The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, March 27, 1902, Image 4

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' J -- f ."! Tlpe Umird fr ? ( KJBL1SH1D EVERY THURSDAY AT i KIXQSTRKX, & C. i k V ?p??? ^ C. W. WOLFE, Edctos anj> Proprietor. >1 ^ GEO, S. BARR? I ' ASSOCIAT* BDITOB. ' ???* . j TERMS. i "TBSCRiPTlON rates : Dne copy, one year, - - - $1.00. One copy, six months/ - - - .50. *. One copy, thiee months, - - .2o. Subscriptions payable in advance. ADVERTISING RATES: One inch. fiLrst insertion, tl.OO: each | subsequent insertion, cents. Obitu.1 tries and Tributes of Respect over 10D yards charged for as tegular adrertise *. nents. Liberal reduction on advertis> A<ig made for three, six and twelve months' contracts. Communications mast be accompanied by the real name and address of the ; J writer in order to receive attention^ No er>o*muniCRtion of a personal nature " \ ' trill be publishsd except as au ad vertbanent. Address aLl letters and make all drafts J Barable to ~ I?. W. WOLFE, Kiagutuee, 5.0. * * THURSDAY. MARCH 27. (002. * v4 ' ' : A GRAVE ACCUSATION. ^ U Col. James EL Tillman seems to & hare a decided talent tar getting 0 himself into uapleasaak scrapes. y i It baa oa Ijr bee* a few weeks since jb/ his uawarraated actio* in regard ^ te the Mieah Jenkias sword made bins a target for cntietsn by al?T' most erewr aewspaper in the State j#K " ? ' and a great ma ay outside of South % v Carolina. * Now, as the aftermath of an ar*> bitrary ruling as president of the senate,, comes evidence which seems to convict him of deliberately falsifying* in order to sustain hts position, the opinions of < William Frye. the president of the United States senste, and D. B. Henderson* speaks of the house ot representatives* It is hard to credit a man in his sober senses (as so. exalted an official as the lieutenant governor ef South. Carolina is always sup ; posed to bej^ with making such a break, however uaserepulous he ? ?t 1 ^ : migni oev wnw a simpie jinquiry ^ directed to the eminent parliar inentarians quoted weald put him te confusion. < As Col. Tillman is art announced . candidate lor governor we would } he loath to publish anything ? against him j.ust at this time, yet in this case t he evidence adduced seems so convincing that to refrain from comment would be a dere. i Jiction of doty.. In an interview on the subject Col. fillnaan stigmatizes the whole r affair as ^another slander," and says that he will at the propei time explain himself to the people. For his own sake and for the sake of the people who* elected him to the high office he holds, we hope he may be able to make giodhis claim to vindication. (oltor t? Ur r n UnRT.VRKN ajv. i ivi iv e* v/* amvjuaj w ?y. | Cades. Sv C.i Dear Sir^Ca?di words* aj&d phrases may look well is advertisements, but l hey do- yea no good. Don'i help youc paiat to wear. L, 4c M has nuuo leal and ajnc in it than amy ntker paints,, but its- great ieature is that you add wach oil to it. Don't pay a pauat price lor linked oil when yon can buy L & M. semi-paste,,and then aid oil lor which you have paid the proper price. Ask Dr. VV. V. Drockinvtoa fer, lull coio? cards end combination booklets. Respect fully yours,, LONGMAN. & MARTINEZ, Raist Makers v ? Married.?On Sunday, March 23, 1902, at 10 o'clock, a. m., al '.he hone of the bride's sister, Mrs. M. H. Cooper, Suttons, fc. C., Mrs. Hattie Davis to Mr. A. Watson Chandler, all ot Williamsburg county. Greeleyville Glimpses. Prof. N. D. Lesesne returned last week from a trip to the Charleston exposition, i Mrs. H. M. Lesesne it tisiting ralatiresin Kingstree. Mr. E. J. Taylor returned home Saturday night from Sumter, where he#jpected to secure a position with i?f railroad company. Messrs. {I. H. Footman aud E B. Rhodus were in towi. Monday. The photographer, alter a short stay here, returned to Manning Saturday. Swamp Fox. [United States of America, ; DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA. ix the district courtin bankruptcy. In the mattei of Gagg, Oliver & Co., Bankrupts. To the Honorable William H. Brawley, Judge of the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern i District of South Carolina: At Charleston, in said District, on the 24th day of March, A. D. 1902, now come Gagg. Oliver & Co., the above named Bankrupts, aod respectfully represent to the Court that after they had been examined at a meeting of their creditois, and had died in Court a schedule of their property, ana a list of their creditors as required by law, they offered terms of composition to their creditors, which terms have been accepted in writing by a majority in number of all creditors whose claims have been allowed, which number represents a majority in amount of such claims; that the consideration to be paid by