? X? T, ' V i rn _ VOL. XVII. KINGSTREE, S. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2L 190L NO. 47 -r; * ' ? Positively Ho Hew Display Advertisements Will be Received, or Old Ones Changed, Later Than Tuesday Morning. - t ^ if you will put sss? with thia gargle jour throat often i i ?5 ^ ? Ay i Keep fact always fresh ir For Cuts, Mashes an 9 need only to apply j j ff|exican % 1 a few times and the sorcncs be conquered and the woun To get the best results yoi of soft cloth with tho linimc wound as you would a poul 23c., 50c. and 3 I KEEP AN EYE ON EM Qiaoaaeo among your fowls mo Msx ? , i ? r, 4REj| ' I DEAF? 'Mm *v, * ALL CAS IDEA''R5 ESS OS I ARE NOW bf opx sew invention. Only tl 1 HEA9 KOiSES CEA! ! Ft A WERMAN, OF I GsntLrmen r ? Befog entirely cured of deafness fall history of my cue, to be used at your diacrv bout five Tears ago my right ear began to a my hearing in this ear entirely. I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three ber of physicians, among others, the most emin s only aa operation could help me. and rren tha then cease, but the hearing in the affected ear woi I then saw your advertisement accidentally i menu After I nad used it only a few days accor to-day, after fire weeks, my hearing in the diseaa heartily aad beg to remain Very truly you K. A. 1 Our treatment dee* not inierfer -tSKlK."1 YOU CAN CURE YOI international aural clinic, si . INTO MISCHIEF AGAIN. Willie Gardner, Recently Released from ' the Chaingang Breaks into a Store. Willie Gardner, a scion of the i Hamitic race, vouthful and sable, celebrated his restoration to liberty from an erstwhile period of ' durance Tile" in the chain-gang, - by effecting forcible entrance w Wednesday night of last week ^ into the store of Mi. J. C. McElveen,of Spring|Bank,and abstract ?a? ?r inj mereiroui oubuit mim? vi merchandise and a small sum of money. The goods purloiueJ, nil told, was something like $15 Haying gratifed his desire lor acquisitiveness, Willie adapted his head to a new hat, Sited his "Trilbies" with a pair of new shoes and flitted *way in the celd star-light, never looking behind vpntil jic arrived in town and found what he* deemed a secure hidingf4;\ 4 / 1 * K'* > u I ' crafulof Mexietn Mustang Lininto a glaiw half full of water and t will quickly cure a Sore Throat, b*v *' this i your memory:? d all Open Sores, you ;tang ^Jnimenf ?s and inflammation will idcd flesh healed, n should saturate a piece ;nt and bind it upon the ticc. (1.00 a bottle. ultry and nt the rtry llrat sign of (caly Leg*, Bumblafoot or otbar leas Mustang Liniment. Alt t P" head NOISES? 5ES OF 4ARD HEARING CURABLE dose bora deaf are incurable. SE'iMMEDIATELY. iALTIMORE, 9AY8: Baltimokx, Md., March 3?, 1941. l thanks to roor treatment, X will now fire jroa lion. tag, tad tbU kept on getting worse, until X lost 1 months, without any success, consulted not*ent ear specialist of this city, who told me that t only temporarily, that the head noises would ild be lost lorerer. n a Kew York paper, and ordered yonr treat* ding toyoar directions, the noises ceased, and edear has been entirely restored. X thank yon rs. * trShMAW, 730 S. Broadway, Baltimore. Md. e with jfour usual occupation, JBSELF AT HOME mmSg-* 36 LA SAUE AYE., CHICAGO, ILL ' . I* ^11 1 place m the engine room 011 norn s ginnery. But stern justice, personified by Mr. McElrenn, the owner of the goods, and a few friends, came swiftly after Willie,like an avenging Nemesis, and dragged him forth from his snug retreat before he had time to dream dreams and scheme schemes of further plundering expeditions. Seeing the jig was up Willie owned up and dow again he awaits the term of court that will send hira into the toils of the chain-gang to toil in mending the public ways until mayhap ho may mend his own. I will be in Kingstree one week only, making good photographs. Don't forget the date?from Monday, December 2, to Saturday, December 9. J. B. Taylor, Photographer, v ROBBED THE POSTOFFICE. The Cash Box Containing Sixty Nine Dollars Stolen. There are evidently some slick scoundrels around town, who are past masters in the art of thievery. During the past year a series of robberies have been committed in which the similarity of the methods seems to suggest that the same per son or persons is guilty of them all. Some months ago the dopot was robbed at two different limes while the agent was at dinner. Last Friday evening it was the postoffice and the deed was done while the postmaster was at supper, about 6 o'clock