The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, August 14, 1902, Image 3

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r ? r - < \ . A FLORIDA WEDDING. A Former Klngstree Boy Wins a Charming Bride. Dr. Henry O. Snow of Abbott and Miss Douglass Roberts were united in marriage Wednesday night, .1 u!y 30ih, at the residence ot Mr and Mrs. J. T. Rol>erts, parents ot the bride. Rev. G. T* Lvitner performed the marriage ceremony. The residence wap brilliantly lighted and tastefdIly decorated with evergreens. which lent additional beauty to the charming: scene. Quite a number <?! invited quests from Dade City ?nd neighboringvillages were present and there were a large number of wedding gifts and heartfelt congratulations bestowed upon the newly wedded couple. The bride is one ot Dade City's most charming and universally ? i i ?l.trliAo Mur ir?>n. Ueiove i VU 1II? lauiVf. ..V. tie nature, amiable disposition, her genial manner and her many and rare virtues have endeared her to her Iriends and eminently fit her lor the noble sphere of wifehood in which she will shine as a helpmate unfaltering in her fidelity and admirable in her domesticity. The groom is a young physician of unusual ta'ent. who is regarded l>v his patrons as superior to any young physician in this section by r ison ot his skillful and ?uccess, ful treatment of disease, and his w itchfui careofhis patients. Ow iriir to his studious habits and close application, his fine power of discrimination as a diagnostician and his devotion to his profession, the future is replete with promise, lie is always cheerful, buoyant, bright and sunshiny, which bring hope in?o the* hearts of his patients, i lie is also tpanly, active and energetic, whjtrlt qualities insure sue-! cess. > He hds no ends to accom-1 plish except indirect and honorable I ways; he lives in the light, loving i and greatly enjoying the com - - - ? ? ? i i rnunion and fellowship or Kinoren spirits. Conscious of his own superior ability .and attainments he is far above the littleness of envy and jealousy. He is an ideal physician, because he is unselfish, takes pride in his profession, is happy in serving others and is as tender and gentle as a woman. Above all he is a gentleman in the highest sense of the I word. .May Heavens blessing's rest) upon him and his beloved, and' may many years of wedded bliss | anl prosperity be in store fori ilinm ?Dade Citvf Fla.lDemocrat. V ??- ? When (he Son Will Fall. total of the sun's beat is equal | to that which would be required to keep up 470.000 millions of millions of millions of horsepower, or al>out 7S.COO horsepower for every square yard. ; and yet the modern dyonmkt*] theory , , of beat shows that the sun's mass j mwt fall in or contract thirty-live ! meters per annum to keep up that tremeodous energy. At this rate of contraction tbe solar radius will be .01 per cent lees in 2,000 years from now than it Is today. According to these deductions, a tiuve must come when tbe ternj>erature must fall. This being the case, it is ineoneHvnWe that the sun will continue to emit beet sufficient to sustain animal life for more than >0,000,000 years loiter. Lawyer* Advert lee. In spite of the ja-ejodk-e among lawyers against straightforward adver-1 tising. says the Idilladelpbia Record, isoivril rnt-riiliprK r>t' the bar do adver- ! tise tvgularly in the newspapers. And they tind that it pays. One lawyer In New York who puts $100 a week into : newspaper advertising ("exclusive ofj the Sunday journals") tells Printers' Inlc that be would Dot stop advertising for the worid. "If I should stop it," be adds. "I should expect to be forgotten. Tin* such advertising pays I kuow from long experience. The ethics of the profession are largely an illusion?a bugaboo. No lawyer is ostracized be1 cause- be advertise?.H Right ts more beautiful than private uffection and Is compatible with uub versa) wisdom.?Eaoersoa. r ' tS&si ILIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family Librarvj The Best b Carrot Literature 12 CoMfLrri Novels Yearl* MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 PER YEAR I 25 