The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, November 21, 1901, Image 5

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**Y lOCM IjUfflfEBI. AFFAIRS CAUGHT 8Y OUR LOCAL REPORTER ANO NOTED. m ?-? Written in Condensed Form end Printed in Like Manner for the Sake of Our Busy Readers. Look out for the blue X. Kelt Tharsday is Thanksgiving. Mi*s .Jessie Beacham,of[Marion, is visiting the family of Dr. Snider. Dr. W. V. Breckinpton made a business triji to Charleston Monday. " Post office Inspector J. J. Smith whs in town Thursday and Friday en official business. | W. F. Stackhoase, Esq., of the Marion bar, was registered at tJarr'? Hotel last Thursday. Mr, F. G. Rhera, of Morrisville, visited us on Wednesday. ? Georgetown Times. W. D Bryan, of Greens, was in the city Monday en business.? Georgetown Outlook. United States Deputy Marshal George S.McOravey came ap from 'X'harleston last week on business Cotton was quoted at 7c to 7? lor middling and seed at $12 50 to$ 13 00 a ton in the local market yesterday. Miss May Van Keuren, of Smith Mills, is miting Misses Blanche ami Sadie Wilson.? Georgetown Outlook. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McCntchen have moved to town for the rest of the cotton season. They are boarding at the Coleman Hou>e. ' The annual Methedist Confer enr* will convene in Columbia u? xi Wednesday, Nov. 27, con tinuingin session through Dec. 2. The painting and decoration ot the ripurt house is beginning to ?lw?w up in fine style. When completed it will be an excellent imitation of granite. 3dr. Julian Pcndorgrasa, a prominent merchant of Florence and a ra^ujoer 01 me CUT wuuvii, v?I?iii^l the fomiiy of Mr. L. Stackley several days this week. It is reported herefrom a reliable source that the saw mill property of McDuffie & Well*, at 'Jri", has been sold to the Atlantic Coast Lumber Co, of Georgetown, ~ Tuesday was undoubtedly the v , most disagreeable day wo have had so far this winter. Beginning' with sleet in the early morning, it alterii&toiy sleeted, snowed and J" rained during the whcle day. Mr. L. E. Schullz returned Frif " *0 day night from Savaanab, Ga., where he has heen participating in the festivities of fair week. He reports a delightful visit and says' Savannah is the liiigest towa for! its size ia the country. Mr. R. B. Lyons, who for sev eral years has been conducting the Hotel Windsor at Georgetown, will go to Manning next month to. take charge of the Central Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Lyons kept a hotel here before goiug ( Georgetown, and the best wishes 0/ their Kings1 " tree friends wilt attend them in their new home. County Treasurer R. D. Rollins 1 is our duly authorized agent. For the convenience of eur patrons remote from town, we have arranged with him to receive money and issue receipts fer game while on l i? rnimHi Wh?Il V?ll ajft DSV- I I jug jour taxes don't forget to re-1 t&j mber The Recqm. tf The proofreader points out (lie typnirrMpliical orror q1 the comP . b. K m. v t Dr. R. J. McOabe came op from Georgetown Tuesday. Dr. A. D. Epp?. o! Greelevville, visited friends in town Tuesday night. Mr. J, W. Josey, the well known representative ot Melchers Co., Charleston, is in tewa to-day. Misses Sallie Wilson and Etta Jacobs,who are teaching at Smith's ; and Single, respectively, silent | Saturday and Sunday at their homes in town. A gentleman remarked in our presence the other day that doctors, preachers and editors got the "top crop." We don't know aboat the others, bat the editor's share ef the tep crop this year seems to have been killed by the early frost. Following are the cases heard before Magistrate K. K. Stutts on Tuesday, November 18: Willie Gardner, burglary and larceny; Henry Dans, disposing of crop under lien; Sam Nelson, forgery; Oliver E. Wilson, giving three ! bills of sale on the same live stock; | Isaac Fressley, arson. These cases 1 I ^ - 4^4 * | were ail remanded 10 me court u; general