= Sthc County JtcrofC";^ ? ' . ?.. VOL. XVIII. KINGSTREE, S. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 5. 1902. NO. 23 ?1 1 1 commencement exercises Of the Graded School to Take Place in Court House-Scarborough Will Speak. To-morrow is %ithe last day ol school*' and leathers and pupils alike are no doubt rejoiced that r the heat and burden of the day| are ovei. The past year has probably been the tuo6t successful, everything considered, in the history of the school. Since the graded system was adopted two years ago the school has taken on < new life and energy,and this year, with nine grades, four teachers and a large enrollment of pupils our town can boast of an institution of learning that will compare favorably with any in this section of the State. Prof. Boddie ha* his heart in the work and his efforts have been ably seconded by his accomplished associates. As 1 an evidence of our appreciation ot the valuable work done by these faithful teachers let us now lend our aid and encouragement in making the commencenlent exercises of the Kingstree Graded School au event that will surpass anything ot the kind ever held in the town. For several weeks the children 1? ~ in iminin? for their 11 il > C UCt 11 J ?. ?. p, parts at commencement and the teachers are diligently directing their daily practice. * Very neat and tasty invitations have been issued by the graduating class, which this year contains five members. Following is the programme of the commencement exercises: Sunday, June 8, 11 a. m. Anuual Sermon, Rev. H. J. Oauthen. Monday, June 9, 8:30 p. ra., Pnn(?Mrt Tuesday, June 10, 11:30 a. m. Literary Address, Hon. R. B. Scarborough. After the literary address the presentation of diplomas to the graduating class will take place and also the awarding of the schol orship prize of a set of George Elliott'9 works. The commencement sermon will he preached in the Methodist church and the rest ot the exercises take place in the court house. The public is respectfully invited to attend all the commencement exercises. Greeleyville vs Workman. Workman, May 24.? The Greeleyville and Workman teams crossed bats to-day, on the home diamond. The visitors took the locals into camp by the tune of 5 to 2. On account of slow grounds a great many errors were made, but with the exception ot these it was a nicely played game. Gilland successfully twirled the sphere for Greeleyville, allowing the locals but one hit. The linetip was as follows: Greeleyville. Workman. Gilland, tv. p | Mcintosh, lb tisiionri H s < I Harrincrton.W. c Hodge, II. 2b J Harrington, P. rf llogan, c I Joy, If Hodge. E. cf I Kpps. R. p Ferre!',.. if! Moitzon, cf Allen. T. ]1? Player, 8b . Gist. 3b Kpps. V. ss Allen, S. rf Epps, C. 2b Score bv innings: Greeleyville, 1 2 100100* ? 5 "Workman, 00 2 000000 ? 2 Batteries-W, Gilland and llogan: R. Epps and "W. Harrington. The visitors did not plav tlieir last lanlug: J. D. G. RESOLUTIONS OF THANKS Tendered by Town Council for Efficient Work of Chaingang. Resolutions adopted by the Town Council of Kingstree. Resolved, 1st, That the thanks of the Town Council are due and are hereby tendered to Mr. B. B. Chandler, the county supervisor, fer kindly and considerately bringing the county chaingang to town, and having the canal cleaned out at the time the work was so much needed, and at the time requested by the Council, as by delaying the work the health of the citizens of the town might have been endangered thereby. Resolved, 2nd, That the thanks of the Town Council are due and are hereby tendered to Mr. C. E. Wheeler, the superintendent ot the chaingang, who managed and directed the work, as the entire matter was left to his judgement, and he has done a most faithful mH etillfnl nioi>o nf rortrt. miirh nuu onuiiHi uivw w? ?? ?# j better than the Council could have had done themselve3. John* A. K el ley, WM. T. WlLKINS, M. F. Heller, J. T. Nelson, W. V. Brockinton, Town Council of Kingstree. Meeting of Camp Pressley. Agreeable to the call of the commandant Camp Press ley, U. C. V., met Monday at ji ociock, m., in the court house. In the absence of Oapt. I). E. Gordon, on account of illness. Mr. F. Marion Britton presided over the meeting. Alter devotional c-xercises, conducted by Bev. J. E. Dunlop. a letter was read from Capt. Gordon, stating that he was unable to procure roll of the camp; hence all ? - ? ? - ? M ? 