r-j y^-rsrArn5AOWB?aM '.> ? Maria ttusi.ton jm! Mftrai' Croft Imvi' ivturnetl tu Columbia! iVlt a!-.' College. Mi--. .le.nie ' linnunt returns To' Kli>:;oeih Female College, Raleigh, i M. C.. this week. I A. X. ^utchliiH-'s riou.eis noarirg j completion. No i:iorr oil wells; have been sank. Nowadays th'-ro are so manv j straii-'/TS coming and going in town | that we can not chronicle the visits ; of all. * W. >. Moore went to Virginia; Inst week. It is reported that when | lie returns Mrs. Moore will accom-! pnnv him. J I! V Qaskins has began hisj dwelling on Vail ego street. It is 3?eing built on the site of the old Keiley homestead. J.D.Caldwell and sister have I become citizens of our town. Theyl ...... l.ntfkor itnrl wiufar f\f Oljr fotloVV- ! townsman, L. L. Caldwell. Work on the dwellings of J. M. Kennedy and ?f David Ooker is being pushed along. Mr. Kennedy's is covered and partly weather boarded. B. Wallace Jones, Jr., has gone to k Charleston College, and Arthur and his sister, Miss Pansy, weut back to .attend Welsh Neck High School last week. Mrs. Belk, wife of A. C. Belk,died oft the 24th. She had been a sufferer for years. She leaves a number of children, of whom our mar-! shal L M Belk L} one. We understand thet a petition is j being circulated in town asking fori another election on the dispensary matter. It lias not yet been brought! to ciie notice of council officially. ; The cus'- against the alleged blind ! tiger-, v. hich was tried in the inten- j dan I'.- court Monday resulted in a! mistrial, the jury failing to agree.! The case willjbe called again Friday. j Some merchants seem hard to t understand how advertising helps' 1 lainnj A oL* "VToCw'Pw .V* Tv I >1\X : whatetT-ctth j had on thfcir trade. 'S'om will bo , -urprised nt the nn-wt-r, *::J you ; \\ ii! bt-.convl.'iced that advertising; 1:1 Tmk is the ihi:t;r. i II i- very jirohuble that ino law-! suit about the Sida- .i house will he ! .settled In ?. very few days: and as Alii a 'his is do.re the house will i i.?e llui.-l < :!? . will he <.;>ened. This isa| :ution devoutly to i>e1 wished. Ki . W. V>. iJaJcer, 'h-.i; is well . i v. \ i to our ; ?;y:e. 1 lived re i.orr ?>: live y !? i.? a j-ro-! i ; < < ' > ' eft:*; : < : e ?; on hi'-'' >'.:r }h 1 .t t -vr w . ??, It.: Vh'i- i V- : . i C V. T > f m. Tht r J ;ia?ijv. ' ? Ti;' T v SU ! I'll*? ' isimI "? >i. > fo ' ' o'e ii : : t: * ir?ev . ' u>j::i w. h: i . v, ?h y.s ,i^o. !% rh..i''ujr?rehri .-vry Isottloi i thut it i.- rir.iply and ; tasteless No j virc, no paw -de. ... ? -? ! ill" turtle ::i iv ic s!i>?. but he i *.i u illy itets therein time lor t!ie : roup. j ;? c* m ! \m M i ]m-i t? jr W^v,. ! ? I'i: ?; -\ 4$ &I pk f1" L'h,2" ' V *na T?*T a"vr- //(%.". hp ' \ V*5?>; * ' Fife V": ^uciir'itexA?c!? j:':'' /J? j I . \m. * ' l{-. You >? ii< ;o--. .> ; / T-- .V-. : O'"-:--. \'-. v Kkf> . ?/ '- -r 13 K ; ?V * .? . V.~ V i \ v- " k f.-J, t\T> r ; >>/ *2* i ttsdSUW . y m k| Liy}. a-.> p >* r took!nc b?r- |*y fpifi po^f- h'.'srv i.ixllci! oi!, ?*- Si i p-- . \'ly '.rpi-Mn-d to who- IBM rgH sw?uil tlw wotiUaer. r fl&i Sold ewymhwe \aBi UCT ' lu uvcb-ftll fit**. y9B Jf IWt b| STANMRO Wi. QJs A i-jufL-trry.