The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, April 03, 1902, Image 1

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- ?? ? ' - ? 5?* ? *? VOL. XVIII. KINGSTREE, S. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1902. NO. 14 : 1 ' I > THE SAGE OF POSSUM FORK Demonstrates the Marvelous Results of a One Hundred Term Series. Editor County Kecord: i see in liie Cm ton riant lhal a Kansas ?.readier, wanting to build a church, has started a letter chain asking I hat each recipient of a letter send him 5 cents and write i three similar letters to three eth- i crs requesting the snrr.e, etc. But lie w..nts the 'etter chain stopped nt I he one hundred! h series, i one claiming io have calculated i ' ? - I -I' 1 ?-l. f?|,j t He Sul!l KM HI wi Uic tiiicc-ii/iw series l<? the 100th terra gives a , number represented by only thirty < figures .is the result. Bui. Mr. Editor, while a ntim- . her represented hv thirty 6gures ! is too vug* lor a finite mind it is , woelullv short of the mark; for a three-fold geometrical seiies ol i 100 terms, starting with 5 cents, | will take in about 48 places ot < figures, and is. in round numbers, ] more than 1.000,, < 000.000,000.000,000,000,000,000j AAA d?-.ll?sj n en m Kiarii In 1 IH/llair- i? cum 1IU1U , v, , present To the mind; far a lump of ( gold a* large as this earth, valued < at $350,000 per cubic foot would i bt like a mole hill compared to a ] mountain. A million of such i lumps the size of this world cotn- i pared to that mm would still be ; less tiiau a pigmy to a giant. Then sj the whole is too large to < consider, let us look at a smali j part ot it;.say take the interest. Mow, a Vanderbilt with two hundred millions at interest, at only ' one per cent, would got over ( $4,500 per day, er per minute. But this other sum at the rate of one per cent per annum, J would draw in one inmate's time a sum so vast that if every man, woman and child that ever lived ' from old Father Adam intil now j could have counted all their lives j at the rate el $500 a minute, day ( and night, without stopping to eat or sleep, not a millionth part ' of the interest tor one minute's ' time could have been cemtedyet. No, not for a seconds time. So . we just bare to say we cannot compreheud such vastness. But, Mr. Editor, this is net all; 1 where would so many stamps j coma Tram to par for the postage ' on so n Rnj letters? Let's see. 1 Sappose it takes ten thousand < postage stamps to weigh one J pound? aud I reckon there is ao * v doubt about that?then ten rail- 1 1 Ijen stamps will weigh one toe, c ten thousand tons would load one of our largest steamships, i Then, by calculation, I find that i if all the oceans in the world were floored erer solid from siJe to side and from pole to pele with such ships, they could not carry the - one thousandth part of the weight 1 of all those stamps; no, not a mil- 5 lionth part. ' Llr TTHitnr if thene are ' XllCU^ Mk< ! vw- ^ .. facts?and the}' cannot be refuted ' ?then I want you to make hasta 1 and write to this Kansas preacher ( aud tell him "do to stop the let- 1 ter chain at the fiftieth term, that so many stamps can't be had"? J for already our postmaster is out otstamped envelopes and I have ] to use an old one with some other name on it and scratch it oIT to get j this letter out of ; ' Possum Fork." CorrHpg Nuptial Event. The editor acknowledges with thanks the lollowing card ! id- : ritilion: Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Cottingham request the pleasure of your company at the murriage of their daughter, Bessie Col let te, 1 to Mr. James Bennett Steele, Thursday afternoon, April tenth, at twc o'clock. . At Heme, il?ll?van, S, C, J] i Among the Churches. i On Sunday morning at the * Methodist church, ihe pastor 0 preached from the text, 3rd chapter Paul's letter to the Coriith- 2 ians, 10th verse,?-'That I may J know him, etc.'