The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, April 17, 1902, Image 4

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r. , r N ? Tips (Eminig iRjerord fiJBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT KINGSTREE, S. C. C. W. WOLFE. Editor and Proprietor. GEO. S. BARR,, Associate Editor. THURSDAY. APRIL 17. 1902. WADE HAMPTON. Wade Hampton is dead and South Carolina bows her head in urief, mourning the loss of her best beloved son.. In the 2?eat galaxy of illustrious names that give proud prestige to. the Palmetto State there is none that shines with brighter lustre than the grandold chieftain who peacefully passed away last Friday. With the same sublime courage that marked his conduct on the lield of battle he faced tire last great enemy, Death, and with calm and unruffled spirit answered to the laft dread summons. As in life his great heart was tilled with love for ins people, it is befitting that his last thoughts should be framed into a message of fond remembrance for them all. As soldier, statesman, patriot, hero lie bequeaths to his State a * ? '4 - t* i'.? A * t? nl * t rt d n nrii neriiage 01 lamo inu? i?? x??c-. less and uiore enduring than the legacy ot kings. Knshriued in bhe hearts of his people forever, to coming generations liis life will guide the way to high ideals and noble achievement. Little Rock,.S. C.,Jaiu ro; 19C? A. C. Neilson, Dear Sir:?^You will please send me another month's treatment of your medicine, C. O. D., Dillon, S. t'. It has done me more good than anything 1 have ever taken. I am stronger and can eat anything with out giving ine any trouble. Sleep well and have not that fullness of head and don't feel nervous. Please > ..v.. .... >t*UU wi/ll iV? jwu^gi/ itn Yours Truly, MRS. ALMA BRITT. For retail and wholesale call on J)r. I). C. Scott KingstreexS* (J.. Tribute to Wad# Hampton. At a meeting of;the citisen* of Sailor*. S. , the f<tllowiug triljutc of wu? passed in retard to the death of ?lcn. Wade Hampton. Whereas Ood in Hi* all wise providence has remove*! from oar midst that grand old hem. Matcsman and Christian gentleman, Gen. Wade Hampton. Resolved, Is;, "Vbatiu the death of Geu. Hampton a great luau h?a> fallen, audone who has done more for South e'arulia Until aii^other nutn living or dead. Resolved, 2nd, That in the death of Gen. Hampton our State has met with the IrrejKiruble loss of a hrave. wise aiul'prudeiit eoum-elor. Resolved, Slid, That a copy of this tribute of rvsjvot be sent to the COl'NTi HKCUKH for publication. Expovturp Rates. On Tuesdays durng the nioi:;h of April a r-to o' fl. ?x? for round flip ticket appijes. Tickets g.xxl for tliav du> ^ uu Tuesday* an<t Thursdays regular round trip i ickc* goon for live (lays, are sold, at $1. To. T''!> da tickets, good for any day, an.- sold fpr ri i?.. Tickets good till J uno 2. $2. SKI. L'l>JL!M'!a Oil for the Children. Give them oil?cod-liver oil. It's curious to sec the result Give it to- the peevish, fret^ Jul child, and. he laughs^ Give it to the pale^ anaemic child* nnr? his farf? hpmm? rnsv and full, of health, Take afhtchested child, or a child that) has stopped growing, give him the oil, and he will grow big and strong like the rest. This is not a, new scfc-enxc; It has bcea dime fct years. Of course: you musk use khe right, oil.. Scott's. Em is the one^ Scott'$, Emulsion) neither tooks nor tiastesslike oil! because we are so careful in; making it pleasant to take. Send for free sample. ,^TT & UOWNE. Ckwita. 4?, p?vl 3t? N. T. Syc*pdfi,oqi _ ? Cades Chronicles. The base ball club met Saturday for practice. I)r. Grant and son, of Conway, are visiting relatives bore. Mr. W. J. Nelson, is visiting friends I at Indiantown this week. Mr. W. E. Xesmilh, made a short j t3ip to Marion county last week. All the passenger- trains last week 1 were crowded with. pleasure seekers, j T T ...,a U T>t\V ! .n i >. J"*, u. J a? uu IUIU jki.-'ILI n"? j returned Friday from u trip to Charleston. > Mr. W. M. Smith, has been indisposed f?