11WMM m 9 AFFAIR ~ Gy HHSP REf-ORT-H AND NOTETa" Written in Condensed l-orm and Printe< in Lite Mr.nner for the Sake of Our Busy Readers. Look out for t he blue X. Mr. YV. T. Wilkins went t( Charleston Sunday night. Mr. Edwin 0. Epps risited Florence Sunday night. Monday was unusually quiet for November salesday. The county board held its ^monthly meeting Monday. Hon. W. M. Keels was in town Friday Irom Greeleyville. " 1 * ?K/vM ito rufmlor ? J UP (OWI) CUIIVJli linu am monthly meeting Tuesday night. Thursday, November 28, ha? l>een set apart by President Roosevelt as Thanksgiving Day. Mr. J. B. Steele visitel friends in the neighborhood of Dillon Sunday and Monday. Miss Matlie Pendergrass, oI King^ree, is visiting relatives in tins city.?Florence Advocate. Rev. S. J. McDonnell has moved his family from Indiantown to his own place near Kpps postoliice. Mrs. Marion Latimer, of Lmvndesville. returned home Saturday ? ?WV. ?n rohiliidj in auei a ?crt\ a usu iu ... town. Dr. Wallace pars that times are a.* hard this year as the year after the war. There are many who think' likewise. J. B. McCiarv, colored, while on hn> way iroui Manning to Kingslive .conua.v, killed an alligaior a 1mnit six i. Rollins Is our duly authorized agent. Foi the convenience of our patrons re mote from town, we have arrangec with him to receive money anc issue receipts for same while 01 his rounds. When you are payiug your tjixeg don't forget to retee ruber i hk Kkcoxd. tl now ISO pupils ic BHfflSHn school. HPTT H. Lesesre, o: I>;:iwh ^J.T, Onlk'(i .:> i) fcVC U>* A.'i'. J Mi I 7 J town Tlitr>da ot last week. .wr. j | Lescsne i- n son ot ire late (J, I Levesne, t;day and Tuesday respectively: j Calvin Scott, disorderly conduct, guilty; $29 or llnrty days on the chain {rang. He took the days, j Antrum Redden, profane Ianjguage, was fooud gurlty and filed (! $5 or fifteen days'on chain gang. He paid the fine, Both the defendants in the above cases are negroes. On application before His Honor Judge Aldridge in behalf of the creditors of H. D. Reddick by their attorneys, Messrs.Gilland & Kirk, B. C. Whitehead, Esq., has been appointed receiver for , the goods and chattels of Mr Reddick and will take charge ot and sell the same. In accordance with - the granting of this application on yesterday Mr. Reddick's stock of goods was formally timed over to Mr. Whitehead, i Hallow-e'en was observed br a party ot young ladies with befitting experimentation in peering into the my st ic realm* of the future. A Gypsy fortune-ieller unrolled the scroll ot destiny and told a I ? 1 ? /./.nfi.linn li.-lnnor I linl line iu cavu vwnuuiug hdivuvi > >?. delighted her heart. All the conTentional tests were applied as fo the probability of securing him| bands, and the answering phe1 notnena were eminently satisfactory, giving to each young ladv one husband,and to some as many as t wo and thr?*e. I Church Proceedings, The fourth quarterly conference ol Kings! ree circuit convened at the Methodist church Friday morning. The introductory sermon was preached by Rev. Marion Dargan, presiding elder of Florence district. Rev. W. S. Martin ??b ? j c ti .,/! .?tr maem n#r n fjrt?<4dieu OlillUdJ' UiUi nuu i Mr. Dargati again Sunday evening, i As announced last week. Rev. I J. E. Dunlop filled his appoint went in the Presbyterian church . Sunday morning instead in the .'afternoon at the usual hour. This j change was made out of deference J to Presiding E! !er Marion Dartjgan, who preached in the Methodist church at Sailers on Sun.! day. ,! The Sonth-east Baptist Association meets here this morning. Mi. REWARD OFFERED. A SS-caiibre Harrington and Richardson Pistol lost between ? Cades and Kingsfree on last Fri^ day night, Oct. 25, 1901. A lih>ral reward will be paid to finder *,if returned to Marvin Martin. 1 Ivingstree, S. C. A car of Canopy Flour iust ar rived, closing out at $4.17 spotly cash. Barr & Co. A car Texas Red Rust Pro?! Oats going at 70 cents while they i last. Barr & Co. "rs.a ">*? 6> i f bon I Jiliz rncss4 {Wtlr^A "7oncannmltoyoarbai>> 9cH'% ' una as soft m a rIots jy^tfl \ * rXli E-a* like n?w. Made of kisft HKi pure, hoary bodied oU.ee. I MI pecta'.lr prepared to w? jKKf stood iho weather. VH Mtff Sold wwyeteif J9M / ta cans?all sties. k^K IM tj STMMU H ?t JR I i THE KINGSTRFE TELEPHONE CO. ' important Meeting Monday Night? 