The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, January 23, 1902, Image 8

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In eh*rge of W. L. BASS, E?Q. X * ??p???????????????? Mr. aud Mrs. S. W. Gowdy were X , iin town Saturday. 1 Senator Williams spent Sunday and Monday at home. (\ Dr. Eaddy came up from Johnsonville for a day or two last week. \V; Ij. Bass, Esq., is in Columbia in attendance upon ine supreme court. H. J. Kirk, Esq., was up from Kingstree a short while Friday on business. s Mr. C. L. Finklea, of Florence, spent a day last week in town on business. Di, Hinnant bought six hundred j^ards of cloth a few days ago to joof his lettuce bed. J Mr. L. A. Winston returned Saturday, having been away on a vunutinn Itf J*, faxv weeks. Mr. M. L.Overstreet and Mrs. L. )H. Grimsley spent Sunday with Mrs. Wood berry at Johnsonville. \ The your z folks had a candy pullingandothv'r saccharine affairs at Mrs. Grimsl ;y's Wednesday night. Mr. P. E. Severance has built a new fence around his residence lot, which adds much te the appearance of his home. Mr. J. H. Brilles has moved his ^stock of goods into the Kelley double stores, where he will continue to do business. Mr. Robert Flowers, of Douglas, Ga., is out on a visit to his old home. He spent some time in town with 'Ills brother, Mr. C. F. Flowers. Mrs. M. A. Bass, who has been on -a visit to two of her sons, one iu Hopkinsville, Ky., and the,other in Achilles, Va., returned home a few days ago. / Mr. H. P. Baldwin, who went out to Georgia a few months ago, ..tiimiiil Knmn lucf. H#? llHM not decided whether he will remain or go back to Georgia. Miss Ida McElveen, who has charge of the millinery department i of Messrs. J. 8. McClain & (Jo's, is -off on a vacation, which she will spend with her parents at Cades and her sister in Charleston. Petitions against the establishment of dispensaries in Lake City and Scranton are being circulated in Sumter, Lee, Ridge and Lake V townships. The petitions will be presenter! to the county board at rtheir meeting on the 25th instant. A CHAPTER OF ACCIDENTS. Fatal Collision on the U. and W., Railroad?Negro Killed by a Trea. Greens, S. C., January 20? Special:?On Thursday night of last week engine No. 6 on the Georgetown and Western railroad collided with a handcar, resulting 4ti the death ot one negro enploy ee and the probably latal y wounding of two others. Several other negro hands were more or less seriously injured. The man who was -killed, it is said, had his head chopped clean off; one negro's skull was fractured, and^the o?her *>f the two most seriously hurt bad his back broken. This correspondent has not been able to ascertain tho names of the dead and wounded employees, nor who is to blame for the accident. On the same day at camp No. 7, near Greens, ai.other negro employed by the A. 0. L. Company was killed by a falling tree. 5 On Jellies J M preserves and pickles, spread g I PUREREFiHED 1 1 PARAFFEME | 31 Will keep them absolutely moWoro Sad ft I acid proof. Pure Refined Paraffin??? also L TB uvrfui lu a doxen olber waja about tbe Ffc ? bowse. Full directions In^eecb package, j,',? Boarding. Mrs. T, S. Hemingway, baring f purchased Ihe Brock in ton house y on Railroad Arenue, is prepared to talAtrunsient and permanent reasonable price. . week or Jk l-9if -M^ 4 A LOSS TO THE COMMUNITY. Mr. J. J. M. Graham, Jr., an Old and Respected Citizen, Dies Near Cades Atiotker of the k$old guard" has passed away in the death of Mr. J. J. M. Graham, Sr., which occured at his home near Cades some time during Thursday night of last week. Mr. Graham was one ot our oldest citizens, being 78 years of age at the time ot hit death, lie was a man of integrity and one ot a class not so common as in antebellum days, whose word was as good as his bond. Being a lifelong member of the Methodist church, he walked uprightly in the sight of God and man throughout his long career. Although Mr. Graham bad Ween severely ill some weeks ago, his general health appeared much better and no one had an idea that he would so soon be called to answer the dread summons. On the day before his death he had remarked to his son that he was feeling unusually well. The next morning he was found dead in his bed. As calmly and peacefully as a tired child he fell into the sleep that knows no waking till the resurrection morn. Mr. Graham leaves three children: Mrs. J. P. Epps, Mrs, J. T. McElveen and Mr. J. J. M. Graham, Jr. In the midst of his bereaved rela tives and sorrowing friends he was laid to rest in the family buryingground'on the Saturday following his death. The funeral services were conducted bv Kev. William Rufl. You can't expect the world to have a good opinion of you unless you set the example. FINDS A WAY TO LIVE LONG. The startling announcement of a Discovery that will surely lengthen life la made by editor O. H. Downej*, of Cburubusco, Ind. "I wish to state," lie