- - / , * Love her to-day.] Husiness over, hands are tired; Homeward wend the toiler's feet. Oli! how sweet is home's seclusion From the dusty, noisy street. Sum? one's watchinir tit the window For her love?'tis always so. Take and fold her to your bosom, As you did once long aeo. See w hat loving hands have furnished For yohr comfort while away: I L"f 4ite.l;iU>r oi'her life is I ..l ost to make yours sweet to-day. I < 'ome. l'crjret your care> and worries, v Kest ahd sleep?but ere you do. Take those wearv handsaud kiss tliciu: You once loved to. long ago. Has she fallen 'neatli the burden She has home for you and yours; Home so cheerfully and kindly. Through the past's longdn arv hours? Wonder what you'd do without her? Pray that you ma* never know. Lean above her couch and kiss her Like you used to, long ago. * Has -oni'e friend proved false and heartless That -he thougut was good ami true? Love ties broken cause the heartache. H.iv sbe told it all to you? Draw her to your side and listen 4 \ As ?he sobs her tale of woe; Then just tell her that you love her " - As vou did onto long ago. v ' f \t , < )hf how sweet would seem the moments A f she jilics her daily care; \\ Hling liandv would l>ear thy burdens 'Always choose the greater share. . t'iioei?> would hlosSOUl. eyes would brighten With the joy they used to show it you'd tell her that vor. love her Av you did long, loug ago. X ?KlCX Wli.KKEO. | Bennett Swamp Bubbles | f Written for last week.] V have been lor many years a rehder of ThK'Kkcokd but have --'- i never seen auyiiuiig. nvm tinmen | Swamp, so will ask for space for a Jew items. ? Crops are flourishingly green. We had, a nice rain Sunday, which was verv acceptable. The little daughter of Mr. and Mr?. J. W. Timnions, who has ^ ' , been very ill, is improving rapidly. Mrs. John Rich burg and Mrs* ( , WfH Drawls were guests of Air. and Mrs. J. W. Timnions Sunday. Mrs. John McGhee has returned , * from a pleasant visit to the home of her son, Mr. E. C. Spann, near Greeley ville. Mr. Chas Lesesne visited friends on San tee Sunday. The death of Mr. Hilary Holle' man, followed by that of Miss Kosa Brown was a shock to our entire community. We feel a deep sympathy for the afflicted \ . family. On Saturday, May 24, our com'm unity enjoyed a basket picnic at the residence of Mr. J. W. Tim} ** raons. Among the crowd was Ml ss Annie Kichburi:, a charming) 'young lady of Coleman X Roads. If this dosen't feed the waste basket I will write again. Best wishes to you Mr. EJitor, and'to Tj?k Coisty Record. <- *' . . W ILD VIOLET. A sailor rarely gets so sick that N he wants to throw up his job. i Fine feathers may not make fine birds, but they show up on the hill all right. . DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY and Backache All diseases of Kidneys. /\W ITX Bladder. Urinary Organs, f r I fill. AN" Rheumatism. Sack I I I ? aete.KeartDisease. Gravel. 1 ill |% I . Dropsy, Female Troubles. Y< V * * Don't become discouraged. There is a cure for you. If necessary write Dr. Keener He has spent a life time curing just sucb cases as your*. AU consultations Free. gravel lodged in my bladder. After sing a few bottles of Dr. Feuner's Kidney and Backache Cure 1 passed a gravel half as large as a marble. Thp medicine preveuted further formations. I was cured. W. T. OAKES. Orrlx, Va." Druggists. iiOr.. >1. Ask for Cook Book?Free. ?T \i|TI|0'ni|lpc Sure Cure. Circular. Dr f I IU? UANwUFcuuer. FredunJa N-X -v-,? ? . V V, V ./ ' I Benson Briefs^ J Mr. L. li. McCullough has returned Irom Clemson College, from which institution lie was graduated at the recent commencement. Mr. McCullough is', a bright and brainy young man, whose career will doubtless do credit Jo himself, his county and his alma mater. Newton?familiarly known as , uBuck"?Singletarv died on Tuesday morning ?at 11 o'clock and was bumd on liie following dav at about the same hour. Your corespondent, along with several | other white neighbors of the deIceased, attended the funeral. I i Newton Singletarv was a negro of exceptionally good character and underneath his black sain beat a heart that was true and sincere. 