rm-r- r-i : :,v . Ttye Craitdt^ ILtcottLj . ! i PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT | 1 KINGSTRKE* S. C. j C. W. WOUFEj Editor and .Proprietor. GEO. S. BARR, 1 Associate Editok. ( ( THURSDAY. MAY 29. 1002. ( Rev. A. 0oke Smith, of the Meth- J1 odist church, lias been made a j ] bishop. This-is an honor well be- , atowed and.one that will be worthily ( worn. * The town of Union waa struck bv 'c i a terrible tornado last Sunday afternoon. Three people were killed J out right and. seven seriously wound- y ed.. It is the most awful disaster ^ ?hat has ever visited the town, J ( dwAllincrR and stores being I u??uy w torn into kindling wood. : Epps Etchings. | I Mr. E M. Fluittj.oue of our popular young men, spent last Sunday cwith friends at Cedar Swamp. Rev. S. J. McConuell filled his < regular appointment at Beulah last $ Sunday morning. v Misses Rosa. Rhina and Omie Burrows, of Fowlers, were the guests of fclie faniily of Mr. J. H. Iiauna, Jr, 1 hast Sunday. 1 Messrs. Cr. B; Patrick and C. 0;' ( Procter two popular young, men of t he Fowler's section, attended church i here on last Suuduv. ; " Bill-bugs are playing havoc with ^c corn in this section. One of our farmers caught 740 in about 3 hours j and said if they continued to iutre&se lie thought he would be able tp ship a few car-loads soou, i Mr. and Mr a. John M. Eaddy, of fowlers, attended church here last Sunday. We would be glad to have ^ such men as. Mr. Eaddy with us J" Jtore regularly in. our Sunday school. : V s- \ ' t t Much success to you, Mr. Editor, rj anu to The County. 11ecord. Blue Steel., ,m , ^ j Change of Base, \ 8 Barr &. Co. desire to inform j Iheir customers that Jliey wiljj , move their place ot business from ( Alain, their present location,, to e Academy street,.within the next ten days.. In the meantime they are. selling.their elegant stock ot r groceries at or. near cost in order:e to save trouble of moving. Mail Service u I requires physical and mental j ability of a high degree to ; : ' withstand its hard labors. The J ^ high tension to which the ' j nervous system is constantly a . subjected, has a depressing ef- I feet, and soon headache, back- | : ache, neuralgia, rheumatism, t ; sciatica^etc., develop in severe ' fcna. Such was the case of \ Mail Carrier S. F. Sweinhart, of Huntsville, Ala., he says: "An attack of pneumonia left me with muscular rheumatism, headache, i ' and pains that seemed to be all over ^ roe. I was scarcely able to move for , ' about a month when I decided to give i Pain Pills i j and Nerve Plasters a trial In three ( , i days \ was.sgaia on mv route and in .: T . ' two weeks I was free trom pain and gaming in flesh and strength." Sold by nil JDrucciats. I Or. MUm Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind' } t CHAT FR^M THE CAPITAL. rostrum and addressed the con yen'ion in an interesting anc characteristic speech of a hal lour's length. THE WILLIAMSBURG DELEGATION. All the Williamsburg oelega inn were in their places when 1h< convention assembled except Mr t i wt v / Vvi UOSey. IU [. U . U. vmm >1 n; shosen Jo fill his piace and tht Jelegation was as follows: K. D Kollir.s, C. W. Wolfe, W. H. Ivea led.v, A. li. Williams, P. S. Wall E. F. Prosser, T. ?. Walters ant W. E. Cn the committees on platlorrr md resolutions, and constitution ind rules. This morning Capt. Kenned) dr. T. E. Salters went home vhile the rest of the member: nsited Charleston to swell the hrong of sight seers at the 141 von Jily*' on Wagner Day. c. w. w. THE TEMPLE OF JUSTICE. nd R W. Haynes, Esq., of Berkeley onducted the defense. The Judge in tructed the jury to tind a verdict o: iot guilty, on-the ground that, the qties ion cf'title was involved and the cast ould not i>e determined by this court This-being the last case on tin locket the Court adjourned. ; Dots From Coleman Road J ti As I. have never seen any thin* n your paper from, the Colemat ^oad neighborhood- L will en leavor lo give you a lew items On accouijt of the very promsing crop< in our community thi: spring,.the farmers are much en iouraged after last year's failure The health of our cominunily s exceptionally good. A Ladies Aid.'Society was organized at Corinth Presbvteriai diurch about two weeks ago wit! very prospect of success. Tlx >fficers elected were, Mrs. J. J. B Montgomery, President;.Miss Melie Ferrell, Vice President;. Mis? tfeilie May Montgomery, Secreary; Miss. Iienrie Montgomery Treasurer. Miss llosalie Montgomery, wht is leaching school at Heineman pent Saturday night at home. Mrs. L. B. Reynolds, who is vis iting her sister,Mrs. J; J. B.Mont romery, spent several days ii Charleston last week seeing tlx exposition* Messrs Clarence and-Alex Mont;omery visited the exposition several dafs last week. A*good many of our Coleman xoad folks attended communion ervices.at Richlank. church, yes erday. Miss Hcnrie Montgomery loft his morning lor an extended visii o relatives and friends in tht ialem neighborhood. Tl)e Greeleyville baseball tearr )layed Workman Saturday alter toon with a victory for Greeie.vdlle. All the girls on the Colenan-Road heard the happy eheer> >f the Greeleyvilie boys returning tome. Mr. 11. D. Ferrell,.who it aplain of the team, is aColemur load citizen. A Sunday -School was. organzed several weeks ago at theMul)errv School house. It seems tc _ ji ie uourisniug. Our cemmunity was very mucli mddened by lire sad death of Mis; iosa Brown. The Brown family ived for several vears anions us nui they have tlie sympathy ol he entire community. If this does not find its way !( he waste basket I will write njrain ^Boscji uF. HOSES'' Alkahest Lyceum. Mr. W. C. Zeiglcr, of Blaekville. or fani/cd a branch of. tlir Afkehesl ycenni burr an here last Thursday light wltli 14 members. Qipt..J, A \etli\y was elected president and 1. Stoll. secretary. The purpose ol he organization is to secure for- tin roining fall some choice selections ii he way of musical on e'tuinmentsaiu liirli class lectures. This is a com n'endable movement and should b< *cked by the support of our eitizens ive hope to see many new member; : moiled ju the iyyeuuu. H " 1 f 1 . V ' CANDIDATES' CARDS. [Cards of candidates for county offices will be published in this column until the first primary i election for $;{! cards of candidates fot Congress 1 |o. For the second primary candidates' notices f will is.-published for naif price. To receive attention all announcements mast be paid for in ] advance.] FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE, j J I hereby announce a cantll- I . for tliu Ili.ncu of Vunri>8 ! t U.IIV. I"I ...V- v.. -"-I - ? ? , s and pledge myself to abide by the > result"' of the Democratic primary P. S, Wall. 1 t . i , FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. J 1 1 hereby announce my self a candi- 1 - date for the office of County Commit- I ? sioner, subject to the rules of the > Democratic primary election. t P. D. Cook field. r t 1 I hereby announce m\self a candi- r date for re-election to the office of j ' County Comi?iis"ionev, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. If re- | elected I shall endeavor to keep the r office up tc a high standard of ] i efficiency. R. D. BLAKE LEY. ? FOR SUPERVISOR. ' I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of ' County-Supervisor, and pledge myself 1 to abide by the result of the Demo- 1 crutic primary and to support the j nominees thereof. ' B. B. Chandler, j 1 Subject to tbe rules of the Democratic * f primary election, we hereby announce * . .1. J. Graham a candidate for County 5 3 Supervisor at the ensuing primary l . election. Voters. j I hereby, announce my candidacy for the office of County Supervisor at the coming primary election. I pledge myself to abide by tbe result 01 saia. | election ami to support the nominees , j thereof, 5. M. Venters. * Having, served the people of Williamsr hurg couutv two years as County Com-" missiouer. and feeling that the cxpe" rience acquired during., my. term of - office qualifies me to render efficient < .. service in a higher capacity, I hereby announce myself a candidate for ' County Snpervi.