sessions. The special committee of the grand jury appointed to investigate the public offices of the county will probably finish their work this week. So far they have examined the offices of clerk el court, probate judge, supervisor, county superintendent of education, sheriff and auditor all < ! which are feund to be in good shape. The committee is asfollows: J Mines A FVrrell, W.K.Funk andW W. Grayson, wiih E. L. Hirsch, E>q , as expert. Mr. John V. Waiiaee, now or ; Charleston, spent a taw hour* in tow a Thursday. Once a .resident of Kintrstreo. he had not been here lor alxurt fifteen years, and the changes and iinpreveniento during that time hare been so many that he scarcelr recognized the place. Mr. Wallace is a brother-in-law of Dr. R. J. McCabe and ha* recently moved from Atlanta to Charleston, as > 1 manager of a branch office of the Cable Fiano Company. Mr. John Y. McGill, of Benson, has been duly commissioned as a i member of the board of supervisors of registration vice Charles Lesesne, deceased. He will assume the duties ot his position on the first Monday in Decomber when the hoard next meets in the court house. It will be reinem ! bered that Mr. McGill was nominated to this position in the last primary election, receiving the next highest vote to Mr. J. J. Eadv, one of the incumbents. The following paragraph from the write-up in the BaptistCoHrier ot the Southeast Association will be of interest to the many friends of Rev". G. T. Gresham ?t all denominations, who know and appreciate him: ^'Brother Geo. T. Grehbam Is pastor of the Kingstree Rap'ist church. He lives at Manning and is also pastor at - 1 D Lanes ana ?mer cnurene*. oru. Gresham came irons Virginia some years ago; most of his ministerial life has been in this State, ami h* lias Irorn time te time done fine werk in the school room. He was thoroughly prepared tor his J lite work in Richmond College and j the Southern Baptist Theological | Seminary. He is one of the best men we hare. Taylor, the Photographer, Will be in KingsirOe Monday, December 2, to remain throughout the week. Come and have yeur picture taken. Remember, I will not remain longer than one week. % J. B, Taylor. ' Mrr. A. H. Dobbin, the mother of Mrs. Hugh McOutchen, posed through town Tuesday on the way to Chestertown, N, Y., whither she was called by the serious illness of her son son-in-law, Rer. H. G. Gilland. A reporter for Thk Record chanced to see a gentleman gel au ugly fall last night ou the sidewalk between Keddick's store and the warehouse atijoiniug on the east side. Al this point is a wash nt nearly a loot deep which, if not filled iu speedily, is liable to iarolve the town in a suit for damages. Messrs. F. L. Willcox, attorney lor the Atlantic Coast Lumber Co., George Galletly, of tke Florence bar and R. 0. Furdy, ol the Sumter bar, were in town yesterday on legal business. Messrs. Galletly and Purday are prominent candidates for the judicial ermine in tke 3rd Circuit, Pant Thnnias Wilson and County Supervisor B. B. Chandler have been appointed from the 1st congressional district by Governor McSweeney as deligates to the good roads convention at Greenville to be held next month, when the Southern Railroad's good road's train will give object lessons in the construction of highways. ) M Death of Mrs. Agnes Rodgers. Mrs Agnes Rodgers, wife of Mr. Willie Kodgers, died at her home near Bloorningvale Monday night about one o'clock. Mrs. Rodgers was scarcely ?ui 01 nor ineuucs ami had been married only a /aw year*, lier death wan very a adieu aud peculiarly sad, leaving a young husbaud bereaved aud a a>i child without a mother's protecting care. Mrs. iiadaera wa? a daughter 01 [.the late Asa brown ky hia second , marriage.. 