f * Skin Diseases, For the speedy and permanent cure o;' tetter, salt rheum and eczema, C!v.mberltun's Eye and Shin Ointment it wither.! an equal. It relieves the itch and smarting almost instantly and its c^r:'i-ceJ use effects n permanent cure. It also cures itch, barber's itch. scald head, sore nippies, ucning piies. i chapped hr?ds. chronic eore eyes aca granulated lids. l>r. Cady'g Condition Pcnrdrrs tor horses are the bes: tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge Price. ?-p? cuts iSuldhi flvcnftjRia fliiro I#J V^V^UEva wmi v Digests what you eat. Itartificialiy digests (he food and aids Fature In strengthening and reconstructing the exhausted digestive organs. It is t be latest discovered digestAnt and tonic. No ether preparation can approach it in efficiency. It IdAtantly relieves.-;!?) permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indices?im, Heartburn, Flatulence, ur Stomach, Nausea, flick Heada^ijf,.t.;a^r:iigia.Cra:nps,ana nil other resin:- ?!' irm.'-rfcotuigestion Prepared by E rw.-:tc *r.o.. cpicosoATLAN nu COAST LINE K. 1?. CO. / x CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TBA1NH GOING SOU! Q. DatM Jan. 15. 1903 Ne 55. No. S3. Xo.5l P. M. A. M. Leave Wilmington *J 43 u0 Leave Marion 6 40 8 45 Arrive Florence. 7 35 9 35 r. M. A.M. Leave Florenre *8 00 *3 HO Arrive Sumter 9 15 4 8J No. 63 P. JL A. M -?- o(, 1S ?q gg *?*3?vrr cumivi ? . ? *v - ?- ...... Arrive Columbia 10 40 11 OS No. 52 runs through from Charleston via Central R. R., leaviuir ( haile?tou 6 CO a. in Lanes 7.50 a. m., Manning 6 39 a. in. tbain8 ooiso >ortu. NoT6i7 No7 53. No.50 A. M. P. M. P.~M. Leave Colombia *6 55 *4 40 / Arrive 8cmter 8 20 G 13 No. 32 \ A. M. P. 31. Leave Rumter 8 20 *6 19 Arrive Florence 9 33 7 85 f7 40 A. 3L Leave Florence 10 !0 .... 8 15 LeeveHarloa 10 53 .... 6 54 Arrive Wilmington 1 40 .... 11 30 Dailv. fDailjr except Sundav. No. 53 rui'.? throuub to Charleston, P. C.. via Central K. E.,arriving MunuinK 6 53 p. flt.. Lane* 7 35 j>. m., Charleston 9 20 p. m. Tram No. 63 tnakoa close coatee Ion a: gumter with train No. ?9, arriving Lar.?> 45 a. m , Charleston 11 35 a. m., Tutbday* Thursday a aud Pa:unlaw. Trains on Conway Branch l>ave Chadbourn 12 01 p. m., arrive < onway 2 20 p. in., retumliiic leave Conway 2 55 p. tn.. artive Cbadtiomn 510 p. m.t leave Clmdb.uni 5 35 p. a.. arrlTe Elrod 8 10 p. tn.. returning leave tirod 8 4i? a. m.. arrive Cbadbouru 1125 am, Daily exempt Su' dny H. M. EMERsON. Gen. Pa.-senuer Acant. f. B. KFNLT, T. M. EMh RSON. Geu'i Jiunager. Ttafllo Mauser. 1 be urgent and Most < omptete > elublictiiiierit couth, m. S. HACKER & SON, g m , ' ?MAxrrACTrKtRS OF? Sash. Doors. Blinds. Mnuldlug inil Htiiuilnjj Material, Sash Weights and Cord riHAPLPSTOV. S. C. Purchase cur mnko, which w* guarantee superior to any aolJ bouth, and 4ht*rel?y save money. Window and Fancy Glftss a Specialty. Registration Notice. Tim office of the Supervisor of Registration Will he opened on the Oral Monday iu every nuouth for the purpose of th* registering of any pereon woo is qualified as follows: Who eh?dl have been a resident of the State fur two yesra, and of tha County one year aud of the {Killing -pre<-ltit iu wtiieh the elector offers to , Tote ioar monthh before thednj ot? leotoQ.Hi ?1 r-b^il) have paul.cix months belore mty jio)l tax than due ami j av \bie, mod who o*n ooth nal sod write hot ; section of the Couctitution of 1895 | -ralxuifteri to him t<7 the enpermatrn, of r^ixtritiuo, >>T oad chow tbut he Owuh, ami ha* paid nil t xis oolh-otab.# dm tup the present y ar on property 10 jtlri? State a~?eo6*J at three hntidred or more. J. J. EAi?l)Y, of % Till; SAMPSON SIDE Further Developments in the ThreeCornered Fight. ftRIFCTS TO SCHLEY'S STATEMENT That The Latter Was in Full Command When the 5panish Fleet Was Destroyc d Wshlngton. Special.?E. S. Theall. rt*p resenting Stayton, Campbell & Theall. counsel for Rear Admiral Sampron. have filed the following brief with President Roosevelt, protesting against the claim set up i:j Admiral Schley's appeal that he was in supreme command dicing the battle off Santiago: "No argument will be submitted as to the volunteered opinion of the presiding member of the court upon the question of command at Santiago. We repeatedly applied for a:i opportunity to prcs-tnt evidence upon this point to the court, and our request was as o:ten icfused, and wo arc confident that an attempt to reproduce an adverse judsr.. _.i i. o.