The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, April 03, 1902, Image 3

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/ Indostrlooa Danish Children. The children of Denmark are taught to knit when but Ave years old. Even In the public schools this is quite an institution, although the private schools made it an absolute rule, one hour each day being given to that industry. The same rule applies in ibe homellfe, one hour being devoted daily either to sewing, knitting, cro cheting, embroidery or laccinaKins. Nor is this considered sufficient; the 1 young woman of the family is supposed never to be idle, she must always have something on hand to be talccn up. If a chance visitor comes in, or a , friend arrives for the day, both have their needlework with them.?Woman's Home Companion. Poet-Lore chronicles the following examples of "wisdom" from the mouths of babes struggling with examination papers: "'A caesura (in verse) is when a foot has more than two halves; One semibreve equals to two minions, and one crocket four semiskows;" "a palimpsest is a disomnncr notHo in Smith i, fHm " wwc "'"""s ... , and "an optimist is a man who looks : after your eyes, and a pessimist is a man who looks after your feet.'' Earliest Bn*sian Millet. t7Hl you be short of hay? If so, plant a plenty "of this prodigally prolific millet. 5 to 8 tons of rich hay ncr acre. Trice, CO lbs., fl.OO; 100 lbs., jjS.Oh; low freights. John A. baker Seed Co., La Crosse. Wis. A The Christmas tree was first heard of in England about 1444. Best For the Bowels. Ho matter what alls you, headache to a can- I ?er, you will never go; well until your bowels are put right. Cascaekts help naturo, euro j you without a gripe or pain, produce easy natural movements, co3t voa just 10 cents to start getting your health back. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the genuine, put up in metal boxes, every tablet has C. C. C. stamped on ! it. Beware of imitations. Electric cab sendee in Paris has proved very unprofitable. FITS permanently cured. No fits or nervousness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great ; NerveRestorer.$2irial bottle andtreatiscfrea Dr. P.. H. Kline. Ltd.. 031 Arch St.. Thila., Pa. JThe metropolitan police of London look | after 8200 miles o: roads and streets. Putnam Fadeless Dtes are fast to sunlight, washing and rubbing. Sold by all druggists. Shetland's shortest night is fire hours, bat her longest is over eighteen hours. Piso's Cure is the best medicine we ever us??l for all affections of throat am', lungs.?Wm O. Exdsley, Vanburen, Ind., Feb. 10, 1900. Ratio of mortality in Switzerland has decreased one-fourth in thirty years. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, i Lucas County. t" " Fbaxk J. Cheney, make oath that heietbo senior nartner of the iir:n of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum oi one hundred dollahs for each and every case of catabhh that r? ? rtt ?.-* 1 iV the uso Of HaLLS Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me anct subscribed in my . presence, this Gth day of December, 1 seal. - A. D., isso. A. w." cle a sox. ' ? ' Xoiary Public. [ Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney <t Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggisis,75c. Hall's "Family Pills arc the best. Tired O " 1 was very puuriy miu wuiu ? hardly get about the house. I was I tired out all the time. Then I tried I Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and it only 3 took two bottles to make me feel fl perfectly well."?Mrs. N. S. Swin- A 1 ney, Princeton, Mo. Tired when you go to j j; bed, tired when you get up, tired all the time, j Why? Your blood is im- S j pure, that's the reason, j , You are living on the jj border line of nerve ex-1 haustion. Take Ayer's ? ^ 1 i . S l Sarsapariila ana dc g quickly cured. KASSL j ! Ask your doctor what ho thinks of Ayr's {j Sirsaparilla. He knows nil about this Rrand 0 old family medicine. Fc.low his advice aud 8 wo will bo satisfied. l. J. C. Avsa Co., Ixjwell, Mass. So 14 Corn removcs from soil I M fy&A iaroe quantities of ' Potash. The fertilizer ap^ plied, must furnish l-i I enough Potash, or the h~\" \ I laud >4ill lose its proses \ \ I ducing power. SOUTHERN INDUSTRIAL The South In rianufacturinjj. Capt. W. H. Snow of High Point, N. C *bn r.intiow in (hp u-nn/iwririfin? in dustry of that city, reviewing its progress during the past twenty-five years, shows that its population of 300 has grown to one of COOO, of