I From a Feminine Standpoint K?Jitor County Kecord: The county campaign party reached Morrisville on the Oth m-t. and the people of theneis;hT'orliood met en masse t<> welcome our candidates, Speeches ol various quantities and qualities were the order ot the day, and ilouhtlesr the hearers weie put in possesion of facts and tizures which had puzzled them in connection with the county's finances. Gi:ul to >ay there was ?>tne ''muddling misunders'anding." and that at this precinct, at least, two of our most prominent county officials satistied the great mass of the people that the people's moneys had been put to judicious use for the peopled jjood. A gentleman remarked a few d.i> - previous to the meeting that ^ti.ere was no use in all this poll to poll speech-makins. as lie fully believed every man had settled the individuality of his own county ticket long before the candidates got ofl" their bluster. * Be that as r may, this same gentleman materialiy revised his own ticket alter riio speecli-makingthat day. An auditor candidate got off a bit ol a joke something like this: "Our man Carter will haul the peas; Our liral?-of-the-law (Asklns"; will U-at 'em; Oar lii.ie Cook will bile'em awhile, Amu John Montgomery will eat '0111." Now n the little Cook could only make a dash at the last minute and get awav with the anticipating ?liners, iie might be partially repaid lor those two long hours over that sweltering "bile" The long deterred rains are blessing the stricken fields and forests in the rapid revivification of crops in general and corn and vegetables in particular. The farmers are in a great good humor with themselves and everybody lUnif. nnriftvimr Pa lldl'd at PS ill I it VI A. cluJed. Hoping the editor may be royally feasted and feted during his campaign, we will put the pen . aside till a later date. Justice. [Thanks to the hospitality of M essrs Hugh McCutchen, N. M. Venters, Dr. Carraway, J. S. McCullough and Ed. McCullough the editor was indeed urovally feasted and feted'" on that trip.] Most excuses are not worth the trouble of making. When a woman argues with a man she is outspoken and he is out-talked. Economy as practiced by the average man seldom saves him any money. An unhappy wife is one whose husband always iets her have her own way, M/u.y a girl dooii't realize howwell OiT she was until alter she gels a husband. A YOUNG LADY'S LIKE SAVED. AT PANAMA. COLOMBIA, BY OHAMBKRI. A IK'S COLIC, CHOLERA AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY. lh\ Clias. II. Titer, a prominent physician. of Panama, Columbia, in a recent letfcr state's: "Last March I had as a patient a young lady sixteen years of age, who had a very bad attack of dysentery. Everything I pre scrilx-d for her proved ineffectual and she was growing worse every hour. Her parents were sure she would die. She had become so weak that she could nut turn over in l>cd. What to do at this criticrd moment was a study for me, hut 1 thought of CnainWrluinN Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and as n last resort prescribed it. ' he most wonderful result was effected. * Within eight hours she was feeling much better; inside of three davs she was upon her feet and at the end of one week was entirely well,"^ For sale by D. C. Scott, Druggist, V- v I A CUKE FOR CHOLERA INFANTUM. "Last May," says Mrs. Curtis Baker of Bookwalrer. Ohio, "an infant chili of our neigl:l>or's was suffering fron j cholera infantum. The doctor hai | given uj? all hope- of recovery. I tool a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Choi {era an?l Diarrhoea Remedy v> th house, telling the in I felt sure it wouli do good if used according to directions In two days' time the child had full; j.now /iip.arlv a vra I V??-n-?, ... ? - . | since a vigorous. healthy girl. I hav | recommended thi> lbinody frequentl; I and lutve never known ir to fail in an; I single instance." For sale by I). C jScotr, Druggist. Matrimony has spoiled man; friendships. An office bov who is taken 01 trial often proves to be one. Election Notice. A Primary Election is hereby ordere I to lw> held on Tuesday, August 26tt Iiy02. The managers of election sha open the polls at 8 o'clock a. m., an shall close them at 4 o'clock p. n After tabulating the result the mana gers shall certify the same and forwai J the ballot box. poll list and all otht papers relating to such election by on i?f tlieir number, to Kintrstrec with! forty-eight hours after the close of th polls. . Tim county executive committee wil meet ::t Kingstne on Thursday, th 28th. at 12 o'clock ra., to tabulate th returns and declare the result of vh primary. The foljowlng is :i list of Manager ,apjK?inte(l to eonduet said election: Managers of Election. Scrantos ? K E McKnight, S J Deekson, K H Quint n. Oak Ridgk?J L Blakeley. Willi Dun lop. J B Blakeley. Earls?w S Cam 1 in, Jr., Alber ilas.'lden. \V R Ctinlin. Kexnjsdey's .Stoke?S D Cutminj; ham. II 1) Gamble. S 1' Nesmitli. I.aKk City ?A W SutClUTe, J 1 Stuckey, G T Rollins. Trio?L E Burnett, J B Files, J V Register. gkkktkyvit.lk. -n0.2?w l 1 uu6, V Taylor, A Mcl) Burgees Poplar H ill?