-in-r i-.nc hrn do iird muai wuu c a ia ?*. iM-, ~ ir. so plain a violation of simple good faith that has no chance of receiving your approval. We wore ready than ar.il arc s:il! ready to produce much evidence which was not offered before the court on this question. We are prepared to shew mat the statement ihv the New York, at the beginning of the battle 'was out of sight of each ; and every shin . squadron but one' is inaccurate. "We are ready to show that under the navy regulations and the judicial Interpretations the-eof. Rear Admiral Sampson was during the battle in command of every single vessel In the American line. There is abundance o! testimony available to show that from the beginnning of the battle every American vessel at Santiago was in nt i'*n v.->w Ynrlc. There is evl denre at hand, both record and parol, to show that v/henevcr the commandcr-iu-chie'" left the blockading line In front of Santiago, he hoisted tre signal 'disregard movements cf commanderin-chief.' proceeded to that point where under the regulations his immediate command of the squadron ceased and then s'gnailed to the next in rank to J lake command; and that on the morning of July 3. the commander-in-chief had given instructions to hare ready for hoisting the signal directing Commodore Schley to assume command, and that this signal was to be hoisted when, under the regulations, the apjroptlate movement arrived; that that such signal had not been hoisted when the enemy endeavored to escape front the harbor. "From the Oregon, too. there is available evidence to show that when flref iroa flrn/1 tho miflrtPr taster of the Oregon. usl^g the lung glass, could, from the position rf that vessel, near the centre of the line, read the Now York's battle signals then flying. "All this evidence was ready to le presented to the court of inquiry and was not admitted befo-e the court, because it refused to go into the question of command. Rear Admiral Sampson has never objected, and does not now object, to any inquiry to determine the question cf command. He has, however, claimed that he was in command at the battle. A3 commander-in-chief he has made his recommendations concerning the promotions. He has been recognlro.l b? the Executive and Judicial Departments of the Government as be'ng the accuracy of hi3 reports is questioned, h" bo at least permitted to hear the evidence in opposition, and to permit h's brother officers to come forward with the testimony they are readv to give in hisbchalf . "There is further an abundance of evidence avcl'able to establish the fact that what the applicant now calls 'the complete and total failure of the prearranged order cf batt'e.' was due whV.'y to h's own disobed once of tbe orders of the commander-in-chief. These orders were to close in end to hold th* enemy at tbe harbor's mouth. Commodore Schlev so understood the orders. He he'rtad that very signal. Yet. when bo saw the enemy approaching that p-irt of ;v"> line guarded by his own vessel lie looped. He withdrew /rem the- battle formation, left a holt, in the line, intcrefered with the Te::as. which would have stopped the pao a d caused her to back, thereby giving to t>-r? diiPmr rt.inhlo nnmr'nnitv nf vi.-hlr.h they availed themselves?to escape through the interval he had ma civ. "We have no desire to prolong this controversy. We only ash that b?fo e there shall be a finding advo-*o to Admiral Sampson, cither by the President the courts or the Navy Department. th3t he he given the opportunity which k?s been given to admiral Schley, to present sufh evidence as irav make fcoth sides of the matter clear." The President will consider the b-ief In connection with Admiral Schley's appeal and the. Navy Department's comment. His decision In the Sch'ov care will rot be made public r.nt.l a.'tcr his ceturn from Charleston. Two Kii.ed I" Fire. ITcrtcn, Kan.. Special.?Fire in the ; tl^ car works of the Rock Island Rail- I road Friday af.ernodn caused the death ' of two persons and the destruction of a quarter of a million dollars worth of property. The dca^d arc: P. H. McKeoa. president if the jroard of education, and W. II?