1 I /* /I A l\/I ^11 AP present were euiuucu uiiu uu? collected. On motion four delegates were elected to represent the camp at the State Reunion in Greenville: Messrs. R. D. Rollins, A. W. Flagler, E. T. Moody, G. J. Graham. After the roll is revised if he found that the camp is entitled to more representatives at the reunion it was resolved that the adjutant be authorized to appoint additional delegates. . Following are the veterans present at the meeting} S. B. W. Courtney, J. E. Dunlop, F. M. Bntton, J. E. McElVeen, A. W. Flagler, P. 1. Coker* J. R. Hair. R. D, Rollins, G. J. Graham, T. S. Ard, E. T. Moody, W. C. Snowden, G. P. Nelson. II. 0 Bntton, G. K. Mitehum, W. E. Ammons. Weekly Crop Bulletin. Following is the report from Williamsburg for the past week as furnished the department of agriculture: Williamsburg?Lake City: A fine week for farm work, but entirely too c'odl lor Cotton; the Crops ;tre in good Condition, and look well', 9priiig oats are fine; large quantities of beans, cabbages and cucumbers being marketed; peaches and pears are abundant; potato bugs disappearing?R. D. Rollins. / WANTS INFORMATION About the Operation of the J. D. Fleming Strawberry Deal. The following letter has been received at this office and we pub lish it for the benefit of those who have suffered losses at the hands of the J. D. Fleming concern. New York. May 31, 1902. Editor County Record, KiDgstree, S. C. Dear Sir:?We mail you to-day under separate cover a copy of the "Packer" of Alay 24, containing an article of the J. D. Fleming strawberry deal in your section recently. It not asking too much we would like to have you send us any further information regard ing the operations of the Fleming concern down there, also give us the names or nut us in corresDond ence with such of his creditors who have not been paid. We would also like to know whether or not Hollaway settled with the remaining shippers who were forced to take payment on account. We assure you that any information you can give us on this matter will be gratefully accepted. Trusting to hear from you at once, we are, Yours very truly, The New Yoke Packer,' Wants the Institute. Editor County Kecord:? Drtar Sir: In regard to the Farmers' Institute I for one say we should have it by all means. I have consulted with several farmers around here and they agree with mp. I think that we should be glad to accept anv thing that is calculated to advance the farming interests, as we all know that farming is the most important industry in the world. Just stop all the farms and see how long the world would stand. Notice the effects of short crops last year. Let us have the Institute, and let all the farmers show their appreciation of the same by attending its sessions. I have no doubt that every one who will attend will be benefitted. We hope to see old Williamsburg second to no county in the State in its rank as a farm ing county. The prospect for a good crop is very promising sd far in this part of the country. There lias been a good deal of sickness in this neighborhood, but I think they are all improving now. J. T. Frierson. Mouaons, June 2nd) 1902. Dr. A. M. Snider is iu Lake City this week. Mr. H. W. Wilson is registered at the Myers House. Mr. J. C. McElveen, of Spring Bank, is in town today. Miss Lula Myers is visiting relafivAia ?vnrl fripiuls in frPurcretoWtl. LeRoy Lee, Esq., visited Florence yesterday on professional business. One of our successful farmers, Mr. Will Riley, was married last night to Miss Anna J?lwell,a charming young lady. The ceremony was performed by Rev. John G. Beckwith. Bamberg Cor., The IState? June 4. News comes from Lake City t lat on yesterday a disastrous hail storm visited the Mathews neighborhood and caused much damage. Tobacco especially is seriously injured and much of it will have to be ploughed up. | u on niiii | ^ In charge of ? k, W. L. BASS, Esq. ^ Mr. R. H. Singletary is attending court in Florence this week. Rev. J. E. Kushtou is away on a trip to Florence and Darlington. Mr. Julian Wilson, of Indiantown, passed the day 011 Tuesday with us. The pass track at this place will be extended, so we are informed by a railroad man. Quite a good many of our young folks attended the picnic at Bass' Bridge Tuesday of this week. Dr. Williams returned from Colleton a few da.vs ago. His mother, whose illness called him away, was somewhat improved. Rev. S. S. Gasque stopped over here Thursday oh his wav home to Lilisville, N. C. He had been on a visit to his son in Jackson ville, Fla. Mr. Georgp McWhite and fan> ily, ot St. Andrew's Bay, Florida, spent a day last week in town, Mr. McWhite is in the turpentine business and is succeeding. He was formerly from Florence county. Prices on beans and squashes are holding up well and shipments of these Vegetables are being made in large quantities. Some cucumbers are now going forward, the