The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, January 23, 1902, Image 5

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Ml ml Of MSI. AFFAIRS CAUGHT BY OUR LOCAL REPORTER AND NOTED. Written in Condensed horm end Printed ih Like Manner for the Sake of I Our Busy Readers. .Note legal ads" this week. Mr. Entile Arrowsmith came up loni Georgetown Sunday. I LeRov Lee, Esq., went up to poluiuhia Monday on professional luainess. Mrs. M. McMillan and Miss lalieniclit, of Charleston, visited rietids in town last week. Hoiie G. A?kms, Esq., of Lake - - - i _? ! fH^BCity, received his commission last jfiBweek as notary public, See his ^^ card. |HS Dispenser J. W. Coward went Hte Columbia Thursday to make jfl his annual settlement with the I^B ate dispensary. [SB The County Record's 'phone ( InV number is 21. When yob have a fl nice, fresh piece el news don't fail to r:nj up 21. H Three papers lor the price of , m one?ilie Atlanta Constitution,the j H Sunny South and The County , K Klcurd, all three for $2. . jB The total enrollment of the < if graded school is now 135 pupils, I [? with an average attendance of 118. 1 All of the classes are progressing i B nicely. 1 Dr. A. D. Epps, of Greeley ville, i ? was in town Saturday. It is grat- j ifving to his many friends that i * - oa ni^al ii fur. XLppS 18 SUV?'.CCUill?, ou uivvij in his profession. i Subscribe to The Commoaer, I William J. Bryan's great. paper, i lor only 65 cents a year in chib with The Record? botk papers i for $1 65 in advance. ?$Mr. W. E. Stiowden, of Benson, stepped over in town Monday night at the Coleman House. Mr. ' Snowden w in the employ of the ' Atlantic Coast Lumber Co., as surveyor. Rev. Frank M. Hauser, ot Aa On will nroach in the 1 JJU51U, ua.f mil riv.v.. ... Baptist church Sunday next at i 11 a. m. Everybody is cordially invited to attend services. Capt. Howe, president of the Bank of Florence, and Mr. Willie Anderson, also of Florence, passed through town Monday en route to Capl. Cooper's to take a bird hunt. Mr, J. J. M. Graham, of Cades, called on us while in town Monday, accompanied by. Mr. i?. A. Bass, f Halifax connlv, Va. Mr. Bass is frem the todacco-producing section of tile Old Dominion and will lake charge of Mr. Graham's tobacco farm this year. One night last week a little ne * I * - _ A* M ? gro girl, me oaugnier 01 iuwkhi Singlelery, of Benson, wag accidentally bnrned to death. The child, which was quite young, got up early and began to play with fire. Its dress caught and was in flames when the child's screams awoke the parents. Among the exposition visitors daring the past week were noted the following from town and caunty: Mrs. Lula Brockinton. Misses Edith and Betiiah Nelson, Melle and HattieSnowden, Messrs. J. Y. McGill, M. M. Wilson, S. T. McGrea, P. B. Thorn, P. A. A1Ubrook. J. S. Frierson, K. W. Mcflutchen and W. J. Suowden. Mr. Hugh McCutchen, who has keen representing Alex Spruht & c>on, of Wilmington, N. C., as cotton buyer at this point, desires us to state that, as the cotton season is nearly ever, he will alter this week be in town only on Wednesday and Saturday of each week. On these days be will be pleased to meet his friends at the depot during the remainder ot the season. Mr. R. D. Rollins returned Monday from a visit of several days to the *City by the Sea." While ia Charleston Mr. Rollins, of course, went out to the exposition grounds. This was his first visit to the big show,.ahe expresses himself: as beiag. delighted with wba|th& saw, la. its.scope and elaborateness, the Charleston exposition, he says, is away ahead of the ene held iu Atlanta. several yovjaggw. ] R. J. Kirk Esq., went down te Charleston Wednesday an business. Mr J. W. Josey, representing: Melchers <fc Co., Charleston, was autographed at Barr's Hotel yesterday. By remembering that one long ling calls up central you will avoid confusion and