6he had * large family coiuieclioii, ait tf Whear are ?audeued. by her unexpected deniue. , i'he interment tdox pWe at the Mftchum family burying ground on Tuesday, the funeral services being conducted by iKev; J. E. Duulop. k ri HipJin._ V/ K9 W V Nature Babies and children reed ] proper food, rarely ever mcdi- j cine. If they do not thrive ; : on their food something is * wrong. They need a little j ' help to get their digestive machinery working properly.1 COD LIVER OIL mH HYPOPHOSPHfTESo?LtftE 4S0DA will generally coirect this difficulty. If you will put from onefourth to half a teaspoonful in babyfs bottle three or four times a day you will soon see a mailed improvement For larger children, from half to ; : a teaspoonful, according to age, dissolved in their mHk, if you so desire, will very ( soon show its great nourishing power. If the mother's milk does not nourish the baby, she needs the emulsion. It wiH show <tn effect ^ at once both upon mother 1 and child. ; * 50c. andfc .00, *N dniggbts. SCOTT k BOWNt, Chembta, Hew Ywk m* II W l| II M 9 II I ' * ' Every Day is At Stackley's There is an immeasarnble differ* of onr jjoods and the low class price A dollar ?oex further when spen the amount anywhere ole. The lar. our counters would not be drawn bj that most irresistible attraction?pri You will Find a full line of DRESS GOODS, RIBBONS, MI LI Hats, Caps and Gepl FULL LINE OF BOY'S CL< Reynold's High Roller $3.50 SI Remember, we will not be undei Stackiey's Cades Chronicles. Mrs, Huggtns has returned irom ; a week's visit in Ktngstree. Mr. Clifton Kinder is now buying cot to i on this market. The "Gypsies" are encamped at the cross roads near Cades with a large drove of horses and mules. Mr. Jas. A. Ferrell, of Salters, was an appreciated visitor in town one day last week. Th?8htd on the former site of Wheeler's saw mill is being torn down preparatory, 1 understand, to the erection of a dwelling bv Capt. Ed. Wheeler. It would add mpch to the appearance of Cades to replace some more old land mdrks by modern dwellings. . : -s ULYSSES. RELIABLE aND GENTLE. "A pill's a pill," ?ay* the ?aw. Hut there are pills *nd pills. You want a pill which is certain, thorough and gentle. Mustn't gripe. DeWittV Little Early Riser* fiill the bill Purely vegetable. I)o not force but as-i?r the' bowel* to act- Sirengthen and invigorate. Small and ea?y to take. L>. C. Seort and 1 ?r. W. V. Brockinion. The regulation price of liberty is ten doljars,?for ten days. MODERN SURGERY SURPASSED. "While suffering from a bad ca?e of piles I consulted a physician, who advised mc to try a box of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Salve," says G. F. Carter, Atlanta, (hi. "I procured a boxarid was entirely cured, DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve i* a splendid cure for piles, giving relief instantly, and I heartily recommend it to all sufferers." rvery is unnecessary to cure p i ?. DeWitt's Witch Hazel salve will cure any case. Cuts, burns, bruise-: and ail f other wounds are al*o quickly cured by It. Ih-Wnr* of counterfeits. I). C. Scott and Dr. W._V Brockinvw. ('ritic?A man who dosetri know a good thing when lie sees it. THE CHILD KEN'S FKIEND. You'll have a cold this winter. Maybe you have one now. Your children will suffer too. For cousbs, croup, bronchitis, grip and other winter complaints One Minute Cough Cure never falls. Acts promptly. It is very pleasant to the taste and perfectly harmless B. George, Winchester, Ky., writes: "Our little girl was attaoked with croup lxte one night and was ho iionr?e; she cut11(1 hardly speak. We gave her a few doses of One Minute Cough Cure. I It relieved her immediately and she went to sleep. When she awoke next morning she had no signs of hoarseness or croup." 