe . f mj\ r H and cut. The \nw \\x H POWERFUL VOICES. i NlM Hlt(orl? 8brl#lf?ti Who Aat? dated the Pmnooi Strntor. fl Tbe question has often been asked, v "Who wos the uymt knid voiced man ^ of history?" The answer ueoaHy is j a that it wns Steotor. of whom Homer ! says hie volov wst ?b k>od as that of | ^ fifty other men combined and from ; (j which we get the phrase "stentorian ' rt>lcvook referred to the j, story is related In the following words: "And the sons of Jacob seeing that they could not prerrvrt over the twelve. ( Slrueoo gave a loud sod tremeodous { shriek, and tbe eleven remaining meo ^ were ettinned by the awful shriek." ( In chapter 30. same book, verse 10. ! we And the following account of tbe battles of tbe sons of Jacob with the inhaWtnnts of tbe city of Gaash. It j seems as though the battle was !>oth In t tbe front and hi the rear and that the rj warriors on tbe wall were throwing spears and burUng stones upon tbe ? sods of Jacob. What nert occurred, as related In chapter and verse above! . cited. Is recorded in these words: t "And Judah. seeing tiiat tbe men of t Gaash were getting too heavy for them, gave a piercing and tremendous t shriek, and all tbe men of Gaasb were - - - * - ? ? M s_u r terrtQefl At JTXian s cry, nuu mm rrri from the wall at the sound of bla powerful shriek, and sit those that were wiinoot as wvi? oe tboee within the dty were greatly afraid of tbelr lleea." f TV Cmitj la m Little Itg. g The canary is always regarded as a j, mall eater, J nut as the pig Sa notorious e for its gluttony. People with snxiH up- j, pet I tea are often twitted for not eating more than enough to feed u canary. ^ and this led a man who was a tiny eat- t er to watch the yellow bird and report n He found that a canary that weighed t 247 grains ate Just thirty-two time* its ? own weight in n month; that is, it ate s rnther n>ore than its own weight on an v average every - ^ er da y she came to ber grandfather with her face all auiHea. "Grandtbt." sbe said. "I raw something thia morning running across the . kitchen floor without soy legs. What do think it was?" Mr. Congressman studied for awhile . and gave t?p. "What was K?" be asked. "Water." raid the youngster triumphantly.?St. Louis Post-Dispatch. A VALUABLE TYPEWRITER, t IfmwMSts 9U1m It Worth Hark More Than Its Orlffliml Coot. A Vmu Vnrtr hurlx-Jor author who , " " I writes on a machine wrote h note re f cetitly to a aploatvr aotborea* whoHtill work* by band and Incidentally called her attention to the fa?l that If abe i wished him to do m N> would oeeure 1 a machine for be? at $5 per mouth, j guoraDteed to write poetry, able article*. fiction, etc. A day or so kter bo received a reply written iu a beautifully e+cur, round hand to tlite effect: My IVar Mr. : Tt>le Is me typewriting machtns. Isn't ft nice? It Is caH- " ?d the ldank typewriter. It Is sound, < kind. In good repair, warranted to travel j wall In single harness, and If you do not > say It Is the nicest macMnu you ever knew I shall refuse to beHevu that you ' were born when knighthood was In flower, ( It Is warranted, like yours, to write able articles, poetry and fiction with equal I , facility, but. unlike yours, K Is not for | sale at fS a month. Its original cost was * large, and I have put so many Improvements on K since that I cannot dispose of It save at a considerable advunca and even then should b? unwilling to x?irt ' vrtth H except to a r-si>orv*H>k> person warranted to treat It with cars- I At prosoot the author is striving i strvnuouely to become a mlllionHire so 1 that be may secure tbe sort-lee* of i till* Inimitable typewrite?.?Detroit Kree Pretw. The Life ? ? Circa* rsoplc. ' Circus people nre pcotty Hmmlsh. ' Prom generation to generation they ' are circus people. nw1 the generations 1 do not perish from off the fnee of the \ ( earth nearly so fast as the Insurance | 1 companies poem to think. There are i plenty of good performers that wHI ' never s<*e sixty again ami sotne tlvnC1 1 are seventy-five years old awl still as supple as you eouki wish for a mac fifty yours younger. More than In any other branch of the amusement bust-' ness Is the family life kept up. for every woman who travels with a circus must have a natural protector with 1 her. If It isn't n father or a brtrther. itj must be n husband, and as circuses | ' don't carry people arouwl ?ith tlvem Just for the pleasure of tbHr comjuuiy ' the women marry In the profession and bring up their children to IL The Httle : ' lx>y you see riding around so gnyly oa his daddy's h no man. Ha ha moo icy!"