The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, June 05, 1902, Image 5

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*Y. ''m , '$ IN AFTBl @ @ [Written for Thk .?:?:@:@:?:?:?:@:@:@:< ^Well, I'll declare, if it isn't iny ? ? ' ' AT U^irr oro OJU scnooimaie, .ua^un. hut, you ojd boy?" "Same old 76, Harmon. Not ?|uite so self-important as when I wore captains cheverons at the Citadel, but quite as undignified. 1 am very gFad I haven't changed so much as to be unrecognizable. Your three - to - the - square - inch mustache fails to conceal your lace as I last saw it." "What a nice little home you have!" "Cozy indeed, Mayson. And the beauty of it. lies iu the tact that I have paid for it. It belonged to my wife until I married her." "So that is the way you paid lor it, eh?*' "Suppose we go in and pet comfortable before we discuss conjapal affairs," suggested Harmon glancing uneasily towards the door as if he found some eavesdropper. Soon they were seated around a plowing oak fire? that most expressive welcome of a country home. Mavson was struck with iho tiHinosc and woman!v tact ev idenoed by the arrangement of furniture afid decorations. Strange it is how men estimate a woman's worth by such little thing.*; and yet their estimations are seldom wrong.'1 ' Tell me something of yourself, Mayson-r-your vocation, avocation and health. I don't believe we have met since 'emancipation day', in Anderson, have we? Married yet?" ' One at a time please, my memory is not so good as when I was 1st. sergeant, and could remember enough cadet offences to keep me writing a whole afternoon. My vocation is practicing medicine; my avocation is endeavoring to collect bilis. My health is excellent, accounted for by the fact that I have in every case of sickness used our old surgeon's famous recuperator, "Q. (J. D." My wife has become addicted to ihe use of it. This last statement answers your last question." ' How many childrcq have you?" asked Harmou with the air of a man who "told you so". "Only seven", answered May6on meekly. 4,Four girls and three boys. I have twice beeu blessed with,twins". ' My prophecy has been fulfilled, said Harniou, I always did think you would prosper, Mason". I think it's my turn to cross question awhile, Harmon. Ho* has the world beetr serving you? Are you 'batting' as many '3's' on life's problems as you did on Nichol's an J Bowser's?" No '-Sirree! In dealing with life's problems, I find absolutely 110 chance to 'spot'. - j ?!i. 11 ' I'll bet you nave a goou wne, said May son with a glance around the room. "You'll win the bet, old boy for sweeter woman never patted a husband's cheek, nor has more industrious ever disturbed a morning nap. I have only one child, who I am sorry to say is not so gOod taking as I had reason to expect Tie would be. Think he lavors wife. Here come the boy and his mother now." / "Wife, this is Mayson, my old ? classmate of whom you have so often hear4 me speak". Mrs. Harmon tjowed, smiling ? YBARS. ? ? County Record. J ? sweetly, and then extended hei hand. Mavson was charmed with the little woman with roguish brown eyes. "I am glad to meet the wife of my old friend. An introduction seems unnecessary." ' And it is Mr. Mayson," she declared with that inimitable sincerity of the true Charlestonian. ' Had I met you five years ago, ] could not have known better than I do. Ju9l consider our introduction as having taken place at that time, and make youiself one of us." "Thank you, Mrs. Harmon, you are a typical Charlestonian. The hospitality of the dear old 'City tlio San' io nrnvorhial Strang. WT IIIW VA-? IO era have never left its firesides unsatisfied, and 1 was a stanger once. Are you quite happy happy, so far away from your old home?" kkOh, quite! llow could I be else with such a dutiful and and affectionate husband." "That's the speech she keeps on hand for compapy," he observed drily. "If vou could have heard her the other day when she'found a lady's glove in my coat pocket, you would not have recognized me. After about ten minutes of rapid respiration, punctured with vehement monosyllables, and abundant perspiration over what she termed la heartless conspiration,' her vituperation settled upon what she called the "little she devil." Now the strange part of it all, Maysoo, is that the glove turned out to be her own."' "Why"? "Please don't, Lou, I wont say any more, except that I couldn't do without you. Now get your good husband and his iriend some dinner. Shall I select the menu?" "Yes," she replied. "If you don't you might grumble in the