The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, August 28, 1902, Image 5

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i / . _ ' Immmmmmnmmnm 1 LOCAL ITEMS I OF INTEREST ?itlUiiiJUiUliiiiliiUiliiUiiiiUil Defeated candidates look pleasant, please. Miss Ossie Epps went to Charleston Wednesday. >r_ T 1> T..1 ' .Wrs. li. i>. *>uu:i?uu itiutuvu * ', Luke City this morning. Mi-s Eulic Johnson spent Sunday j m. it!i friends at Salters. Misses Edith and Beulah Nelson j are visiting friends at Cades. Mr. E. M Hirsch went down to j Charleston to-dav on business, i I Mis-= Lizzie Bullock, of Bostic, is i vi>iting Misses Lula and Beck My- j ers tiiis week. Mr. L. E. Shultz came up from Georgetown Monday and spent a few hours in town. The Misses Myers gave a party last evening in honor of Miss Lizzie Rullock, who is visiting them. Miss Annie Ashby went to Florence last week, accompanying her sister, who had been visiting her. Mr. R. K. Wallace has gone to Sumter with a view of studying telephony in the office of the Sumter Telephone Co. Misses Lula and Reck Myers returned Saturday from a week's visit to relatives and friends near Rustic, Florence county. The ladies of the Cemetery Association will serve ice cream and cake on the school house grounds, cm Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Mr. Montie Scott, the efficient public coiion weigner, n^.uu nv his post performing' his duties to the satisfaction of both buyer and seller. As a market for cottou and cotton seed Kings tree is as good as or better than any in this section of the state. (Jive our buyers a trial and be convinced. The town council made an onslaught upon the tall weeds this week, checking to some extent their rank and luxurious growth on Main street. Mr. Matt Montgomery, now of Georgetown spent Sunday in town with his parents, lie returned this week to Georgetown, accompanied ry ;ur. iwvm oniuer. Ever obtainable in V are now being offeree PACKET At prices that cannot t> Think of it! We are nc Good, Reliable 6 cent Below.Ne\ Come and see for youi HEBE ABE A Best Calico at 3 l-2c and X ar d-wide Y ello w Home Check Homespun - best All Colors Duck at 80 to Ladies', Gents', and Chil 25c per pair. * The biggest line of here at 25 per cent I LACES^nd EIOTIDEBIES Fine Line of Dress Goods, Cl and Ha H. D. EEBDICK, mpiflmmmwmwn! AFFAIRS CAUGHT BY OUR 3 LOCAL REPORTER AND ^3 NOTED :3 ? ' ' -M* Written in Condensed Form ^2 and Printed in Like Manner for the Sake cf Ojt Busy ^3 Readers ^2 iiiiiiiiiiuuiiuiuuiaiiiiuiiul Round trip tickets to Charlesto will be on sale next Sunday foi $1.92. This will be the last opportunity to take advantage of the cheap week end rates. Mr. W. J. Bryan and Mrs. Lizzie Orofton of Everett City*, (in., passed through town to-day on the way t< Rome to visit Miss Grafton's brother, Mr. J. O Carraway. Mr. A. W. Gagg has a new 'ad' in this issue. He is selling out his large and select stock of merchandise at cost and is in a position tc offer good values at exceptionally low prices. Rev. WT. Smith Martin of .Johnston arrived in town Saturday eve? ' ' ~ ^ /I.jvj trifh nil. mug IAJ PI?VIIU biiiuc v.?v?. .. . atives. Hv special invitation he tilled the pulpit of the Methodist church Sunday afternoonCapt. John A. Kelley and Mrs Kelley returned Friday from a pleasant sojourn at Glenn Springs, While in the up couutry Capt. Kelley attended the State Farmers1 Institute at Clemson College. Ten bales of cotton the first ol the season were bought here last Saturday by Mr. Hugh McCutchen for Alex Sprunt and Son of Wilmington, N. C. since then the fleecy staple has been coming in daily and sold at this market. Messrs. P. 8. Courtney ?