I EQUAL P: H fiy HOWARI p"'" CHAPTER L _?~ .1 AN ITEM Or NEVTB. little wwsboy tm<5 l^CiBUWL^l ?* ao ^p*' DV\B^iT hihI be UKift hove ml I vSi ^eoe up through the ' ij/i I f? floor. as au Imp tf AJBl d^n stocxiM by ull tbe bost ? > iNrfi/irM Ktm>lv thp 1 cmiture could not bare sqclrmed through that tangle of humanity between- Brendn and the door of the car. Yet there lie we a, i standing dose against her kneee and looking straight up luto ber face. Often the eyes of children seem to ; read our hearts. It Is because they ore new In tbe world and-ore content with superficial views. Adults try to look ! In through our eye* and tbey fall, and we note the failure; but children do not try. and we, seeing them satisfied, tremble for our Inmost secrets. Brenda shook her head to intimate that 8be had no wish to buy the news, but tbe boy dkl not move. He continued to bold his papers before her, gazing over tbem Into ber face meanwhile with on unwinking stare. It was probable that if she bought a paper tbe boy woukl pass on, so Brenda laid a hand upon ber purse. The hand remained there rigid, and for some slow seconds tbe ragged urchin and the smooth product of all tbe social rennetUODis were use uturen in u aa, both for fixity of pose and for balance of contrasting expressions, tbe child still calmly staring, his utter Ig- : norance counterfeiting wisdom, the wo- , man tense and eager, her eyes seofvhlng and unsatisfied. "I will take this paper." she sakl. speaking with considerable effort, and be gave the boy a coin. Freseutly she stood upon tbe side- | walk of Broadway, gaelug across at the ; ugly brick front of tbe opera bouse 1 with a confused notion that It oouki ' give ber Importaut 1uformatk>a. but was perversely refusing to do sa She merely wished to kDow wbero she was, and tbe familiar scene Ild- j pressed her as If she bad not been ; there In a long time and bad forgotten. > Then ber mind became clear. She paused In deep thought and at its cod raised her hand as If to beckon to p. cabinau: but, diauglng ber purpose, she stepped Into a doorwuy and reiki once more tbe Item In tbe paper That tbe little l>oy had thrust under ber eyes, j At tbe first glance one wtn> knew 1 Breiula might have suld tbnt tin* story lay outside ber world and couki not in terest her. However, it wilts what a Jourunllst mlcht coil "good news." and therefore It wue printed with the Ilnotj , very far apart hy way of emphasis. ' and It bore the maris ot haste. Thus 1t run: Elsie Miller. ?c actress living at US West Thlr- i ty-eighth street, wis stabbed be soot* person on- | known In hrr room this afternoon. It is o lodcing bouse owned and occupied by Mrs. Alice Miunotis. Miss Miller hsd lived in tintear rootn on the first floor for sonao naotrths. The crime was discovered by s servant. who ec- J tered the room and found Miss Miller utaconsctcHis on the fkor. Dr. A. G. Blair of 100 West Thirty eighth street was Imstlly somnaooed. anal he po- , nounoed the vrourd mortal. It is juet helow ttv collar bo.-ac, on the left fide, cxteniing sharply ; downward within tlie laody and undoubtedly |twin; the outer wall of tlae hcurl. That Mies Miller Shoe Id hove survived the wound longer than a few eccnds fs as rniravaikms by Ur. bicir ; cJ other physicians, sover*i of whom. kK-iifchnf Ambulant c Surv?v?i Carrlrigtcc of St. VTinifretfa buspita.. u'rui at the houl J refuse to divulge ks contents. but K hi knew?, that the writ.