The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, June 26, 1902, Image 3

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| Graij ?* I n "My vas falling out and B I turning gray very fast. But your B Hair Vigor stopped the falling and R restored the natural color."?Mrs. j E. Z. Benommc, Cohoes, N. Y. j It's impossible for you d not to look old, with the S 1 color cf seventy years in | ! ??- k?i> I Dnrfionc vnn fl I yum nun i i vt i vu m are seventy, and you like I your gray hair! If not, jj use Ayer's Hair Vigor. jj In less than a month your | gray hair will have all the dark, rich color of youth. * Ji.OO a botOe. AH (irnjrjisls. If yotir dmpirist cannot supply yon, I send'ns ono dollar ami \ve Till express 3 you a liotrle. Lo sure and pive the name of your nearest express office. Address, J. C. AY Ell CO., Lowell, Mass. H * I >> : - fi :t (?#? 11 15^-3 [j?[| ILtBBY Luncheons | Weseal th?prodac?'a fcry-cpoainccHns. Tnrn 9 a key and >ou find I lie i> eat e .ucll) a* it left 9 as. Wo put them up in this way ? j Potted Hun. Beet and Tongue, ? | Ox jVngjie ih.iolc). Veal Loaf, 9 J DcvlleJ Mam, Brisket licet. 9 Sliced Smohcd Beet. 9 I Alt Natural flavor foods. Palatable and X wkoli'-enw. Your grocer should lirve them. V Llbby. McSeill <S Llbby. Chicago <P "How to Make Good Thisos to Eat" will j> he seat (tee if you ask us. & if! ron your 8CHOOLHOUSES Cleanly and Sanitary Durable and Artistic Safeguards Health The delicate tints are made with special reference to the protection of pupils' eves. Beware of paper ana germ-absorbing and diseasebreeding Kalsomines. ALABASTINE COMPANY, Grand Rapids, Mich. ftlAB REPAIRS H _ B IfS SAWS. RIBS. G fig Bristle Twine, Babbit, ^^B B Bi *c .for any make of Gin ENGINES, BOILERS AND PRESSES k And Rep itrs for same. Shafting. Pulleys, \ Belting, Injeitora. Plpep, Valves and Fitilugs. ( LUnBAKi) HUM WUR^A^WBtrrLi I COMPANY* August** Ott. \ $20.00 TO $40 V ^_ Being Made selling "500 1 \ book of legal and business f \ Compendium of plain and o \ A Calculator and Farmer's Re. i A complete set of Interests I ments of CIS t *vkNS. Tlmbi \ one volume. Over 472 pagi t I /affix a complete business < I I tfinw SIMPLE. PRACTICAL ai V v-jfcr-HyS? on i girls can .s 11 as well i \ CWHKtSSsfvSSf ?ne aPpnt 'n the country < week. Agents have canvasi lBwfiBSf4M Selling price SI.50. Liberal l5factlon guaranteed (or mot V r3rft?. ?Circulars free. WAS NOT WORKING WITHOUT PAY. | How One Boy Declined to Blow Glass and Slake a Bottle Thinking to please the visitors who come to look round his works, a certain glass manufacturer allows them all to try their skill at bottle-making, an experiment which the majority of them are very eager to undertake. It is only necessary to blow through a specially prepared pine, and a bottle or glas3 in its smooth state can be produced by a mere child. Some hundreds of school board boys were in the works the other day. and only one youngster refused to put his mouth to the blow-pipe. He stood there with his hands in his pockets, watching the others with a comical air of contempt. "It's a rare fine dodge," he remarked* to his bosom companion, as they left the works together, "but the old rascaj didn't take me in by it." "Why didn't you have a go at the pipe?" queried the other, is astonishment. "I wasn't such a fool," was the scornful rejoinder. "Don't you see his little game? You chaps have been cracking your cheeks and v,*astino your breath all the afternoon, and you've blown as many bottles as a man can turn cut in a week. Taik about saving labor! Why, he'll make his fortune in a year if he ?oes on like this." NOT A 6ADGE OF A POLICEMAN. OClcer** Lone Hair Mystified an Intoxicated Woman. George Innes, Jr.. the sen of the great landscape painter, tells a story on himself with great delight. Like Peter Newell, he has been c-.nnocted with town government in New Jersey. He served on the town ccnnci! in Montclair?in fact, he was the head of the police commission?the chief of police. "In this capacity." he says, "I had about six policemen under me, whom I sent forth to do their duty. I used also to go about myself in search of wrongs to be righted and nuisances to be abolished. One day I saw coming up the main street a woman very, much the worse for drink. I said to her: 'My good woman, have you no place to hide yourself in. no home where you can conceal ycur shame?' ! " 'Shuge?and who the divil may I you be?' was her retort. " 'Never mind who I am,' I answer| ed. 