- ' vWm VOL. XVIH. KINGSTREE, S. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1902. NO. 25 ^ - , , | I iiewiii OF THE TELEPHONE LINES COMING INTO TOWN. A Full Pepresentation from the Various Unes and a Harmonious Meeting. In response to Hhtt 'phono le'ter" sent out by the executive committee elected by the stockhokleis of the Kingstree Telephone Co., a large and representative meeting was he'd in the court house on Monday. Everything went off quietly and harmoniously and the host of feeling seemed to prevail, so that those who mav have expefcted lo see or hear anything sensational were disappointed. Following is the report of ihe meeting as gathered from the secretary's minutes: A meeting of the stockholder* ^ of the several lines coming into Kingstree was held m the court house on Monday, June 1C, 1902. ~ "" i LeRov Lee. Esq,, was elected chairman of I lie meeting and Edwin L. Ilirseb, Esq., secretary. The object of the meeting (which theretofore appeared in a citcular letter, dated June 6, and published in The Ooixty Record and the Weekly Mail) was then stated by the chairman. The out-of-town lines were represented by the following stockholders; Pudding Swamp line?S. W. 1- t\ r r f. \f? , VIU?UV f &y. u . juppo nuvA v. v/ MV Elveen. Indiantown?G. J. Graham, W. Cooper, hi. McCutchen, J. E. . Ootiper and T. M. Cooper. Luke City and Cades?W. E. Nesmith, J. M. Sturgeon and J. D. Daniel. Salters?K C Everett, E T Hamer and J A Ferrell. Trio?J C Graham, T A Blakeley, J W Uegister, W D Bryan, J M Brown, B A McKnight, Q M Hines, P H Stoll, and Dr W L ?Wallace. Lanes?W F Rodgers. K.ngstree? Lelloy Lee, D C Scott and 0 W Wolfe. On motion of C W Wolfe a committee consisting of one member from each line went into conference with the Kingstree committee to consider some meaus whereby the telephone exchange could be kept up. After mature deliberation the committee of conference rendered the following report, which was adopted: That the Trio line be assessed $2.25 a . L . _.i a. :.. i Iliuuiu luwaru me lucuiiicuuuuc of Kingstree central; Lanes line 50 cents a month; Indiantown line $1.25 a month; Pudding Swamp line 75 cents a month; Cades and Lake City line $1.25 a irfonth and Sailers line $1.00 a month. The committee further reported the adoption of a resolution 1 hat Kings tree should keep up, so far as ordinary wear and tear are concerned, all lines within the corporate limits of the town and maintain the central until Jan. 1, 1903. On motion of DC Scott one member from each of the out-ofI town lines was elected by ihe representatives of the respective lines to co-operate with the directors or' the Kinirstree Telephone Co. The following auxiliary board was elected: Salters line?J A Ferrell. Pudding Swamp?S \V Gowdy. Indiantowu?G J. Graham. Trio?T A Blakeley. Lanes?VV F Rodgers. Lake City and Cades?W E Nesmith, lvingstree?M F Heller, D c! Scott arid (J W Wolfe. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. Edwin* L. Hirscii. Secretary. June 16. 1902. FOUGHT WITH WINCHESTERS.} ' i White Man Pell. Mortally Wounded by a Georgia Negro. At Biceuoro, Ga., B. B. Snowden. a while man, had a difficulty with a negro named Smith. The two met, armed with Winchester < ritles. Regardless ot the proxim- ( i?y of passengers at, the station, ( both began tiring at foieh other until ail their ammunition was exhausted. Snowden then crawled I to the platform of the station and , fell. Some of the frightened people went to his assistance and found liim covered with blood, which was flowing from several i weunds. The negro escaped, but | is being pursued by officers.? Pennsylvania tjrit. The toregoing item, which ap- , peared in Sunday's Pensylvania "Grit," has been handed us by a lriend with a requast that it be published. The initials of the victim of the tragedy would indicate that it was Ben Barron Snowden, a son ofCapt. S. J. Snowden, ot this county, who has been living in Georgia for several years. It is to be hoped, however, that the similarity of initials is merely ( a co-incidence. \ . u#?i ... r; fTVTWiian wi ws?cy?ni?, I Grkkleyvillk, S. C., June 12, , 1902.?Workman and Greeley- ' ville baseball teams crossed bats j on the latter's diamond this after , noon and the visitors won from j the locals easily, by a score of 74to 3. The batting of the visitors was the muin teature ot the game. Taylor, the famous twiiler and the pride of Greeleyville was batted . out of the box in the 7th inning. ^ Following is the score: Greeleyville, 01000001 0-2 , Workman, 10012030 *-7 Batteries?Greeleyville, Taylor, ( S. HogaN and C. Hogan, Workman, Epps and Reardon. W. K. Mc. Death of a Loved One. At 5:30 p. m. yesterday James McFadden, the nine-year-old son of Mr. Frank Nelson, breathed his | last. About five weeks ago he came here with his parents from < Charleston and has been sick ever since. The remains* accompanied < by Messrs. J. T. Nelson, P. B. Thorn and L. Stackley, were carried to Charleston for interment this morning on the 11 o'clock ( train. The afflicted family hare . the heart felt sympathy of a large | circle of h tends. ? EXCITEMENT OVER MAD DOG. Several Dog:; Bitten by Strangely Acting Canine?First Cotton Bloom. Lakk City, S. C., Juna 