-or, pledging myself to ' i ahidc by the decision, of. the primary ? election. A. M. Cook. . '? The many friends of Mr. C. E. ] WHEELEIt. appreciating his many 1 high qualifications for the office, hereby annouuee him as a candidate , f.?r County supervisor at the ensuing - Democratic primaries, pledging, tliem, selves that he will abide by the result ( . thereof. ] i > ?????????????? FOIV AUDITOR. 1 Having faitli in the integrity arid I , ability of the Hon. .1. Davis Carter, we hereby announce him a candidate for - Auditor, subject to the action of the , Democratic primary. Many Friends. Pledging myself to abide by there- j suit of tbe Democratic primaty elec- j y tion, I hereby announce rav candidacy < for the appointment of Auditor of Williamsburg county. t * II. G. ASK IN 5. ( I .hereby announce myself a candi- \ \ date for annointincnt as Auditor of > WilliamsburK-County, subject to tl?o < decision and rules of. the Democratic 1 primarv ejection, J J, WESLEY COOK. ! 1 _ ??mm??mmmm? ?mMM?> MMMmrn^rnmM < Wicthrop College Scholarship and i Entrance Examinations. 1 a IT.1 f 1.a .IT...,r,l r\f I 1 lie C.X.'lllllll.lLUMIS U1I lilt <111(1111 VI I " vacant scholarships in Winthrop Col-- 1 lego and fee the admission of i.ew students wUI be held at the County Court. House un Friday, July lltb, at ! 9-a. in. ? Applicants roust not be less than fifteen years of age.. When scholarships are vacated after ' July llili, they will be awarded to those making tlie highest average at J this examination. ^ The next session will open September 17, 1902. ' For further information and a cata logue address Pres. I).. B. Johnson, ? liock.Hill, S. C. GRAND OPENI Spring Clothing ' Hats and Furnishings, r You will find here the very newe up-to-date Suits, Furnishing Good Hats. We make a specialty of extra-siz< and Slim Suits. On receipt of your letter we wil you-swatches of Suits if you are inte in any. In our tailor department we over 500 samples for you to select yoi _ or extra Pants from. Suits made to your measure from $15 Pants from $3 to 12. All >IailOrders promptly, attende > a special salesman. : H. Browt ! fflSHE CLOTHING Uli! j Opposite Academy o. Music. 224itiugStreet,, Charleston,S, Notice of Sale. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. District of South Carolina. In the matter of Charles J. Leslie, Bankrupt. Pursuant to an order issuing out of the District Court for the eastern district of South Carolina and signed by lis honor. Win. H. lira w Icy, judge thereof, bearing date May 3, 1902. 1 will oner ior saie oeioro cue euurc louse duct at Kingstree, South Caroina, within the legal hours of sale, on .lie first Monday in June, 190*2, the' ohnwing real estate of the said bank npt, Charles J. Lc>esn?\ to-wit: All hat certain pieee, parcel or lot of land ying, being and situate in the town of Kingstree,county of Williamshurg and itate of South Carolina, containing 16 eet fronting Main street. Hounded Mirth by Main street, east bv lot of Dr. W. L. Wallace, south by lot of M. E. Thompson and west by lot of estate of Dr. S. C. C. oiciiardson. Terms cash, purchaser to pay for ?aper. EDWIN L. IIIRSCH, Hay 7, 1902. 3t Trustee. NoticeAll voters ot Lee Township, County >f Williamsburg, Slate of South Ciroina, are hereby notitied that applieaion has been made to the County Hoard >f Control of said County of Williamsnirgfor tlie location <>f a dispensary at Scranton, in Lee Township, and one at LakeCity, in Lee Township, both in the bounty of Williamsburg, State of south Ca-ulina, and that petitions for Onwinct tlio /if rli< jer.saries will be received by the uuiersigned County Hoard of Control 'or twenty anvs from date hereof. ' * R, A, MURPHY, Chairman. S- M. McCbAKY, P, G. GGURDIX, County Roarvl of.Control. laoa?It. Final Discharge. Notice i? hereby given that on Monday June 2, lhOU I will apply to the Imlire of Frobate of Williamsburg ouuty, for letters of frnal discharge as idniinistmtor of the estate of Mrs. >1. J. MnCiifcch?n HUGH McCUTOHEN, Administrator. Kingstree, S C , May 3. UH)2. 