whom 3COO are employed in nearly fifty establishments, receiving about $3500 in weekly wages. More than $2,000,000 are invested in mills in machinery, and most of taht money has been accumulated from industry at High Point. The Wifmicngton Morning Star holds High Point to be a striking illustration of the benefits of manufacturing to a community, not only as a means of liviihood for direct employes, but also for supplies of raw material and food. It finds other illustrations in Greensboro. Charlotte and Fayetteville, and points the general moral that the riciitst community is not the one which produces the greatest quantity of crude material for industry, but the one i which converts that material into some I uoiriui di taiu iui %vun?i iiitic 10 a mand. At many points in the South the truth of this moral is being emphasized. the more significantly because of tbe long career of the South as a producer of the raw material which has been manufactured in.other sections, to their great gain. The South was gradually changing to a producer of i more or less finished articles when war intervened, and it was not until 18S0 and later that its proper pace was set. That it is coming into its own is kfil unOz eueJs.aFJl cmfw cmfw cml , demonstrated by the fact that while 1 the value of manufactured products in the whole country increased 142 per ! cent, between 1S80 and 1900. the value* of manufactured products in the South ! increased in the same period 220 per 1 cent. In the meantime the value of : manufactured products in the South has increased from S per cent, to *1 per cent, of the value of manufactured products in the country. That fact, j taken in connection with the obvious expansion of manufacturing in the ' South during the past ten years shows that much of the increase in its manu- : facturing has been but an increase in ; the first handling of material for more j lucrative manufacturing elsewhere, for, with a population of 23.000,000. the South's manufactured products In 1900 were valued at $1,466,000,000, while the rest of the country, with a population of 53.000.000. produced to the value of ; $11,574,000,000. Still, the South has the proper gait and the rise in recent j years of new industrial centers in near- j ly every Southern State from West ! Virginia to Texas, ami the enlarg?mcnt i of undertakings in older communities, i with the manifest tendency toward [ diversification in manufacturing, indi- j cate the determination of the South to | use to the utmost all of its magnificent j resources for its own enrichment and j far the welfare cf the whole country. : ?Manufacturers' Record. Coolemee JTtlls Developing. The extensive cotton manufacturing enterprise ' of the Ccoleemee Cotton Mills at Cooleemee. N. C., continues to develop towards the ultimate size originally planned. Contracts have just been av.-arderl for the erection of nine- j ty operatives' cottages and five officers' ; dwellings, which will be required for | the additional employes soon to be | needed. These employes will be re- I quired because of Ihe additional 5000 j spiudles and ICS looms just contracted ! for. which latter will increase the full complement to 25.000 spindles and SOO looms. The betterments connected with the improvements will cost probably $100,000, the company's capitalization already being $250,000. The enlarged plant will use about 1100 horse-power, more than half that available from the Cooleemee falls. Later on an electriclighting and a sewerage system will be established, and a 73-barrel flour mill, recently equipped, is already being I operated. E. W. Thomas. suDecintend- ; ent. is now planning to open a night j textile school fo rthe operatives. Wagon Factory For High Point. A High Point. N. C.. special to the j Charlotte Observer says: The High Point Buggy Company has been organized to do business at this place, with a capital of $125,000. The stockholders are J. Elwood Cox. Wescott Roberson and others. Mr. H. A. White is secretary and treasurer of the new enterprise. This will be among the largest wood-working establishments here. It will be located on the Kendlll Improvement Comp, ny's land. Textile Notes. Tavora Cotton Mills of Yorkville. S. C.. v\ 1 increase capital from $10,000 to $65.0li). This company recently succeeded Sutro Cotton Mill Co., having a 6912-spindle plant. Crawford Woolen Co. of Martinsburg. W. Va.. has declared an annual dividend of 20 per cent. Its capital is $50,000, and the surplus at the end of the year's business