17.? Special?We have a lull, well open cotton bloom that was picked on Monday the 16th. It came from Mr. M. V. V/aid's field. Old farmers say that this is exceedingly early for a bloom. The 21st nf.Iiiiip ia flip pjirlipst datp liprp tofore known in this section. Therefore, this one on the 16th is a record breaker. Some of oar farmers are a little jealous of Mr. Ward in this matter. Judge Green walked all over his cotton field in the broiling sun in search of a bloom, but?alas, alas, it was not there. The "Judge" is hard to down, but thi9 time he was completely knocked out. Mr. J. J. Eaddy, of Prospect, sold a curing of tobacco here Tuesday. It brought a good price, The Star Warehouse has secured Mr. George C, Motley, of Chatham, Va., as auctioneer for this season. Mr. B. M. Clement will leave Sunday on a trip to Virginia in the interest of the tobacco business. We had a good deal of excitement over an alleged mad dog a few days ago. On Saturday night a dog, supposed to be mad, attempted to bite Mr. H, W. Wilson whom he ran into a store. The ?anie night a dog visited Messrs. I. Q, Harrell's, W. J. Godwin's ind other* in that neighborhood. Sunday Mr. Godwin's dog was seized with something like a fit ind died. Monday night. Mr. i.l o??.AlPn /Ia? Mtoo oIran in t Lidi i cii a ?aa i(ii\?u in ? me way and died. Tuesday norning Mr. Singletary's dog was sick and there were fears that he too had rabies. We have not earned, at this writing, the result )f his malady. Whether mad or lot, wherever there is the least suspicion the dog should be killed. We can not afford to risk hydro phobia lor the sake of a Tew dogs, .vhich at best are well nigh worthess. New Advertisements. It is with pardonable pride that we call attention to the new advertisements which appear in Tiik 1 LvKcori) this week. Business men know where to place their ads. so that they will reach the people. How is this for one week? Star Tobacco Warehouse, Lake Jity, S. C. Peoples' Tobacco Warehouse, Manning, S. C. \Y elsli Neck High School, Hartsrille, S. C. Land Surveying?K. E. Morris, Lake City, S. C. Announcement ? S. J. Singletary lor County Commissioner. Jersey Hull for sale, William Cooper. Final Discharge Notice. Mrs. Susie W. Thomas. Cow and Hog Feed. We have on hand Corn and Wheat Bran, Chops, hominy, eeu middlings, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls and will keep hese a!! the year round. BARK V Co. The Welsh Neck High School. One of tbe handsomest catalogues we have seen this year is the one sent out by the Welsh Neck High School, of hartsville, S. 0. As a specimen of the printers art it is a gem. The type faces U9ed are clear, legible and up^to-date. The numerous illustrations are the finest hail* tones. Ihe cover is neat and tasty in design and execution with gilt enameled lettering. Aside from its typographical excellence this catalogne contains much valuable information about the popular school it represents* The Welsh Neck High School Before You Make SPRING PI Call and see my lines as brought to the city. Embracing % % % % % * A Beautiful Line of LADIES In all the LateBt Styles. Call and before leavii Stackley run Having Resumed Basin* GAGG, OLI Are offering their entire Sto< Hats, Shoes, Hardware and Think of It. A $ Goods Going at I When we claim to sell at Ca A visit to our store will convince y We fllun handle a choice kinds of Food Products. GAGG, OL1\ WATCH T IT SHINES I SELL YOUE AT LAKE ( Because it is your home market. Because it has a good corps of b Because it lias good banking fac Because it is the best market in And at The St: Because it furnishes good accom ,4- /?! trnc rrnn/l lirrllf AB Vt dkcaunt' it gnco ^vvu n^uv v?. jBecause it has the best auctioned Because Mr. Hall knows what tc pile brings full value. Because Mr. Clement knows offu nient is correct and full Because should an error occur, i Bring Your Tobacco to the STAB WAI | HALL ? CLEHENT, Pre ! is the besl equipped institution of learning in this section of the State and its roll of pupils shows an attendance of nearly 300. Williamsburg is well represented by the following pupils: W L Askins. Miss Annie and Arthur Jones, Lake City; Edward DuRant, Rome; Miss Hallie and William Graham, Cooper; Misses Nettie and Lola Smith* Soranton, and Miss Ida Venters, Venters. Mr. W L Askins ot Lake City is a corporal of the corps of carets. Any one can secure one of these handsome catalogues by applying to The Welsh Neck High School, Hartsville, S. C. Your JRCHASES they are he handsomest ever* all the latest Novelties. ?%%%%% ) HATS see them und I am sure you will buy ig my store. ' '7 h 's Cash Store. SHI ess at Their Old Stand i i # r- n . /NA * vc:n a uv.j 4 ck of Dry Goods, Clothing, Notions absolutely at cost. i>10,000 Stock of ^ew York Prices st we mean exactly what we say. ou of this fact. line of Family Groceries and all /ER & CO., KINGSTREE, S. C. ? ?i HE STAR, 3R1GHTLY. I TOBACCO I 3ITY, S. C. i uvers. 1 11 f t AC ^ the State. j ir Warehouse j nidations. ,| aur tobacco. :r in the State. >bacco is worth and sees that every H :e work and sees that each state-3 * check written. i t is promptly corrected. ? tEHOUSE, I And Get Full Market Value. :J >ps, HtBBBH 11 IIHBM.mil 111 I III HW?Wff