The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, February 20, 1902, Image 1

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VOL! XVin^ ^KINGSTREE, & C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20,,1902 /NO. 8 ?* Posi tively No New D ? ? <a c ic jgj FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAK (gj @ -??X a.ct"a.a,l v vuwwvvwvn ?f ? I @ $ These J igj ? At Cost. 5 (g) WW W W VWW^WVWV @ ONE CALL WiLL BE PROOF @ FARMERS, GET YOUR FARM @ LADIES, GET YOUR DRESS ( EVERYBODY COME AND SI ^ THIS IS THE TIME TO GET ??!?.~?!?.*?!?.'?!?.'?!? Indiantov/n Items. Fanners are betrirnini* to make rea<lv for another crop. Some are laatiliner fertilizers, but consideralily less of that commodity will bej used in this section than last year, j Nome of our planters who have hitherto demoted their attention to cotton raising, will plant tobacco this year. iMr. J. C. Bell is! building five barns and will plantJ 24 acres of tobacco. Mr. 8. J. Jennings, who is from Virginia and is lamiliar with the culture of the weed, will look after Mr.! Bell's tobacco crop. Merchants are 'somewhat 6hyj about advancing supplies on liens j ihis season, and consequently labor is unusually plentiful. A good raanv of the coloted population who have been farming on their own hook, are by reason of last short croo very willing to work for wages. The school here under the effi-; cient management ol M*ss Maud j < haplin. of Rock Hill, is flounsh? ing. Miss Chaplin is deservedly popular with patrons and pcpils. Our community was shocked and grieved last Saturday at the unexpected demise of Mrs. George George J. Graham. The tuneral took place 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon at Indiantown church, the services being conducted by Rev. F. H. Wardlaw. Many triends and .neighbors gathered at the church to pay the last sad tribute to this estimable lady. Mrs. J. S. Cunningham is able to be out again after a prolonged " ? /*-? I t 1 I Al>?> arm paimui iim^. A valentine and apron partv was pi veil at th: residence of Mr. W. D. Owen? last Friday evening. About a dozen young ladies were present and a corresponding number of attendant cavaliers. Much amusement was derived from the young men's awkward attempt? to hem tbeir partners' aprons. In * I the "apron nemnmition Hr. Robert Bell won out the first prize. Benson Briefs. Farming operations are backward Hog cholera is still prevailing. Mr. James McDowell McCrea returned home recently from the United States army, his term of enlistment having expired. Mr. II. W. Spann came back from Georgia a few days ago. We are sorry to state that he is confined to his room with an acute attack ot rnenmausm. Mr. S. A. Tisdale left a short time since for Newberry county. I where he is engaged in selling books. Messrs. J. G. McCullough, S. A McCqlloqgh, W. E. Snowden and % ^ . . isplay Advertisements1 -t SLAL 'W1I \T,n AI TT ,'JLrL.l IX U UU 1 ;iXG SOME NEEDED REPAIRS 0 EXCEPT GROCERIES AND US C ost fox Casla. Dry goods ITats Notions Trunks Dress Goods buggy Ilarnw Trimmings Shovels Gents' Furnishings Pitch Forks Clothing Hoes, Axes Shoes Wagon Haines TO YOU THAT THIS IS TRUE. [IXG IMPLEMENTS AT COST WII 300DS BERORE THEY ARE GO! IE THAT I MEAN WHAT I SAYr. WHAT YOU WANT AT A BARG* :?:?:?:?:(3>:?:?:(s>; ?;?;<? j Misses Annie and Lucile Snowden j have returned from a trip to the j exposition. A tournament came off in this [section a week or two ago. The ! successful knights were in order [ as follows: Mr. Henry Tisdale, ?\ri7u M r YV K Snowden I UIPl ].'? iOV ^ 4U?? ? ? . - |second, and Mr. J. M. McOrea ihird. Mr. Tisdale crowned Miss Nannie McUrea queen of love and beauty, and Messrs. Snowden and McUrea bestowed their wreaths upon Misses Estelle McUants and Annie Snowden, respectively, as first, and second maids of honor. Alter thi> the young folks repaired to the home of Miss Mary Grayson, where the evening was spent in the enjoyment of the dauce. W. S. G. Items from Smiths. Mr. J. M. Matthew?, of Lake City, is boring an artesian well lor Mr. A. J. Smith. *i-. nr T?i AMI i*% if \M A I?mvmwv) ' been spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Smith. Mrs. \V. B. Gregg, of Florence, has returned home after a week's visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. ?. McGill, ot this place. The writer had the pleasure of a rWo-davs' visit to Clarendon last week. While there he called on home of the noted tobacco farmers of that count}'. These gentlemen seem to be prospering, judging from their many new buildings and others going up. The portion of the county referred to is the TV???rta'? spr'tinn. I will have some thing more lo say about tobacco in the near future. Nox Scranton Snap Shots. The weather of the past few davs has been extremely unpleasant. The dispensary at this place has not yet been opened. The cold weather has played havoc with grain. Mr. Harold Grahan) and others are preparing to plant again. fVl rs. H . XV. mi it* aim JJ.IS3 vcuc Benjamin ot Georgetown, have been visiting their sister, Mrs. \V. S. Lynch. Mr. Winslow Wright, one of our leading merchant?, is suffering from a painful accident. In soiii.