1 In the dark davs of '70, when ( Anglo-Saxon civilization was imperiled by carpet-bag rule, under < the tutelage of that sterling , patriot, Squire John S. MeCul- 1 lough. he stood shoulder to ' shoulder with Democratic white i men despite the taunts and threats of his owd race. Polite and res pec t fill. he knew his place and did not'presume on what help he ' had rendered in a political way. The class of negroes that he represented is rapidly deminiahing ' and it is probable that their place * will never be tilled. [ Written, for last week] Mr. (J. E. Gravson, of Florida, has returned to his old home to recupeiate during the summer , months. Miss Mott Ivey is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Kellehan.. < Mr. J. G. McOullough is well pleased with his tobacco ?rop, which is the finest we have seen up to this time. ' I The oat crop is being harvested ( The yield is rather below the Average. / The prospect for a heavy corn ( crop is- fine. This is an exceedingly gratifying outlook to the ] farmers, who have been and are now experiencing the inconvenience of a scarcity of the chief ingredient of the "staff of life". i Cotton is looking unusually well. The acreage, however, is ' considerably reduced as compared with last year. The weather is hot and dry. W. S. G. i\ ^f| | | Doings at Dock, | < [Written for last week.] 1 Crops in this vicinity present a : a very promising appearance just ; now. I The oat crop has been gathered. It is better than the prospects indicated some time aco. Mr, and Mrs. J. F. Register ' have returned to?their home at Greeleyville after a short, stay at Dock. Miss Ida Waldron has come home from a brief visit to friends at Summerville. I Mr. Louis K. Nesraith spent a few days in Chariest during the closing days of the "Expo'\ Your quilU-driver attended a Sunday-school picnic at Indiantown church las; Saturday. Quite a large crowd, turned out and everything passed off pleasantly. Everybody seem to enjoy himself immensely. "Whippoorwill* has been quite 1 sick for several d^vs, but we are glad to note thai he is his blithei some self again. Last Sunday he ! wore a beaming smile that is easily j accounfed lor?=she has returned from, a lew weeks trip. ^ | ?/?/?s Etchings. | .^r Quite a number of our people attended the Kingstree graded school commencement last week. The 3rd quarterly conference of raft,^ i-ireuit will convene al Beulah cliurch on Saturday and Sunday, June 2S and 20. Er. E. M. Fluitt visited hi* sister. Mrs. P. C. McKnight, near Kingstree Sunday. Mr. II. W. Brvank a popular voun man of Kingstre.?, spent Sunday afternoon in our community. Mr. Bryan is "rushing" things pretty lively. Mr. T. J. Duke of Benson visited the family of Mr. J. J. Hanno Sunday. Fruit prospects are promising, also the outlook for a good melon t?rop is eucouraging. There was no service at Beulah church last Sunday night. Several people assembled, but owing to the inauspicious aspect of the elements Rev. Mr. McConnell did not venture out. Blue Stfel. i Luck mav come and luck mav t go, but real merit hangs on forever. In order to appreciate youth :>ne must get over the shady side A' 40. Many a good man blacks boots *nd many a bad one blacks characters. When your health runs down you should wind up some of your baa uaoiis. i ' A car Texas Red Rust Proof Oats going at SO cents while they last. Barr & Co. before marriage a man yearns for a woman; after marriage, he earns for her. m The Best Prescription for Malaria. Chills and ^ever is a buttle of Graves Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine ina tasteless