* is 0*reo "Tlie lloneyt?w\" an unsurrersful comedy pr??)iKtinot uDtl flirt**! weptwartj. luiiiiislJnMy sin* |M*tvlv?H! lliv uioflty crowtl ulilc-li tb*? ut'WR o( the W a a 1 a a ?.... re.v.1 .O ..a crmif riHU UCCIIgm lUKt-nw-r, uu-j hesitated. Then, sbuttlog fx* tyw flrtuly together. she resumed ber original purpose. The house numbered M8 bad a high stoop and a yard the size of a dlur^t table, lu which the grass was greeu and well watered, though tlx* neighl>oriiig yards were brown with the heat and drought of that remnrkaliio nxxtth of June. The loum* itself had an air c>f peat doss ut:d the flavor of bouie, but Its privacy had Ixn'ii ln.vade<} tirsw by crime and :heu by all tin1 train that follows it The door stood ajar tor trying eyvs, and the two gigantic policemen lounging at the head of tht* steps eeenied the chief intruders rather than wiwsl > FIELDHVG K Charges W. H*ootc. the guardians of the place. &T>odcL. for all that waa opon her mlod, feh the desecration and shuddered at KThe policemen, who bad been leaning against the railings, stood erect and put their shoulders together aa Breoda ascended the steps. They seemed to fill All the space and their heods to tower to the bouse top. But the thing most be gone through with now. and Breoda gathered all ber force. "I am a friend of Mtes Milterr* she aid- "Please let me go to." "Nobody can go to now," replied one of the men. "Is she dcadf* Brenda was framing other qoerttooe In ber in I ml. bot this ooe uttered Ksett The policemen exchanged a glance. Then ooe of them replied with a single wonl, "No." At this moment there waa stir fn fh? hall Hearlnar H_ the DO Uoemeii began slowly to descend Che steps. Bccnda retreated hefore then*, and not a word whs spoken. She was pressed Into tbe edge of tbe crowd of the foot of the stone stairs, and abe remained there while a Utter was brought out on which lay something jicrfeetly still and covered from end to eid with a white doth. It was jMjt tnto a great black vehicle. A brisk young man, w>awing a bhie-cap. and a gro re. eMerl y man with a long wfcKe beard dlmbed Is after tt and then the somber equipage moved away t>y the power reeldent within K. And to Bceoda tbe famillnr spectacle of a self propelling carriage assumed ux* asporn 01 a mm?cie, and ail things seemed to mow or BtaDd by virtuo of a Dew force, aMent and resistless. "Couki I co Inf she whispered to the policeman who had stationed bhnaelf beside ber. **Coo I spook vrKh aoroo one wbo knowar "Knows wbatf* be repOed, "Whether she will peooeeo, whether 8to baa spoken." Tlx? man looked at ber wkh & goo deroua curiosity. "You wait bere," be said cne your name, and I'D see vrttai I can dor Mlse Mactaao woeotterted try-o-touch of cautkxk "No one knows roe bwe?" ebe ceptted "My mune wookl mean nothing to tbem. But you may any tbot Mlaa WTV Ikuiva would like to apeak with the pbyskinn who waa cnlW tn?a Dr. Hah; I believe." Tbe poUoetnon began to ascend the steps. Pot be paused e? at rwo men who appeared atxmv Ooe ot tbcrn woe o( medium Mature ami very heavy, bavins t!x? hotM of na o<*>. with pretjosteroosl.v k?w? oru?K which swung almkwl.v when be ax^-vd. qm It they were artificial. lie wore the uniform of r police captain. The other vo? of a cooeeotioeol type by outopartaoo? 1 ' tier MilnwJ %kfnm U*' tXMM*nc, mrnvrrvl fi/iy e uo* fix^l cpoo the mu-.av. h-ttrml faw tb*> *\ MU' a;? tnwu;?' Jn*-k+il oo? of v?xxi. IN*' p.^ktMlUUJ SiihM*-*! IttH a:wl linn hi u k*v w**\ Without wtdtiug. for trim t?> ffcrieh the captain 'urned <}uMtl.v to the iuon vrtvo bfUl CTNIH' OOt Of 11*4- tHMW wHb b+ru aswl i?