amounted to $131000. It is proposed to build a $50,000 cotton mill at Chappell Hill, Texas, and a company is now being organized. George W. Carlisle can probably give information. It is stated that New York and Philadelphia parties will establish at Portsmouth. Va.. a muslin mill to employ several hundred hands. Dr. Wm. Schmoele of Portsmouth, can probably inform. H. C. Townsend of Anderson, S. C., states that the building for his $25,000 twine mill, reported last week, will betwo stories high. 80x115 feet in size. The daily product will omount to ?500 pounds, about thirty hands to be eraployed at the start. Electrical power ". ill be used. Houses for the operatives rill L-c built. - - . - f.: i CURES RHEUMATISM AND CATARRH. To Prove It?Medicine Free! Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) kills the poison in the blood which causes rheumatism (bono pains, swollen joints, sore muscles, aches and pains) and catarrh (bad breath, deafness, hawking, spitting, ringing in the ears), thus making a permanent euro after all else fails. Thousands cured. Many Ruffp-ed from 30 to 40 vears. yet B. B. B. cured them. Druggists ?1 per large bottle. To provo it cures, sample of B. B. B. sent free by writing Blood Balm Co., 12 Mitchell St., Atlanta, Ca. Describe trouble and free medical advico given. B. E. Bsent at once prepaid. Silk is the strongest of all vegetable or animal threads. It is three times as strong as a flaxen thread of the same size. ratlcnce and Perseverance. Three million packages of Putnam Fadeless Dyes arc put up every year. To do this necessitates the handling of ono hundred thousand pounds of dvo stuff. The packages aro filled by dipping the dye stuff up with a large wooden spoon and placing in an envelope. Five car loads of dye stuff handled with a wooden spoon! This is accomplished every year by the dozens of young ladies employed by the Putnam Fadeless Dye Co., Unionvillc, Mo. The number of railway employe? of all classes in the United States in 1200 was 1.017,653. New Jersey Skin Tronltles Can't resist Tetterine. "I have been troubled with Eczema four years. Tetterine has done me so much good that I gladly recommend it. Send another box."?VV. C. Fuller. Seminole Cottage. Sea Cliff, N. J. 50c. a box Lv mail from J.T. Shuptrine, Savannah, Ga., it your druggist don't keep it. The new Ameer of Afghanistan has declared against the admission of missionaries tc his country. Tyner's Dyspepsia Itemed? Cures Irregular Heart Action. At Druggists, 50 cents. 1? Id ko 1-nAtT'n kv f It ine janer snuu:u uuw uv. company he keeps. Messrs. W. W. Gregg of Memphis, Tenn., and I. J. Harwcod of Birmingham, Ala., have incorporated the Leeds Woolen Mills, with capital of $50,000, to manufacture wool and engage in merchant tailoring. Cabinet Ministers in Mexico receive $15,000 a year." *?*?** ess* f Capudinec^ls | I Headaches, b * LaGrippe, Colds, etc. jjj 5 Money back If it falls. 15&25o. Ail Drugstores ^ WE PAY R. R. FARE AND VSDEK C5.000 N Deposit, Guarantee Cs adtu-Mtd/ 20U FKKK RCHOI.APKH !!*<?. liOAKI) AT COST. Wrltr (Jr.'.ck to GA.-AI.A. ItrsiNKSM (OI.IKi.K, M A< ON. OA. 250 FREE SCHOLARSHIPS. Apply at once to THE 1.AX IKIl SOI 1HEKX BUSINESS < OLLEGK, Maeou. Oa. Bo kke-p inc. liHUKing. i'OUmni)aui(>. ruuiuinuu. ' l" wrliluK. Telegraphy, Mnthctnatii s, Grammar and business l ot reap. thoroughly taught, hoard t& to < 10 per month. ^UmrsOPATHY KmK \ Is the new science of detecting and gtfk \ curing disease* from a CHEMICAL n \ and MICR05C0P1CAL analysis of the urine. Send 4 cents for mailing VlK. ^5\ caseandbottle forurine. Book free. Consultation free. Fees reasonable. J wferk Medicines furnished. Address .? F. SHAFER, M. D., ^ Pcnn Ave.. Pittsburg. Pa. cALLEN S BUSINESS COLLEGE, Successful School. No ma'arla. Catalogue fr -e. fKOYA IS \ A fm. or?. ^ I B?NT?NCO! I STR A B 6 SI T f M Excel and outsell all other corset ih on the market. This speak \4 volumes for their merits. Asl ^^your dealer about them Royal Worcester Corset Co. Worcoster. H?: IWINCB1 ^CARTRIDGES IN PS > from .22 to .50 loaded with eit ' tivays give enure saiisiatuuii. EH v modern manner, by exact mach B! THEY SHOOT WHERE YOU HO. Ulabasti $ The Only Durable WoII C J Kalsomines are temporary, rot, rub of J Write us and see ho-w helpful v in getting beautiful and j Alabastinc Go., Departme 0 1L Mrs. Francis Podmo T. U., Saranac Lake, Her Health to Lvdia I table Compound. Rea "Dear Mrs. Pinkham : ? For ? j was born I felt a peculiar weakness, ? | before, with severe pains in the ovari< " I tried the doctor's medicines wasted. A friend who had been cure* Pinkham's Vegetable Compoi; so, also your Sanative Wash, and I such relief before. Within six week felt young and strong and happy one " This is several years ago, but Compound is my only medicine. If doses brings instant relief."