movement having been started by Dr. Hinnant the first of the Week. Oops in this section are in excellent condition and are doing well, cotton is small) owing to the cool nights', and bud worms have I injured corn to some extent. We are just now in need of a little rain, this being the second week I since we had a nything like a good shower. Maj. S. M. Askins and Capt. J. J. Morris went down to Mouzous on Black river last Monday and Captured quite a nice lot of I - * n .i / Dream) reaoreasr, eic. com 01 the gentlemen enjoy fishing and are usually very successful. Maj. Askins is an expert with a j "jigger" .Capt. Morris says the Major will not eat a fish caught by any other means. The scarcity of bean and squash baskets is becoming serious to our truckers. All on hand and all that can be procured are being rapidly used in shipping. Several days ago offers of 15 cents were made for 9 cent baskets. So great is the demand that several would probably have paid more but the - 1 - ? . L - t. .. A ..* n .. | oasueis coma noi ue uhu m an* price. The closing exercises of the Lake City School took place on Tuesday evening. May 27th. The attendance was large, numbering several hundred. Of course the Planters Warehouse, where the exercises were held, was not packed, as to do that wotold require many thousand. The occasion was a thoroughly enjoyed and enjoyable one. The programme was i an attractive one consisting of * 4] *v' 49 if \ N plays, recitations, drills, tableaux, music, etc. The little folks acquitted themselves well and reflected credit upon their teachers, Mr. and Mrs. M. L Chandler. The town council at a meeting held Monday night resolved to build a new guard house to take the place of the one burned last week. They will biild on the town lot at the end of McAllstef Street. Two buildings will be put up, one the guard house and the other a house in which to store tools, oil, etc* The council en^ * ?. _ i l largea ine town 101 uy purcnasing from Mn J. J. Morris the land ex* ? tending from the old lot to McAl* ister street. GRAND JURY PRESENTMENT For the Term of Court Beginning ; May 26, 1002, State of South Carolina, t Williamsburg County, f To His Honor, J. C. Klugh* presiding Judge. Miy tefm of Court 1902. We, the Grand Jury, beg to submit this, our presentment: We have passed upon all bills hand- . . ed out to us by by our worthy Solicitor with due and deliberate considetation. We have examined the jail and its surroundings and find the jail In an unsafe condition. There were some escapes from jail a few days ago. We recommend that some repairs be made on jail that prisoners may be held when placed in jail. We would reeom mend that the jail he tefloored and receded over head, inside of the lattice work with lj^ inch lumber, tongue and grooved and nailed crossways of the flooring and celling that there now in the jail. It has been brought to our notice that Hester Ilarler and Elmore Eaddy are now living in adultery, and Evauder Graham, Stepney Graham and Abram Ranna are witnesses. It has also been brought to our notice that Lynch's Lake, a navigable stream of AVilliatasburg cou??ty. is obstructed ? by a fish trap owned by N. L. Cox and R. II. Cox and that D. W. Altuian, S. L. Altman, A. J. Altaian and N. D. Poston are witnesses. rt ? I r? xne committee uppuiutcu a\> niw k?i term of court to examine the offices* &c. will make their report at the next tetra of the court* We extend out hearty commendation to our Solic.cor for the Vigorous mam net in which he discharges his duty, aud to Your Honor we extend our heatty thanks and appreciation for the kindness and courtesy shown us, and the able charges of law given us by you, which so well enabled us in our attempt to discharge our duty* Respectfully) J. J. GKAHAM. Foreman. May 27th, 1902. r Mrs. P. A. Fichtner and daughter, Miss Lottie, returned last week to to their home in New Haven, Conn., after a visit of some months at the home of Mr. M. F. Heller, who is Mrs. Fichtrter's brother, Kingstree isMrs. Fiehtner's former home and, like everyone else who has ever lived here, she Was de* lighted to return to the old town. Some time ago we bought 7f? yearly subscriptions to the "Winner Magazine" to give away to our subscribers. These are all exhausted and the offer is withdrawn. We still have a limited number of the "American Farmer' to give away 011 the same conditions, viz., to every one who pays $1.00 on subscription. Jn order to get thi^vah liable farmers' magazine free we advise that you come forward at once and pay up. . Mr. J. M. Jacobs, of Charleston, spent Sunday in town with his parents. . ( C O . y ' a*