*ke4i? rrwHi kx>k**d at Vc. tKvflxut* awarw that ho wan tall auil tWn and that ho ut?to a k**** gray en It. "1 e sorv* The captain descended the stepo ami liftttj Lis cap wtth tin; politeness at a TraiiMsl nnhual. "Miss Williams-T KiWte. "Yea hy deed. I uaderetiurtl that you are a friend o? M1s$ Miyer^ib^ giri that gS8 ! - I burt, and that jtroM tike to talk to Dr. : Btntr. Tbla geotteman is Dr. Blair. I So pecbapa we'd better all go kvfo tbe j boufi*^ where WW cao talk more cooeeo- . fen**" Breodo tried to paaa bim, bot she im- : mediately found becsetr Detween toe j captain sod ooe of tbe policemen, by . whom she was escorted into tbe bouse, tbe physician walking ahead. Thus j tbey mow to a small parlor, opening j fptxn tbe ball, to tbe right In the presence of Dr. Bielv, whose moooer wn* that of tbe worid vrherein 1 she hod moved, Breoda re pained a part I of ber self possession. Tbe simple ele-; gnuoe of tbe room. Car beyood anything j that she bad expected, helped to pot ber at Iter cose, and tbe began to feel j tbe woee of personal dominance to j which she was accustomed. "Dr. Blair." she said, "I really dont1 know why I should bare come bera 1' am not a friend of Miss Miller. ! o-m j merely interested to ber. Seeing tl*> story of ber terrible misfortune In t) newspaper by tbe merest accident, I' obeyed an unocconntable impulse and came to this boose." . "An unaccountable hnpofeeT said the . captain to a perfectly meaningless. j voice, as tf be bod been an echo. "I ban tell you very Utile," replied Dr. Blob. "Noooe knows who committed tbe crtx&o nor why K was done"? i "But will she iiu mm misfortune. As to bee chance of reoerery, 1 greatly fear?Indeed. to be fronk with 700. I doobt whether she te Ihrlng at this nxxocDt." Decode was m wbtte as pop**, and ber bands were twined together. "She baa not spoken"? a be began. 1 and K was the captain wbo replied. I ~>kx a vronL" said be. **Bot we shan't need anything from ber. We j shall get to the bottom of this affair all | right" Breoda turned elowty toward Wnk "The name of a gentleman." said aba. 1 "an acquaintance of mine, was men I tinned In tbe newspaper account, a Mr. j : Akleu. Of course It Is Impossible tbut | I be should bare bod any connection ' wtth this wretcbed crkn?. bnt perhaps . j be knew tbe young woman and"? "Yes," responded tbe coptnlu "tbey : were acquainted. Ami by tbe way. j | perhaps you're familiar wtth the young j 1 l. ? 4 , m? n>? ?.u,fw1 ! IJCUIKHH1U ? Ull^milllUfv " L i-nixu a Dote ou tbe letter beod of bis Bra,. Let me see, wtiat did I do with K? CHi, here K la. Perhaps pooVI llfee to glarx e H through." Be ontoodod bis band, but Breoda did not take the sheet of paper which bo offered. "1 aoukl oot read tbta?" she said, witb a sbgbt sboddes. "It was not i meant for me," A falot expression of sorprtee bo- ' riKvnlned tbe officer's taoe tor a mo j moot. "That doot tnake any dtffereoee*" be said, "ini haw to be pcbttsbed. Drerybody 11 read It." Brorxla faucet} at Da. EJats, who | bwvd bta head. ~1d that caaoj" she soV\ "Tboogb H j oetna ao ootroceoos IntTWkm-? "Thore*B no befp for ft." re)o4t?ed the i captain. whb a grto. which be oaed Id ptoce of s flowa "We've pot to Arid The pert**} that done tble deed, at*) i wcN>o yot to make oae of tbls note to j do K." Dreodft took tbc paper and read these ; wordm **Mv DmmI Drw All gtnt? wrf) that I nuM ' arod tarml to you * oor*. | cant watt till woLac. atwik f may sc* jmn, and, tndwC.. dear >oa?. ; ttxra to anmr douta arttfthrr I shall be able to (jurt work Tm4om> nrtdDkrbt. M aoj rate. It beto e? t^ar. Wi? rt.?i I atamld rmt dart, acmixtollaa Xrs. ^Hspxin* by canrttf upxi you. 8d I wiita ! I Ihk and naAp botd to pat a HUW mocv-y hrto 1 ?i?Ov herxtix**. Drrr'X Wt them frhcbhri you. I rnnptntwr perfectly rhat you wercc"! to Couch a prnoH. ?*>t 1 mff upon the letter that I wrote laat ewer*ng t* IftKr.it afl :*our arguments b>t<. , ( amttbem-m 1 ihoucht ol t lot ot potnta a/ter | kurtng yt.rv and I cited the heal precedent*. U a i fellow h rich?m I am today, that* be**ez>?he i I may betp Me awret heart to buy bet frou*w*u. II j i you dotrt belVme IV wette to frwr mother, and , j wtdV? you're wetting tor an anMwr buy tbo pretty i dothcr aoyhow. AH, my twfewed"? Broodo bod come to tbo end of the i -4tort sheet. Der face* fliot bod been so i " poktf woe Bushed, and ber voice woe I uot qcrte steady ae she scldt ! 