'You will obey me and go home, or I will arrest you.' " 'You arrlst me!' she cried in astonishment. 'How kin you arrest me whin you ain't no perlicemon?' " 'But I am a policeman,' said I, with dignity. "She looked at me a moment in as tonlshed silence. Then she said: 'Thin, if you are a perlicemon, fur hivin's sake go home and git yer hair cut!"?New York Tribune. Jets and Flashes. i The kleptomaniac believes in taking things into his own hands. The fellow who makes a fool of himself always seems to enjoy it. It sometimes takes a sprinter to keep I pace with his good intentions. Some women would like to recall the past and others even want their presents back. The advisory board of the Catholic Federation in Cleveland, protested against the conduct of the school system in the PhilioDines. ! When God promises, you can trust Him, not only for all He promises, but for still more. I Vou AHT ONE cf ! jp' a. Jl B these Fluffy Little While Sc 7 , Ht&f French Poodles as an iTlV .- y"fifffftiff Aristocratic Pet l<og. For V* i particulars send to 1 Rattrnm s Pet Kennels, 1*62 Mar.iliflrld Ave., r CHICAGO, ILLINOIS So. 2(J. .00 PER WEEK L.*aeons In Business." It in a complete handorms. A complete I>gal Adviser?a complete rnamental Penmanship; a complete Lightning eaoner. i. Grain, Lumber and Cotton Tables; measures', Lumber. Log.? and Bins of Grain, etc., in ss, 250 illustrations. siucatcr; brought home to every purrhaser. irl PLAIN; 500 acents wanted at once. Boys it men and women. Iild 45 copies In one day. Another 210 in one led ail day and sold a copy at every borne, discounts to agents. Send 25c for outflt; eati ry refunded). J K. NICHOLS & CO.. ATLANTA. r!A. ROYAL WORCESTER AND I ON TO N I :OI-lSETS ] STRAIGHT FRONT e made in all the latest shapes :1 colors. Thev have no equals, .1 no others are "just as good." k your dealer about them. ya! Worcester Corset Cc. Worcester, Mass. . DURING Sm iDr.fiartman Giv to Suffering / J I Dr. Kartmin, the Famous Gynce:o!o-1 gist and Inventor ot Pe-ru-na, Oilers to Treat Women Free During the Summer Months. America is the land of nervor.s women. | The great majority of nervous women are I so because they are suffering lrom some form of female disease. By iar the great- 1. ! est number of feiuaie troubles are caused , by catarrh. ' \ Women afflicted with pelvic catarrh do- ( spair of recovery. Female trouble is so], common, so preva.ent, that they accent it as almost inevitable. The greatest obsta- , cle in the way of recovery is that they do , not understand that it is catarrh which is ; the source of their illness. In female com- _ plaint, ninety-nine cases out of one hun- j dred are nothing but catarrh. Peruna < cures catarrh wherever located. j The following letter was recently re- 1 ceived: s-rrr nn,.L Vf^ V?1. Pli? 190 iv. ii at.. new iurn vuy. The Peruna Medicine Co.. Columbus, O. Gentiemen:?"What bread and meat j means to the hungry Peruna means to the sick. It is an especially valuable medicine for sick women. I have found that no med- j icine so quickly restores health and places ' ] the body in a normal condition. I but ; voice the sentiments of women who were 1 once sick, but now are in perfect health." MISS LIZZIE SXKATHIXG. All women who are in doubt as to what their trouble is should write Dr. Hartmin, Columbus, Ohio. Give him a full descrip-; tinn of vnup trouble nrevious treatment. symptoms and age. He will promptly reply with full directions for treatment free of charge. This is an opportunity which no ailing woman should miss. Dr. Hartman has become