1). C* Scott, W. V. Iirocklugten. Nothing?The hole in a doughnut alter the doughnut is eaten. A PHYSICIAN TESTIFIES. "I have taken Kodc.1 Dyspepsia Cure and have never used anything in my life that did me the good did." says County Physician Geo W. Scruggs, of Rail county. Ga. -' Being a physician 1 I haive preset ibed it ami found it to give the best re*ulu." If the food ton eat remains undigested in votir stoinaeh it decays titer and poiswiis the system, You can prevent this by dieting but 1 that means starvation* K'dol Dyspen-j sia Cure digests what you eat. You j * ** ? nAlHw.c /IrCTUincifl IIIlP I need BUiior iruu^iiciniiri ?; i""n starvation. Dip worst cases quickly cured. Never fails. D. L\ Scott and fcv, V, Brockingron. The Best Prescription tor Malaria. Chills and Fever Is a bottle of. Groves Tasteless Chill Tonic. It tei simply iron and quinie in a tasteless form, No cure?no pay. Prion 5<Jc. i t T55ET5 1 i Oash Store. \ \ mna hatu/AAii thn hivhw*lfliic ntiftlifir ...a~ ... # t we sell them nt. t In our establishment than treblee crowds that daily thronj? about 7 idle words or empty boasts. It i* ice?to which they yield. i, SATINS, SILKS. JNERY GOODS. ts Furnishing Goods. ? DTHING AND FURNITURE, hoes?the best in the County. rsold. No trouble to show goods' Cash Store. ? / ' Notice to Veterans. We are requested to give notice that there will be a meeting of the survivors of Co. G. 15th S. C. Reg- 7 iment, C. S. A ..vat Indtantowv Ohurch on next Thursday,Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 28th. it is earn' estly desired that every one attend and join in the reunion and the pleasaren of the occasion. The- * "sons and daughter*" of the eon> niunity will be out in force towelcome and entertain the "boysof'Si-^." Those who live at a distance will please notify Mr. D. >1. Ervio, Church postoffce, Jh.C.r at once of their coming, so that <i L 1 i ? iut:v can ?o assigneu iiuuies wuucs in the neighborhood. The man who has bet and lost can see how wrong it is to. gamble A VILLAGE Ul.ACKMlT'f SAVED" HIS LITTLE SOX'S.LIIfK. Mr. II. H. Black, the *ell-knowr* village blacksmith at Grahamsvllhv MilUvat) Co.. X. Y., sa>?: "Our littleson Ave years old. has al\va?* b?"T? subject to croup, ah/1.mi bad have the attacks been that we lu>e feared manyv times that he would die. We haver I ad the doctor and used many niedidnes, but Cliarhbcri*alnr3 Cough Remedy-is now our sole reliance. It seemsto dissolve the tough mucus and by giving frequent doses when the eroupy sympttmx appear we have found that the dreaded croup is cured before it gets settled." There is no danger io giving this remedy for it contains no opium or other injurious drug and' may*be given as confidently to a habeas t<? an adult. For Sale hy Dr. D. (J. Scott. Legend?A bare-Ucvd lie that has ^ruwn old enough to wear whiskers. \ To remove a troublesome corn or bunion: First soak the corn or bunr ion in warm water to soften it, then pare it down as closely as possible without drawing blood and apply Chamberlain's Pain Palm twice daily;, rubbing vigorously for live minutes at each application. A corn plaster should be worn for a few days, to protect it from the shoe. As a general liniment for sprains, bruises, laipenessand.rheti A! 11- II.. r? 2. ..nA,.?rt|A/) man-Mi, ram miiiw i> uireifuunuM For sale by Dr. D. C. Scott. ' Scrape?Something a man can always avoid by letting*!*!* whiskers grow. "I hare used Chamberlain7? CelUv Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and find it to be a great medicine," says Mr, E. S' Phipps, of Poteau. Ark. "It CHted me of bloody flux, I cannot spenk too highly of it.''' This remedy alway wins Site gwtf opinion, if not praise, of those who vw<* it. The quirk cures which It effects wen in the most re re ca*e? make it a favorite- ereiywhere-. For sale by l>r. I>..C'~ Scott,. A good ebnracter is not to be* Ixwlded on bate or envy. "VVhrnyou feel that life k Irardly *..??./J 1/v. u i)/tOu PUunt*. worm UK' r?IIUiri/{IM \yniMM berlnin's Stoiuneh and Liver Tablets.^. They will cleanse i>our stftinacb, tone up tour IfMer unri resolute your -bowels making vou ffeel like a new man, Fursale by D; C. Scott.. Jealojisy is Hie hope Hint what you are looking In* dnesiiof exist. Chamber lain1* Stomach and Liver, Tablet* cure biliousness, const i path >i ? headache. They are?isy to ukc and* pleasant in effect. Fur sale by Seat,. I