|Davis^tac of Ike car wtrks. PALMETTO NEWS. Legislators Return from Charleston* Columbia, Special.?The members of the general assembly, or the greater part of them, returned to the city | Saturday night from their trip to ! Charleston and the exposition. A number of them availed themselves cf the invitation to remain in Charleston until Monday morning, but the greater portion of tUem returned Saturday night, the legislative special reaching I the city at 10:43 o'clock. The trip was one of unalloyed [ pleasure to every member or me party. From the time of their departure Friday morning until their return Saturday night there was not a single incident to mar the pleasure of | the occasion. If the only object in going to Charleston had been "to have a good time" the trip would ha 'eleea an eminently successful one. hut the real purpose of the visit was a vastly ! different one, and in this respect, too, it was a success. The lawmakers had the opportunity of seeing the exposition with its man}' anavdrf m mahm ! hibits and attractions, and the instruction and benefit they have received will be of Incalculable benefit not only to themselves but to the entire State. Every man who came tack wa3 singing the praises of the exposition. And, as was stated in the dispatches from Charleston, it was spoken of as j "the State's exposition," and not as I "the Charleston exposition." The ex position has besn seen ana ontnusiastically endorsed bv the mem'rers of the general assomblv, a feeling cf State pride and interest has been aroused to a degree that did not heretofore exist, and from now on there will be a greatly increased attendance. The legislature will return to their work Mon^av refreshed and benefited by their trip to the exposition, and. as more than one member said when cominy up from Charleston, the two (lavs instead cf hcing lost mar be the most profitable cf the entire session. Pardon* Granted. * The governor lias acted npen a number of applications for pardon which have been hanging up forsome time. A pardon was granted in the case of S. J. Rutledge, sent up last month from Kershaw county for vio lation of the dispensary law. Elev en of the Jurors and the solicitor rec ommended the pardon. In the case of Greenwood Washing ton convicted in Newberry county ot larceny of live stock In 1'.99 and sentenced to two years on the chain gang the governor commuted the sentence to 18 months. Solicitor Sense recommended a pardon. In the case of Weslev Head coivi^ted in Pickens countv in March, 1900. of manslaughter, with a recommendation to mercv and sentenced to three years in penitentiary, the sentence wa3 commuted to one year. This action was in accordance with Solicitor Ansel's recommendation. Henry Sullivan, of Greenville, convicted in January, 1900, of housebreaking and larrenv. and sentenced to two and a half "cars In the penitent iary. was pardoned. Solicitor Pores wrote: "Inasmuch as defend ant has 60 faithfully served two vears of his sentence, I recommend his pardon." In the case of Mattie Chapman, convicted In Greenwood countv In Ma"r>. 1901. rf assault and haftc-v and senfenced to three '-cars in the penitent'arv. the pov^rnor commuted the sentence to one yea-. Senator Sea*e made 9 rc-ommendatlcn to that effect. .Trsner Tn-lor w?'s convicted in Lexington In Sept^mher. 1?oi. and sentenced to nav a fnn of $100 or serve IP da'-s In the n^nlfonMan' for th-? vfo'atlon cf the disnensarv law. The prisoner Is an old man and "nn the presentation cf stron? petitions the p?vornor commuted the sentence to $30 ftn^ or 90 davs on the ran?. Pardons were reused in the ollowlnsr cases: .Tulfa TTood. TTarnn'on count". convicted cf adulter* and sentenced to six months In tall. ProRtpn .TefTer?cn. Pumtc- oc~nf". convicted rf ro-e and sentenced to life imprisonment. The Charter Mill Incrca-es its Cap'r.-I. Noiioe has be :i fi'cd w'th the serre turv r!!ai;red at I ?? ffu. - n Co-'n-j Ji:y uuiicra ?i".. i. -** iv; rres;dont and G. J. Lanneau secretary and treasurer. Fatal ShrotTir Affrav. Florence. Special?Sberl.ff JN-rh h?s been advised to loo'.* out for M. I). Negrnith. who last nicht at CVv'e's s'r?"