renowned through his success in treating women's diseases. His ex| pericnce in these matters is vast. Corre- | spondence is strictly confidential. No tes- j timonials published without written consent. Dr. Hartman relies principally upon fCTARTLING i * Thousands of children art * Worms. Symptoms arc seldon ? child's temperament and upon the vari ]Jj tines. Lose no time! Adopt the safe a I DR. BOYKIN'S V * A SURE. SPEEDY AND SAFE DES 1 ? IN USE OVER 30 YEARS- ACCI 25s- BEST VERMIFUGE KNO I No Salvation Army Divorces. j la these latter day9, when the di- ; i rorce courts are crowded with mis- i , mated pairs, the claim of the Salvation ] Army that in its ranks divorce Is un- ! j known where the weddings were per- ! j formed by the hallelujah ceremony pre- ! scribed in their ritual, comes as a I bright spot in the view of the domes- , tic life of America, which has been painted in most pessimistic colors by social students. The Salvation Army is the iirst re- / | ligious society to lay claim to the | honor of being unstained in its record by an example of broken vow3 which ' were taken with its sanction. Forthirtv-Gve years the army has been marrying its people with its characteristic ! ceremony which binds the persons not ; only to each other, but to work in the j army as long as both shall livo. < President Patton, in his sermon to i Princeton graduates said that "intel- r lectual transition" causes the decline in the number of candidates for toe ministry. ; ? \m neras es Free Advice 5 Women. \ !m . 7 "i Si 'if 1 II I ifI Kbi I bum ittfliwl i I . '.! " 'I !?,? -,Hit MRS. ALEX. JOHNSON t unica in these cases. I'erunna cures catarrh wherever located. Mrs. Alex. Johnson, 256 University avenue, Kingston, Ontario, Can., writes: "l have been u sufferer for yean icith bearing tlown pains and backiche, and got no relief from, doctors' prescriptions. 1 commenced taking Peruna and a/ter taking the first bottle I felt much better and within ? month 1 was a well woman, and beirtily recommend it to any woman who is in as poor health as I was."?31 ItS. A. JOHhSON. Miss Mabel Meyers, Argentine, Kansas, collector for the Kansas Temperance Union, writes: "Peruna has proved a friend to me. for it cured me when 1 was sick, and the least I can do in return is to acknowledge its value to the public. Since I was 17 years old I have sulfered with headache, backache and pains in the shoulder blades. I caught cold easily and my lungs were weak. Catarrh of the lungs was what the doctors called my trouble. 1 took their medicine for eighteen months without any benefit, and hearing about Peruna I decided to try it. I used nine bottles and was restored to health. This was two years ago, and I am now in perfect healtn." If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Pcruna, write at once to l)r. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be glad to give you his valuable advice gratis, gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, 0. it4.-4 vc< t-nrc?rt?tcttrtw? FACTS. 1 * s being gnawed to distraction by % i reliable. They depend upon the * ety of worms present in the intes- * nd sure course by using J VORM KILLER. J TROYER OF THESE MONSTERS. * EPT NONE BUT DR. EOYKIN'S. . * WN- SOLD EVERYWHERE. >' * ^ a a J} 5 a\*s> 3 -j-a-s iSHf E /?1 CURES S ? (APUDINEs^SSS: s w lai V4/1IKU Cold*, etc. g | V Sold at all Drug Stores, * KlimSillQnUliSS r.'ii&;kJi*SsJ.SKX*; a A "rrr* vi'n/r/fj ft T? ,000 DSPO>IT K.H.Fare Paid. 1 ' ^cholr.r-hips offer <1. All ')T"h<t adunt-s at,w.>rk ; many earn K l.oofl t ^jy fo fii-,,000 per yen" \i r tn Oniric! ;;.\.-Ali.