9oa;-d of Dirrctyri Elected v#:tSi Power t Chvt Company. J A very iiprt.. r.\. ..< of 1 stiriM-hjyers 10 stock ii. .^e Ivingsj tree- Telephone Co. was heid at : S 30 Monday evening in the olSce jofOapt. John A. Keiiey. Before ' | transacting any basin#** it was " ascertained that a majority of the stock taken was represented. The meeting was called to order with LeKov Lee an chairMan and (\ E. St.Amand secretary. The object of the meeting was then stated. It was reported that all the material was at hand to build the town lines and equip the central office, and the country lines were knocking lor admittance. This being the situation it was necessary to do something at once to get things ib working order. To effect this pur? pose it was moved that a board of directors be elected with power to charter the company and in general take charge of its management. This motion was carried unanimously. Suggestions were invited as to the number ot directors to be chosen, s.nd it was agreed that three should be elect~,i irr> w \v?ifo cu. vapit j w. ?? >* wnv and M. F Heller were elected one at a time in the order named as members of the board of directors. Mr. Lelioy Lie was placed in nomination, but asked to be excased Irom serving on the board. An itemized statement of all expenses incurred up to date was read betore the meeting, and it was estimated that about $275 would be required to cover the entile cost of tlie enterprise. There being no Iurfher business the meeting adjourned. Edward do>.'s id*a ot a Hat. 4tili?re is one thing 1 have always liked about ihe word 'flat,', it is honestly expressive of exactly the kind ot iij'e which it offers and girea/VfNovember La-, dies Home Journal. Barn urn's "All well?all happy?lots of fun". That is the regular report from the monkey cage cf Barnum's Circus ever since .he keepers began dosing the monkeys with .Scotts Emul sion. Ccnsump :ion was carrying off two thirds of them every year and the circus had to buy new ones. One day a keeper accidentally broke a bottle of Scott's ' Emulsion near the monkey cage: and the monkeys eagerly . lapped it up from the floor. This suggested the idea that it might do them good. Since chen the monkeys have received regular doses and the keepers report very few deaths from onsumption. Of course it's hcapcr to buy Scott's Emulsion than new monkeys?and that suits the circus men. i | Consumption in monkeys and in man is the same disease, i if you have it or are threaten^th it can you This picture represent* jffgBHfij the Trade Mark of Scott'i Etnolsion and a* on the wrapper of tvzrj bottle. Send for free nmpie. SCOTT & DOV.'XE, JKjty 409 Pearl St., New Vo?k. 30c and fi. all drugjsts. 'Every Day is ] ' At Stackley's C There is an immeasarable diilVrenco J of onr goods and the low eluss pries.- we s< A dollar goes further when spent in < the amount anywhere elc. Thelarsc er< our counters would not be drawn by idle that most irresistible attraction?price?t You will Find a full line of DRESS GOODS, Si? RIBBONS, MILLI> Hats, Cap6 and Gents Fi FULL LINE OF BOY'S CLOTH Reynold's High Roller $3.50 ShoesRemember, we will not be andersold. Stackley's Ci 23 mmmmmmmmmmmmmm JOB PRIN H i C: HAVING RECENTLY RECEI ? . TYPE FACES AND A LARGE A: Z? LINE OF STATIONERY, WE . IK) YOUR .TOR WORK IN A M JE PLEASE. Oi;R PAPER AND ] ? THE BEST QUALITY; OUR PR] ST WITH CHARLESTON AND SA1 ?E SEND IN YOUR ORDER AND | Tip (Eflrmip gE KINGSTREE, iuiuiuiiuiaiiiuiiuiuiiiiuiiiiiiiij A pray horse of another color ; j\ is h good description of a gold I at JM democrat. j ;orcj RELIABLE aNI) GE>TLE. ji-rim "A pill's a pill." say* the ?aw. But' . there are pills and pills. Ynu want a , ^ ^ ' pill which is certain, thorough and j gentle. Mustn't gripe. DeWitt's Lit-1 ^Ir tie Early Risers ti. 11 the bill Purelv j villai vegetable. Do not force hut as-i*t the S*uil.' bowel* to act" Strengthen and invito- s?o* rate, Small and to taxe. L?. (J. subjr ateott. i attnc ? ? ? time! I here are all kinds of luck, but , nd , none that can real!)' be depended! ciues ou. . - . |?lyl MODEuN SUl'.GJCRY SURPASSED. | [[J ' While suffering from a bad case ofjsyinp piles 1 consulted a physician, who ad-! tjie ( vised me to try a box of DcWitt's i ^ets, Witch Ha/el Salve Salve," says G. F. i ^jvtn Carter, Atlanta, Ga. "I procured a box j fJpiUI arid was entirely cured, DeWitt's may ! Witch Hazel Salve is a splendid cure J ^ ' for piles, giving relief instantly, my' I j yc.,t| ' heartily recommend it to all sufferers." j ^ forcer} is unnecessary to cure pil ?.; ^ | DeWitt's Witch Hazel salve will cure d all!.,km, any cjisc. * uio. uu....