1 cant read ooy more. It la dteI'bonorthMe qpd noDeceBSflry." "Ah. my UWoved." sokl ft>e cnptatn, ! ! taking the letter nod reodiu# tbo re- ; ; mohider aloud to a stumhiing voice, j ' with bail an eye on Bcecda oil tito I : atoll to to toppy, ywifh mo awe mm i moor? Bwl tto vorkl bcton us? fix- ?um- ' met In Nfcrtray, CV OH upon the coorlfwvt, tha j ' wtrrtrr Q* wtatceer SfeiiMmuneun $.V*v you HXa | Cw beat, and next >nne tbsO Soil ua ta WrVr j ol ova fuwIWb boor^nooo ta the e*y. Think at ' CiK of trseirtcta, w+k*c (?vortr? book I to* sfcrsye bom ttv> atlas. T^rtrrh of ll m you ?0 j rtiopptnfl tfcB sfteroonn wUh your pocket full of : moor?. K t* all o-ttW? the cfcafna m broke?. ' We ere to to nutrrM ne sooo as your foot be* can [ | corns cast to behold the ceremony. And tl*s | avv to vy the work! an) tb> abrfiw of 20.1 (?nuarte* of Intra My beaak sad try Chfh to yoa. CtMiCfCH.In the captatrrti lamitS these km>! words had the found of Moepbemfc*; j ( oo ttrurt i I of the room with Dr. Bio If. who soen> j ! ed to be scarcely teen sheeted by the ' desecration. The ruooey wofirTt found;" soW tt* ; uffioec after a brtef. shrewd scrutiny of ; | Bruoda. "The nafe wm ao the to'Die, i but nooe erf those hundred dollar Mils | that we read abooL Qotoef 4*0-show I [ yoft'Wtieh) we found tfc* ? ' I ???1^???????W "1 dou't thtnk ! ws.Dt to go to the re." said Breixla faintly. "I am going to the hospital to see whether 1 can be ol any help to beis "You'U haw to arrange that through the poUce," whs the reply, "and K can't b* done until I get some word from there. So 1 suggest that we take another look at the eceoe of the crime." He rtepped hack from the door, and Uremia parsed wit of the room. Intending to leave tbe house, but again sbe ftaitid lierself between tbe c&ptalD and one of his men, and again sbe obeyed an unspoken order. follow log one of tbetu while the other followed bet. [To be continued.] Registration Notice. The office of the Supervisors of Registration will be opened on the tirst Monday in every month for the pur pose of the registering of any person who is qualified as lollows: Who shall have l?een a resident of the State for two years, and of the county one year, and of the polling precinct in which the elector offers to vote four months before the day of election, and shall have paid, six months before, any poll tax the a due and payable, and who can both read and write any section of th institution of I8f?5 submitted to him by the Supervisors of Registration, or who can show that he owns, and has paid all taxes collectable on, during the present year, property in this State assessed at three hundred dollars or more. J. J. EADDY, tf Clerk of Roard. Citation Notice. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF WILLIAMSBUKO By W. E. Hanna, Esq.. Probate Judge. Whereas, \V. 0. Tutlc made suit tc me, to grant hiru letters of administration of the Estate of and effects of Mrs, Sarah A. Tntle. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Sarah A. Tutle, deceased, that they be and appear before me in the Court of Probate, to he held at Kiugstree, S. C., ?n August Its, next after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said administration should not be granted. (liven under my hand, this 28rh day of Jul., Anno Domini, 1902. Published on the tlst day of July, 1902, in the County Record. W. E. HA NX A, 2t Probate Judge. Executors' Notice. , All persons having claims against the estate of K. E. Lescsm*. deceased, are hereby notified to present the same, duly attested, and all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment to T. S. RICUBOURG, Executor, 7-31-4t. Dillon,*. C. Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given that on Monday, September 1, 1902, we will apply to the Judge of Probate of Williamsburg county f->r a final discharge as executors of the estate of W. W. King, deceased. T. E. KING. W. B. KING, Aug 7-4t Exeeutors Executive Com. Meeting. Notice is hereby given that the Democratic County Executive Committee will meet in the court house at Kingstree, S. C. on Wednesday, August 20, 1902. A. H. WILLIAMS. County Chairman. I Trespass NoticeHunting, shooting and trespassing on all lands of the estate of T. L. Gourdir. forbidden under the penalty of the law. SAMUEL G. STONEY. jul31-3t Administrator. It id better often not to see an insult than to avenge it. EfMBi Our fee returned if wo fail. Ary < any invention will promptly recoivo c ability of same. "Ilow to Obtain a secured through us advertised for sal Patent taken out through us reeeh Tob Patent Rcooan, an illustrated a by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy F5?E1?. . A VICTOR J. E [Patent t Evans Quildtnsu gV-^M/NEF CURES ALL KIC For nearly a bandit recognized as a saf . for KUWEY TROW . ! * . /' jpis YELLOW POISON I I In your blood ? Physicians call ! It Plalarlal Germ. It can he sees changing red blood yellow under microscope. It works day and nl;;ht. First, it turns your complexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your ' backbone. You feel weak and (worthless. ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters the blood at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, I Fevers, Nighl-Sweats and a general break-down come later on, Roberts' Tonic will cure you then?bat why wait ? Prevent future sickness. The manufacturers know all about this yelI low poison and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive It out, nourish your system, restore i appetite, purify the blood, prevent and cure Chflls, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thousands?It wHI cure you. or your money back. This Is fair. Try I It. Pries, 29 cants. L. B. Johnson. W, S. Lyncf. t%? u4 Jloel sai i EicxEB & m, . { ?waarrscrmms a#? I I r?iux, tu wr 9? OUIIU9I M right a ?ml Cord CfiARLR^rOIf, & a I $\w??b?*e u?M n*bA, whieb w? gaw> .J?< ?> oopoflvt tD auf odd dootbt ud b^foby *r?* Wmbiw Mod Ptacy Qlm Spadfclty. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. I tartlficially tbe food and aids Nature In Htrenjjthenlng and recoortrocting th?? exhausted digestive organs. It is tbe larest discovered digestant aod tonic. No oth^r preparation can apprc.'u-h It in edinlency. ifc Idfetaotly relteve?anti permaoeotly-oures Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Heartbora, Flatulence, f-our Stomach, Naaaea, Sick Headaciie,(;.:'?traigia.Cran:r?.fiod I all other renuitf? > iuitv.rWddlgcstfcfi Pnpartd by C- *''.vaCtjicaJ* ? "W I ?>Kin diseases. 7or the epfwi v and permanent cure of wtlt rheui" And eczema, Cham>rlnin's Eye and Skin Ointment * vithoof an equal. It relieves the itchj?g and smarting almost instantly and ts ceu'Mned una effects r permanent cure. It also cores itch, barber's ltch> . **?ld head, sore nipples, itching pilee. /\* chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granulated lids. l)r. Cady's Condition Powder* to? horses are the beet tonic. Mood pnrifier and vermifuge Price. as cents. Soldo:. This body is not a home, but an inn, and that only for a short 1 time. one ocndmg stretch and description of mr opinion frco concerning thepatentPatcnt" oer.t upon request. Pntcnta o at cnr expense. 70 spedcl notk?, without charge, in ndvid J* eirookted journal, oonoohed ddresn, VA&8 & CO., \ttoraerc,) WASK2C3CTOW, D. C. I'NGs ?AL \N^ . & t r f /i r*s a at* 5d years ft has been e and sure remedy H.E&