CTS. A CORY v NO CONTINUED STORIES' EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN rTSELr J II II, BBMBMHBil WINTER IN JAPAN. . The Xotirm Makr Little Vsflort to Cotphat the TtjIhk Condition*. The Japanese whiter Is most trying I on account of its continual dainimess, I but tbe Japanese ure content to remain j cold. They make almost no effort to , overcome it The old "bushtdo" (obtvi ainme> idea of tbe "samurai" (knights) was that it was effeminate to feel cold, i and such is their severe training that j they do not rouH.v fed it as we do. Tbe j wearing of some extra "kimonos" and i tye use of a "hibaebi** or brazier Id ' which are n few tiny sticks of lighted i charcoal are tbe oniy concessions to j winter weather. With tbe "bibacbl" , they never pretend to boat more than their finger tips, wbk-b they bold over tbe coals. It is used when tbe bouse Id entirely open. The houses, os every one knows, are built of thlu, light wood, and the sliding panels which serve for doors a^d ! windows have paper panes. They are ' as apt to be open as closed during the' day. The coolies wear tbhi blue cotton elotln* and are always paddling through the mud. The storekeepers stt | out lu their open booths, and the women go bareheaded about the streets. In the houses of the rich the stHI cold behind the closed panels Is often more intense than that outside in the -sunshine, where the uir is stirring. DomMtimltd Ffru. The lover of ferns wiH find it an easy matter to domesticate many of the most uttractive varieties if be or she will be content to tufce young plants. They should be removed from their native hannts with a good amount of soil adhering to their roots. Give them, if possible, a shady place to grow in, and mnke the soil as light as that in which they originally grew. It Is well worth while to get a wbgon load or two of soil froiti tbe woods for the especial use of these plants. In lifting them wrap each in a deep basket, applying enough water to saturate tbe soil clinging to the roots. Do not plant tbem in tbe border until after | sundown. If the nest day is sunny, J shade tbem well and shower them frequently. In some Instances most of the old fronds will die off, but if care is taken in lifting and planting and tbe necessary amount of shade and water is given few of tbe leaves will be ! lost?Eben E. Bexford in Lippincott's I Magazine. Man RaHnc Wild Men. In the celebrated "TravaHes" of Rdwaifa Webb (1590) are dosens of stories that would make Munchausen turn preen with envy. One of the most celebrated of these is his story of the wild -m mK LaK 1st a a InL i with the whole family assembled to see her off. There Is bitter weeping and much expenditure of kisses, of maternal Injunctions and presentation of; flowers. If you watch the Inexperience . 1 ed traveler, you will probably find that' her destination Is no farther than the Dext station, a distance of perhaps five or ten miles. To go beyond London Is considered the worWs end.?Eastern OountJes Magaxlna Fraternal Societies. j KinjrMree Lodge, No. 01, K. of P. King"tree Lodge, 91. K. of P.. meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights of each month. Visiting broth-1 er.s cordial])* welcomed. T Tk T f> P j LA' iv iy laxt v>. v/. E. C. Epps, K. R. S. Lake City Lodge, !f?. HI. K. of P. j Like City Lodge. No. 81. K. of P.. i meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday nights ,?>f each month. Visiting brothers cor1 dialiy welcomed. J. D. Daxikl, C. C. A. W. Rodgers, K. R S. Scranron Lodge, No. 114, K. of 1\ ^cranton Lodge, No. 114. K. of P.. J meets on th?* 2nd and 4th Friday nights J of ench month. Visiting brothers I given a fraternal welcome. W. .S Gau-c, C. C. W. Eugene Ccoke, K. K. S. Klngstree Lodge, \o. 46, A. F. M. Kingstree T/>dge. Xo. 46. A F. M., ' meets on Friday night on <>r before t the full moon in eaeh month. Visit ing brothers given a cordial welcome. M. a. Roes, W. M. | Louis Jacobs, See. When in doubt, tell the truth? Samuel Clemens. JUST LOOK AT HER. Whriue came that sprightly step; faultless skin, rich, rosy complexion, 1.^1.. 