LIVE ITEMS OF NEWS.! A\any Matters of General Interest In Short Paragraphs. The Sunny South. I The Masons of Memphis. Tenn., monopolized Admiral Schley's third day's stay in that city. A revolver duel in a gambling hall at El Paso. Tex., resulted in the death of "Sheeney" Harris. A jump from a third-story window ended the life cf Mrs. Martha A. Fennell, at Baltimore. Md. After killing his grand-daughter. Mary Awfield. at Butler. Tenn., William Rogers committed suicide. A new hotel at Alburguerque. N. M., has been offered the Seventh Day Adventists for a sanitarium by the Santa Fe Railroad. J. A. Diffenbaugh. Passed Exalted Ruler of the Elks of Baltimore. Md.. and a prominent Mason, attempted suicide by cutting his throat and wrists. An engine and 12 cars ran away aown a mountain ui-ur oagiua?, ?niern North Carolina, and William Button. engineer in charge, was instantly killed. The Democrats of Manchester. VaT, have nominated H. A. Maunce for Mayor; Chailes L. Page, for Commonwealth's Attorney, and J. G. Saunders, for Seargeant. News has been received in Petersburg of the burning of the stables and barns of Mrs. Rosa Bowers in Sussex county, with a large quantity of feed and all farming implements. Three fine horses and two cows were burned to death. The fire was of incendiary origin. Great Falls Cotton Mills Co. of Fall3 City, Tenn., is repairing the damage to its plant caused by the floods of last month, and expects to have the plant in operation in two months. Mill has 4000 ring spindles and 130 looms. At The National Capital. Revenue collectors during March were $21,227,535. The Government has officials at Boise, Idaho. investing Surveyor General Ferrault. A complimentary dinner was given Secretary of the Navy Long by his bureau chiefs, at Washington. D. C. * The Lakeside Club, of Chicago, 111.. sent a representative to Washington. D. C., to ask the President to be its guest next fall. At The North. The Granite Trust will purchase thp , six quarries of Wisconsin. Governor Odell. of New York, start- j ed on a long Western trip. j Burglars secured $700 from the safe ! of Brand & Wubben's store at St. Paul Minn. The jury trying Walter N. Dimmick 1 for stealing $30,000 from the mint at | San Francisco. Cal., failed to agree. A gas explosion in Sunnyside coal mine, near Louisville, Col., killed one man and injured three. Edwin S. Cramp and John B. Drexel, of Philadelphia, have been elected JJireciors 01 me American uiesei c,u- j gine Company, of New York, control ofwhich has been acquired by the Intelnational Power Company. The First National and Metropolitan National Banks, of Chicago, 111., are about to merge, the united institution to be the second largest in the country. Mrs. Sarah Lynch was found shot to death at Cleveland, 0.. and her husband. who protests his innocence, is charged with the murder. Miscellaneous Matters. The Fins are stoutly resisting Russian recruiting. J. C. Cain, formerly accountant and registrar in* Winnipeg. Manitoba, has been arrested on charges of forgery, amounting to ?10.0fi0. In a fire which destroyed their house, Thomas Hill, his wife, three children and a hired man were burned to death at Hull, Quebec. The schooner yacht Hildegarde arrived in New Yoik from Havana, with her owner, E. R. Coleman, of Lebanon. Pa.; his wife and several friends on board. The reunion of the United Confederate Veterans closed at Dallas. Texas. The Southern Educational Conference. in session at Athens, Ga., reelected Robert C. Ogden president. At the execution of Henry Sehaub. In Newark. N. J., the murderer's head vhs almost torn from his body. The plan for issuing 5 per cent, bonds instead of 7 per cent, preferred stock of the United States Steel Corporation was announced. Miss Ida May Hubbell died at New Haven, Conn., from a spinal injury caused by a practical joker five years ago. William Rogers, of .Tohnson county. Tennessee, killed himself and his granddaughter. Miss Mary Awfleld. Four girls have been awarded the estate of Daniel Conklin in White Plains, N. Y. The workingmen of the Chicago and Alton shops, in Bloomington. 111., i.) the number of 2.000, have signed an agreement to abstain from meet for thirty days. They are hopeful that every woringman in the country will fallow their example. The promoters of the movement think that the plan will strike a blow at the Beef Trust PROMINENT PHYSI (V^j OF WASHIt ? U. li. C liamueriia, .u. u., wnua iruc "Many cases have come until < has bene/lted and cured. Therefo f catarrh and a general tonic."