form. No cure?no pay. Price OUe. Girls who make the greatest exertions to catch husbands are usually lost in the race. j % Wood's Seeds. Late Potatoes. Our system of keeping Late Seed Potatoes unspreuted and in vigorous, readyto-jrrow condition when planted enables them to stand the drvest or hottest spells of?mnmer weather, making splen.1 id crops during the foil, ready to dig just before winter comes on. Crop residts the past three seasons, from these potatoes planted in Juue and July, have L>een most satisfactory. Our stock in cold storage is limited, so that it is advisable to place orders early to avoid being disappointed in securing your seed potatoes when readv to plant Circular {riving prices and fi^Il infonnation mailed on request. T. WjWOOC & SONS, Seedsmen, RICHMOND, - VIRGINIA. t&nzn* Most Complete fc4t*btiafco*rtb, SEC. & BACKER & SON, * ?$BiL I -4iASCTACecKDa or? Sasti. Dopn* Blinds* MMldlofod BaUdinx Materiel, Sash Weights and. Cord CHARLB3T03, & 0. Pttebue oar make, wtridk ??(b? uIm eaparior to eoy told South, * ad thereby urt ?esay. frtodoai ABE YDO WISE M maticio there Je ao remedy to equal ?e *< / ' an easy and a sure way to tree Throat in order to k and insure healthy th take half a gJassfull o it a teaspoonful of . Iani and with this gargle the throat " Then bathe the outsiae of the thro ' merit and after doing this pour some around the neck. It is a POSITIVE k 25c., 50c. and $1.( i H MAY BE YOU Mustang Ldlnment and you can ?nnnmmmmiiifflpimiiiini I OUR CLUB i g~ We are making the most libc ; gE: _ have ever been given by a news gE: county. Look at theses' Tiie Rec?nl and the American Faritu 5^ The Record and the Home and Farm SZ The Record and the Commoner (Bryan 5^ The Record and the New York World ( I rru.? ...,1 ....,1 !?,. A tlunfa < 7?n?tit.nt - A. UC UtTUlU aiiU lll?. illiunvu VVU?;?.I/M. The Record and the News and (Jouriei Tlie Reeoi/i and the National Magazir The^Becnra and Munsey's Magazine The Record and Frank Leslie's Magar 5^ The Record and Lippincotts liinuumiiiiiiiiluUiHiiiiuuiiiii cald head." Af It delights all who use it for Cuts, ? rvims Hums. Bruises. Boils. Ulcers, * Eruptions. Infallible for Piles. Only ? 25c. at D. C. Scott's drug store. Qe r Those people who are looking 801 /or perfection in this world should p?j avoid mirrors.. ' em A REAL FRIEND. vH ' I suffered froi. - m peoftld ciffer throogb tenor>D't Inow that for all in flamriffun ItlolmcnU ' \ W 10 i m m, ' i. 1 1 way * . . e _ it a case of Sore 11 /I nrvn rYnrm O ill uiocaac ^t-imo roat action is to f water put into Mustang ment at frequent intervals, at thoroughly with the lini- ? on a soft cloth and wrap/ : CURE. X) a bottle. sen troubled with a running Treat it at once with Mexldepend upon a speedy cure. . / r . 'OFFERS ? h ? ?ral clubbing offers that :~5 \ paper in Williamsburg Regular Price Our Price er .50 $i 00 ^2 1.50 1.25 ^5 's paper) 2.00 1.65 ZZZ .8 times a week) 2.00 1.65 ^2 ion 2.00 1.75 ^2 r (twice a week) 2 00 ]j5 ^2 ic 2.00 1.50 ZS 2.00 i.85 line 2.00 1.SO3.50 2.07 ^2 .uuiuuuiuiuiuuuiumu ? IMt MM BO* ft ' % 5T~ COXDEXSED MQEDULK. ?-?:? / y TRAINS GOING SOUTH. I "Dated TsB Z8| S3-'I 51 I 5lf .ril 14, 1902 * *!*!*;; A.M I', M j 'A. M. Florence 3 25 ? 55} j 9 45 lTitur^t.rPA 9 ITi '10 59' Lanes 4 36 9 28:i\w. 11 OOl Lanes 4 36 9 28,7 37 11 OOj 9 46 Charleston 6 00 11 15; 9 29) 1 10 11 35 a. m. p. m.jp.m.J i*. m.; A. m. TRAINS- GOING NOKTH. 78 35 52 50 58* / * * # * a. M. 1'. m. A.m. P. M. P. M. Charleston! 6 47 5 32 7 00 4 35 525 Lanes 8 18 7 00 834 6 01 .7 28 Lanes 8 18 7 00. |6 21 Kinjifstree- 8 37 715 6 42| Florence 9 45 7 551 7 55! a. M. p. M.ja.M. p. il. j Daily. Tuesday* Thursday and Saturday. STo. 52 runs through to Columbia vja ntral R. R. of S: l\ rrairsNo?. 78 and 32 run via Wil ~_j ?. ?sllmrt r inii_ I MIU. JTUJUtLCV Jiiv: uiavi w d make close connection for all irits North. Trains on