(J II Gordon, B . Chandler, Tim Carter. ai.tmaxs?J J AJtman, S L Altmar I) VV Thompson. Black Mingo?John S Graham, B ] Brockingt<>n. B IV Marshall. Cedar Swamp- J B Chandler, J 1 Brown, I> W Courtney. Central?H E Rodger*. WG Cantlej R 1> Guerry. Lanka?S A Nettles, S E McDonald W M Browder. Plkasant Grove?W B Brown, . Gastrins. I, O Gaskins. Immaxtowx?II E11 anna, II W Ne i son. G J Graham. Jr. Hiuh Hill J C Moore, J M Gaus< J 1) Mi Geo. Bioomixgvai.k? B S Smith. J J McConnell, S T Russell, Jr. , Gourdixs?B E Clarkson, D O Gam l?le, S G McDonald. Kixostkkk?Marvin Martin. B I Myers. M. R Levin. Caijks? R F Epps, R E Tartc. T Full more. Hebron?Bartow Smith. II A Ken nedy. Thad huBoise. greklkyville, ho. 1?W II Caill! , bell. J W Gamble B L Gist. McAmstek's Mill? VV A Webstei JefT Matthews, >, V Ward. Prospect?J M Eaddy, S B Postor T E Humphries. Black Rivkk?S R Mouzon, I) 1 [ Young, J W McClarn. Muddy Creek?It Cannon, W I Venters, L L Ard. Indiaxtowx Jkffkrsoxiax ? J 1 Iiamia. M M Wilsoo, H P Suowden. Mai.teks?J E Davb, J II L Chnnd 1 ler. W ,s Shaw. SrrroNS?A W Chandler, S P Coop or, Beaufort Richardson. Should any dub* be omitted pros' dents of such clubs shall api>oint man ' ger.s. A. II. WILLIAMS. County ('ba rman Registration Notice. The office of the Supervisors of Reg istration will l?e opened on the firs Monday lu every month for the pur pose of the registering of any pcrsoi who is qualified as follows: Who >hail have been a resident o the state for two years, ami of thi county one year, and of the polling pre cinct in which the elector oilers t vote four months before the day o election, and shall have paid, sb months before, any poll tax thes dui ' and payable, and who can both rca? j and write any section of theconstitu I tion of i???5 submitted to him by th< iSupirvisors of Registration, or wh< can show* that he owns, and has pah i all taxes collectable on, during tin ! present year, property in this Stat i assessed at three hundred dollars o ! more. J. J. EAI>DY. tf Clerk of Roard Executors' Notice. j All persons having claims ajj?in*t tlv ' estate of K K. I.O"sn?*. eceased, ar hereby notified to present tlie ?ame duly attested. an-1 ail persona indebtei to said estate are requested vo male payment to T. S. R1CHBOURG, Executor, 7-31-4t Dillon, S. 0 Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given tlmt on Mon' ] day, September 1, V.?u2. we will apply to j * the J?ulge of I'rohate of Williamsburg : it county for a final discharge as execu- j j tors of the estate of W. W. King, de-' , ceased. T. K. KING, < W. p. KING. * Aug 7-It Executors, ej J| Trespass Noticey j limiting, shooting and rrcspassng r ! on all lands (,f the estate of T. L. C*??lir! dir. forbidden tinder the penalty of the u ; law . SAMGEL G ST< >NEY. Vljul31-3t Administrator. VI g *1 Pure Corn Whiskey. 4 FULL QUARTS S3.CO, Express Paid. P=t=|| No Mark- to Indicate' /f ? ^ro"> Distiller ro L This isold stcok whispii jW key, put up in plain eoti g ton wood cases, holding 1 JmIA. Four, Six and Twelve bottles to case. No marks iSPifefflM to indicarc contents. Ihis whiskey is rsp"cd pS*. iallv suitable for medici. ptACK^ inal purposes, being pure II and of the best quality. n i klJ&fejj You arc at lilierty to i. have vour familv physiClan test it a id if not d satisfactory return it at t n,y expense and I will e refund your money. No n Xtlil It ? IfiM *aIui!}' should he wirhc WimP OUT' :l C:ts''- Yt> order must call for less than 11 four quarts by express prepaid, e If interested in whiskies write for full e price list. In ordering remember whise key cannot be shipped C. (). 1>.. and all orders must be accompanied by cash. Address all communications to. f. A. LACKEY, TV. C. IBMEBI86 COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. ORANGEBURG, S. C. P- 4 4 > ?:? j Beautiful and healthful location. ArtesiaD water. lleV paired and remodeled build^ ings. Special courses in Music, Art and Elocution. Four J classes?two preparatory and two collegiate. Prepares for ' the Sophomore and Junior p classes in the best colleges of the country, or the business R requirements of life. Thor ongii and systematic foundation work the aim. i. ?t-t? j For catalogue and particulars write , JA5. R. CROUCH, oS4 PRESIDENT. :!lAND SURVEYING. ? J | First class work promptly and p (?) accurately done. Annlv or write to I irv R.E.MORRIS, Lake City, S.C. r " ^ Skin