presence of your guest. I'll go fire the stove." Harmon was retrospective for a moment, then he exclaimed: "Say, Mayson, let's have Citadal fare to-day, for the sake of old times?" "Good," said Mayson. "Won't we enjoy it though!" Harmon obtained a piece of paper and wrote the following: Seats! Rare Rice Water Spherical Beef Chops Staff of Life Vinegar Cam Cake Molasses More Water Butterine Toothpicks Announcements \ Me98 Rise! ?Rex Wilfred. T D..1 D...1 U A car icxuh x\eu x\u?i x iuuj Oats going at 80 cents while they last. Barr & Co. DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY Backache All disease* of Kidneys, yf\ Bladder, Urinary Organs. J M 111 Also Rheumatism,Back I I I 1/ r I ..v. a..^TO.uuhnnl .1 ll? I Drop?y"TemjJe Troubles. \/ \S * B. JL^ Don't become discouraged. There It i cure for you. If necessary write Dr. Fenuer . He has spent a life time curing Just sue! i cases as yours. Ail consultations Free. "Tour Kidney and Backache Cure hai cured two very bad cases among our custo mers the past year whom the doctors hoc given up. J. L. TILL A 00.. Woodland, la.' Druggists. 50c., II. Ask for Cook Book?Free WVITIIt'niNPE Sure Cure. Circular, h VIIUo UAHUlFenner, Fredonia.NJ "VIRTUOUS ADVICE." Two young couples left Minneapolis one morning for tho purpose ol visiting the public schools in in St. Paul. Not until noon did they decide to remain in the ' saintly city for luncheon, and when they did make up their > minds lo dine away from home i thev were unable to choose a proper cafe, fiually one of Ihe young men accosted a policeman, i sopposedly on duty, and said: "Officer, can you direct us to - the best restaurant in town? You see, we have two very fino young . ladies, and we want to go to a very ' nice place," i "Well," responded the officer, "fro to McU.'s, on Avenue. I think you will that Tery tempt' mg." The yoang man having heard of 1 McU.'s before, thought it not 1 quite the proper place, so said, uYes, officer, but we have two very nice girls with us, and we ' would not like to go to any questionable place." "Well," says the officer, "if vou have anybody so blamed nice, you had better go down to the wagon on the next corner, buy a tripe sandwich a la carte, and go up in some church and eat it." Some moments later the young people were seen at MeO.'s, evidently satisfied with the choice. ?Richard A. florr, In the June 1 i Lippincott. READY TO YIELD. "I used DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve for piles and found it a certain cure," says S. R. Meredith, Willow Grove, Del. Operations unnecessary to cure piles. They always yield to DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Cures skin diseases, all kinds of wounds. Accept no counterfeits. D. C. Scott We would never know some men are Christians if they did nnt. tell us. Wiimlngton, N. C., Mar. 4, 1901. To Whom It May Concern: I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that my wife has bean suffering with female troubles for year* until she used Professor Nielsen's female treatment, which ha completely cured her. Ib is now ten months since she was cured and has never bad any trouble since. A. L. PWDORX, J. P., Pender County, N. C. The prettiest picture the eyes can feast upon is a baby face framed in a window. SAVED FROM AN AWFUL FATE. "Everybody said l naa consumption," writes Mr*. A. M. Shields, of Chambersburg, Pa. "I waa so low after six months of severe sickness, caused by Hay Fever and Asthma, that fow thought I could get well, but I learned of the marvelous merit of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, used it, and was completely i cured." For desperate Throat and Lung Diseases, it is the safest cure in the world, and is infallible for Coughs. Colds and Bronchial Affections. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00. j. Trial bottles free at D. C. Scott's. Iks largest and Most Csaplsts S tubllihmitiit souib. . ^0, S. HACKER & SON, / ?UiKmCTCRIBS or? , Sash. Doors- Blinds, Moulding snd Dulldlag lbterUl, , Sash Weights and Cord j CHARLESTON, & 0. Parohsse oar msks, which ws gasr? . totes sapsrior to toy sold Sooth, u4 - (hereby sees mooej. ' Wlmiov ami Fancy (Mass SfKhttj, FOR HARNESS SSKW ?t once, and you will b? aatooithed to 8 (S? ' J*s& It's this waj You can burn yoursel Powder, etc., or you < with Steam or HotW only one proper way scald and that is by i Mexican Mustang I. It gives immediate relief, linen cloth, saturate it with loosely upon tho wound. Yf idea what au excellent remcc vaii hnvn trioii it. Jv? ? "? ? ArnU/l TIP Ifyouharoabi