>r some days, but Is better at this writing. Mr J. N. Sauls spent a part of la?t week in Charleston on business and pleasure. Miss Estelle Ilaselden. of Lake City, is visiting tiie family of Dr. J. (>. Haselden. Mr. .7. II. Grant, attended the exposition last week. Mr. Grant reports a very enjoyable trip. Miss Cora Davis, a charming and attractive young ladv of Florence, is on a visit to friends in town. A party of friends hereabouts enjoyed a tish supper one night las: week at the hospitable home of Dr. J. Q. Ilaselden. Capt. Ed Wheeler is erecting a dwelling on Kailroad street, which when completed will be a valuable addition to the town. Mr. Cooper Scurry, of Georgetown, was on our streets Saturday. Mr. Scurry is a former resident of Cades and has many friends here. We are reliably informed that the building ?f tie 'phone line from Cades to Kingstree wilksoo-i lie commcnccdu rnnoimm it inn devouilv to be hotied. Heavy shipments of corn, flour, bacon, grits and fertilizers continue to come in daily. From this it seems tint there is some money or a mighty good credit in the county. To replace the immense pile of saw dust marking the former site of Wheeler's mill with a modern, dwelling would be a great improvement, This is meiely a suggestion. Even a vacant lot would be bitter than the laige. towering pile of saw-dust as it appears at present. The weather of the pa*t week with its high winds and cold nights suggested March and not April* On the J morning of the 9th. 1 heard the first t note of a whippoorwill. that weird j harbinger of spring. I have not heard j heard him since, however, so he must i have been chilled from the effects of j his serenade. Our truck farmers were somew hat I ' disturbed by the recent chil'v weather,: j but beans and other vegetables seem ' to have stood the cold remarkably well. I We understand that Mr. J. J. M. j Graham, a very thrifty planter, whose j farm is adjacent to this place, has al, ready shipped a few* crates of truck. | Who can beat or equal this'i Letter to Mr. L\ 15. THORN,. Kino tree, S. U. Dear Sir: lis not a specnlntion to [ Ideal in securities paying a regular i ; income. and none whatever to pnint your residence with the Longman Martinez Pure Paints. Your home will be attractive and unlike s-ny other. The jjaint. is j better, it's absolutely the choicest , t I i production of paint nulls,, and i? thoroughly sa'.isfying and guaranteed I o &e 90, else your parting i j is done over at our expeix>e. Cost J of oar raint when oil is added a! oat $i2G> per. gallon^ X*>. W. V. Crockingtou will gladly r^oote you. Very trulr^ LONSMAS 4 MAUTIXEZ, pAJJWJ M.tfERS. t '???????????-? Final Discharge. Valine-i* he.tjehf given that we willapply t<> tile .Judge of Probate for WiJliamshusg county on Monday, the 5th day of May, 1902,. Sor letters of final discharge a< executors of the-estate of J. Mi Thomas. M. A. & C. Hi THOMAS, Xspeutors. j April hi.. 1902., 4t ! I Foreclosure aad Sale. I jSTATE OK SOUTR CAROLINA, i county ok wili.iamsbcro, Couicp-uk Conn ox. Ti.EAS.. ?! Alton Salters. i i Win. T. Galllard. ) ' Judgement of In obr{i)? in/*-to the ordeft-of-<'out* in ] the above stated rase,. X will seH on. ihe i lirst Monday in May. ii^xt. het'ore- the count house door in Kingstnee, C.. , within the legal hour* 9$ sale, to the | highest bidder for cash,, the tollowiug ! deseribed property. t?ewit: AJJ that; j thattryu-t of. land Wing being;and *it-l tinted near Imliantown chtiroh: in, said | I county, containing Hfty-threQ. acres. | hurting and hounding north, on, the! public r.oad leading; front. Indiuntown , church b? ruion ? liur<tli,.eapt on, lands jot A. J>: Wilson, ?outkonijinek Mingo 1 Swamp and tvest ou lands of J. G. lluqna. G. Jv GRAHA3I, | Sheriff Williamsburg County, CANDIDATES' CARDS, [Card* of candidates for county offices will be published in this column until the first primary election Sur 13! cards of candidates for Congress $5. For the serutul primary candidates' notices i will lie published for half price. To receive at- j tention all announcements must lie (mid for Lu J advance.} FOR SUPERVISOR. The many friends of Mr. 0. R WHBELER. appreciating his many high qualifications for the office,! hjerehy announce him a* a candidate! t'?