Diseases, For the speedy and permanent on re oi il tetter, Rait rheum and ecaema, Chain oerlaio's Eye and Skin Ointment i* [) a-ithout an er. Cadr's Condition PovnPr? tor hor>vs are the be< tonic, blood pnrihei ' and vermifuge Price. <>r,~e.v*c Q/.m*" J| is vlLLO^TpoIsoiP* t ! In vourblood? Physicians call! it flalarial Germ. It can be seer* v changing red blood yellow under ! I microscope. It works day and fi j night. First, It turnsyourcom- 1 L. i I plexion yellow. Chilly, aching ji .! sensations creep down your a j | 1 backbone. You fed weak and f re worthless. ;j[ ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC \ # will stop the trouble now. It . a enters the blood at once and b g drives out the yellow poison. M > f If neglected and when Chills, 5 1 S Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen- B ?I ? eral break-down come later on, B e| % Roberts' Tonic will cure you ? r j h then?but why wait? Prevent J e'/>Vn?cc rrLnntifnr- m . | I turers know a!! about this yel- $ . K low poison and have perfected k Roberts' Tonic to drive it out, g 1 nourish your system, restore ? ; Q appetite, purify the blood, pre- j p , p vent and cure Chills, Fevers and r 11 Malaria. It has cured thous- 1 | ft ands?It wiU cure you, or your V i, R money bock. Thia Is fair. Try K B | 1 it. Price, 23 cents'. ft HnsBBiWBaBmB Ir^ You have Boys i age to be sent If you want thorough wor I If you want safe disciplim If you want a health local If you want wholesome tin If you want inspiring infli If you want proper and pi If, in short, you want thos t uieium, niunti ;tuu [>n\siv. : then your duty is plain? WELSH NECK HIGH ^ "HARTSVILLE, S. C ^ Catalogue Scot on K?i|ue?t. 1 5 \V. E. JKXKI.VSOX. K. P. EKVIN. R | PEOPLES TOBACCO H I W " K D CLARK, 8 &\ This is to inform the tobac< 7a county that the People's Tobacco V ! An re-or^anized and a new company h; ^ capital to meet the requirements of Sit is the intention of the mana a tobacco market here in Manning 8 market in the State and to cond such a way as 10 recommend it to gn the Tobacco men of all sections. 1 7a give us a showing; we feel conf with your returns. 7A Thanking you in advance for arj give, we lemain, You 7A PEOPLE'S TOBAC J.H.WEDDJN* HflRPV 29 5. Trade Stress. ? ' ' ? i ? _ _ We are leaders tn our ousxne?, m prepared to supply the requircmer j We sell Syracuse Steel Beam PI I ; THE AMERICAN MONTHL' is commended by Statesmen, Pi others prominent in the world'i nation in sifting the actual news from tation of current events in their just pi freedom from daily-paper sensational ! want to know what the world is doing to judge from the letters received fr< comprehensive, and labor saving to timely contributions on important u writers Its reviews of other mag a 2 work. It iSftpxofuBeiy illustrated These letters will enable ail xhou of its value to them 1 PRESIDENT , " Send lor partktskrt m to bow k a at book* fc>r =jC eervts a month 1 fiefcirtn of i and Girls of proper I : off to school and. I orals. ~ ieuce. ihitabio food. ^ ie things which will call forth lal manhood and womanhood, send to SCHOOL, # y D. C'LAItK, U. P. MCINTOSH. W 3EH0USE COMPANY, fl 31 a linger. m\ MA.wing, S. U. 7A 10 growers of Williamsburg fff\ Warehouse Company has been 7a is beeu formed with sufficient iK the business. /a gemeut of this house to have gR ; the equal of any tobacco 7a uct the affairs of the house in gK ^ the support and confidence of 7a foDacco meu of Williamsburg, gft ident that you will be pleased 7a whatever patronage you may 7a irs truly, jjK ICO WAREHOUSE CO., 71 R. D. Clark, Manager. ct/Sm ^ L-P V? '?-r , ? GUariotte, N. 6. id for that reason we arc better its of the trade than anyone. lows. They have no equal. 5 ^* Y REVIEW OP REVIEWS I -ofessional nven and thousands of B i activities, for its fine discrimi- B conflicting report and the preaen roportion. They comment on iu I ism. All men and women who B find it an intellectual necessity, B 3m hundreds. Its editorials are B the busy man or woman. Ira Kj jpics are by the best-informed B tnes give the best of their beet I ghtful men and women to judge B ** I am a constant reader of the B [fVlCW Ol ncviews, anu nypiv ue it very highly indeed I think K a very important part of my B wary. and practically a necessity I ' r one in public life."?J. B. I oaltrr. U. S. Senator. Ohio. g " It is one of the best and roost I lisfactory publications of the H y."?Chariot W. fmrbankt, V. S. I nator, Indiana. 2 " I do not have a great deal of I ne to read magazines, but I lake tasure in saying that the * Review B Reviews' ra among the number B ' ?ieh tods a place on ray table M sh naontb .m~JitJnrj K. Jonet, 5 S. StiuUoo, Arkantao. 5 M be had wkh aoeweekmble set B fiebietog Companp I ,STOR PLACE, NEW YORK P