?Chambers' Journal Am 8irr?Mlr? Pmeeo detected furtively collecting Infos nation of tbe force and coodlttoo of tb mat at I'eeksklH and bad eoderfooe i nllHary trial A veeael of war came oj be H jdaoo In all baste and landed i log of truce at Vcrpkmck'a point bj vbleb a message wm transmitted t Putnam from Cllotoo claiming tbe safc falroer oa a lieutenuot In tbe Bribe service. Putnam replied: Headquarter^ ft \t0 T, W7T. Edward Palmer, on odlesc to the em* n> 's (?ervteo. was taken as a spy ksrklnj eUhto our Hoe*. Ha baa been tried as ( ipy and shaH b* executed as a spy. aa< be tbqj b* ordered to depart knmedltttaly ISRAEL PVTNAM. P. 8.?He Iktut accordingly been eseeml?d ? "- ? ai.u.io.twriac. The absent minded professor. Mfi be Norwegian Weekly Yyrtbana, sod lenly aroee from bis rock 1 up chair lushed his spectacles up on his fore lend and went toward his wife wttl be expression and air of a man wtx it lost had touie to a final decision. "Now. listen to uie. wife," he said *nnd I do not wont you to oppose me lo you hear?" "Yes. dear. What Is K. tben f "Now. no opposition, mind. I \rt9l :be boy lo be nn enfjlueer.** "Put, i ly dear. wlmt are you tatting ibout? We haven't uny boy." "Ob. yes. that is so. I bad fontottet :hat." said the professor ua be reouiu h1 his seat In the roeklu? chair. IUKht Arm Moat tlort. Experience indlvntt* that aocideof ?re fur iiH>re likely hi oeeur to the rt^h inn and U*k that) to the left. Ktirthe ?\idenee of this fact Is supplied by th trmhe-s of artificial limbs. Tbey dtepos )f many more nj>peiKlugeH to tne ngu ?lde of tho Ixnly than to tho other. Statistics s!m>w that In fifty-four ?w?e Mit of n hundred the left leg la strongt rh/. n the right. DooM?Mtle Amfiltltft. "Your pupa likea dogs, I al* marked the visitor. "Oh. no!" replied the lx>y. "Then why doe? he keep bo mon; aiH)tit tho Jwuse?" "I guess It's 'onuse mamma- doesn* Ithe'em."?Philadelphia Record. Library Impromneot Cflstieton?I have ln>en making boto trig improvements in my Hbrury. Clubberiy?What have you been <5< lng? CastietOTf?Oh. giving awt>f l lot o hoofcfv?I>etroK Free l're?i * * > HWPmi * "We have od han 1 a car load of BL ' them linger loo w therefore ' We Pass Up The I Don't quarrel with opportunity, bul , last. All the standard makes, such as 1 . dock,Enger, Barber and R. E. Jones. , We make you practically s o^enti l OCR LIVERY DEP * Is always supplied with Good Horses an * J. L STUCK Lake City I i | DR. L. B, JOHNSON, . p Practicing Physician, ? Surgeon and Druggist, l jr: ; E ??? k ^ Keat Door to Stuart & Floyd., : {? LAKE CITY, - S. 0 ! ??|||liiHHIUItlillitlilHimilHIHill 1 _ a : MAKE NO Mlb ?UO TC : S- THOMAS . t ' Sil KINO STREET, CI EOU I WATCHES, JEWELRY, SH.VEI SPECTACLES Ml ! Jeieky ui Vatekes tyiii April S-tT DO TOD DR Glenn Springs Ginger Al S Snrings Mineral Watc the Ha j wh BECAUSE all ingredients uaod arc BECAUSE it is made from ( WATER. s THE OLD RELIABLE that, in i ,r ting aufferang for over a hundred years - delightful carbonated drinks. Try it ar 1 all others have said, that it is "THE 1 Drinkers of Ginger Ale will be delij ? refreshing drink, made with Glenn Sprii nounoe it the tineat on the market. Tn Ask your dealer for it. The Glenn ? GLENN SPRI s ! (jmndqpenit * Spring ; Hats and . Furntsntngs. * You will find hero the very newest up-to-date Suits, Furnishing Gr, in the Best on rket \ the purest and beet. 5LENN SPRINGS MINERaL ltd natural state, hoe been allevia4 is now being made into most ul we Know mac vou win say, a? 3EST." * ' > [jhted to get tbirt delightful and igri Mineral Water. Ex|>erts pro' it and you will be convinced. >PRINGS CO., xgs s.a. (WT\ H;! \'A\ t aad A \ ; I r \ ',n,l VX n \ rtuitc V ,J|I I u >\ VKJ send / \ \ TW ' l'st*l \ \ ^ have / 1 Suit \ i) m. I /ji !\ toby I 1 ./. ir *