The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, September 04, 1902, Image 1

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-mm ' # ?* f VOL. XVIII. KINGSTREE, S. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1902. NO. 3(5 1SII il?. THE OFFICIAL COUNT FOR WILLIAMSBURG COUNTY. Hey ward Leads for Governor and Gary ' for Lieutenant Governor?Elliott Carries County for Senate. The county vote for State officials, ae declared by the executive cominit.I., fIm... tvc, Mttuur iixuo. UNITED STATES SENATOR. Wm Elliott 889 Jno Gary Evans 445 Jno J Hemphill 65 D S Henderson 182 George Johnstone 258 A C Latimer 56 GOVERNOR. Martin F Ansel 40 D C Heywanl 1070 W Jas|>er Talbert 417 James H Tillman .333 \V II Timmerman 108 LI EUTEN A NT-GOV ERN OR Cole L Bleuse 619 Frank B Gary 760 John T Sloan 678 \ SECRETARY OF STATE J Thomas Austin 406 J I1 Gautt 481 Harvey Wilson 1076 ATTORNEY GENERAL U X Gunter, Jr 780 W F Stevenson 1157 STATE TREASURER K H. Jennintrs 1846 (CONTROLLER GENERAL N W Brooker 325 * A W Jones 354 W H Sharpe 899 G L Walker 342 SUPERINTENDENT OP EDUCATION John J McMahan ' 752 0 B Martin 1201 ADJUTANT AND INSPECTOR GENERAL ' Paul E Ajer 69 1 J C Boyd 443 ' John I) Frost 851 John M Patrick 417 George Douglas Rouse 60 ( i RAILROAD COMMISSIONER Jas Cansler 92 , U T f 1 iyna I> U V^UU^iilI1UU I KJ%/ W Boyd Evans 60S AC'Jepson 99 . Henry J Kinard 34 ( John G Mobley 22? Hugh H Prince 15 J C Wilborn 66 j J G Wolling 44 Ca> d of Thanks. I Editor County Record:? . Will you allow me space in your columns to thank the good people < of the county for having bestowed < u|)on me the honor of serving them i as a public officer for eight years, . and to ask my irieiuls who worked i so hard for my election on the high j< plane of principle to take not to heart mv defeat hnt rather look with pride upon the record I have left behind me that will ever live, even when my body is laid to rest, (iood bye for a season. B. B. ClTANDLKK. Kings tree, 8. CM Sept 1, 1902. No matter how light a girl's shoes are she never likes to a?knowledge the corn. A bachelor learns a loi by pretending he has never learned anything. A Good Man for Comptroller. Mr A \V Jones, popnlarly known as "Dolph", is in the race for comptroller general. He has canvassed thi* Stiitf. into no trade or com bination to secure bis election, relying strictly on his merit anil qualifications for a business office 01^ a business platform. The comptroller general is a member of the board of railroad assessors, who assess $27,000,000 of railroad property. He is a member of the S F C. The funds of this commission now amount to $420,000. He is a member of the board of phosphate commissioners, having full power over the phosphate interest of the State. He is a member of the pension board. He is ex officio insurance commissioner, the license fees, State county and school taxes originating in this department amounting to $70,000 annually. He is required to make or witness the annual settlements with county tax officials, prescribe a uniform system of bookkeeping, examine the books annually, etc. It therefore requires an experienced, practical l>ookkeeper and thorough accountant. Mr Jones has the reputation of being amongst the best bookkeepers and expert accountants in the State. Mr Jones is thoroughly conversant with all the tax laws and duties of the comptroller general, having been appointed auditor of Abbeville county by Gov Jno Peter Richardson in 1886 and appointed phosphate inspector by Gov Tillman in 1891. It was he, while auditor, who found that the visible property was bearing more than its just proportion of the burdens of taxation. He found that the banks of this State were not returning their surplus and undivided profits for taxation. It was through hie efforts that these institutions were brought to pay taxes on their surplus dollars. He it was who called attention to the under valuation of railroad property, and several million dollars by this class of property was added to the taxable property of the State. His record as phosphate inspector and as assistant I to the comptroller general is well known to the tax officials throughout the ?Jute, and his management of the insurance department is so thorough that not a single M ild cat company has l>een licensed to do business in the State. The insurance report issued by hini is a credit to the State. All these positions he has filled with marked ability, with credit to himself and the public. Mr .Tones started