/Countv Supervisor at tlie ensuing Democratic primaries, pledging them?elvei that, he will abide by the result thereof. FOR AUDITOR. Pledging nir#elf to abide by there-! suit of the Democratic primaiy elec-1 ti?n, I hereby announce ray candidacy for the appointment of Auditor of Wil-I liamsburg county. II. G. ASK INS. I hereby announce myself a candidate for appointment as Auditor of Williamsburg County, subject to the docision and rules of the Democratic primary election, J. WESLEY COOK. PROCLAMATION. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA EXECUTIVE CHAMBER Whereas information has been received at this Department that on the night *f the sixth of April, A. I). 1902. the llarn and Stable, with the contents, belonging to W. T. Hair, in the countv of Williamsburg, was burned, and there being reason t<> believe that the burning was an act of incendiarism. NOW. THERJSFORK, I, M. B. Ml'- j Sweeney. Governor of the State of , South Carolina, in order that justice | may be done and the majesty of the j law vindicated, do liereby offer a reward of One II unci red Dollars for the apprehension and conviction of the person or persons who committed said act of incendiarism. IX TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and caused j the Great Seal of the State to be I ?affixed, at Columbia, tliisTwel'tli! L. S. day of April, A. I). 1902. and iu j the 126th year of the Indcpeud-j ence of the United States of America. M. H. McSWEEXEY. Bv the Governor: M. K. COOPER. Secretary of State. It i j FTsTmnw p'ni'shs I I in your blood? Physicians cull F it flalarial Germ. It can be seen p changing red blood yellow under S microscope. It works day and I night. First, it turnsyourcom- ?: piexion yellow. Chilly, aching ^ sensations creep down your 2 backbone. You feel weak and 3 worthless. ! ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC g I will stop the trouble now. It E enters the blood at once and N drives out the yellow poison, m If neglected and when Chills, H Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen- M eral break-down come later on, E Roberts' Tonic will cure you g then?but why wait ? Prevent fij future sickness. The manufac- Cj turers know all about this yel- fi low poison and have perfected n ttnherts* Tonic to drive it out. B Ij nourish your system, restore ? M appetite, purify the blood, prfe- j< IS vent and cure Chills, Fevers and E ! H Malaria. It has cured thous- B | money back.. This is fair. Try g it. Price, 23 cents. 3 L. R. Johnson. W. S. Lvnch' g ' ?:@:@:?:?:@:?:?:?:?:@ @ ia \( am r- tvuni ?. I Hardw, ! ? Ames' Engines and Soil ? ' - . . w DeLoqeh S? ? Corxtu ? ? ? Cataplete Line ofMachi *>_ A .?T -v Also,, Tobi ? gj* For wbifh we art now p . @ Cortes poade ? ? KAMINSKI HAR @ Vgj. Georgfto* X MchliT3mo @:?:?:?;@:@:@?:@:@:?: Attention Democrats The Presidents of the various Democratic Clubs in Williamsburg county are hereby directed to call a meeting of their respective clubs to assemble at their usual places of meeting on Saturday, April 26. for the purpose of reorganizing. Each club shall elect sc President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, Committee on Registration. a member of theOmnty Executive Committee, and such other committees as to each club may see-n expedient. Clubs will elect delegates to the County Convention, which will meet on the 1st Monday in May in tin? Court House at ICingstree at 12 o'clock. Clubs will be entirled to one delegate for every tw<;?ty-tive nieinl>ers and one j for a majority fraction thereof. The | County Convention will elect delegates! to State Convention, a eounly chairman, a member of the State Executive Committee, and transact all other^ui*iness that may be legally brought before it. A. II. WILLIAMS, County Chairman. Citation NoticeSTATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. WlM.IAMSBURG Cot'NTY. By W. E. Hanna, Esq., Probate Judge. Whereas, B* C. Whitehead made suit to me to grant him letters of administration ox the estate of and effects of Asa Rogerson. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Asa Rogerson, deceased, that they be and appear before m?\ in the Coiirt of Probate to lie held at Kingstree,S.C.,on the 12th day of May next, after publication thnei.Af -it It #kVli.i?L- 5n tKn fnri^nruin fn show,cause if any they have, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand this 31th day of March, anno dorninl, l'.