i | From Coleman Road. jjij Rev J. Riehburg preached two very interesting sermons at the Mulberry school house on Thursday and Friday nights last. A new Baptist nhurch will be built <"V. t o n T?nnrt in thf? tipar KJ II VUlVUiUll <> ?..w tutare. Miss M. L. Montgomery spent several days on Black river last 1 week. lion, T. B. Gonrdin visited our neighborhood Saturday. Mr. Robert Ferrell, now of , . Georgia, accompanied by his sister. Ethel, is on a visit to his father, Mr. W. J. Ferrell. Mr. J. E. King of New Zion is visiting relatives in this com- , niunity. Miss Rosalie Montgomery left O-..- Vni.rOrtnr loct FriitilV tf? fltfpndl Jt.JJ UKUJIiill^ illCV JL tIMlVT k ^ u . the summer school. Mr and Mrs. Moore Fulton of 1 B ack river attended services at 1 Corinth church Sunday. Mr. Copeley Burgess of Black river was in oui neighborhood Sunday. W D. Fulton and Harold U. Kinder of Mouzons attended' preaching at Corinth Sunday afternoon. Mr. B. C. Whitehead and family visiied relatives in this vicinity Sat unlay and Sunday. A base ball club has been organized recently in this community Although some good players have been signed, much practice is needed before it can compete with veteran clubs? for instance the Vidians (Greeley). Mr. W. K. aiouzon was in our neighborhood Sunday from Mouzon. Bunch of Roses, V. '(^ Seen at Smiths | &HS>52Z>?2>7=?>55S>?3>7S>73&S>73>a>72S> The friends ot ('apt. A.J.Smith will be glad to learn that lie is rapidly recovering Irom his recent iliness. Ve reporter and Mr. Henry Smith spent a day last week in Clarendon county. We found crops above the average. Mr. A. M. Cook of Scranton, a candidate for supervisor, was shaking hands with friends hereabouts one day last week. Beniel Bill" of Florence county spent a portion of last wet k YlSlling nis ageu momer nere. And while in Kingstree on Friday he met several of his old soldier comrades, who belonged to the old Sixth Kegiraent. lie reports also that a drouth is prevailing in Florence county. The old man is in good health .and cheer!ul. Says he would get married again if he had the chance. Our Sunday school is well attended, the children progressing nicely under the efficient supervision of -Mr. E. J. Smith. Nox. DR. FFNNER'S KIDNEY and n_ L. DacKdcne All- diseases of Kidneys, /\f t yv wr* Bladder, Urinary Organs. mwm 111! . Also Rheumatism. Back I I j ache. HeartDtsease Gravel. 1 ill a\ I . Dropsy, Female Troahles. Vr V/ Jl m.?-J Don't become discouraged. There Is a cure for you. If necessary write l>r. Fenner He has spent a life time curing just sucb cases as yours. All consultations Free. "A gravel lodged in my bladder. After using a few bottles of Dr. Fenner's Kidney and Backache Cure I passed a gravel half as large as a marble. The medicine prevented further formations. I was cured. W. T. OAKES. Orrlx, Va." Druggists. 50c.. II. Ask for Cook Book?FrSO. LIPPINCOTT'St MONTHLY MAGAZINE a Family Library The Best in Current Literature I 12 COMPLETE NOVELS YtARLY MANY SHORT STORIES AND I ; PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS I $2.50 per year; 25 cts. A co?rr "! NO CONTINUEO STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF ! i-TfT 11 ii ii i -raJ Tue Kecokd?10 pages. $1.00. Printer?Where shall i put this item about the retirement of Alderman Soaker from public life? Editor?Put it under "Public Improvements.'' Cut this out and take it to D. C. Scott's Prug Store and get a box of Chamberlain'* Stomach & Liver Tal>lets. The best physic. They also correct disorders of the stomach. Price 25 cents. Mistress (to newly engaged cook)?And now, what shall we call you? Cook?Well, mum, me name is Bertha, but me friends ~ 1 1 ??ll?. Da*/4ia tin cans iiic uciuic. "I am using a box of Chamberlain's Stomach & Liver Tablets and iind them the best thing for my stomach I ever used," says T. W. Robinson, Justice of the Peace, Loomis, Mich. These Tablets not only correct disorders of the stomach hut reguDte the liver and bowels. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. Price 23 cents per box. For sale by D. C, Scott, Druggist. Brown?Did you say, sir, that I could lie as fast as a horse can trot? Fogg?No, sir; I simply i said that tew horses could trot as fast as you can lie. Brown?Oh! I accept your apology. THE B+TST LINIMENT FOR STRAINS. Mr. F. II. Wells, the merchant atj Deer Park. I.ong Island, N Y., says: j I always recommend unainberiain's Pain ll-tlm as the best liniment for strains. I used it last winter for a severe lameness iu the side, resulting from a strain, and was greatly pleased with the quick relief and cure it effected." For sale by D. C. Scott, Druggist Swellington (at the soiree)?I wonder if that plain woman over there is really trying to