in life as a mechanic. With his economical savings lie attended one of the leading business colleges of the South. It is not derogatory to the incumbent to say that A W Jones is the most valuable man conwith tbe eonintroller ffetieral's VVVVVk f o office in years.?The State. Card of Thanks. I take this oppotuuitv to express to my many friends my hearty thanks for their splendid support given me in the late primary for Supervisor. * * * T 1 1 am proud 01 tne vote 1 nave re-; coived and I assure my friends that, should I be elected I will give the county my very best efforts. None of my family has over been given an office by the people, and this fact coupled with ability to till the position, I trust will be given due consideration at the polls. I again thank my friends for their support, and trust they will rally to my standard on the hth. C. E. Wheeler. \ \ * " II Will en ONLY SIX CANDIDATES TO RUN IN SECOND PRIMARY. Tkl {"i/Mintu \In*? llncvncrtdHlv LufCS ?Entire Legislative Ticket Elect, ed on First Ballot. Following id the official count of the votes for county candidates in Williamsburg county: For Congress?6th District R B Scarborough 1914. State Senator? A H "Williams 1919. House of Representatives?W L Bass 1172, HE Eaddy 887, T B Gourdin 1130, J II Hutson 592, W W Kennedy 758, P S Wall 1316. County Supervisor? B B Chandler 475, A M Cook 217, J J Graham 479, N M Venters 117, C E Wheeler 553. County Superintendant Education ?William Cooper 1020, C W Wolfe 916. County Treasurer? W D Owens 683, R. D. Rollins 1053, R. B Smith 213. County Auditor? H G Askins 258, J Davis Carter 172, J Wesley Cook 259, J D Daniel 609, J J B Montgomery 657. Supervisor of Registration? J J Eaddy 1497, J Y McGill 1713, G K Mitchum 1454, E F Prosser 1091. County Commissioner? R D Blakeley 1194, Henry Collins 484, P D Cockfield 430, J Cleveland McElveen 840, Samuel J Singletary i885. Magistrates elected are: Kingstree, R R Stutts; Greeleyville, J V Windham; Benson, W D Snowden; John eonville, W P Eaddy; Lake City, HI P Baldwin; Salters, T E Salter?; Trio, W B McCants. The following other official? are elected: Congress, R B Scarborough; State Senate, A H Williams; Legislature, Wall, Bass and Gourdin; Treasurer, It D Rollins; County Supt Education, Win Cooper, Supervisors of Registration, McGill, Eaddy and Mitchum, County Commissioner, It D Blakeley. To run in second primary: For Supervisor, Wheeler and Graham; for Auditor, Montgomery and Dan lei; Uounty Uommisiouer, cungietary aud McElveen. Total number of votes cast, 1949. Card from Mr. Daniel. Editor County Record:? Please allow me space in your paper to thank the the people for the hearty support given me in the first primary and to correct a report that has gone out with intent to injure me in the second primary, vit., that the books and the affairs generally of the Auditor's office are in an u msually bad condition. This is :ih?olutelv false, and as vou remem b.T, I forestalled any such report when in the recent campaign I challenged the fullest investigation of the office and the books. Now, feeling confident that the people will be governed by their own good judgement and high sense of justice in this matter and not by any such political trickery, I feel safe in their hands. I remain, Very respectfully. J. D. Daxibl. It sometimes cost a man six months o{ rheumatism to catch one little six-inch lish. / ' - it. r. I ? - NEGRO CONSTABLE SHOT. Cowardly Attack on Ceasar Chandler by his Son?in-Lew, Jim Kellehan. In a difficulty which occurred Monday morning at Cedar Swamp Ceasar Chandler, Magistrate W D f Snowden's colored constable, was shot twice by Jim Kellehan, alias Chandler, a young negro who is Ceasar's son-iu-law. ( Kellehan, which seems to be-Jim's j Georgia appellative, is wanted in that State for highway robbery and was under the surveillance of the officers of the law pending the arrival of the requisition papers. The shooting seems to have been a cowardly assault, provoked only by a suspicion on the part of Chandler or Eellehan that Ceasar was employed to keep an eye on him until the war-rant was ready to be served. When the two men met in the road near Benson postoffice Kellehan began to curse -Geasar and drawing a pistol fired three shots at t him, two of the bullets taking effect ] in the ann and hip respectively, i After the shooting Kellehan jumped t into his buggy and drove away to- t ward Indiantown postoffice, where ] his father lives. A warrant has been issued