3 I smiling iace. aim iw&? kiou, icr? good. Here's her secret. She uses ! I)r. King's Xew Life Pills. Result.? all organs active, digestion gfxxi, no headaches, no chance for "blues.* Try them yourself. Only 25c at D. C. Scott's. As girls grow older they think less of love and more of money. SHATTERS ALL RECORDS. Twice in hospital, F. A. Gulledge, Verbena, Ala., paid a vast sum to doctors to cure a severe case of piles, causing 24 tumor*/ When all failed, Bucklen's Arnica Salvesoon cured him. Subdues Inflammation, conquers Aches, kills Pains. Best salve in the world. 25c at D. C. Scott's drug store. men ch i rnnn *uuu, ... ... , I laws: In the court of Prester John there Is ! a wilde man and another In the high j I street of Constantinople whose allow-1 j anee Is every day a quarter of raw ' mutton. uDd wlien any man dyeth for some notorious offence then they are 1 allowed every day a quarter of man's flesh. These wilde men ore chained fast to a poet every day. the ooe In Prester Iohn's courtd. the other in the j hijth street of Constantinople, eaeh of : them having a ronutell uhout their! shoulders, and all over their bodjvs j they have wonderful k>tig haire. They an' chained by the neck leet they j sixthly devour all that eometh wHhin J their reach." Tb? Daman Voice. Of all the marvelous und mysterious #Vi<nnru niuiut rh<? human l>odr the voice is perhaps the roost wonderful. No ooe has ever seen tt, and no ooe con ted what it is. The soprano pours from her throat notes of the sweetest melody, reaching chords so high it seems something ' mu9t surely snap. The basso droj* his voice till it goes so low as to make you wonder how be does tt The baby crim The orator and the actor move people to mirth or sorrow. By contracting or expanding the mue- ! cles of the throat and by inhaling and exhaling air the throat 'prudtlees the j thousands of sounds that we cull "voioe." Driptratf Partlnsa. it is no uDoomrnou thing in Suffolk to see on some country platform a girl etartiDg for her first place in service. Every moment you now lose. say? Chesterfield, is so much chatacter and advantage lost, as on the other hand, every moment you now employ usefully is so much wisely laid out, at prodigious interest. ALL WERE SAVED. 'For years I suffered such untold misery from Bronchitis." writes J. dT. j Johnston, of B rough ton. Ga.. "that o!-t ten 1 was unable to work. Then, when everything else failed. I was wholly j cured by Dr. King's New Discovery! for Consumption. My wife suffered intensely from Asthma, til! it cured her. and all our experience goes to show ? it is the best Croup medicine in the world." A trial will convince you it's ' unrivaled for Throat and Lung diseases. Guaranteed Ixittles r><)<- and Trial littles free at I). C. Scott's. Some men are madlv overpraised, some have been made martyrs, but their spoken word .oasses onward, ami if not in their j own day, in that to-morrow which! is the lo-tiav of othet; men, the j truth of their harvest is garnished i and bound up in sheaves. LOOK PLEASANT. PLE\SE. Photographer C. C. Iiarlan. of Eaton,; O.. can do so now, though for years he i couldn't, because he suffered untold 11 agony from the worst form of iudiges- i' tion. All physicians atd medicines failed to help him till lx tried Electric Bitters, which worke 1 such wonders; for him that he declares they are at godsend to suflwrers from dyspepsia and ! stomach troubles. Unrivaled for dis-1 eases 3f the Stomach, Liver and Kid-' neys. they build up and give new life to the whole system Try them. Only 50c. Guaranteed by D C. Seott, Drug-1 gUi. J A Little Disfigure But Still in the Rini ?be ??: * Although we were nea & are by no means out of * *5 temporary quarters in the V shall keep on hand as usua ? Buggies, Wagons.! Come to see us and we p treatment and correct business method ored to show the people of Kin^stree a' THOMAS & BRAC Kling-stxee J B STEELE, Manager. fJtF" >VTe are using the old office of th( house as an office lor the present. bUell a r CASH. DRY GOO We Bee: to Call Particul* ALL-LINEN HUC 19 by 86 inches, F.-uicy Border, 15e or Men two for 2V. B1 All Linen Damask Towels, Colored 2o< Border, 21 by 36 inches. 