receive more prompt attentiou. Grand Prelate John M. Knight, ot Sumter, will be here on February 2, to make an address before Kingstree Ledge Knights of Pythias. Rev. J. E. Dunlop Slled his - * a *1 , r? regular appoinrment ac me i res-1 byterian church Sunday morr.iag, and Kev. H. J. Caul hen preached in the Methodist church morning and evening at the usual hoars. The Scran!on News has suspended publication. The outfit has boen removed to Kingstree and [be paper wdl bo published under the name of the'^WeeklyMail," with Messrs. Stoil and Stoll as editors. The first issue will appear this week. Mr. W. Eugene Cooke has severed his connection with the Scranton News and at the close of the present session of the legislature, where he is employed as journal clerk, will take the law course at the South Carolina College. Mr. Cooke is a very estimable young man and we wish him much success. Cadet Q. O. Epps, of Clemson Uollege, was forced Jo come home in December on account of a severe attack of pneumonia. Acting on the adviee of his physician he has decided not to resume his studies this session, as his illness has left his system in a somewhat reduced state. Cadet Epps is a member of the junior class, and as is the case with most of Williamsburg's collegians, is taking a very creditable staad in his classes, beiug promoted this year from corporal to sergeant. He intends returning to tho college at the beginning of the fall term. Bring your Watches, Clocks and Jowelrv to R. A. Watts, Jr., at ouce, as I don't know just hew long I will be heie. Academy Street, opposite the dispensary. lull Will Sell 75 Pe York Now is Your Opportunity Than Evi I T T ITTITTT A *TT% ALLMW AJMiJ WiQ be Open Friday E GRA YSON'S Come While tunity R. Hi O1 i DON'T LIVE TOGETHER. Constipation and health never gp to- gether. DeWitt's Little Early Risers promote easy action of the bowels without distress "I have been troubled with costiveness nine years," says J. O. Greene, Depauw.Ind.. "I have tried many remedies, but little early risers give best results " Drs. D. C. Scott and W. V. Brockington. Most people believe in Ihe total depravity of somebody else. CHILDREN tiS^JKUlALLI LIABLE. Burns, bruises and cut* are extremely painful, and if neglected often result in blood poisoning. Children are especially liable to such miihap* because not so careful. AS a remedy DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Sal re U unequalled. Draws out the fire, stops the pain, soon heals the wound. Beware of counterfeits. Sure cure for plies. 'DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve cured nay baby of eczema after two physicians gave her up," writes James Mock, N. Webster, Ind. "The sores were so bad she soiled two to fl re dresses a day." I>r?. D. C. Scott and W. V. Brockington. A cy?ic is a man who is never 1 happy unless he is unhappy. A PROFITABLE INVESTMENT. "I was troubled for about seven years with my stomach aud in bed half my time, says fi. Demsck, Somerville, Ind. "I spent about 81,000 and never could get anything to help me until I tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I have taken a f?w bottles and am entirely well." You don't live by what you eat, but by what you digest and assimilate, if your stomach doesn't digest your 100:1 you are really starving. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does the stomach's work by digesting the food. You don't have to diet. Eat all you want. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures all stomach troubles. Dvs.D. C. Scott antfW. V. Brockinton. CHILD WORTH MILLIONS. "My child is worth millions to me," says Mrs. Mary Bird, of Harrisburg, Pa., "yet I would have lost her by croup had I not purchased a bottle of One Minute Cough Care." One Minute Cough Cure is surecure for coughs, croup and throat and lung troubles. , An absolutely safe cough cure which acts immediately. The youngest child can take it with entire safety. The little ones like the taste and remember how often it heloed them. Every family should have a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure handy. At this season especially It may be needed suddenly. Drs. D. ?, Scott and W. V Brockington. Ml 1M Ill It 1! MBMP r Cent on New Cost. A- Poo >ln Pknn BAP r 10 Dliy UUUUd UiiGapci it Before. STAPLE GOODS [Dining for Business at OLD. ST AN Bk ? this Opporleasts. QUSAR1 Agent \ l v \ Mexican WdLIS Mustang JLiniineiMmmi Xtoad und a harrow suffers no moro that is tortured with Spavi ' Sores, Sprains, etc. Most h and apply the kind of symp far and wide as v Mexican Mustai Lii f Never fails?not even in the Cures caked udder in cows q remedy. Hardly a disease p or joints that cannot bo cure Mexican pfi?iainng Liniment ukSanta Glaus I At Stack ley's A FULL LINI DANDIES, FRUITS, AND You will Find a full line of * rTT IT T V7 r\ T k , 311LL1AMI, 1j A FANCY AND D THE ORIGINAL L. W. REYNOLDS Remember our Prices wi Stackley's i 3HE OLD EE LI A THOMAS & is preparing to meet you m?^m IE3 O" ?IK THE W Horses, Mules, Si and Ha Th* likfi of which has never be< On your Patronage Depend* our make a bid for it in the most convinci High Class Goods at the Smallest Legitimate Business Methods. With increased facilities handl for storing Vehicles and Stable room I you at the same old stand*. 0T Our liverv is better equipped tl stylish and comfortable Vehicles. Yours for business, T RILL 8 ROBERTS' MSI We are how gathering up e The Remnants An<l Goods that hare been overlooked J- ?v.a Ki,o? lu.lwlav* and marking them i Ill U1JV uuoj J ' ? ^ at prices that will makethem bargains, j We are taking stock and will sell maay goods at reduced prices. \ we iave a few pair of Wool Mlxe<T i White Blankets, little soiled ou the folds, which we will sell. about ball1 price* We have a lot of Flush, Velvet and' 'i Beaver Capes, < slightly damaged, which we have marked about half price. In fact, some < are less than half price. Four Umbrella*, slightly damaged, at half price. A few silver trimmea Novelties for mucb lees than cost, as " * - *?-..! Vnlr? Tartar mil rues, amiV/iirc uiiiivv, uv??. Opener*, Paper Cutter* Fruit Knives, Letter Seal*, Shoe Born*. Glove Bub* toners, Book Marks,'SaticbebTag*, etc. H&YC reduced the price of FunnelBUELL & : 1 51? aud'575 E i Ch a.Tl est ' adlly OT?rocp>?Lwi'<* Tfff*> d BartrtsMntehM te hartlm od oattfa. Farmer* try iw ^31 ' :^S/|r: % er> than thofaithftil how' ins, Swinney, Harness orse owners know this i&thy that heals, known. j rag . lament. most aggravated case?.. aickcr than any known peculiar to muscle, skin: i by it. fastnasdy cm th? uviM for tSaB^SpraiM and Skin Lumps. ipakoraMandmulwin coadttfaai leadquarters! Cash Store5 OF TOYS,, I FANCY GROCERIES CES, RIBBONS. RESS GOODS. ' , $2.00, $2.50, $8.0* $3*0 SHOE&11 Suit You, Cash Store. BLE FIRM OP BRADHAM r wants this fall'witfi izrm ay or? aggiesy Wagonr ^ rnesa en seen in Williamsburg' Countyi. Prosperity and we are Going ng marwer; namely: * . Marginro# Pruft Consistent withi ing our Line?larger ffl&or spacofor Stock?War are here to serve-" \ * lian ever with fresh Herses and') Yours for business. H9*1 AS A BRADHAM. J. E. TOMLINSON, Manager.. 1 DRY GOODS STORE. ; ttes, Outing, suitings ami omcr iuods for Waists. Will sell our Ho*e and Half Hose at 15, S3, 40 aral-SOc, 25 per cent off. Wc receiveda^swe of Canton Flan? let to ."ell at 8c. 2i is-as good, .if not: ;hp best in the city.. Al.?o, nine bales Comforts, which . *111 be sold at close prices, and 3&. fleets new, beautifnl Calicoes. IN OUR Furniture- Department; YOU WILL FIN Walnut Suits. 3afc Suits, lakJrkie boards. Lounge?.. Bttenaion .Tables^ Obairs, Bbcker?,. s. Kanlt, TTfcaka,. -Z. 9lov&i Lanu*. Matting,. i Window. Sbadd?*. Decorated CB??be',,,9'fitS,i. Etc., E e< ROBERTS, lag Street, on S>GU J M . vxfl