rUVVL lllo other poultry d Liniment. It is called a stamued : ?f OUR CLUB 5~; We are making the most lit 'gi: have ever been given by a new SE: county. Look at these* The Record, the American Fnrme: 5^ Magazine ZX- The Record and the Home ami Farm 2^ The Record and tlie Commoner (T<rya mZ- The Record and ihe New York World ST The Record and the Atlanta Constiti 5^ The Record and the News and Courl 5~ The Record and ine i>auon:u jiagaz The Record and Munsey's Magazine The Record and > rank Leslie's Magi fc The Record and Lippincotta liiaiiiiiiiiiiaiitDiiitiiiiiumiu I1 This alfnatnr* la on ?r#iy box of tbo goanlao Laxative Bromo-Qwnioe Um fMMdr that mm a nM Aa mmm ? ? Too many men praiae in a whis- ~ per and condemn through a me- gaphone. A I hereby certify that I have suffered L for years with catarrh in head and inflamed middle ears to the extent that ? blood came out of my ears and nostrils. A I tried several of the best physicians and also several patent medicines, found = no cure till I tried Nielsen's Catarrh Cure. It is now three years since I ? a - -?'t T ViAtfA K/ui n W3S CUTTO UIIU A uiiTc uvu uvvu troubled since. Am at Second and Princess streets ready to answer any questions. F. K. J. Fuchs, \ Wilmington, N. C. j, L For retail and wholesale call onDr. ^ D. C. Scott, Kingstree, S. C. Bloomin gvale agent Mrs. T. K. Smith. Suttons agent Mr. R. P. Hinnant The ferryman at the Styx charges the same fare to all?and f \ hat's everything the passenger p l uas. _ 9 A REAL FRIEND. v "I suffered from dyspepsia and indi- * gestion for iifteen years," says W. T. ^ Sturdevant, of Merry Oaks, N. C. 9 "After I had tried many doctors and 1 medicines to no avail one of my friends r persuaded me to try Kodol. It gave 5 immediate relief. I can eat almost r anything I want now and my digestion 1! is good. I cheerfully recommended ? Kodol." Don't try to cure stomach j trouble by dieting. That only further . weakens the system. You need whole- I some,, strengthening food. Kodol 1 enables you to assimilate what you eat by digesting it without the stomach's j aid. D.C.Scott. 2 i 1 i bit t"t | - || | | n iiiiib ! Bmmmm ' * res Mexican Mustang LlnW rhat you need. It take.- effect ee bow quickly it heals sores. __ M' \ r: 'I ' If with Fire, with ^an scald yourself ater, but there is to cure a burn or ! ising ? 4 jniment.1; Get a piece of soft eld this liniment and bind >u can have no adequate ly this is for a burn until / Ird afflicted with Roup or any iaease use Mexican Mustang remedy by poultry breeders. imnmmmmmmmmm @ OFFERS. I 1 > 3 >eral clubbing offers that r^J spaper in Williamsburg :SS Regular Price Our Price -<? r, the Winner 3 $1.60 $1.00 ^ 1.50 135 ^5 n's paper) 2.00 1.65 ^2 I ftAJ : l.\ AAA 1 [ to uwesa?evn; *.w i.v? ltion 2.00 1.75 Z3 er (twice a week) 2.00 1.75 ^2 ine ? 2.00 1.50 ^ 2.00 1.85 3 mine 2.00 1.80 3 3.50 2.07 3 WMiwiwiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiii I TL1KTIG 60181 UN? RIILROXD CO. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH.Dated 35 23 ' 53 51 5ST .pril 14, 1902 * ?? | * * t A.M P. M.I A.M. e Florence 8 25 7 5? 9 45 i in?Q irl in 59 jvui|(3ifirc > r Lanes 4 36 9 28 p.m. 1100 e Lanes 4 36 9 28 7 37 11 00 9 46 .r Charleston 6 UO 11 15 9 29 110 1135 A.M. P.m. P.m. P.M. A.m. TRAINS GOING NORTH. 78 32 52 50 58 * . A. M. P. M. A.M. P, M. P. M. ,e Charleston 6 47 5 32 7 00 4 33 5 25 , .rLanes 8 18 7 00 8 34 6 21 728 e Lanes 8 18 7 00 6 21 o Kingstreo 8 87 715 642 ir Florence 9 45 7 53 7 53 A. M. P. M. A.m. P. M. Dally. tTuesday. Thursiay and Saturday. Ko. 52 runs through to Columbia via entral R. R. of S. C. Trairs Xos. 78 and 82 run via Wil- ? r\n and Kavetteville?Short Line? nd make close connection for all olnts North. Trains on C. & D. R. R. leave Flornce daily except Sunday 10:05 a. m.t rrive Darlington 10:30 a. na., Hartsille 1:55 p. m., Clieraw 11:45 a. in ? Vadesborol2:50p. m. Leave Florence aily except Sunday 8:00 p. m., arrive Jarllngton 8:25 p.* m.. Bennettsville :22 p. in., Gibson 10:20 p. m. Leave 'lorence Sundav only 10:05 a. nr., ar" *1 A.OA n m ive uamngiou iu;ou a. m. Leave Gibson daily except Sunday :50 a. m.. Bennettsville 6:50 a. ni. arive Darlington 8:15 a. m., leave DarIngton 7:50 a. in., arrive Florence 9:15 . in. Leave Wade?boro daily except iunday 4:10 p. m., Cheraw 5:15 p. m.. lartsville 9:15 a. m.. Darlington 6:29 i. m., arrive Florence 7:00 p. in. jeave Darlington 8:50 a. m., arrive* Florence 9:15 a. m. II. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passengar Agents r. R. Kknly, Gen. Man'g. d. T. Emebson, Traffic Man's.