The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, August 07, 1902, Image 3

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mi Colored S. S. Institute, Etc (< omnjuiiicnU' 1. ] BjA The Preachers' meeting Snndav->chool Institute and Epworth League convention of thej H11 Charleston district, M. E. Church, j convened in Jeremiah church, j Turkey Creek charge, July 24th, J 1002, with Rev. C. It. Brown P.J v ?i,a /.iioi'r A It or the devo- J Jk'j . ill UI& vuaiii tional services, conducted by the* presiding elder, J. \V. Dore was elected secretary and G. W. Wil-j hams his assistant. The presidinu elder's report of; tlie district was received with the; highest appreciation on account) ?? ' its accuracy and clear concep-j tion ol the work under his super-) vision. | The pastor's report's were pood and showed marked improvements, along all lines. Sketches of sermons were read by Re\ *. Miller. Gary, Bustic, Brown j ar: 1 Wilson. fcxceneni papers on "Importance of method in church work,'' ''Claims of the S W. Christian Advocate on the S: C. conference". "Should the majority of the delegates to the general conferance be presiding elders". '-Should camp meeting be abolished", ?'Our relation to j Claflin university", '-Education1' -Parsonage and furniture" were read by J. W. Dore Ct. W. Williams, D. Salters. A. Kennedy, V?\ David, S. S. Sparks and A. B Franklin, respectively. Sermons preached by Miller. Lowery, Dore, Simmons, Salters, Franklin, Ken nedv and the presiding elder Were of a high order. The presiding elder in strong and eloquent addresses presented the various benevolent enterprises of the church. The S. S. Institute aud Epworth League convention were presided over by their president, R. A. Tierce and A. G. Kennedy, respectively. Commendable pa pers by Nettie Mouzon, Hester t'ooper and Matty Cooper were read. Sunday the last and great day of the feast was all that heart could wish. The vast congregation was sumptuously fed by the presiding elder who knows how to ''rightly divide the word. In the afternoon A. G. Kennedy. the able divine of John's! Island, continued the good work, and at night the presiding elder again broke the bread of life to . ihe people and sent them away filled and rejoieing. r- 2 Too much cannot be said in praise of Kev. S. S. Sparks and his good people for the royal : manner in which the district t meeting was entertained." L w Molly?Is she a good sailor? Chollv?No; she says it makes W her sick tb hear me talk about my I yacht. \ A man must put his best foot | upward as well as tor ward if he : would reach the top of the ladder. It it not goodness to be better than the very worst. DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY Backache All disease! of Kidneys, At TF\ Bladder, Urinary Organs, f I I I 1 I AIm Rheumatism, Back I I I I"* ache HeartDisease.Gravel.I il I M\ I . Dropsy, Female Troubles. \S V * m ' Don't become discouraged. There la a cure for you. If necessary write Dr. Founer H? Las spent a life time curing Just sucb eases us yours. All consultations Free. "I)r. Kfimer's Kidney and Backache Cure Is the (j'ausc of my being allvo to-day. I had -ulTrred greatly of kidney disease for years and reduced In weight to 120 pounds. I now weigh ICS pounds. W. M.- McOUGIN, Olive Furnace. O." Druggist*. Mc.. fl. AfkforCook Book?Free. CT UiTllQ'nAUnC Cure. Clr:wlur. D* umIIIUu llAnDC F(uoer, Frcdonia.*?.Y jUPPINGOTT'Sl MONTHLY MAGAZINE i! a Family library 11 Tb? Best te Carres! Literatwe 12 Complete Novels Yearly | MANY SHORT STORIES AND ; j PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS ! !, $2.60 per year: 26 cts. a copy , NO CONTINUED STORIES every number complete in itself >s wmrni . gsagggsraate " 1 1 11 ~ vwvv*vvw\*vw?v%vvv?v?v\ | J Santes Scribblings. j wv^wwwwv?v?wv?vww? On Friday evening, the 18th,. the young folks of the community had the pleasure of attending a j moonlight picnic under the massive live oaks in Mr. J. P. Gambled avenue. The night was perfectly lovely. The moon shone j with all of its brilliancy, but it appeared that many preferred the shadows of some of the overj hanging boughs to the bright ravs of the moon. After a few games had been played, all assembled around the table to partake of ice -cold lemonade and delicious cakes, made by our fair young girls. After refreshments. swinging and promenading were the principal amusements. Time passed quickly, and before we were awaie the dawn of the next morning was approaching, ?e then left for our homes, some all smiles, while others departed with isad hearts because the time of enjoyment was at an end. We all join in hearty (hanks and appreciation to Mr. and Mrs. Gamble for a most