flirt with mt? Cooler (politely)?I can, easily find out, sir, by asking her; she's my wife! THE SAME OLD STOliY. * J A. Kelly relates an experience similar to that which has happened in almost every neighborhood in the United States and has been told and re-told by thousands of others. He says; "Last summer I had an attack of dysentery and purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which I used according to directions and with entirely satisfactory results. The trouble was controlled much quicker than former | attacks when I used other remedies." Mr. Kelleyisa well known citizen ot Henderson, N. C. For sale by D. C. Scott, Druggist. Mose Johnson?Dat liniment you sold me did rnah wife lots ob good. Druggist?Why, that was horse liniment! You said you wanted it tor a horse. Mose Johnson?Ah did, suh. But dar ain,t nuffln' too good fo' mail old woman, needer?jess yo1 under stand dat! Summer complaint is unusually prevalent among children thin season. A well developed cflse In the writer's family was cured ton week by the timely use of Chatnberlaip's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy-one of the best patent medicines raanu- j faetured and which is always, kept on hand at the home of ye scribe. This is not intended as a free puff for the company, who do not advertise with us, but to benefit little suffeerrs who may not be within easy access of a physician. No family should be without a bottle of this medicine in the bouse, especially in summertime. ? Lansing, Iowa, Journal. Put. #ale. by If. Q, ScQtfc, Druggist.. Fraternal Societies, Kingstree Lodge, No. 91, K. of P Kihgstrce Lodge, No. 91, K. of meets on the 2nd and 4th Wed nest nights of each month. Visiting bro ers cordially welcomed. LeRoy Lee, C. C K. C. Erps, K. R. S. Lake City Lodge, No. 81. K. of P Lake City Lodge. No. 81. K. of meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday nig of each month Visiting brothers c dially welcomed. J. D. Daxifl, C. C A. W. Rodgers, K.' R. S. Scranron Lodge, No. 114, K. of P Scranton Lodge, No. 114. K. of meets on the 2nd and 4th Friday nig of each month. Visiting broth given a fraternal welcome. W. B. Gausc, C. C W. Eugene Ccoke. K. R. S. Kiiigstree Lodge, No. 4*>, A. F. M Kingstree Lodge. No. 46. A F. ] meets on Friday night on or !>ef the full moon in "each month. Vis ing brothers given a cardial weleon M. A. Ross, W M Louis Jacobs, Sec. Wheat may be comereJ, I corn can't be wheatened. The Best Prescription for Malari; Chills and Fever is a bottle Graves Tasteless Chill Tonic. I simply iron and quinine ina tastel form. No cure?no pay. Price 5 If is war to the punch wh railroads begin to cut rates. To Cure a C >ld in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quin Tablets. All druggists refund t money if it fails to cure. K. Grove's signature is on each box.: A good many prize fighters se to be interested in paper mills. Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tabl cure a cold in one day. No cu no pay. Price 2o cents. There is probably nothing mi pointed than the linger of sco Ur. Caily's Condition Powders. A.W JUSt wnai a iiurde iinni:* wnm bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier i vermifuge. They are not food medicine and the best in use to pa horse in prime condition. Price 2f? < per package. For sale by D. (J; Sc< One can't judge a man's char ter by his hat as it's frequen put on. VACATION DAYS. Vacation time is here and the eh ren are fairly living out of do< There, could b<- no healthier place them. You need only to gu against the accidents incidental most open air sports. No remi equals D? Witt's Witch Hazel Sa for quickly stopping pain or remov danger of serious consequences. ] cuts, scalds and wounds. "I used 1 Witt's Witch Hazel Salve for sol cuts and bruises," says L. B. Jnhr.s Swift. Tex. "It is the best remedy the market." Sure cure for piles ! skin diseases. Ik-ware of eounterfe D C. Scott. Van Dabble?This is my lab picture; I sold it yesterday. V tor?Indeed? You are a genius MOTHER ALWAYS KEEPS I HANDY. "My mother suffered a lrng t from distressing pains and genera health due primarily to indigestio says L. W. Spalding, Verona. ] "Two years ago I got her to try Koi She grew better at once and now the age of seventy-six, eat? anytb she wants, remarking that she fe no had effects as she has her bottl Kodol handy." Don't waste time < toring symptoms. Go after the eai If your stomach is sound your het will he good. Kodol rests the stom and strengthens the body by digoei your food. It. i? nature's own to; Q, G.,SoQ^ _ A Little ~~ But Stil[ in the J Although we were 3C are by no means out temporary quarters in j shall keep on hand as u J Buggies, Wagon lay Come, to see us and w th- treatment and correct business met ored to show the people of Kings tr< - THOMAS & BRi p KZing-sti lit* J B STEELE, MANAGER. :or We arc usiufr the old office ol house as an office lor the present. [etuell & \ S CASH DRY G We Beg to Call Partic - ALL-LINEN HI 19 by 30 inches Fancy Border, 15c or two for 25c. All Linen Damask Towels, Colored Border, 21 by 3(5 inches. 