& Co have opened a mercantile establishment at the Benjamin stand, or Academy street. Their stock i> all new and fresh and they make a bid for public patronage in ar advertisement which appears tnu week in our columns. Don't fail tc read it and give thein a call. Mr. H. D. Reddick returned from New York last Friday. While in the metro{>oIis he bought a large stock of goods, which he says he must sell regardless of price. He invites the public to call at the Racket store and inspect those new goods. Attention is invited tc his large advertisement in The Rkcord. Kingstree will as usual have a Illll corps OI I'UbLUU nt-ru uujfcif this fall. Already we have heard filliamsbuig County I in L 4M VA??W STORE, e duplicated elsewhere, >w offering \OOds at 25 pet w York Pr self and be convinced. FEW PRICES: . 4c a yard. spun at 3 3-4 and 4c a yd grade - 4c a yd. 8c per yard. dren's Hose at 2 l?2c tc SHOES ever seen >eIow factory prices. Gotn^ at !e. 2c. 3c and up pe y arc. X X X X diking, Harness of all kind rciware. , Kingstree, S. C I of the following who will be on this market: Messrs D J Epps, for B. Wallace Jones, William Scott, Darlington Oil Co., P B Thorn, Southern Oil Co., Columbia, L P Kinder. Pee Dee Oil and Ice Co., Darlington, J C Kinder, Darling ? ton Oil Co., Darlington. Mr. moc| tie Jacobs will aiso probably repre) sent the South Carolina Oil Co., i Columbia, ami there may he others. From Coleman Road. || I Mr. W. T. Montgomery who lias , been vi.-iting relatives in this community left Monday for Darlington. , Mr. Wade F^rrel! returned to Americas, Ga., last Thursday, i Rev. Mr. Gaston preached an interesting sermon to an attentive congregation, Sunday the 24 inst.. at Corinth church. Mr. H. D. Ferrell attended preaching at Richmond Sunday. Mrs. Fannie Alouzon spent Suni day in the neighborhood visiting . relatives. 1 Mr. E. P. Montgomery of Georgetown is spending *ome time in the community. i .Mr. Fleetwood Fleming of Clarendon spent Sunday on the Cole' man Road, at the home of Mr. J. I R. Richburg. A few from this neighborhood ' attended an ice cream festival on Santee last Wednesday night. Those who a pleasant time. i . Mr. and Mrs. Dubose, of Geor. gia, visited the family of Mr. W. i J. Ferrell last week. Orange blossoms may bloom 011 the Coleman Road this fall, at present there is nothing blooming , but four?o'clock^. Bunch op Roses. Tf t.ikos onlv one vote to pass a , good resolution. DOCTORS > say "Consumption can be euped." I Nature alone won't do it. It needs help. Doctors say : "Scott's Emulsion is the best help." But you must continue its use even ln?hot weather. If you have not tried it, send for free sample. I SCOTT & DOU"NE, Chemists, 1 <09-415 Pearl Street, New York. 50c and Ji.oo; all druggist. I " ithepforp^i itlifltfwukfflj | THE GREAT | Y Thedford's Black-Draught has 8 ' saved doctors' bills ft>r more than fl ' sixty years. For the aominon farn- c S ily ailments, such as constipation, ? ? indigestion, hard colds, bowel com- IB I plaints, chills and fever. bilious- 8 4 rves-s, headaches and other lifcc Hj I complaints no other medicine is y H necessary. It invigorates and reg- H nlates the liver, assists digestion, I B stimulate? action of the ki'lnevs, H H purifies the blood, and purges the n U Dowels of foul accumulations. It B etires liver complaint, indigestion, JR ' W ;V'ur dizi.inesa, chills, B? ! | rheumatic pain?, sidcache, back- I i I ache, kidnev troubles, constipation, 1 I JiiirrbiDa, biliousness, piles, hard 1 | ccl-ls and headache.