writes, "that Dr. King'* New Discovery for consumption is the most Infallible remody that I have ever known for coughs, colds and grip. It's iavaluable to people with .weak lungs. Having this wonderful medicine no one need dread pneumonia or consumption. Its relief is instant and cure certain. D. C. Scott will guarantee every 50c and 91 bottle, and give ttial bottles free. Nothing propagates more rap icily than me micreoes' 01 worry. THE SECRET OF LONG LIFE Consists in keeping all the main organs of the body In healthy, regular action, and in quickly destroying deadly disease germs. Electric Bitters regulate stomach, liver ami kidney*, purify the blood, and give a splendid appetite. They work wonders in curing kidney troubles, femalo complaints, nervous diseases, constipatioi, dyspepsia and malaria. Vigorous health and strength always follow their use Only 50c, guaranteed by D. C, tfcott, druggist. You enjoyed Christmas according lo what von gave. vrtxt cpvtitdv nf\\ttrrir>'-p x u iv A \yv?ur vikx Millions are daily finding a vrorld of comfort in Bueklen's Arnica Salve* It kill* pains from bums, scalds, cuts, bruises; conquers ulcers and fever sores: cures eruptions, salt rheum, boils and felons; removes corns and warts. Best pile cure on earth. Only 25c at D. C, Scott's drug store. Happiness in the heart always shews on the face. HEADS SHOULD NEVER ACHE. Never endure this trouble. Use at onoe the remedy that stopped It for Mrs, N. A. Webster, of Winnie, Va. She writes: "Dr. King's New Life Pills wholly xnM/1 rr>a of clplr ViAaHaflipa T hml ?nf_ fered from for two years." Cure headache. constipation, biliousness. 25c at D. C. Scott's drop store. Love and reason are seldom on speaking terms. To Cure a Cold in One Day, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Ail druggists refund the ! money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box.25c. Cow and Ho? Feed. We have on hand Corn and Wheat bran, Chops, hominy, feed middlings, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls and will keep these all the year round, BAftii & Co. ' A GOOD RECOMMENDATION'. "I have noticed that the sale on Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets is almost invariably to those who have once used them," says Mr. J. H. Weber, a prominent druggist of Cascade, Iowa, What better recommendation could any medicine have than for people to call for it when again in need of such a remedy? Try them when you feci dull after eating, when you have a bad taste in your mouth, feel bilious, I - 1 A t-1 ?a Sal nave no appeure or wnen trouoieu wim constipation, and you are certain to be delighted with the prompt relief which they afford. For sale by Dr. D. C. Scott, druggist. A girl admires extravagance in the young man she i3irt going to marry, REMARKABLE CLTT^E OF CROUP. A Little Boy's -life Saved. I hare a few words to say regarding Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It saved iuj little boy's life and I feel that I cannot praise it enouzb. I bought a bottle of it from A. E. Steere, of Goodwin, S. D., and when I got home with it the poor baby could hardly breathe I gave the medicine as directed every ten minutes until he "threw up" and then I thought sure he was going to choke to death. We had to pull the phlegm out of his mouth in great long strings. I am positive that if I had not got that hot tie of cough medicine, my boy would not be on earth to-day?Joel Demont. In wood, Iowa. For sale by Dr, D- C. Scott, druggist. A man can't gain years after 30 as fast as a woman can lose them. A CURE FOR LUMBAGO. W. C. Williamson, of Amherst, Va., says: "For more than a year I suffered from lumbaco. I finally tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm and it gave ine entire relief, which all other lemedies had failed to do." Sold by Dr. D. C. Scott, druggist. Some men don't mind being insulted if it don't cost anvthimr. "Some tirce ago my daughter caught ft severe cold. She complained of pains in her chest and had a bad cough. I gave her Chamberlain's Cough Remedy according to dir uction* and in two days she was well and able to go to school. 1 have used this remedy in my family for the past seven years and have never known it to fail," says James Pendergast. merchant, Annato Bay, Jamaica, West Indies. The pains in the chest Indicated an approaching attack of pneumonia, which in this instance was undoubtedly warded off by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It counteracts *ny tendency of a cold toward pneumonia. Sold by Dr. D. C. Scott, druggist. Polite society needs lies, but lies can get along without society. L)r. Cady's Condition Powders. Are Just what a horse needs when tn bud cond'tion. Tonic, bloo<l purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medicine and the best In use to put a horse in prime condition. Price 25 cts per package. For sale by D. C. Scott. Virtue, like some other things, keeps better on ice. . Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure, no pay. Price 25 cents. Too much affection rill kill the strongest friendship. Dil. sifnatcr* it on rory box of tb? f?onbi? Laxative Bromo-tyiinine Tabu? tb? Itnw'* ??rt? a eold in ?m t-t a. a rvktisr c Attorney anil Counselor at Llw NOTARY PUBLIC. LARK CITY, 5. 0. 1-9 ly W. L. BASS, Attorney at Law. LARK CITY, S. C. Practice! in State and Federal Courts. W. F. CLAYTON. Attorney - at - Law. FLORENCE, S. 0. Practice# in all the United States Courts, and in tte Courts of Florence tud Williamsburg Counties. i / ' 1 * We have on hand a car load of BI them linger longer, therefore We Pass Up The Don't quarrel with opportunity, bu last. All the standard makes, such as J dock,Enger, Barber and R.E.Jones. We make you practically a present OURLIVERY DEP Is always supplied with Good Horses ar J. L STUCK Lake City ^Te'w Storel One chance is all we ask to convince OUR SPECIE tar. lies' 11 Gems' funis THINGS THAT DELIGHT THE LA j THAT CANT I STEWART Lake Cit; ISFECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO l" Having sold us her entire stock. an< who is in our employ, will be pleased b at our store. Our Store's Miss IS TO SUPPLY MERCHANDISE MOST BROADLY AND Everybody needs new clothing for shopping is an important necessity. \ question. Before answering it intellig tne store ef GAGG, OLIVI Where the Finest and Most Varied Sto We desire to call special attention DEESS C That must be seen to be appreciated. ol our goods cannot be excelled. The coming of cold weather means can supply them. See our celebrated ] We also have a very complete line Eeady toWea All bright, new, clean goods at prices t cheaper and inferior goods. Our Hardware and Grocery line is from $4.99 up. We respectfully solicj GAGG, OLIVER & CO A petition signed by hundreds J of citizeus, not only of Williamsburg but of several ?titer counties, ? has been presented to Governor McSweeney in behalf of Frank M. jr Player by his counsel, KeRoy Lee, Esq. Among the signatures to the petition are, we understand, the names ot most, if not all, of the jurymen belrtre whom the case was tried. Mr. Player has served almost a year of his J sentence of three years and a half, and his health has bee.i much im paired. Amoag others Senator Williams made a strong plea to the governor. J" Hymeneal. Married?m the residence of r* the brides'father, Mr. A. W. P'lag- ^ ler, near Kingstree, S. C., on Wednesday, January 22,1902, at 4:30, J\ p. m., by Rev. H. J. Cauthen, A' Miss Marguerite Flagler to Mr. James Clifton Kinder. Also, at 1 the same time aad place. Miss Mae Flagler to Mr. Claudius Eraile $h St. Amai'd. du Mortuary. 0 - - . . T? Died?Un Saturday, January A,i 18,1902, hi Sumter, S. 0., iMr. G. 8tr B. Pearson, who was an unc'e of a ( Mrs. J. C. McElveen and formerly resided in Williamsburg county. *h< The bereaved family have the Wi sympathy of a number of relatives ffr: and triends ol the family in this W county. ft] You Know What you are Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is 2 plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, no pay. 50c. A car Texas Ked Rust Proof ** Oats going at 80 cents while they last. Barr & ro. y\h JGGIES, and can't ajford iu iut^H Profits to You. I t come now and buy whilo they lackney, Taylor d Oanady, I"ay-^B of half the profits if you buy now.^B \ARTMFNT I id Stylish and ServicableVehlelee H :ey & co? I , S. C. v 2STg*w G-ood-sI .1 you of the quality of our goods. | nfl k T.TV TS SS Oil, DffMSiNoM. I ?DIE8 HEARTS AT PRICES B 5E BEAT. J & FLOYD, 3 7. S. O. )RESSM AKLNG AMILLTNERY i good will Miss Ida G. ledgers, o serve her friends and customers I :ion ! OF THE BEST QUALITY ECONOMICALLY, the Fall and Winter Season, and Vhere shall it he done? is the ently. you should be sure to visit 2R & CO., ck of Merchandise is to be found* to our full line of rOOD S, D*??aao Uf itIa OiidlUtf luu i iiWJ| uvjig ?uu shoes for the entire family. We Bion F. iteynold'a Shoe, of r Clothing. hat will compare favorably with complete. We handle Shot Guns it your patronage. ., Kingstree, S. C. I M. SNIDER iurgeon Dent^^| ingstree, 16th to 30th of eacl^H month. ^ ike City, 1st to 15th of each month. Kingstree, every Saturday. Satisfaction Guaranteed. iiiKirr ' )E N TIST. KINGSTREE, S. C. )nlyforthe [EXT 30 DAYS Our friends and patrons aid all 10 are interested in his own purse all take notice that we have reiced all our goods to ost and Below order to clear out our enormous >ck om hand, and if ever there was ihanco in the history of a man's e to dress himself of the best for * ' , e smallest sum, this is one, and !dont hesitate to advise all to \ tisp i* while it lasts, e carry the most select stock of lothing, Dry Goods, Gents Furnishings, Shoes, Hate, Etc, Ul & HURWITZ , :nding Clothier* A Fnrnisherv of tieorgetotr u, (4. V. I Hail ordors attended to the sarate rtcaivad. P. 0, Box 91 /