delightful evening. Mi sses Hattie and Ada Bagnal of Manning, after spending several days with their sister, Mrs. W. M. O'Bryan, returned home last week. A very acceptable rain fell in this section Monday, and farmers are rejoicing, as crops were suffering very much on account of the dry weather. Miss. Ma-ian Izlar of Orange burg is a welcome visitor in mis community. Messrs. W. M. O'Bryan, J. P. Gamble, JR. 13. Keels, J. B. Clarksou, R. II. Footman and E. R. Lespsne, were among the prominent fanners of this section who attended the Farmers Institute in Kingstree last Friday. They all seemed delighted with what they heard, and hope that this is but the beginning of Institutes to be held in Williamsburg. Mr. John HeiRemann of Berkley County is visiting at Mr. J. P. Gamble's. Y RVOPHuX. NO MORE NEGRO OFFICERS. Georgetown County to Make a Race Issue. Georgetown, Aug. 4., 1002?A straight white ticket tor county and legislative officers will be nominated on the 26th and elected. The negroes who for years have been enjoying part of these offices will not take kindly to the j change, and have showed some] symptoms of making strenuous efforts to maintain the old regime at the general election, but they will avail nothing as the time has come to put aside the compromise, existing in our county for a good number of years, and for which there were good reasons the while. A potent factor in the above conclusion is the little escapade en-( joyed at the courthouse two summers ago, in which figured part ot a regiment of troops with llotchkiss and Gattling guns, which is still Iresh m the minds ' of many. # Fraternal Societies. KiiifirtrH* Lodgtj Ko. 91, K. of P. Kingstree I.odge. No. 91. K. of P., mwts on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights of each month. Vinitiug brothels cordially welcomed. LeRoy I>ee, C. C. K. C. Eppe, K. R- S. Lake Cltj Lodge, Ho. 81, K. of P. Luke City Lodge. No. 81. K. of P., meets on the 1st and 8rd Tuesday nights of each month. Visiting brothers cordially welcomed. J. D. Dakiel, C. C. A. W. Rodokrs, K. B. S. Scraaroa Lodge, Ha. 114, K. of P. Scranton Lodge, No. 114, K. of P.. meets on the 2nd and 4th Friday nights of each month. Visiting brothers given a fraternal welcome. W. B Game, C. C. W. Eugene Cooke, K. R. S. Kingstroe Lodge, Xo. 44, A. F. X. Kingstree T,odge. No. 48, A F. M., meets on Friday night on or t>efore the full moon in each month. Visit .ing brothers given ac?Ml*l welcome. M. A. Ros, W. M. Lohis Jacobs, Sot. In humble life there is great repose. JUST LOOK AT HER. Whence came that sprightly step: faultless skin, rich, rosy complexion, smiling face. She looks good, feels good. Here's her secret. She uses Dr. King's New Life Pills. Result.? all organs active, digestion good, no . ~1 hl.iac '? IICilUitlTUV*, IIII VIIIUJVV IU1 ui?w? Try tbeui yourself. Only 25c at D. C. Scott's. "My man. tell me how you came to be a tramp." "Oh, bless yer, they got me t' jine one o' those Don't Worry clubs, an1 I cot so I didn't keer when I lost in' job." SHATTERS ALL RECORDS. Twice in hospital, F. A. Gulledge, Verbena, Ala., paid a vast sum to doctors to cure a severe case of piles, causing 24 tumor*. When all failed, Rucklen's A mica Salve soon cured him. Subdues Inflammation, conquers Aches, kills Pains. Best salve in the world.' 25cat D. C. Scott's drug store. 1 Always think before you speak," 9aid the prudent man. "I can't. possibly arrange it," answered the young politician. "I'd have to disappoint too many audiences." ALL WERE SAVED. 't'nf vpiiN T suffered such untold misery from Bronchitis," writes J. II. Johnston, of Brougbton, Ga.. "that often 1 was unable to work. Then, when everything else failed, I was wholly cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. My wife suffered intensely from Asthma, till it cured her. and all <-ur experience goes to show it is the hest Croup medicine in the world." A trial will convince you it's unrivaled for Throat and Lung diseases. Guaranteed bottles 50e and |1.00. Trial bottles free at I). C. Scott's. "What do vou inost admire I about Shakespeare?" And without hesitation the manager replied: "The fact that 1 can produce his plavs without paying royalties to anybody." LOOK PLEASANT. PLEASE. Photographer C. C. Harlan, of Eaton, O.. can do so now, though for years lie couldn't, because be suffered unrold agony from the worst form of indiges* tion. All physicians and medicines failed to help him till he tried Electric Bitters, which worked such wonders for him that he declares they are a godsend to suffwrers from dyspepsia and stomach troubles. Unrivaled for diseases of the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, they build up and give new life to the whole system Try them. Only 50c. - Guaranteed by D. C. Scott, Druggist. A Little But Still in the Ri f Although we were are by no means out temporary quarters in shall keep on hand as u Buggies, Wagon Come to see us and w treatment and correct business met ored to show the people of Kingstn THOMAS & BRi ZEClm-gstx J B STEELE, Manager. 