^ Every drug- I I I gi;it has Tbedt'ord's IMack-EJTaugnt 5 j 8 In 25 cent packages arid in mam- B R moth ;d.v for 61.W. Naver accept S fcj a substitute. Insist or. having the JJ r I original made by the Chattanooga l . : j| Medicine Company. " H ? bo.'scve ThedrortTs BkcK-Draoght fl " , B ia the bfcft medicine or earth. It b gj ? ! B sjooii f<-r any cnJ everything. I haw a 5 ' B a family o( twelve children, and for E I b>ur years I have kept them on foot n ; 8 nad haalLhy v/ith no<h>ctof but DUck- gt ! || Draught. A. J., lilcwcr^U. ffl l ' @:?:@:@:@:?:?:?:@:@:?:<i jjj New Store! ijjgj i| P. s. courtr x At Benjamin's (g) I? A FILL STi ? Dry Goods, Notions, ? 1.1D AW EXCEPilO.^AL | ? Fancy G-: ? All we ask is a trial to convince yoo 11 P. S. COURTNEY & CO., ! @:?:@:@:@:?:?:?:@:@: ?:< \m Prifins iT M J U I I A A AU W M % M That's Our When you are out si to call at THE OLE STACKLEY'S C i We prefer the money to the $ to make quick sales. Com to buy high quality goods t Now is the time and the pluc Stackl | Going Out ' I ksC i I lness.^^ .?! Oagg, Oliver # ? decided to discont\ @ are closing out the @ at absolute cost. jgj You will therefc k Jsi *f y0U/buy elsewhe P. specting stock < ? pi-ices i 1(g) Th anking you / @ al support in the i@ x Yours \ j.? Gagg, Oli ? ; W ? | _ _ # # i ?;?:?;@.?.?.? .?.? .?.?.< IMPR0V1 Is the order of the day. For I, painting aud repairing my store for cash my entire Stock of MercL ri/vAT\t< V/'V Ult I brUUlJ^. .\U CLOTHING, SHO AND FURNITURJ AT ACTUAL Reduced Prices I Keep Fresh GSOCESIT Prices, Come and see mi YOURS FOR B \A/ T V V . I VW%WW?VWvwwvvwwuw j I i Suttons Sittings j I wwwwvwwwv*,*vw%wv* ! to Several of our young julu at-! | \ (ended a picnic, at Taft's last j | Thursday. Miss Lizzie McCna, of Benson, is i -ii ' a i jspending sonu time with her sister. ltf| ' Mrs P. M, Bvnlic. i i (r. C. Parsons has accepted a poi 1 ^ 1 vo I sit ion as salesman for- J. W. Lock-.'.jj, ! liear at Gourdins. i ! ! Mr. H. P. Brown spent a fewjwi . i davs last week in Charleston. ! ret k?:@:?:@:@:@:?:@:? \ New Stock! |j SlEY & CO., | Old Stand, S. ? H K OF @ i ? Ttro rrt W MUUbO) JL iil n (Q) IjY FtXE LDIE OF jgj coceries. @ that we cannot Le undersold. ? t Kingstree, S. C. || ?):?:?:@:?:?:@:?:@:'?r WH, Motto. f hopping be sure l RELIABLE, ASH STORE., \ I. > % % \ % joods and we sell close e to set us if yon want it rock bottom prices, e is 's Cash Store... / . of Bus- I , ? m @ ? Co. having a inue business ^ ir entire stock @ )re lose money @ re, before in- (?; k ?) rl rt'aff/nrf * - * .V / C/ U/ c /4k> (gp . or ^/owr Z/6erpasZ, lie are ?; ver & Co. f@ . ? EMENT the next 30 days.I snail be aud for this reason I offer tauciise, including TIONS, H ATS;, ES, TINWARE, I? rj . .. , COSTon Hardware, IS at Lowest Market e. % US1NKSS. v " : WfLKlNS .Mrs. H. B..Cooperus very ill atis writing. Mr. Win. S. Cooper has returned I his work iu Summypville, aftei ? reral wQeks rest. Br: Kf OX N't.. Many a man is compel e.l (o he. nuisance in order Iq attract aU. ution. ItV easier to pick' a , I'csa with , ur neighbor'Vim it is to, pink; usic out of a iv??i j . The bc?' l>ra* 'l of resolutions* !i sbr:? a .i;iL if the oeeas'Vvu ii