?Mrs. F $5000 FORFEIT IF THE ABOVE When women ^re troubled with menstruation, weakness, leueorrhoea, c womb, .hat bearing-down feeling, infla: bloating (or flatulence), general debilit tration, or are Deset wicu sucu sympiuir excitability, irritability, nervousness, gone" and Mwant-to-"be-left-alone" f they should remember there is one ti Pinkhnm's Vegetable Compound Refuse to buy any other medicine, for i-^rei-e<rfci-C-ir*c ?.-? i'CIARTLSNG ! j J Thousands of children are 1 i * Worms. Svmptoms arc seldom i tli * ! v?, child's temperament and upon the vurictj ; tines. Lose no time! Adept the safe and 2 DR. BOYKIIN'S W W * A SURE. SPEEDY AND SAFE DESTR ? IN USE OVER 30 YEARS- ACCEF 25c- BEST VERMIFUGE KNOW ' AiSt S^COSTT ACENTC^ AVesdoLLARJS^ I t'ZD SEAL CATALOG ^fp: I SiE?>" jSk i ! v ' # i I L?wn^7^>^> ?*HFT^ 11M% ! j%O'L Q <v $4 vs Hys\ & 1 t spnH I I ALL CALIBERS?! EJ" her Black or Smokeless Powder They are made and loaded in a ; _ ^ inery operated by skilled experts. HI ^ RJE SMALL POX I " 1 ^ " ' and other disease J ; ? .. . germs are nurtured & I P .Gating and diseases dissem- v e? f and scale iuated by wall paper ^ v*_ ?S? j re can be, at no cost to you, .5. r* healthful homes. Address j H 4* 1 I nt d, Grand Rapids, Midi. t i ' * : fl -H-r'W*vYv*i" v-i* j , ' > ? re, President W. C. ? *' New York, Owes L Pinkham's Veged Her Letter. several years after my last child t such as I never had experienced : f ss and frequent headaches, and found it money worse than d through the use of Lydia E. : tnd advised me to try it. I did must say I never experienced , s I was like another woman. I ' e more. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable I ever feel bad or tired a few RAXCIS PODMORE. ! LETTER IS NOT GENUINE. irregular, suppressed or painful lisplacement or ulceration of the mmation of the ovaries, backache, ;y, indigestion, and nervous prosis as dizziness, faintness, lassitude, sleeplessness, melancholy, "alleelings, blues and hopelessness, ied and true remedy. Lydia E. at once removes such troubles, you need the best. c-c? ir?rartrt< ?"frfr FACTS. ! * being gnawed to distraction by Jjj reliable. They depend upon the j ' of worms present in the intes- 41 sure ccurso by using ORM KILEERo ? OYER OF THESE MONSTERS. ? T NONE CUT OR. BOYXIN S. + N- SOLD EVERYWHERE. * -^.n a J A--* a - v"! ^ 3 ^^QANTrS' rW ^ PATENT COTTON PLANTERS -AND? 0 Quano Distributers ^ Write for Prices and Catalogue. The Gantt flf'g Co., f MACON, - GEORGIA. J. T. GAXTT, Proprietor. My family physician told me to ry Ripans Tabules, as he had ound them of great benefit in several obstinate cases of indigestion - I / ,. L .. r.t:_ md dyspepsia, i ieu Deuer wiuuu i day, and was soon greatly relieved. . have always been subject to bad iick headache until I began taking :he Tabules, and you don't know ivhat a relief it is to be entirely ;ree from these. At druggists. The Five-Cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The family bottle, CO cents", contains a supply for a year. >.-?s 150 Kinds for !6eT% !t 13 a fart tl?nt Salter's vegetable and Cower Jm amis an) found In more gardens and on more furrns itian any oilier ""V-MI Tr-\ in Amcrli-a. Tlierc is reason for this. Wr own and operate over bco&rrra lor "VS k?. St tlio proSartlonof otn ehoh-esewl*. hi Agfa __ rrter to Indole yon to irv tbwn f-jQI i we '"**0 t-'1* following uuproc- fyRl (dnMoCcr: VjKH -. "fil Cesw 1C\ Finnic ?^oe?*rs.r>i'#/\7l? \ [ I to f rarakt Itf It n?|ai1?rni cuSlrJt sicImu, S&B Lt* j 14 ?. I? gior'.oa'. toir.itano, 1 f \ IS I'Hm urttUi, jWH /. / 12 U?t wr?, &fstg / 66 ??rj??a?!j U-uciful to-rtr m>?4>. ixjjjl A In all IX kinds rosillvrl;,- furrilglnnx jM f& bunhels of charming flower* raid / la lot* and lots of tboho veveMUeaVJF? (la tovftlxr with oar treat cuuionaefJjcM tefling ail abont Taoa.ntc ami Cm V| 3J JB Oat and Ilrotnusond Speltz, onion AJgt PI 1 seed at tor. a round, rc? all only &Jjn -RAfcTV. for 1G?. In stamps. Wnto today. Ajig lulUm ,0HM * SAL2ER SEED CO.. ill)})))) L? Crotst. WU. So. 14. 'PHPQY N2WDIFCOVERY;Kin* I U 1 vj quick roilef and cores warm-. as. Book of taktimonia's and 10 days' treatment a*. Or. B< B. BSUl'l 40kl>. CczB. At'sata, Qa- '*