25c. Blue Bleached Hnck l.inen Towels, Hon- Blac stitehed, in Red or Blue Border, 21 bh by 40 inches. 25c. Blac Red Border Cotton Dsimask Tow els, 1"> \j\ by 30 inch-H, 5c. R1 Cotton Red Border Hemmed Towels, ' 19 by 40 inches, 10c. 1?"' Pearl Buttons, 2c pc dozen. 10* Ladies' All Linen Handkerchiefs. 4c. I.adi 1 act- Curtains, 60 inches by 3^ yards, nu good quality, 81.50 per pair. B1 Ladies' and Ghil We would call your attention to this dt and Embroideries. We have many specialfie 2 000 yarJs Percale at 5c and 6c, worth 1( FURNITURE DEI WALNUT SUITS, OAK SUITS, SIDEl CHAIRS, GO-CARTS, BABY CA WINDOW SHADES. Orders Receive Careful Attend 373 and 375 King Street, rfWWWWWVWVVVWWWWWVV* 2 D. C. SCOTT, President. J THE BANK OF ft ;> ' Transacts a General B; \ COLLECTIONS CAREFULLY ] j> PROMPTLY RE! f DEPOSITS FROM $1.00 UP\ |! DIRE4JTO! |! HENRY P. WILLIAMS, i> JOHN A. KELLEY, vwwvwwwwv^ vwvwwv FOE SALE. . | A Brick iu any quantity to suit purchas-1 ? er. The Best Dry Press Machine-made A:BEICZ:.r Special shapes made to order, t'orre- j/:.. spondence solicited before placing your 1 nrHi?rj \V. R. FUNK. P. O Box 103. Kingstrce. S. C. Lak The Best Prescription for Malaria. Chills and Fever is h bottle of Groves Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is , simply iron and quinine ina tasteless form. So cure?uo pay. Price 50c. Si Gents are abbreviated gentleman. To Cure a Cold in One Day. \ Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the A? money if it fails to cure. E. W. Iirove's signature is on each box.25e. The best any one can do is never very bad. j Stops the Cough ?ii and Works off the Cold. Mill Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets curea cold in one day. Nu cure> no pay. Price 25 cents. 1 1 ???????? j When a man fells a joke he seldom forgets to lunch. You Know What you are Taking & When you take Grove's Tasteless CI ill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Pr Quinine in a tasteless form. No ^.(lr cure, no pay. 50c. and ' Tenderness comes high when haniied out by a butcher. NOT Ur. Cady's Condition Powders. ] | An- just what a horse needs when in hud condition. Tonic, blood puritit-r and vermifuge. They are not food hut, ^ ^ medicine and the be?t in use to pur horse in prime condition. Price 25 cts ! on a per package. For sale by D. C. Scott Saw t ' ' v . ' v<4 ===* d ? , i .,4 ? ty*r I.M-ai-c Ku ilia rnoont fir<? wp j MJ ' ?vwv... ??.v ?v the field. While occupying rear of the Coleman Hotel we I a fine line of Harness. Whips, Etc. roniise you the saire ( irteous s that we have always endeavnd Williamsburg county. v )HAM, Agents, 5, s. c. v ' I- > } countv treasurer in the court , , O BERTS' ;'s PS STORE. ir Attention to Our -> ..1 M/ TiMl/CI O /I\ I \J VY C.L.O prized Satfn Cyrano, in Black, ue, Pink and Cream, 15c, worth < k Dimity, 8cjyorrh 12t?c. . , ( k Cashmere, So inches wide, a good ick, 25c. i ' s . k and White Mixed Lawns and mity, 10c. worth 12^c. k Corduroy for Skirts, 12*-*. a Linons, beautiful quality, :, 12Jsc, 20c, 25c. ies' and Mioses Black Hose, in ali tubers, from 5c to 25c; A goes I ack. dren's Hats. apartment, also our Ribbon, Lace !-?in these departments. )c and Uc%. ?ARTMENT. BOARDS, LOUNGES, PIAZZA RKIAGES, MATTING RUGS, Ion. CHARLESTON, S. C. ????????? t v?vwww\vwwwww?^ EDWIN O. EPPS, Cashier, i IISGSTREE. I _ <' anking Business. . j| LOOKED AFTER AND \\ VIITTED. S VARD RECEIVED. | . ft*: {! R. D. ROLLINS, i D. C. SCOTT. J wwvwvwvw%v\www/ * M SNIDER irgeon Dentist. wtree, 16ih to 30th of ea?h month. e City, 1st to 15th of each month. i Kingstree, every Saturday. itisfaction Guaranteed. /si, L. BASS, ttorney at Law. LAKK CITY, S. C. L G. ASKINS. irney and Counselor at Law. - < NOTARY PUBLIC. LAKE CITY, S. C. 1-9 ly W. F, CLAYTON, Ltlorney - at - Law. f LUKfJ.M A, S. U. notice* in all the United States ts, and in tte Courts of Florence >, Williamsburg Counties.. ? MM??IM??M???i??^ ICE TO SCHOOL TEACHERS. DR. R. J. HcCABE, DENTIST. I be at Coleman Hotel, Kings, S. C., on August 10. Will rea one week. Deductions made II work for Teachers attending imer School at Kingsiree. . . I ' i - *