\. l i s COLLEGE,Macon, Ga. CpDCJCV'"*'MAnT t ffl.'hiLi ii i^J.I h ***'* DrracT!Kt? Jenulnc stamped C C C. Never sold in balk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "scmethicg just as good." rO FAB2HKB8 AND OCHIKS? W ul iEWASH thai will >ot Kub Off! end 10c. and vet Recipo I*. O. 15oi 93, STATION D, CINCINNATI, OHIO. ' ITCHING HUMOURS Complete Externa! and Internal Treatment, One Dollar. CUTICURA The set, consisting of Cuticura Soap, to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales, and I snften the thick T^cned'cuticle, /J\ Caticora Oint(/)} VA /A1 ment,to rnstantr\C j allay itching, ; / irritation, and S \ ? hpj inflammation, ^Ox^:;/7/ arid soothe and keal, and Cuti' j cur* Resolvent / Pills, to cool and 7 cleanse the 1^ >7 blood, and expel s humour germs* A Single Set, price $J, is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, disfiguring skin, scalp, and blood humours, rashes, itchings, and irritations, with loss of hair, when all else fails. MILLIONS USE CcTictTRA Soap, assisted by CunctTRA Ointment, the great skin cure, for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the 6kln, for cleansing the >calp of crusts, scales, aDd dandruff, aud the stopping of failing hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes, itchings, and chaflngs, and for all the purposes of tho toilet, bath, and nursery. Millions of Women ' use Cuticura Soap in the form of baths for annoying Irritations, intlauimations, and oxeoriatioi s, or too free or offensive perspiration, In the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and for many winative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women, c< peeiaily mothers. CUTICURA RESOLVENT PILLS (ChocolateCoated) area new, tasteless, odour. less, economical substitute for the celebrated liquid Ccticcpa Resolvent, as well as for all other blond puhiiers and humour cures. Puk un in nocket vials, CO doses, price, 23c. 8oU Ifcroochont th* world. SuMlt.. OtXTHrrr. 5)e. Pills. 2Sc. Britith l>*r?ti Ch?rt*rtioo?? So . Londoa. > ranch IVpot: li Rua d? Psi*. P?ri?- Pott?? Daca jlmd clism. Coci'., sole Prop*, Eoaton, u. 8. A. I suffered from a difficulty about i breaching, a sort of breathlessness which was very distressing. It was always worse on just rising. I thought these spells proceeded from something wrong with the heart, but I believe now it is conj nected with the stomach, for I find Rinans Tabules do me good, and my breathing is better already. It do not have that miserable, de-|j pressed feeling and can eat and ! sleep well. At druggists. . The Five-Cent packet la enough for aa ; or ilnary occasion. The family bottle, , 64/ ce.ts, contain.'* a supply 'or a vear. ! ; CEABOARD , ?3 AIR line railway. WEEK-END AND SUNDAY EXCURSION TICKETS . . On sale Saturdays sud for forenoon train* Sunday, good to return following Monday, from Charlotte to the following named points at rates as showu bcldw: Portsmouth, . Ya., $7.93, Jackson Springs, N. C., I>a50j Monroe. N. C., 75 cents; Wilmington, 31. C.# 44.00; Lincolntou, N.C.. 91.00; Mt. Holly, N. ? ?0 cents; Stanley Creek. N. C., 75 cvntst Iron, N. C., el.00; Cherryville, N. C.. 91.00; Waco," N. C..91.25. Shelby,N.C., 91.25; Kutherfordtor. N. . 91.?0; Marlon..N. C., 97.96, Hickory. N. C., 91.95; tliffs. N. G, 9it00; Lenoir, N. C., 92.65; .Blowing R?ok, N C.. 95.05; Cross Hill, S. G, 92.30; Morixad City, S. C, 96.50. Exceptions: Tickets to Blowing Bock will be sold on Friday and Saturday, good tc return tbe following Tuesday, tickets tt be sold to Morehead City on Satnnays, good * I Icinrl r\ C9 TllfftdoV For further information, call on, or address AB. V. HAKKILIj, P. and T. A., 23 South Tryon Street, Charlotte, N. C. A SIMPLE, DURABLE Hand Power ffay Press. IMPROVED THIS SEASON. Better than ever. Pays for itself quick. For testimonials, etc., address Vr ATK NS iiAl i KtSS CO., fcast Point, Ga. ~ ? ? i Medic a co'lege of Virginia. / i;?T\BLISIIi:i? IS38. I ?'d " ^l" ?'x J" 1,1 >es ia > will eominenc* 1 I A September 3d li lftfci. Department* pf Medilu-, J enti?tr> an > Pharmacy, W-ll eq ippod Laboratories. sti'O ilid It j pltnl facilities ardabun iincof Cl-ideal Jda? teral Afford u: excelled cpp rtinltes for pra tlcal w rk. For tanour.comcnt ?:id farther Inform.*"fou, address. Phr s'o "iter TfiniykiMr., .H. l).tDr:ni, KlCW ? V?. ^ s'j ? W?tS WntBt ALL LLbh fAHS. ST Dost Coujrh Syrup. Tu-o?s Good. Use yd ,2 la time. Sold f.y drQrclsta. *1 I - V'**