4t Administrator's Notice All persons having claims agains the istate of Adam Mason, ?iecea*e?l, will present the same, duly attested, and Ul l sons indebted thereto will make payment to p. m. Mcknight, >-22-4t * Administrator. Registration Notice. The office of the Supervisors of Registration will he opened on the first Monday in every month for the pur pose of the registering of any person ivho is qualified a* loliows: Who shall have been a resident of die tstate for two years, and of the oRnty one year, and of the polling pre* ' ? ? UJ..U AlTuPg t'l *111 CI HI V? 11 It'll LIIC Livttvi vuvia vy cote four months before the d:?y of . lection, :md shall have paid, six months before, any poll tax then due tnd payable, and who can both read tnd write any section of the constitution of 18!)5 submitted to him by the Supervisors of Itegi?tration, or who . an show that he owns, and has paid ill taxes collectable on, during the present year, property in this State issessed at three Jiundred dollars 01 more. J. J. EARDY, :f Clerk of Hoard. Hymeneal. Married?At Concord church, near Lake City, S. 0. on Sunday, May 25, by Rev. D, A. Calhoun, Mrs. J. E. Cameron to Mr. II. N. Courtney, all of Williamsburg county. The Kecord?10 pages. $1.00. NG ^ ;st. ami i \ s and A !\\ t7 V J ? OUltS J K \ 1 send J\|\ pi * trested / 1 N. \jy. have / 1 XJ^ ir Suit \ to $00. ,; ffl cl toby // i.M r / '* :? ' ,j - ' "V ' J ? BARR&CO. f BROKERS ;[ _an d? - 'v ' pommm mmm UUIIIIIIIUUIUI1 III Sal ' U I II II t I Wl . i We desire to say to our friends and patro?s that >ve are still carrying on business at the old stand,, where we are better than ever before prepared to serve them. This will be perhaps the hardest year that our farmers hare had to contend a'ith since the war, ami feel- j iug this ourselves we are going to make it a study to try to plaee provisions of all kinds in Kingstree for as little niouev as they possibly cau be laid down here tor and sold on a i strictly cash basis. Any business mau knows that Corn, Grits. Bacon, j Molasses. Flour and snob .like aoods. ^ are the same us money. And what our people need in Kings tree is a, nuiu who is able to cope with the outside business world and bring: them to .their, doors as cheap us they, can ge* them. in any market. Ifiis.. can only be done with the nwfiw,. and at the outset we. want to leiLourr customers that it takes mateey tonuii this kind of businc-ssv. U uwe^hnx,- | been attempted hero before*. It is? purely ex.|>erifiiental, and whether it shall succeed or fail depends, upon, the support the people shall give it. In this day and age in order to keep up with the markets of the world a man has to study themand make it a business and get prices way dawn in order to know when and where to buy. With these introductory remarks we want now briefly to tell you some of tl)e goods we bandli\via: CORN, SUGAR, OATS, COFFEE, HAY, CIGARS, GRITS, TOBACCO, MEAL, SALT, STARCH, CANDY, FLOUR, CHEESE, LARD, CRACKERS, BACON, MOLASSES, BUTTER, STAR LYE, SOAP, OIL, CANNED GOOD3. *M*?AAa f A ocux 11 J W a j X'VI JMii^ro i^imuc i/v/ uc. i> v. sell the goods just as low as they can be sold. CORN f We are prepared to sell corn for future delivery. Prices can be fixed now to ruu till May at oue uniform price. Price to-day, 95c per bushel. 1 BACON ' This is a special line with ns, and if you give us your business, be it large or small, we will watch your interests. FLOUR Wc buy only in car lots ar.d in prices we lead, and never tollow. |RIC? and PEARL GRITS I We deal largely in Rice and Pearl Grits. Can save you money. Try us., SUGAR and COFFEE It Coffee and Sugar we venture to say we can sel 1 as cheap as they cau bo I sold in the State. OATS and HAY Oats and Hay always on hand; GROCERIES We deal iii all kinds of Groceries! aud are always prepared to give you the lowest- market price. Always come to us for Groceries, and rest assured you will be at headquarters in Kingstree for everything we handle.. : BARE & CO.. f ... . .