? Medical Kxarolner U. S. Treasury. Dr. Llewellyn Jordan, Medical Examiner of U. S. Treasury Department, graduate of Columbia College, and who served I, throe years at West Point, has the I ira 1 following to say of 7 ffV "Allow me to exi A$r ,, press my gratitude , to you for the "benefit derived One short month rr' $2*^ has brought forth - yn //' 1 11 va myself a well man e a e ? aft<-r months of Notes of Progress. Drayton Mills of Spartanburg, S. C., has filed application for charter capital stock being placed at $250,000. Bocks of subscription are now open, and the stock is being rapidly taken by local investors snniP of whom are officers of other cotton factories. Arch B. Calvert. mentioned recently as proposing an enterprise of this character, is the piomoter. Incorporators are Mr. Calvert, M. F. Floyd, W. A. Law, John B. Cleveland, W. E. Burnett and A. L. White. | Brenham Cotton Mills of Brenham, Texas, will build a mill to have equipment of 5000 spindles and 160 looms for the production of the coarser grades of oloth. This company was reported last week as organized, with capital of $150,000. D. C. Giddings. Jr., can be addressed for particulars. The Board of Trade of La Grange, Texas, is endeavoring to organize a company for the purpose of building a cotton factory. Messrs. John Killough and Alex. Rosenberg have been appointed a committee to visit mills in tbe State and report on the feasibility of the project. H. M. Shaw and associates of Oxford, N\ C.. contemplate the establishment of a knitting mill, and Mr. Shaw invites correspondence relative to the cost of equipment, selection of charac;er of product, and other information. Messrs. H. F. Douglass. B. F. Hamil:on. H. G. Beard, Columbus Lytal and F. P. Stearns have incorporated the Shawnee Cotton Textile Co. of Shawnee, 0. T.. for manufacturing cotton products. The capital stock is $100,000. " I was very poorly an,oro???o?.o??or,oy.orJotec8 ! I fAPUDINE | | * LaUKlPPE, COLDS, ETC. o If Docs Not A fleet the Heart. *0 ? Sold by Diucgists, 15 an i 25c bottle. H \ o'*oaosaamBtty ! Irtife rgg 'H Pf? 11 CP of ererr AMCrlpHon. B*V , ...... i CUhLLO lnf*ctmn Ouarin'eod. Write for jrl' i*. JKSSE MAKDE3 I ii* . 4 L * ' v A ^ ^ " '^W ^ l*a perfectly l:armlcs? vcpi taU'e compound. Jtprst. lively ami tcrraaner.tly HdiIii. te* corpulency and fujwrfluou* fietdi. It l.->a ft'H K AIIHlLl'Tt and an I,armlet-* as fretb alr.'I houaanrtsof patlenc? have used tblstreatuiriit. 1 hvsitlaincudor-eIt. Wiltetoiisfor FKV KTKKATMK.M'. Send Ten Crnt* tocover t-osiaee. etc. Crrrespi ndcncc strictly confidential. Everything In plain si alt d package*. We send you the torrnula.lf you takoiur treatment, and you can make "Keducto'at home If yot: dealt e;kt.o? nit the Inuredlent* need nave no fear ?.f evil efltet*. Address, (ilnicngllii'ui.l o..37UlbJelTAvent LouU->lu ctuirT rnrrv cj-.i, I n?:.? Cn.m I Off ir I IKCCIV 31UIK (lliu Udil J i dim. j C rHas for sale a larg?-number of I ,t? X ** . fyV nice young registered a.J.C.C. I i vflk. bulls and Heifers, l(. J^Sst-iv (Xone better bred In the south. rAJCiiN jL/ Combining close y the most I'/vv A/ noted and up-to-date blood u\ W /)1 in America Hulls 10 to 12 * months old. 825-00. Heifers, same aw. 8-&UU. PoLA.ND-CH Xa PIOs. $.">.oo each. I Seud check and get what you want. T. I*, ii It A rs VV lL,I? I'rop . IJultleboro. X. C. ror the race . v-^x Of life, you know, Zfr. ?\ Red Seal Shoes Are all the go. I Enclose 2-cc:it str:mp for particulars. B Address SCOn REMEDY CO., Louisville. Ky. H WHEN' WRITING MENTION THIS PATER. M CURES WHIRE ALL ELSE FAILS. a Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use H In time. Sold by druggists. *1 lascmgcaasiHZBpi M" cALLEH S BOSTCESS COLLEGE, SaSSSuccessful School. No malaria. Catalogue free. wtt ! -fS ^ Prevented by Shampoos and light dressings of emollient skin cures. T stops falling hair, remo dandruff, soothes irrita stimulates the hair follii with energy and nourisi hair grow upon a swec scalp when all else fails. MILLIONS USE I Assisted by Cuticura Ointment, for ing the skin, for cleausing the scalp of stopping of falling hair, for softening, and sore hands, for baby rashes, itehin; poses of the tojlet, bath, and nursery. Soap in the form of baths for anno] excoriations, for too free or offensive pi ulcerative weaknesses, and for many m gest themselves to women and mothers, emollient properties derived fro.n Citi on re-it of cleansing ingredient*, and tin No other medicated soap is to be compni and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair domestic toilet 9oap, however expensive purposes of the toilet, bath, and nurser One Price, the best skiu and compli baby soap in the world. Complete External and Internal' Consisting of Cimcor i Hit X'i'ftU'P'K*?*. ami scales, and soften I \ tpncsirassfc-sBsusi "L,?rN< > dia ami cleanse the biood i he -bet it>fi th0 ti,rttll1l.g< scalp,and blood humours, i ashes, itching.-..a> ?i fails. Sold throughout the world. British Uejw Depot: 5 Rue lie la 1'aix, Paris. Porrtit 1?ki C?ttcto>a Resolvent Pii.:.s (Choc date Coatei etibHtitutc ?or the celebrate.'. liquid CtrniT'B i !.' ? j and humour cure*. Put up in screw-cap pockH cl&hPu.teorealUjrr.tlvc, anticeptic. tonic, ami cits est, moat successful aal economical blood aad okii I yet compounded. i M .-jl Sold l>jr 63 Douglas Stores in 0 American cities, and the best. iB rel"''' s'"-oe dealers everywhere, m S Caution! The genuine hare J W. L. Douglas' name aad peace 8! stamped on the bottom. Aoiieetncreoie <1/ a4.'? In table below s 19^^j259j75^olrs^ 1WH ?720 Pairs. j Cuslness More Than Doubled In Four Years. I W mnc2?uuSt's and wild mere men'* $3JBD U and $.VO?:ioes ihltn any other twotuaautactarertL 1 W. I,. Douglas $3.00 and $"..50 shoes nlared aide by eldo with $5.t . A SlN'Gl.K SKTl- often sufficient to cut* .Cv'tidn^, Itclit' g, liarniii^', ami scaly skio, I Irritations, with loss of liti'.r, wbcu a'li clao t: 27-'2\ Cliaiturhmi-v1 >c. Curinative, and beyoiK) quest.on chs'purvt, im