* way, a few days ago, while helping up a mule, he got his foot badly mashed and has to walk on crutches, We trust he will soon be well again. Sr. y Fox. The Best Prescription for Malaria. Chills and Fever is ji bottle of Groves Tasteless Chill Tonic, it is simply iron and quinine ina tasteless form. No cure?no pay. Price 50c. No orders for corn and oats will be filled unless accompanied by the cash. Barr & Co, A ' ^ ^ Will be Received, or Old 2>:?:?:?:@:@:@:?@:?:@: IGHTER ' AT C05T \ THE STORE HOUSE I NOW 0 iDERTAKERS' WARES, FROM N or its IEa "U-lTraJ Single Trees J-Mx Hames Ilor ;s Heel Eolts Plo< Dixie Castings Stoi Steel Points Hea Adjustable Stocks Bed is Carbon Boy Plows Spri j i Yours for :iLE THEY LAST jj ^ sE. ^3 4 UN. Among the Churche*. Mrs. Helen G. Bullock, of El mira, N. Y., national organizer ol the Woman's Christian Temper ance Union; will speak at the Methodist church Sunday. 3.30 p m. on the subject, '-A Mot hen Plea." Public is cordially invited Mrs. Bullock's lecture is said to be luuaujr uuc auu ocijvih should go out to hear her. There was preaching in ail oni houses of worship Sunday morning except the Baptist church, Revs. H. J. Cauthen and J. E, Dunlop filled their regular appointments at the Methodist and Presbyterian churches, respective Iv, and Dr. Robert Wilson, ol Charleston, preached in the Episcopal chapel. At the close of his sermon Sunday morning Rev. H. J. Cauthen announced that on account ol I _ t r I.. sicKness 111 nis iaiuii_y, auucu iu the inclemency ot the weather, there would be no preaching in the Methodi3t church Suuday evening. Bishop Ellison Capers is expected here on Tuesday, March 3, and during his visit he will preach at least one sermon in the Episcopal chapel. The hour of service will be announced in due time. A Neat Capture. Caesar Gaskins, alias William Johnson, and David Bravboy, alias (Jefford Brayboy, two negroes | claiming residence near Lake City, 1 - ' * ~ -4 \T I /\? 11 m H n if t r\ Ha a iseiecitru ? iIICIHIUC a uaj lu uu ? Bartow Warren stunt in a small way. Early Friday morning this enterprising pair walked into Mr. T. A. Blakeley's store at Santee Crossing and told the clerk they wanted to buy some candy and crackers. When the articles were handed them they ''scooted" out ot the store and in the hurry of de I I parture forgot to pay lor what they | had bought. In a few minutes j they hai reached the bav hard bv, j where they thought themselves sale from pnrsuit. ; After two hours and forty-five : minutes had elapsed Mr, J. I. Mori ris, the clerk, went to the chainIgang camp and reported the mat! ter to Oapt. 0. E. Wheeler, who 1 carried a bloodhound to the spot and put her on the trail. Belle, ! the hound, at once took the trail. | With unerring speed she followed j the fleeing fugitives through bays, 1 swamps and rough woods for seven miles, overhauling the two ras cals about a quarter of a mile from Genrdins. Without ceremony they were captured and taken to Salter's Depot before Magistrate Salter*, who decreed that Caot. Wheeler, as a reward for his prompt action, should have the pleasure of inducting them into the mysteries of road-building for the next thirty days. t ; * - . Ones Changed, Later Th: :?:?:?'?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:<! 5ALE fc? FOR REPAII CCUPY, I WILL SELL OUT MY E] OW UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. .ent in Countiy ie Boy Plows Mattresses se Collars Bedsteads w Bridles Bureaus res Sash Stands ,ters Tables Boom Suit3 Kitchen Safes ings Etc, Etc. Etc* business, . M. ASKir Lake City, J @:@:?:@:?:?:?:?:?:?:@:<g ; $5,GQ0W0M ; At 25 Per Oei s We have decided to retire from tl ? we may devote the entire time to the Business, and in order to close out ou: . our entire stock of Clothing and Gent We would also impress the fact u| our stock of i Staple Dry Good : Shoe . Was never We will give personal atten W. E, JENI Mc MAKE NO MIS nA n UU J S. THOMAS, 257 KING STREET, CJ ?FO] WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVE >rAram rn I S'tUlflULtS A Jewelry and Watches Reps 3mo-Mchl2 We Fit Them All. Whether you are standard in your mens iirements <>r just nnv odd shape. we promii I you a fit wlien you come her?. We ha\ fashionable mi its for tall, short, fat or thii as well as the standard sizes and shape: We'll lit you perfectly. Silk lieece line undershirt's or drawers at S3 cents eacl good value at $1.50 each. We carrv a fall line ot John B. Stetson Hals in all shapes, from $3 30 to $3 each. Sole agents for the celebrated Young Hat, the bent union made S3 hat in th city. Dutchess Trousers, $2 to $3 per pair. Humilton-Caihartt Overalls at $1.50 p< suit. Black Cat brand Leather Stockings j 25 cents per pair. A special salesman attends to all oi mail orders. H. II GMTE CLOTH 224 Kiij 9t, Opposite A Charleston, t i ii g^i iaeSi an Tuesday Morning. ?:?:@:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:? ?. . <Sk ?s @ VD' ? STIRE STOCK OF GOODS, jg @ DF'xod.-u.ce. - w I An || ^ i ? | Honest i X J Offer. I ? * <( V KVWWWWV\%WWW, @ SJ5, Agt. | C c ? L? * W. 49V ):?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:? VCL0THIN6 at Discount, in Clothing business in order thafc Dry Goods, Shoe and illinery r stock of clothing quickly we offe? a* Hats at 25 percent discount, x>n our Williamsburg friends thu Is, Millinery, is and Notions >re Complete* tion to all orders sent lis. KINftON. ^ V f inning. S, C. TAKE! :o_ JR., & BRO-j HAKLESTON, S. C., R? R WARE, PLATED WARE NO CLOCKS. tired by Expert Workmen. I USE, cademf of Mu?tc< 3.C, t .