The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, January 23, 1902, Image 1

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VOL XVIII. KINGSTKEE, S. C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1902. NO. i : Positively No New D ??:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?; % @ ? ?. SE ? OL1 @ FOR THE FURPOSB OFUAK ? jsj -&-t act" v ywwvwwv% I! *?I . ? * 11,686 S ? i At Cost. ? @ V vvvv vvvv w w ww w* @ ONE CALL WiLL BE PROOF f@ FARMERS, GET YOUR FARM @ LADIES, GET YOUR DRESS ( gv EVERYBODY COME AND SE Q THIS IS THE TIME TO GET 1 ?@:?:?:?:@:@:?:?:@:? To make room for a full report of the proceedings of the legisla this week's installment of wo Gentlemen of Hawaii'' had /He omitted. Their further adVenture. will be continued next week. Meantime to keep in touch with 'he work of our "Solons" at Columbia read the iuside of THe Record. The quarter page uad" of Maj. S M Askins in this issue speaks for itself. Maj. Askins needs no introduction to our readers, but just now he offers special inducements to bargain seekers. He has a large and carefully selected stock of goods and eur readers will find it to their interest t<^*isit B bis store when they visit Lake The Best is the Chespest. BP The New York Life is the ouly B insurance company in the world that furnishes to its policy holders and the public detailed information regarding its Assets, Liabilities and! Management. Its gain of insurance in forco on a basis of paid for business out ranks any other life insurance compauy in the world, amounting *to the tremendous sum of $140,284,680 for the year 1900. When the times are hard you need this protection more man ever, aa it is ?i safeguard against poverty and misfortune for your helpless family. You can't afford to invest your money in a company unless it is absolutely safe. The great International Life Insurance Company, The New York Life, is that company. Are you insured? If not, your wife and children are carrying the Tisk on you life. Relieve them of this burden by taking out a polity in the New York Life. You can't afford to delay in a matter like this that is of vital importance. Thtre are no more liberal or attractive ?>l!cies offered than by the New ork Lile. I shall be pleased to give information as to premium rates and fnjaish liteiature to prtsS peotive applicants for life insurance. J. B. STEELE, tf Kingstree, S] C. For Sale. A good Horse and Buggy at a bargain, ilorse is young, sound aad gentle, and buggy ia good condition. Aa\o?e wishing to see or priee same can do so by applying at the office of 1 T*? (Vitvtv Rtrntn I-Jll X XI il VUL.UJ *..vvW. The Best Prescription for Malaria. Chills and Fever is a bottle of Groves Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine ina tasteless form. No cure?no pay. Price 6Uc. No orders for corn and oats will I be filled unless accompanied by ** -' 1 isplay Advertisements \ ?SLAU LLING OUT ING SOME NEEDED REPAIRS 0' EXCEPT GROCERIES AND UN: Cost for Csislr Dry good* Hats Notions " Trunks Dress Goods buggy Harness Trimmings Shovels Gents' Furnishings Pitch Forks Clothing Hoes, Axes Shoes Wagon Harness TO YOU THAT THIS IS TRUE. ING IMPLEMENTS AT COST WHJ 500DS BERORE THEY ARE GON IE THAT I MEAN WHAT I SAY. WHAT YOU WANT AT A BARGA :@:?:@:@:@:?:@:@: ?:?:<? The friends of K 0 Purday, Esq.,?and lie has a large number hjere?were ((flighted when the nows came that he was elected judge by so flattering a vote. Several telegrams ot congratulation were sent him Tuesday afternoon by his friends. Mr R H Cousar, in his large advertisement this week, offers a fine opportunity to buy goods cheap. He says he has the goods and intends to close them out re gardlees of cost. Read his announcement and give him a call. "Miss Central*1 was inducted into her duties last Monday and the telephone exchange has been working smoothly ever since. We are now connected with Trio, Greeleyville (via Salter*), Pudding Swamp and lndiantowa. The Lake City line is not yet completed. There are already twenty 'phones taken in town. At a call meeting of the Kingstree Lodge No. 91, K. of P., the following officers were nominated for the ensuing vear: LeKor Lee. n. C;RK Wallace, V. C.; J T Sullivan, M. A ; E C Epp?, K. of R. and S.; W V Brockington, Rl. W.; M A Ross, M. E.; J C McElreen, I. G.; J 0 Bell, O. G.; H O Britton, P. The election and installation of the officers took place at the regular meeting last night. The following visitors, most of whom were informed in the sales of bankrupt 6tocks which took place that day, were noted on our streets Monday: K A Butch, A H Donglas, J Sulzbacher, Florence; H J Adams, M llornik and $ H Boras, Charleston; R E Ward Wilmington; S W Norwood aud H Foxworth, Marion. ?, Mrs. Will N. Harben. The following clipping from the! New lork Commercial Advertiser! will be of interest to the friends j of Mrs. Will N. Harben in this county who knew her as the beauliul and accomplished Miss Mabel Chandler: Mrs. William N. ilarben, whose husband is a novelist of growing fame, is a native of South Carolina. She is a direct descendant of Gen. Francis Marion of Revolutionary renown and a niece of Lady Cathew-Yorstoun of India. Her husband has distinguished English connection, and, with his bride, will