}, ^ ' ' HUIil other wounds are ai-o quickly cumi ly i Ir. lit ware ot counterfoils. D. 0. ] To Scott. ; buni The sniaiier liie time some men . 'on gel iulo, the loudwr they howl. THE ClIILDhEK'S FKIEXD. Char You'll have a cold tills winter, May- rul,l) be you have one now. Your children eac*1 will suffer too. For coughs, croup,' w bronchitis, grip and other winter corn- ilr0,n plaints One Minute Cough Cure never for sf fails. Acts promptly. It is very pleasant to the taste and perfectly harnile*# *or 2 C. B. George, Winchester, Ky., write.-: (_ "Our little girl was attacked with croup late one nVht and was so bourse j she coi'ld hardly speak. We gave her ' I a few doecs of One MinutpCough Cure. Choi It relieved her immediately and she J lind i went to sleep. When *he awoke nsxt: E. $ morning she had no sign? of hoarseness I cure< orcroiip." I). C* Scott's. sjieal iy? j Ialwa The salmon pack 01 rugeionum j this year is valued at 1400.000. Prai!i 'cure: A PHYSICIAN TESTIFIES. ^ve, ''I have taken Kcdol Dyspepsia Cure whet and have never u?ed anything in uiy ? life that did me the good that it did." says County Physician Ceo W. Sm>ggs, 'nan of Hall county. Ga. "Being a physician I have presetibed it and found it to ^ give the best results." If the food voti . . be rlii eat remains undigested in your stomach it decays there and poisons the system, up VI You can prevent this by dieting but , j. that means st.ir\ ation* K?d<>l Dyspet>-! j sia Cure digests what you eat. You * need suffer from neither dyspepsia nor 1 Tl starvation. llie worst cases quickly js cured. Never falls. I). C. Scott. The Best PrescrFption tor Malaria. ^ Chills and .Fever Is a bottle of a Graves Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is ,l?a simply iron and quin,ie in u tas'eles* i>le?w form. Xo cure?no (Mftjr. Price 5Uc. Scot gaajmi Bargain Day lash Store. jotween the high-e^sa quality ll them Hu )ur establishment than trebUr jwds that daily throng about words or empty boasts. It ii :o which they yield. LTINS, SILKS. fERY GOODS. _*- n i _ urnisnmn uoous. ING AND FURNITURE. ?the best in the County. No trouble to *ho*r good* a sh Store. ? \ ? mmmnwmtmitmm g (TING. ^1 1 ? 3 VED A LOT OF NEW 3 SI) WELL SELECTED 3 ARE PREPARED .TO ^5 ANNER THAT WILL 3 k-vvr.r.oPES ARE OF ICES WILL COMPETE 2 VE YOU EXPRESS. ?3 GIVE US A TRIAL. 2 ytzmx if 1 S. C. 3 iWliiWWWMMMWiif aefjro boy was shot l? death ayesviile. Ky., last week far nu another boy to commit a e. [LLAGE ULACKMITH SAVED HIS LITTLE SON'S LIFE. . H. II Black, tlie well-known ije black-uiilli at Gruhamsvllle. van Co., N. Y., sa>s: ''Our little live ye->r- oi l. has ?ihva.1 * iwn ct to crou11, and so ttail have the ks b'-eN (liar we huefeired many 5 that he would die. VVe have the doctor and u-ed many medi, but Chamberlain'* Cou?*h liem3 now our nde reliance. It. snein? >solve the toHi;li mucus and l>7givrequent doses when the crotipy rom* appear we have found that lrcadcl croup is cured before it settled." There is no danger in g this remedy for it contains no n or other ini'irious d?UZ a lid be givcH as confidently to a babe an adult. Fur Sale by Dr. D. (J. any a man's j?rains, bruise", lamencssnnd rhcusra, Pain Balm Is unequaled. sale by Dr. D. C. Scott. .'ontinued cheerfulness is a ilest sign of wisdom. have used Chamberlain'? Coli'v era and Diarrhoea llcmedy and it to be a great medicine," says Mr. I* Phipps, of Poteau. Arlc. It 1 me of bloody flux, 1 cannot ? too highly of it." This remedy y wins the good opinion, if not e, of those who use it. The quirk } which it effects even in the most *e cases make 11 a luvuribc wi-i.?e. For l Chainun'.? Stomach and Liver Tablers. r will cleanse pour stomach, rone our liver and regulate your boweli'ig you feel like a new nun. Kcr by IX C. Scott. lie only lighthouse in Alaska Silk a. water Iain's Suima.:b and Liver j lets cure biliousness, constipation, .1 ache. They are easy ro take .0 <4 :ant in eff ct. Vox *a.e by Ik C. , t- : . i f'