p. m. The whole amont stolen was $69.00, besides two registered letter* addressed to Treasurer R. D. Rollins, of which the value has not yet been ascertained. Eighteen dollars of the money stolen was in the form ol a pension check. The theory of the robbery is that the thief raised the 6mall sash of the money order window and, seizins the cash box,made off with it in the darkness. This is the second time the postoffice has been robbed within the past year, a registered letter valned at $50 having been stolen some months ago. It is a reflection en the town that these frequent robbenes should be cirrrmifted- wHh impunity. Of course it takes patient and clever detective work tocateh a ihiaf a; tin a* rhnrar.f print in audacity would do credit to a professional cracksman; but "the pitcher goes to the wall once too often" and if overyono will turn detective these birds of pray that eed on society geueraffy Way soon have their wings clipped and find hem?elves suddenly transformed into jailbirds. We are informed by Past master Jacobs that in a ca-eoftliis kind the government oilers a standing reward of $50 tor the apprehension ot the thiel with evidence to convict. Later?We have learned since the above was put in type that the two registered letters contained 131, making Mr. Jacob's entire loss $1204 A WORD TO BUYERS. In addition to the varied and immense stock of elagant naw Dress Goods just reoeived, we bare the latest styles and nobbiest Suits for yoang and eld gents, as well as boys; youths and children. We earnestly request all persons who may desire to purchase goods ot any acd every kind to visit our store, opposite Kingstree Academy. The savings thereby will make glad your hearts when von return to vour home. where you can quietly examine and appreciate your purchases. W. H. KENNEDY, A car of Canopy Flour iust arrived, closing out at $425. spotly cash. Barr & Co. If w#\ M pa iniorBdloH m Iif#? in At J V? HIV IU1V* vu? vvt mmm v surance see J B Steele, who represents one of the largest and ost liberal companies in the world. He will give some facts and figures next week to show the strength and standing of his company, tho New York Life, Look oit for his announcement. It A car Texas Ked Rust Proof Oats going at 80 cents while the? last. .Barr A Co. 9 ' At 25 Per Oe We have decided to retire from 1 we may devote the entire time to th BiHineas, and in order to close out 01 nnr ?ntlr* atnnlr nf Plathlnir unH Oai We would also impress the fact i our stock of Staple Dry Gooi Sho Was never m< We will five personal atte W. E. JEN ' M 40 DA> And all of Till's Go FRIENDS, ARE YOU GOING 1 OF YOG Forty Days of I to all WHICH WILL TOU CHOOSE? AT OUR NEIGHBORS, OR AT S. I. TILL'S. Youra to please, for the cash, S, I. TIL RACKET STORE, The gentle rain from Heave* falls on (he just and the unjust, Vrft not in Kansas, this year. StODt the CourH and W arks off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Qtiinlne Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cur<^ no pay. Price 25 cents. J. B. Taylor, of Manning, will be 11 Kingstree Monday, Dec. 2. making good photographs, Ipr one week only. I liffifil Of fhs S. 0 It is on its way. If you are com; I invite you to call at our store and t CLOTHING, SI UnderWear, Neck YOU WILL FIN J) ITKitE Tfl NEWBST -V7 h- : dSITE CL6T1 224 King St. Opposite . , ... Charleston We have a special salesmar 9 - *-t> PH CLOTHING nt Discount, the Clothing business in order that e Dry Goods. Shoe and Millinery ur stock of clothing quickly we offer its' Hats at 25 percent discount. lpon our Williamsburg friends tha^ Is, Millinery, es and Notions ore Complete. ntion to all orctarssent us, IKINSON, anning. S, C. fS YET . i V* tA/1 I I ko ' , ) MUUU9 Will / ne! , EESSSBfiEESHBB^ CO MISS THIS, THE CHANCE R LIFE ? largain-giving cuift.0. GOODS AT A HIGH PRICE GOODS AT A CUT PRICE OF MANNING. '' i . J L, Propr,, .> , MANNING, S. C. Our Club Offers. ? Tht County Record and the Home and Farm uneyear.fl.Sli. The County Record and Thrice-aWeek (New York) World one year, $1.65. The County Record and Twice-qWeek News and Courier one year* ' $1.75. The Cunty Record and the At lanta Constitution one year, The County Record and SemiWeekly Columbia State, $2.25. The Record and The Commoner (William Jenning Bryan's paper), ru it ? ? 91 Hill Til . Exposition. ing to the city to the Exposition, .'xamine our stock of IIRTS, HATS, wear and Socks. E LARGEST VARIEY AND STYLES. Brown's HOUSE. \ Academy of -Music. 18. C. 11? avfci d to Mai OrdoM* ?