spend me grearer pari f the coming year in London. Major Oalhew-Yorstoun will represent India at the king's coronation, and Mr. and Mrs. Harben will be the guests of Major and Lady Cathew-Yorstoun during the ceremony. Mrs. Harben is an accomplished musician. As Miss Chandler she was one of the belles f the South, Tillhe Received, or Old < GHTER AT COST i X mill? CTABT UrvTTCT? T XTHW OP 1 jl iltj oiv/nju uvuuju x xi v ii vv DERTAKERS' WARES, FROM NO ox its Bau.iTrsil< Single Trees Dixie Hames Horw i Heel Bolts Plow Dixie Castings Stove . Steel Points Heat< Adjustable Stocks Bed 1 j Carbon Boy Plows Sprin ;|| Yours for bi ILE THEY LAST j j ^ E. j O# IN. j' >:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:(j i a fine piece of work It the New Road from the Seine Ya-d to the Lower Bridge. Recently a representative of The Record drove out to the lower bridge ori Blacfc river and viewed the work that has bee* done there by the chain-gang under the supervision of Capt. E. (J. Wheeler within the past few weeks. As was mentioned in Tie Record some time since, a new road is being cut from tho seme yard to the lower bridge for the reason that at certain stages ol high water in time of freshets the present thoroughfare is impassable. It is upon the new road that Capt. Wheeler has dona this work. For 700 yards he has built a solid causeway or embankment averag-j ing about 7-fc feet high. It is 17 feet wide and as smooth as a floor, extending up to a bill which, within the memory of the oldest inhabitants, has never been overflowed. Near the middle of this causeway is a bridge 144 teet in length, spanning a water course loo deep to be fllied in. This is undoubted ly the strongest and most carefully I constructed bridge On ,*..y _high-| way in the county. The foundation is composed of 26 cypress posts, a foot square and 12 feet long. These are driven six feet into the earth. Over these posts are thirteen cap pieces. 12x14, and 30 stringers, 8x10, An iron rod is driven through each stringer and cap piece into the post to hold it steady. The abutments at each end of the bridge are made of gum aRd cypress logs, mortised 60 as to hold them fast, and covered over with dirt. The floor of the bridge is of two inch plank and is fastened down with 40 penny nails. The handrailing is held in place with 40 penny nails, burnt and braddei. This excel ' . U..J1* I... < l.? iem siraciure khu duiu u.v mc chirnpang at a miminum cost ? oc / $40?whereas it it |iad b?en lei out by contract at $2.00 a foot the county woild have paid nearly $300 for the same work. In fact, Jthe entire pjece of work shows beyond dispute the efficiency of the chain-pan?, upon the public highways when under the direcHr?n nf miA u-hn lias a thorough i practical knowledge of the art ?r road-building. There are fifteen convicts in the chain-gang and all look hearty and reasonably cheerful. They are kept busily at vsrork and have no time to offer to his Satanic majesty an idlfc\braiu as his workshop. Men always bovTToT%ciiut not as a matter of courtesy. ?v ' ^ Ones Changed, Later Tan 5ALE POR REPAII uuri, 1 WIL1L1 o-EiijLj UU r M I JJi W UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, 3ELt in Co\a.ELtx37 i Boy Plows Mattresses ?Collars Bedsteads Bridles Bureaus b , Sash Stands ?rs Tables Room Suit* Kitchen Safes gs Etc, Etc. Etc* usiness, M. ASKII Lake City, S5.000VOM Kivpvv If UftVA At 25 Per Ce: We have decided to retire from t we may devote the entire time to th< Business, and in order to close out ou our entire stock of Clothing: and Gen We would alio impress the fact u our stock of Staple Dry fiooc Shtif Was never mc We will five personal attei W. E. JEN Mi MAKE NO MIE ?GO ' S. THOMAS, 257 KING STREET, C / ?FO WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVE SPECTACLES i Jewelry and Watches Rep; 3mo-Mchl2 We Fit Them All Whether you are standard in your mea urements or just any odd shape, we promf you a fit when you. come hers. We ha fashionable Milts for tall, short, fat or thi as well S3 the standard sizes and shape WeM fit you perfectly. Silk fleece Him nndershirtsor drawers at 55 cents eac good value at $1 50 each. We carry a fill line ot Jjhn B. Stetsor Ilals in all shapes, from $4 50 to $5 each. - ? ?-i i.. J sole agents ior me eeieoraieu iuuuj, Hat. the best union made S3 hat in th cltj. Dutchess Trousers, 12 to Pi per pair. Ilamilton-Caihartt Overalls at $1.50 p suit. Black Cat brand Leather Stockings 25 cents per pair. A special salesman attends to all o mail orders. -V* h. i GRANITE CLOj 1 . = m * l Ta33ia7 9t orning. . i % I i NTIBJB STOCK OF GOODS, jsC - 3?xoa.ia.c?. f If ' Honest \ gj Offer. | jgj I (gj 9 VS, Agt. I J c r ? | M* @ J s>:?:?:?:?;?:?:?:?:?:? . ??MV Min?f?UM . * mUTMNtt nt Discount. *$ he Clothing business in order that ? Dry Goods, Shoe and illinery i r stock of clothing quickly we offet" A ts' Hats at 25 percent discount. Aj pon our Williamsburg friends tlnr*? is, Millinery, | 3s and Notions, | -i ^ ^ JA )re Lsompiuit;* ition to all orders sent us. KINSON, anning. S, C. 0 a TAKE! | JR., & BRO-j jA HARLESTON, S. C., jfif ?n :r ware, plated ware INO CLOCKS. fl| lired by Expert Workmen. JH HA* " /lt\ f3LJFi\ mBn^LLo^K /*>N i?. Hi rTfPfffcJHk"' / ^MB jjp3jBB^^PB^BgBsji^jfflfB6Mt JBHBB