the Bankrupts to their creditors, the money necessary to pay all debts which have priority, and the costs of the proceedings, amounting in all to the sum of Thirty-three hundred dollars, has been deposited, subject to the order of the Judge, in the First National Bank of Charleston, S. C? a designated depository of money in bankruptcy cases, Wherefore, the said Gagg, Oliver & Co., respectfully ask that tlie said composition may be conflrmed by the Court. Gaoo, Ouvek A Co., Bankrupts. (EASTERN DISTRICT OF ) ca SOUTH CAROLINA. f 58 On this 24th day of March, A. D. 1902, On hearing the foregoing petition, it is ordered by the Court that a hearing be had upon the same on the 5th pay of April, 1902, before said Court, at Charleston, in said District, at 11 Vclock in the forenoon. , And the notice thereof be published in the Countv Record, a newspaper printed and published in the County of Williamsburg, in said District, and that all known creditors and other persons in Interest may appear at the said time and place, and show cause, If any they have, why the prayer of said petition should not be granted. And It Is further ord-.-red by the Court that the Clerk shall send by mail to all known creditors copies of said ,petition, and this Order, addressed to them at their places uf business as stfit^d , Witness the Hon. W. II. Brawley. Judge of the said Court, and the Seal 'thereof, at?Charleston, in said District, on the 24th day of March, A. D. 1902. C. J.. C. ilutsox, Clerk. True Copy. Attest; C. J. C. H.vtson, Clerk. Summons for Belie'. (Complaint Served.) STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Williamsburg. Ccvuxty. CUIlTKT Utt1 n^BiAa. Samuel Yarborough, Plaintiff, against Ale* Gr?ham. Lambson Graham* Lula ! Cockfleld, Mettle Graham, George Graham, Miruiie Graham* Sarah Burgess, Paul Graham and Mabel Graham, Defendants, To the defendants, Alex Graham, JLambson. Gj-ahaui, Lula Cocktield. Mettle Graham, George Graham. Minnie Graham, Sarah Burgees, PauJ Graham and Mabel Graham: You.aJ?- lietebr summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, at which a copy L* hert??vith served upon you, ami to serve a copy of vour an awe r K? said complaint oh I the subscriber at his office ka- Lake : City, S. C.fc within* twenty days* after rheserrtce hereof*exclusive oftbeday jof sack service?. and if yon fail to answer tlie complaint wit birr the time aforesaid, tbe plaintiff in* this action will apply to tbi' court for the- lelief demanded in. this complaint. W, L. BASS. Plaintiffs Attorney. March 5, A. T>. 19to>. To rliedefend.ina. George Graham: Take notice* that the complaint in this action, together with the summons of which tbe foregoing is a gopr, was Wed in the ofilceof the Clerk ?># Court of Common Pleas- for Williamsburg County, in tbe Statoof South Carolina, oathe 2Sth day of March, A. D. 1902. W. L. Bass. Plaintiffs Attorney. Attest: B. C. Whitehkap, 6t Mch27.-MayL C, C. P., W. C. ^ Judge Dantzler is holding court this week in Manning. He and Solicitor Wilson drove through to that town Saturday, while Stenographer Tillman lett by rail Sunday night. CANDIDATES' CARDS, [Cards of candidates for county offices wi'l be published in this column until tne first primary plcction for t3l cards of candidates for Congress (ft. For the second primary candidates' notices will be published for naif price. To receive attention all announcements most be paid for in advance. ] FOR AUDITOR. Pledging myself to abide by the result of the Democratic p-im:uy election, I hereby announce ray candidacy for the appointment of Auditor of Williamsburg county. H. G. ASK INS. I hereby announce myself a candidate for appointment as Auditor of Williamsburg County, subject to the decision and rules of the Democratic primary election, . J. WESLEY COOK. IIS YELLOW POISON I In your blood ? Physicians call ft It nalarial Germ. It can be seen I changing red blood yellow under 1 microscope. It works day and I nlpfit First, it turns vour com- I Iplexlon yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You feel weak and worthless. ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. ft enters the Mood at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a general break-down come later on, Roberts' Tonic wOl cure you then?bat why watt ? Prevent future sickness. The manufacturers know all about this yellow poison and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive it out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the Mood, prevent and cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thousands?It will cure you, or your money back. This Is fair. Try It. Price, 25 cents. T. U Jnhnunn W R. T.vnch" reduce; Big Bargain COMPLKTJ ? ****** mi n i Examine Stock of Hardware. OAK SUITS rKUM *1U It Eveiything Else YOURS TO PLEASE, W.' 