0T"We aro usinp the old office ol house as an office tor the present. BUELL A j _ CASH DRY Q We Beg to Call Partic ALL-LINEN HI 19 by 36 inches, Fancy Border, 15c or two for 25c. All Linen Damask Towels, Colored Border, 21 by 3d inches. 25c. Bleached Huck Linen Towels, Hemstitched. in Red or Blue Border, 21 by 40 inches. 25c. Red Border Cotton Damask Towels, 15 by 3D incht s, 5c. Cotton Red Border Hemmed Towels, 1S? br 40 Inches, 10c. Pearl Dutror.s, 2c pe' dozen. Ladies' All Linen Handkerchiefs. 4c, 1 ace Curtains, 80 inches by yards, K?K>d quality, $1.60 per pair. I arlloc' anrl Pi I laaUU I VW Ml IVI W I We would call your attention to th and Embroideries. We have many spec 2 00) yards Percale at 5c and 6c, wor FURNITURE I WALNUT SUITS, OAK SUITS, SI CHAIRS, GO-CARTS, BABY WINDOW SHADES. Order* Receive Careful Al 373 and 375 King Strc i D. 0. SCOTT, President | THE BANK OF 1 Transacts a Genera P COLLECTIONS CAREFULl j! PROMPTLY \\ DEPOSITS FROM $1.00 |! dirix; 2 HENRY P. WILLIAMS, S Tnirv a ffm.f.y. FOB SAlfEBrick in Hiiy quantity to suit purchaser. The Best Dry Press Machine-made Special shape* made to order. Corrc*l>ondenoe solicited l>ctore placing vour order*,'vV.:/ W. R. FUXK. P. O Box 103. Kingstree. S. C. The Best Pre*criptK>n for Malaria. Chills and Fever is a bottle of Groves Tasteless Chill Tonic, [t is simply iron and quinine ina tasteless form. So cure?no pay. Price f>0c. To lire is net a blessing, but to live well. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine; Tablets. All druggists refund the i ic ;? r.,:i^ ??,.Q V VV I IIIUIICJT 11 iv iana iu vuiv< ? *. .. . , Grove's signature is on each box.25c. Lie who is his own friend is a friend to all men. Steps the Cough and Works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure, I ik) pay. Price 25 cents. That port of life which we really like is short. You Know What you are Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless I t"hill Tonic because the formula is | ! plainly printed on every bottlel i showing that it is simply Iron and > 'Quinine in u tasteless form. No; ! cure, no pay. fiOc. Make haste to live, and consider each day a life. Or. Cady's Condition Powders. ! Are just what a horse needs when in | bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and I vermifuge. They are not food bur. ; medicine and the beet in use to pur a f horse nr prime condition. Price 25 cts per package. Forialeby D. V. Scott \ heavy losers by the recent fire we of the field. While occupying the rear ot the Coleman Hotel we sual a fine line of :s. Harness. Whips, Etc, e promise you the same courteous hods that we have alwavs endeav >e and Williamsburg county. ^DHAM, Agents, jg ee, S. C. f the county treasurer in the court ______ . : | ROBERTS3 OODS STORE. . , / ular Attention to Our JCK TOWELS Mercerized Satin Cyrano, in Black, Blue, Pink and Cream, 15c, worth 25k-. Black Dimity, 8c, worth 12}^c. Black Cashmere, 36 inches wide, a good black, 25c. Black and White Mixed Lawns and Lrimity, 10c. worth 12)?c. Black Corduroy for Skirts', 12>*. India Linons, beautiful quality, 8c, 10c, 12^c, 20c. 25c. Ladies' and Misses Black Hose, in all 1 numbers, from 5c to 25c. A good Black. nildren's Hats. ? " ^ is department, also our Ribbon, Lace ialrie< in these departments, th 10c aud 12c}?. >EPARTMENT. DBBOARDS, LOUNGES, PIAZZA n * i?u r a clu v* a TTTvn DTTno ?UA1 1I11U 1VUW, >'; [tention. ' i ? ' it smniEstii, s. t. " .WW?*%WVW?W?W?WVWW / EDWIN 0. EPPS, Cashier, i K1NGSTREE. \ I Banking Business. | iY LOOKED AFTER AND * . + REMITTED. \ UPWARD RECEIVED. i TORS : i R. D. ROLLINS, 5 . D, C. SCOTT. j -vwvwwvwwwvw^wwwj A M SNIDER Surgeon Dentist. 1 J Kitigstree, I61I1 to 30th of each month. Lake City, 1st to 15th of each ; month. Kingstree, every Saturday. oaiiMauiiun uuaiaiiiccu. W. L. BASS, Attorney at Law. LAKK CITY, S. C. H. G-. ASKINS, ~ Attorney ami Counselor at Law. NOTARY PUBLIC. LAKE CITY, S. C. l-o l j W. F. CLAYTON. Attorney - at - Law. FLORENCE, S. C. Practice* in all the United States Courts, and in the Courts of Florence and Williamsburg Counties. NOTICE TO SCHOOL TEACHERS. DR. E< J. McCAEE, DENTIST. Will be at Coleman Hotel, Xings>tree, S. C., on August 10. Will remain one week. Deductions made on all work for Teachers attending Summer School at Kingstree. . i ? m $