25c. Bleached Huck l inen Towels, Hemstitched. in Red or Blue Border, 21 by 40 inches. 25c. Red Border Cotton Damask Towels, 15 by 30 inclns, 5c. * Cotton Red Border Ilemmed Towels, M., 19 by 4o inches, 10c. ore Pearl Button-. 2c pe- dozen, sit - Ladies' All Linen Handkerchiefs. 4c, ie. I .ace Curtains. 6J inches by 11}.\ yards, j .' good quality, $1.50 per pair. s= Ladies' and CI )ut We would call your attention to th and Embroideries. We have many sj^cc 2 'XX) yards Percale at 5c and 6c, wor FURNITURE I of WALNUT SUITS, OAK SUITS, SI ti* CHAIRS, GO-CARTS, BABY WINDOW SHADES. >uc* Orders Receive Careful Al ,e? 373 and 375 King Strc ^vvwwwvwww^vwwww, ine i I). C. SCOTT, President. &e THE BANK OF Sc. J < - ...... . ? em 5 iransacxs a benera ' i COLLECTIONS CAREFULi. i PROMPTLY i DEPOSITS FROM .$1.00 ? niKM: ots I HENRY I\ WILLIAMS, irA~> * JOHN A. KELLEY, W WWW WW WWW WW FOR SALE. Brick in any quantify to suit purchaser. The Ih.-st Dry Press Machine-made '? XBEBXCK. v , Special shapes made to order. C'urre- | hut -pomlence solicited before placing your i a orders, W It. FUNK. ,ts 1*. O Box 10:i. Kin puree, S. C. .ft ! /WW Too many men praise in a :IC" whisper and condemn through a tly megaphone. You Know What you are Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless ild- Chill Tonic because the formula is ,rs plainly printed on every bottle jor showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, no pay. f>Oc. to The wav of the transgressor is ,lve * ri r often hard, yet he seldom cornp,,r plains of tender leer. Do res> ACTS IMMEDIATELY. on. (.'olds are sometimes more trouble ron j suni'' in summer than in a inter, it's so J ind j hard to keep from adding to them | its. while cooling off after exercise. One} Minute Cough Cure on res :it once, j Absolutely safe. Acts immediately. est Sure cure for coughs, colds, croup, jsi_ throat and lung troubles. D. C. Scott. Most cases of so-called temporX ary insanity should be dubbed temporary cussedness. ime 1 in POISONING THE SYSTEM. n." It is through the bowels that the Mo. body is cleansed of impurities. Cunstiiol. pation keeps these poisons in.the sys , at tern, causing headache, duluess and, Ing. melancholia at tirst, then unsightly ;ars ciuptions and Anally serious illness oof unless a remedy is applied. DeWitt's. loc- Little Eat lv Risers prevent this trouble jse. by stimulating the liver and promote ilth epsy healthy action of the bowels, ach These little pills do not act violently :ing hut by strengthening the bowels enable aiC. them to perform their own work. Nftver gripe or, (Rjtfess, D? Q. Sc&tt, red ng. neavy iosers oy tne re.cent ure we of the field. While occupying the rear of the Coleman Hotel we sual a fine line of ,s. Harness, Whips, Etc. 'e promise you the same courteous hods that we have always endeuv>e and Williamsburg county. ^DHAM, Agents, :ee, S. C. the county treasurer in the conrfc RobertsOOPS STORE. ular Attention to Our JCK TOWELS Mercerized Satin Cvrajio, in Black. Blue. Fink and Cream, lac, worth ? 25c. Black Dimity, 80, worth 12J*c. Black Cashmere, :16 inches Wide, a good, black, 25c. Bla. k and White Mixed Lawns and Dimity, 10c. worth 12!^c. Black Corduroy for 8kirt*. 12 h<. India Linons, beautiful quality. 8c,. 10c, 12>ic. 20c. 25c:. Ladies' and Misses Jtiaok Hose. in all numbers, from 5c to 25e. A goodr Blaek. nildren's Hats. % is department, also our Ribbon, Lace. ialties in these departments. th 10c and llv.%. )EPARTMENT. DE BOARDS, LOUNGES, PIAZZA CARRIAGES, MATTING RUGS, tlention. et, mm, s. g. . wv\uvu\v\v\uvvnuuf EDWIN O. EPFS, Cashier, t ' KimSTREE. t I Banking Business. : ,Y LOOKED AFTER AND < , REMITTED. > UPWARD RECEIVED; i TOK!l : 1. P-. D. ROLLINS, 1' L). C. .SCOTT. * ,wv\wv\v\^v\v\wv*vwvv\ A M SNIDER Surgeon Dentist. Kings tree, 16lh to 30th of each, re on tii. Lake City, 1st to 15th of each* month. Kingstree, every Saturday. Satisfaction Guaranteed. W. L, BASS, Attorney at Law. LA lit CITY, S. C. H.G ASKINft Attorney and Counselor at Law:. NOTARY PUBLIC. LAKE CITY, S-. C. 1-9 :y W. F. CLAYTON. Attorney - at - Law. FLORENCE, S> 0. Practices in all the United Stateos Courts, and in the Courts of Florence and Williamsburg Counties. I OB. R. J. McCABE, >ffZNTIST, Will be at the Coleman Hote*;, King3tree,.S-. C. On. June 8 to Will be at Luke City, S. C., on Jfcgtt: A. WiHreamn I I ' ; -