?The resurrec- t tion impresses upon the world the t divinity of Christ. It inspires in- a (|uirv. It inspires investigation, t It impresses men with the incora- a prehensibility of the lord Jesus a Christ. It is Ihe study of mys- p leriousness that makes devout b men in this world. Men love h Jesus Christ because He is the o greatest vicior of the world. Jo At night Presiding Elder Marion Dargan took his text from the e 29th verse ot the 1st chapter !' e John.?''Behold the La nib of God v, which takelh away the sin of the e world." Very ottea we have c heavenly visions and we are dis- \s obedient to the heavenly visions. si [t is not tlie head that rejects the son of God, not the brain that re- ii iects the son of God; not the heart si tUat cries out against the son ot Jod. It is the will, this unregen- * irate will. The trouble is not in c< [lie head. It is the will that say6, L will not give up the things an- e agonistic to the sob of God. Here M s the Lamb of God that can take E away vour sin. L The church was tastefully dec- A' >raled with pot plants and flowers lor this Easter occasion. G At the colored M. E. church Re?. Dorc. pastor, quite an ex- ^ tensire and elaborate program of ^ music and Easter exercises was ^ carried out, the pastor being ably ; assisted by J as Tharp, 8,8. 8upt., ^ he chorister, Andrew Bradley, ' uid John D. Mouzoa presiding jracefull.y and with ease at the )rgan. The aloove of the pulpit aad been newly painted in light g olue 01 green with "Holiness Be;ometh Thine House" in black iud gold. In the lore-ground was E ? lurirA f-m? with the flags of this T :ouiilry and Danners oi foreign countries and "the Islands of the b tea." d: Communion services will be leld at Indiantown church next 4, Sabbath, April 6th, at 11 a. m. ta L'he preparatory service will be leld on the preceding day, Satur- ? lay, April 5th, at 4 p. ra. Rev. :* ?. W. Gregg, of Manning, will as- r' list the pastor, Rev. F. H. Wardaw, in both services. All are M ;ordial:y invited to attend. si Rev. J. E. Dunlap attended serrices at the Methodist church Sunday evening. p An Interesting Relic. The following half-century old iccount was handed us semt time L incc hy our good Iriend, Mr. J. G. ei Lifrage, ol' Salter's. The Charles- H ;on concern Irom which the goods E *rere bought is still extant under d; :he same firm name. The ac x>unt was rendered to Mr. Li (rage's tatter. Charleston, S. C., Nov. 2, 1850. L I. Lifrage, Esq., Bought of ^ C. &. E. L. KERRISON & CO., ^ importers, and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, C( 3. Kerrison. 1 E. L. Kerrison, No. 209 King St., ,J \. K. browning, <r, A'. W. Leman. Northwest Cor. King <fc Market. ~ I Pee. Bleached H. spun 32', 8# $ 2.72 ^ 1 Pec. -1-4 Brown Sheeting, 34', ? 3.08 7 1 Pec. Calico, 36', 0 2.20 . 2 Yds. Pink Calico 12>> .26 t{ 2 Yds. Print Delaine 26 . 50 ., 4 Yds. Red Flannel 25 1.00 Ll 12 Yds. bed Tick 1H;,' 2.(X) 11 Yds. Cotton Oznaburgs 10 3.10 1 Pr. Double Blankets 2.25 6. 75 I) S21.60 j, O A car Texas Red Rust Proof n Oats going at SO cents while they last. Barr & Co. fc Don t make the mistakes you have known other people to make; or re- 1 peat those yon hare made yourself. t< SILVER WEDDING CELEBRATIOr Hr. and Mrs. T. M Giiland Commer irate their 25th Wedding Anniversar Tuesday evening from S:30 1 o'clock at the elegant home ( 1 r. and Mrs. T. M. Gilland a pai y of friends gathered to celebrat he silver wedding of their hos nd hostess. Amid the viciss s\*f.% nnonnnOA r\f V\ 11 rtt O uurs UI1U C V uuratt llov VI inuiK* flairs comparatively few couple Itaiu the quarter-century mile ost of wedded life, and it is eautitul sentiment out of whic as grown the custom of com mem ratine; this epoch as an occasio f social enjoyment. Besides the immediate family very member of which wan/pres nt, a few relatives and Iriend fere the honored guests of th veiling. From all over the stat ame messages of felicitation, man rho could not attend being repre snted by handsome gifts of silvei The presents received were al i silver and many ot ihem exqai itolv hi- sin I i fill. At 12 o'clock the dining roeri as thrown open arid an elega n allation served. The following guests were pres nt: Mr and Mrs K J Kirk lr