>02. Published 011 the 3d day of April, 1902. in The County Record. W. E. Han.n a, Probate Judge. Ct May 8 Summons for Relief. (Complaint Served.) STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Williamsburg County. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Samuel Yarbo rough, Plaintiff, against Alex Graham. Lambson Graham, Lulsi Cocktield, Mettie Graham, George Graham, Minnie Graham. Sarah Purges*, Haul Graham and Mabel Graham, Defendant*. To the defendants. Alex Graham,' Lamh.>on Graham-. Lula Cockticlvf. Mettie Graham, George Graham. Minnie Graham, Sarah Burgess, Paul Graham and Mabel; Graham: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, of which a copy Is herewith sorted upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to said complaint oil the subscriber, at his office in Lake City. S. C.. within twenty days after the service hereof; exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time Ull'I IUC pWHIItjll 111 ULkjrt UM.IUII will apply to the court for the relief demanded in thiseomplajat. W. L. BASS, Plaintiff's Attorney. March 5. A. I). 1902, To the defendant, George Graham : Take notice that the complaint in this action, together with the summons of which the foregoing is a copy, was filed in the office of the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas for Williamsburg County, in the State of South Carolina, on the 25th day ?t March. A. D. 11)02. W. L. Bass, Plaint iff* Attorney. Attest: B. C. Wbitkhkap,. tit Mtrbtt-Mnyl C. C. P.. W. C. ? inski I are Co., g nfis. ? lers- . @ aw Mate,. @ ? icatal Gin Co?a Gijisv. jgj . V I ? rnery and ITUl Supplies. gj lco> Flue*, jc jc ? j , ? rcpared to accept orders. ece solicited., ? ? ~ ? 'DWARE CO., ? ? 1 rn, S. C. ; ' 9 ' ' ; J BARR&CO. BROKERS ?AND? M/IRQinN MCttrUAHTC uummiuuiuii uii.ui>:iriNiu* We desire to say to onr friends and patroas that we are still carrying on business at the old stand, where we are belter than ever before prepared to serre them. This will be perhaps the hardest year that our farmers hare had to contend with since the war, and feeling this ourselves we ar? goiu?r to make it a study to try to piaee provisions of all kinds in Kingstree for as little money as they possibly can be laid down here tor and sold on a strictly cash basis. Any business man knows that Corn, Grits. Bacon, Molasses, Flour and such like goods are the same as money. And what our people need iu Kingstree is a nun who i* alilp f? ?ono ?-i?h t-hw WV.J.V , outside business wtHd and bring them to their doors as cheap as they can get them in any market. 1 his can only be done with the money, and at the outset we want to tell ourcustomers that it takes money to run this kind of business, It never has been attempted here before. It is purely experimental, and whether it shall succeed or fail depends upon the support the people shall give it. Ill this day and age in order to keep up with the markets of the world a man lias to study themand make it a business and get prices way down in order co know when and where to buy. With, these introdnetorv remarks-we want now briefly to telL you some of the goods we handle,viz:. CORN, SUGAR, OATS, COFFEE, HAY, CIGARS, GRITS, TORAGCO, MEAL, SALT, STARCH* CANDY,. FLOUR, CHEESE, LARD, CRACK ERSv BACON, CLASSES, BUTTER,, STAR LYE, SOAl\. OIL, CANNES ?OOI>3. For prices come] to see v*. We sell the goods just cs low as tbey can. be sold. corn. We arc prepared to sell corn fo? futura delivery. Prices can be fixed now to run till May at one unifosm. price. Price to-day*, 30c per bushel. bacon * This is a speaial line with us, an& if you ?ive us your business, be it large or small, we will watch your interests. FLOUR Wc buy only, in car lots and uv prices we lead, and never tollow. RICE and PEARL GRITS We deal largely in. Ejce- aud Pearli Grits. Can save yorn money.. Try us. SUGAR and COFFEE. It Coffee ami Sugar w.e venture to. say we can sell as cheap as.they can hesold in the State. OATS and HAT Oats and.Hay always on h&adi, \ GROCERIES We deal in- all kinds of Groceriesand are always prepared to. give joiu the lowest market price. Always, come to us for Groceries, and rest assured you will be at headquarters in Kingstree for everything we handle.. BABR. * CO. i I i