for Ms arrest. t Ceasar was brought to Kingstm- t and his wounds treated by Dr W V a Brockington. They are painful but not very serious. Obituary. C Mrs Julia Ann Carter, widow of the late Jesse Carter, 4v?d at the home of her daughter, Mrs W T Daniel, in Florence county, August 86, 1908. Mrs Carter was 69 years old at the time of hef death. On ^ August 87, she was laid to rest in ^ the Brown burying ground uear f ITT? 11 * Jjea, in VTiiiiaa?uufj? uuuu^v. Mr? Carter is survived by two t children, vi*., Hon J Davis Carter ^ and Mrs W T Daniels, of Florence ^ county. Her husband, a gallant Confederate soldier, died iu 1864, ^ while in the service of the Confed- ^ eracy. She also leaves five brother#, ^ three sisters and a number of other c relatives and friends to mourn her loss. * The writer had the pleasure of knowing Mrs Carter for geven or ( eight years and is in a position to appreciate her many virtues and and lovable traits of character. Al- V though in failing health for over two years prior to her death, her in- <( firmities were borne uncomplainingly, and in fact, seldom referred to by her unless in answer to the in- ^ quiries of solicitous friends. Through j_ them the heavenly Father seemed to ? chasten and refine her life and f character. f Oh! wh<? cat) sorrow when the good r depart? When captive souls obtain their t tweet release? 0 Our friend is gone to share the . letter part? H How can we mourn for her whose 0 sorrow* ceased Who sleeps in Jesus and whose end u is pence. c A Fribvd. a m Si V Excurftion to Charleston. An excursion from Darlington to j '-> Charleston for white people will pass j u Kingstrec on Thursday, Sept, IS, at! 9 o'clock a. in. Only $1.50 fori j ? round trip tickets. Kings tree is in-! r vited to join with Darlington for the ocawion and a g<x>d time is assured. adv. 2 . t ^'i IfiYiftiri i i i Hi! 11, HARVEY WILSON'S THROAT cut BY HENRY JAMES AT dock ratal Termination of a Week Old Quarrel?Verdict of the Coroner's Jury. Dock, S. C? September 1, Special: 3n Sunday, August 31, a coldblooded murder was committed ibout u mile above Dock postoflifce. L'he facts as gathered at the coroler's inquest are these: Harvey Wil ? ion and Henry James, both colored, lad had a difficulty about a woman Sunday night a week before. They net in the public road yesterday .vhen James renewed the difficulty md cut Ilarvey Wilson to death. The nit Mas in the neck, severing the rind-pipe ,and carotid artery. It nude one of the most ghostly 1 vounds I ever sum*. The inquest Mas held Sunday af:ernoon by Magistrate George B. Sesmith and the following verdict eturned: "That Harvey Wilson rometohis death bv a razor cut. he razor being in the hand? of J airy James." James was arrested promptly after . he inquest and our ever alert and fficient sheriff arrived on the ground ind took charge of the prisoner. J. R. B. HEYWARD AT HOME. Slven Solid Vote by Hit People?Col- ^ leton rarmers ?pp?aj 10 rarmeri of South Carolina to Support Him. It is said by old politicians that nu andidate for a State office has ever >efare been tendered such an enlorsement by has home people as hat given Capt Hey ward in the. irst primary by the people of Colleon. He got 2,258 votes against 135 or the other four candidates?or 9?; pt Mantes out of every 100 cast. V This is all the more remarkable rhen it is remembered that Colleton ius heretofore been very seriously livided politically. It is a maguiti cut testimonial to Heyward by the >eople who know him best. In addition to their votes the farm- , rs of Colleton, hundreds of them, f every kind and class, the followrs of Ben Tillman and Sheppard nd Haskell, have signed this address to the farmers of South Cai linn; State of South Carolina, Countv <?f A..... e,oneiou. "We, the undersigned, farmers of olleton county, hereby endorse Capt ) C Hey ward for governor in tiniest primary, and earnestly urge thinners throughout the State to vote or him. Capt Ileyward has been a tracheal farmer all his life, and i>. heref ore, thoroughly acquainted wir! ur condition and needs. From air itimate knowledge of him as a man f his high character and h!s m:ent ability, we feel that w>- ; ui. onscieutiously commend him to you s one worthy of your suffrage, an i . 1 arnestlv request you to giv him our enthusiastic support. (Here follow names of humhvils f farmers?every one in C'olieto* ho had an opportunity to sum.* ^ v Oupid never bothers about the es tilts. A boi! on the stove is worth wo on the neclt. sr ? . \Y