and Mrs Hush McLutchen )r and Mrs W V Brockiagton )r and Mrs D 0 Scott, Mr am 'rs Louis Jacobs. Mr and Mra 1 IcB Scott, Dr and Mrs W C ramble, Mesdames M F Heller ' A Fichtner, Hartford, Conn, i P Arrowsmith, Atlanta, Ga. ula Brockinton, J C Murphy reorgetown, Misses Maude Logan lae Wilson, Manning, J G Mc utchen, F G Gourdiu and C M t'olle. Lanes Locals. Mr. Edwin McDonald spen unday at Foreston. Mr. Willie Rodgers and Capt >. E. Gordon went to Charlestoi huriday for a day's visit. Mr. J. A. Scarborough, cottor uyer at this point, spent Mom ?y and Tuesday in tiurater. Misses Emma aid Aim* Ger 3n spent Thursday at the much ilked of Charleston exposition. Miss Geneva Mifchum is ii reenville on a visit of severa ivs to her sister, Mrs. McElveen I am very sorry to report that [iss Lizzie McDonald has beer ck. She is convalescing, howler. Mr. W. R. Holladay went t< lorence one night last week tc tend a meeting of the Kuighti : Pythias. Following is the roll of honor o: anes school this month: Florice Gordon, Cantey Orvin, Boyc Lolladay, Lizzie Mitchum, Mar\ lien Browder and Jessie Hollaay. Sparrow. Scranton Snap Shots. Misses Florence Jacobs aid Lilt Lammett, of Kingsrree, visited a r. Lynclrs last week. A negro preacher from Floreuci aunty was arrested here Thursay, on the charge f obtaining nods under false pretenses, henli (jrranam came up ?uu tun eyed the parson to Jail l? medi ite over the ethics of meum e JUM. In addition fo Mr. R. B. Car on's handsome residence, whtcl i going up on Lamar Street ther material improvements ar< oticeable in town. Drs. F. H. McLead and W. N licks were here from Florenci hursday on professional business Mies Mayme Graham, of In iantown, is visiting relatives it iwn. ; S5,000W0RT At 25 Per Cer e Jt We have decided to retire from thf _ we may devote the entire time to the Business, and in order to close out our n our entire stock of Clothing and Gents 'S We would also impress the fact up< our stock of ;; Staple Dry Good s Shoe s Was never mo e e We will give personal attent I W. E, JEN* i M o I ? I CI n ~ ^ ' """" ' Patronize Hor ' To the Truck Growers of1 j joining Counties? S am running my Veneering Machin 9 on full time and have now on hand ; 7,000 STRAWBERRY ( ? Am prepared to Rupply all demar * now working from twenty-five to thirt; '' manufacturing i Bean Baskets, Crates for Squs Vegetable raised for SI Sead in your Orders and they will XD^Mesrss. Green & Epps are my age trusted to them will receive prompt att i mi Ar j ui u< ivi* var i MAKE HO MIS1 ?GO TO i 5- THUIVIMS ? 257 KING STREET, CH i FOR WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER SPECTACLES AN I i , Jewelry and Watches Repair April 3-tf I ' GRAND OPENIN r/ nTHIW U K,Ls\S i Itlll HATS AND FURNISHING. You will find here the very newest r up-to-date Suits, Furnishing Goods " Hats. We make a specialty of extra-size c and Slim Suits. On receipt of your letter we will ! t you swatches of Suits if you are in tore in any. In our tailor department we t over 500 samples for you to select your - or extra Pants from, a.ijfu m.iHa vnnr measure from $15 to 1 Pa'ntVfrom f 3 toil " ; All Mail Orders promptly attended t - a special salesman. -V7 H. Brown : GRANITE CLOTHING HOUSE 1 Opposite Academy of Music. 234 Kiag Street, Charleston, S. C; HCIOTHHO it Discount. 1 Clothing business in order that Dry Goods, Shoe and illinery Af/v/tlf /\^ /klA^l-tinrw A??tnbltT wa nffoV yj 1 UlUUUtl^ VJUIVAI j nw vuvt ' Hats at 25 percent discount. >n our Williamsburg friends tha s, Millinery, s and Notions re Complete. ^ ' ion to all orders sent lis. CINSON, nning. S, C. ??? M /4 tr uc liiuu^ii j. Williamsburg and ad *.i ^ e at plantation near Cades, S. \ "t IRATES AND CUPS, ids and meet competition. Am y-five employes daily. I am also x ' '3 ishes and for every othefc lipping Purposes. t be Filled on Short ^otloet into at Lake City. All orders en* ention. 1AHAM, Cades, S. C. * 7 TAKE! 1 A r . m JR. A BRO. AULESTON, S. C., I WARE, PLATED WARE, D CLOCKS. | ti In Eioert Ml. >i I % i t*!\ \\JlV - Wl I s FM W Y \ 7 u Suit ^