?end probably fatally wounded Kil Saris. Tie t*o rren ave prominently connected. Nemlth vr*s hnrgafn'ns with a necro for a load of eross'.l's. when San2** came up and offered more money. N-smith be amo angry a"|d after words, shot four tir-'s at Sauls, one bullet taking effect. Ncsmlth itemed J.H. WEDDlN HARD! b mt assailaasaasaesgnc 29 L Trade StreGt Wc are leaders in our business, < prepared to supply the requirem< We sell Syracuse Steel Beam ] Cougli Honey, i KidneyBackache CURS. j Blood and Liver . Remedy and Nerve Tonic Great Blood Cleansing Remedy for Spring. Headaches, Constipation, "Tired," Nervous. Dyspepsia Cure Golden Relief h St. Vitus' Dance ? Ask your druggist for Almanac for 1901 con Certificates of tbe most remarkable For Sale l>y Dr W. V. Bl.OUI | THE t'l h iirni/MEr rpHE AMERICAN MONTH j! is commended by Statesmen, . others prominent in the wcili nation in sifting the actual news fror tation of current events in their just freedom from daily-papet sensation want to know what the world is doin to judge from the letters received comprehensive, and labor saving t timely contributions on important writers Its reviews of other mag; work It is profusely illustrated These letters will enable all the of its value to them: PRESIDENT " 1 know that through its col. umns view, have been picsctiled to ? me thai I cotild nol otlicrwiM- li.iv?* i hail an css it); because all carries! I and thoughtful men. no mailer I hutv Widely their ideas diverge, are i ( ven free utteramr in its columns."? rheid?t A'oo'tvdt. EX-PRESIDENT ' "I rnnsider it a vety valuable addition to inv library " ? G'i'icr Cltzel.ntl " It is a publication of very great ' value. 1 have sometimes found I there very imporiant mailer indeed 1 which I should not otherwise have * discovered."?Gertge / '. IIjar, U. S iEtsathu>rtti. ' r particulars as lo how it 50 cents a month C()c fictoicto of same v: IMM Our fee returned if we fa.L Ary or any invention will promptly receive ou; ability of sane. '-How to Obtain a P secured through ua advertised for rale Patent taken out through us receive The Patent Iincorj), an illustrated ar.c by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Ad VICTOR J- EV [Patent At Evans BuIMlng, j* 1GTON & CO., A/ARE,. rrrmmHvwj' 283BC ? Charm, N. G. ind for that reason we are better :nts of the trade than anyone* Sa Lfr%^3?l3k\k. '!L 's; fsF PlowSs They have no equal. ledic?n?s, For Coughs, Colds, Grip, or "Cold" in ANY PART of body. Col-'an. Mich.. Se]>t. 27,190* For a whole year 1 could do no work and walked only by holding oo ?'/? chair. I doctored with four dtderent povsieiuns but received no relief. The uso of two nnttles of Dr. Fcnner's Kidney and Backache Cu.ro gavo tuo a perfect cure. J. M. McKiknkT. Geneva, Crawford Co., Pa.. J":i? 18, ldO?. Three years ago I had a severe attack of Erysipelas and blood poison. breaking out on my head and face. My physician attended mo for several months without result. I then took 3 bottles of Dr. Tenner's Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic and secured a complete euro. Frank Baukmait. Middleboro, Ky., Sept. 7.1900. My wife has suffered long with dyspepsia. [ tried all of the pepsin preparations ana all if my own prescriptions without avail. I finally prescribed Dr. Fenaer'a Dyspepsia Cure una the use of it effected a cure. Many Dthcr similar cases that hare come under my absorption have been cured by hla Dy^ pepsl.' Cure. Dr. F. J. Lebanqood. My Dear Dr. Fenner, Fredonla. K. Y. I have used Dr. Fenner's Golden Relief for many years for the diseases and accidents lor which it Is advertised and have found IS tally equal to all you claim for it* J. BOYD ESPY. Presiding Elder 11B. Chorea. Used for Cuts, Bruises, Burns. Old Sorts, Sprains, Colds, Grip, Soro Throat, Colic, Dysentery, Bowel Tronbles, It Is unfailing. Akron, Ohio, Jaa. a 1*S M. FENNER, Fredonla. N. T. 5 have void many dorm, of yoar St. VltM* Dmm rte and every ca?i na, been cotyd by It. It baa proved vlng here." ALt.ftx-c'lark i>?uo (xx itainlng descriptions of the Remedies and cures ever achieved by medicine. CINGTON, Kingctree, S. O. LY REVIEW OF REVIEWS | Professional men and thousands of I d's activities, fcr its fine direr,n i- I r, /??nflirfinrr ftt>A M proportion. They comment on its K alism. All men and women who H g find it an intellectual necessity, gj from hundreds. Its editorials are M o the busy man or woman. Its a topics are by the best-informed a izines give the best of their best tughtful men and women to judge 9 " I am a constant reader of the H Review of Reviews.' and appro- ii :iate it very highly indeed I think II t a very important part of my 9 ibrarv. and practically a necessity 9 or one in public life "?J. IS. 0 { maker, U. S. iuator, Ohio. ; ' " It is one of the best an