1 Kam i Hardw | Age @ ? @ Aoes" Engines; ana Boi $ DeLoachS @ Conii & K ? - -- ? Complete Line of Macfa * ? XX Also, Toh * ?. @ Foe which we are now j W S Corresponde @ ? ft ? KAMINSK1 HAI ft (? Georgeto' g Mch 17 3 mo ; >* i - . - . - ; Notice to School Trustees. Now that the school" are being generally closed and it will not be a great while before I will be required to make an annual report of all school business in detail, and as it is difficult to mako a report that will do credit to the trustees, myself and the county, I respectfully beg that the trustees see that tne teachers' registers come in prompt it at tue elope or eacti school ana that they have their record book# properly made up and handed in as early as possible after the close of the schools. A full and accurate account of all business is sincerely desired; no unnecessary or unexpected informatloa has been asked. The proper keeping of teachers' register and trustees' record books are good indexes of their respective titness, etc. In making my annnal report. I am required to give the amount dis'outsed for school sites, for building school houses and for school house rent?. etc., lor white and colored respectively. The cleik of the board of trustees will please note these distinctions and so report in their record liooks, which will be highly appreciated. WM. COOPER. 13-20-27 Co. Supt. of Education. Administrator's Hotice All persons having claims against the estate of J. J. M. Graham, Sr., will nrpRent, t.he same, dulv attested, and all persons indebted thereto will make payment to J. J. M.GRAHAM, Qualified Executor. Cades, 8. C. 6-13.20-27 Attention, Bicycle Riders! I CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF Bicycle Sundries, Repairing Material and Tires SOLO CHEAP FOR CASH. Bring me your difficult repair work. Am prepared to execute first-class work on short notice. Respectfully, fi J AOSTON. Kingstree, S, C. The sharper a man is the harder it is to make a toal of him. [PRICES [STOCHI s for Cash! E LINE OF intents Ciui Also. Furniture Below Cost) $18?WORTH $15 TO $25. > in Proportion. T. WILKINS inski | are Co., { * * nts. iers? jgj *w Mills. @ oeotal Gia Ce's GSnsw ^ ? ? & inefy and ftH! Supplies. ^ icco Flues, jc X prepared to accept orders. | :oce solicited. ? ?' VMM. ' ? *DWARECO.* ? ? l ? wrv S, C.. " f .? BARR & COBROKERS ?AND? COMMISSION MERCHANTS. We dpfiirp fr? ??* fr? nilr and patrols that we are still carrying on business at the old stand, where we are better than ever before prepared to serve them. This will be perhaps the hardest year that our farmers have had to contend with since the war, and feeling this ourselves we are going to make it a study to try to plaee provisions of all kinds in Kingstree for as little money as they po&ubiv can be laid down here tor and sold on a strictly cash basis. Any business man knows that Corn, Qnts. Baooo, Molasses, Flour and such like good* a I A a i are me same u money. Ana wnac our people aeed iu Kingatree is a man who is able to eope with the outside business world and bring them to their doors as cheap as they can get them in any market. 1 hij can only be done with the money, and at the outset we want to tell o?r I customers that it takes money to run this kind of business. It never has been attempted here before. It is purely experimental, and whether it shall succeed or fail depends upon the support the people shall give it. In this day and age 1b order to keep up with the markets of the world a man bos to study themand make it a business and get price* way down ia order u> know when and where to ' buj. With these introductory remarks we want now briefly to tell you some of the goods we handle,viz: CORN, SUGAR, OATS, COFFEE, HAY, CIGARS, GRITS, TOBACCO, MEAL, SALT, STARCH, CANDY, FLOUR, CHEESE, LARD. CRACKERS. BACON, MOLASSES, BUTTER, STAR LYE, SOAP, OIL, CANNED GOODS. For prices come] to see us. We sell the goods just as low as they can be sold. CORN We are prepared to sell corn fer future delivery. Prices can be fixed now to run till May at one uniform price. Price to-dny, 90c per bushel. BACON This is a special line with us, and 1 if you give nc your business, be it j large or small, we will watch your interests. | FLOUR Wc buy only in car lots ar.d in pciees we lead, aid never iollow. Dire DP ID* PDITQ nJVL. unu rSmHnu. vnn u We deal largely in Rice and Pearl Grits. Can save you money. Try us. SUGAR and COFFEE It Coffee and Sugar we- Tout we to. say we can sell as cheap<a? they can besold in. the State.. OATS and HAT Oat* and Hay always o* bond.. GROCERIES We deal iu-all kinds 06 Groceries, and are always prepared to> gire you the lowest market price. Always* come to us for Groceries, and resk assuredyou will be at headquarter* ill Kingatree for ererythiug we handle bare ft 00.