-r: PC?B?B? hctitomi^wb1 wvunt The Minnesota hotter output this! year will he larger than ever before T-'iTCArsiCS XiCilT Ah A KM. "On :tij.:lir ray brother's b.;l>y wa> t\k: n .vilh crony." write* Mrs. <'. r ;.i kr. <' Crittoriicn, Ky.. "il it wr.uli i.- lure we could ;:< t s ri!iC?.<>r, io we cave it l)r. Kind's New I)i>eu\ery. which gave <|i;k-k re- j iit'f ii'.i pcriuaucutiy cured i;. We always keep it in the house :* protect our children trom cioup anrl v1 ; ?<>;?in?r c<>u^h. It cured me . C. Scott. Secretary llollowav says the .prospect for a fine exhibit and lar<:e attendance at the State Fair is very Mattering. A FIENDISH ATTACK. t An attack was lately made on C. I-\ Collier, of Cherokee, Iowa, that nearly proved fatal. It came through his kidney. His back gut 90 lame becculd not stoop without great pain, nor sit in a chair except propped by cushions. No remedy helped hint until he tried Electric Hitters which effected such a woiderful change that be writes like a new man . This marvelous medicine cures backache and kidnev trouble. mirifh?R the blood and builds un vour I health. Only 50c at D. C. Scott's drug store. When a dressmaker makes a quilt out of silk scraps, the women begin to loftk at her with suspicion. STEPPED INTO LIVE COALS. "When a ckSM I horned my foot frightfully,'' writes W il Eads. of Jonosvilk*. V-t-. "which caused horrible ley s< res for 00 years, but Pucklen's Arnirn Salve wholly cured rue after everything else Jailed." Infallible for burn*, scald-, cuts, sores. bruises and ; piles. Sold by D. C. Scott, 25c. When bov is not invited to a j party, he hung? around the outside i to see how things are going. WHAT'S YOIT; FACE WORTH? Sometime?- a f? rl'un*, but never. If; av?;. jw complexion, ? jaun ; dii-fj look,moth |<3tchts sixl blotches! on the ski;. ? ..il -*ig;.s of !:v-t trouble. Put Pr. New Life Pills jrive| ' - -ifll ! i >:i. Only erjits ill I- Se'.fV ; f.rti/ slv.v. i 1 J-.v. ' V " e r.;.~ <'?v? but li. ! Un- :? *?:? ? J* i;V i i the tj.jrliN. '-it**1 r {,'i ' '* ? ? > . y.?r i- m ; t >> ; ;\.* " ' til i1 is in a -! Jo: ui. ?j:>j pay. IV ice o'). j The Sic.*/ cf Sai.key's Voice.* In a forthcoming number of the ] Lvlify" I o:i.e Journal Cleveland) Mo:T It. h to tt.!i for the j f:rr-t limo ?!it real story of Ira I), j Sankev's treat voice. Not fhej least inifremiti*: of the incident) he will relate ta the singer's own < It-scrip! ion of how (hit famous! hynj:;. "The Ninety ami Nine,") came to be vr t.fen. I.s I.J FK WORTH LIVING? T!.e."! n't ;t"el''ct a eoutfh *>r cold. j s;*n*i:iiiy when iwet:iy-ti\e rents will j l?::y a bo*tJc of Mexican Syrup. Itis> <> ! nr.d -< many e?w-suii>;)ti\v.s | have i cmi made vt-li liy ?! = iim*. K?-;u1; sott>e of tl:e I' - tinnVii.'iis <>u ih? \vra;>-i per around ny ?if wlinm reeonjniend | n?r! er.-.-< : i* where i' j?- ftVacavioua j t erm die.- fiiii. l ALE. i't'NY. C'll I7.I I'iEN". !' . 1 lw.l -me!!: i,' Pre-:?!:. i if it hnbir tmily picks it,~ nose, if it is cross and iwv?"is, jf j[ d?cs t:<>T sleep: soundly. if i: is holiow-in ed, if it has a pale. b5ooil!e-s it it is t;iin and !itc!-ss. give it . Mother's Worm Svru;? air! you will j i" Ui< vc :'.tr of its Hist r?-v. Quickly. ; 1'hc:, will ifs JJiti < i'c-'i.s jffj red and rt)?y. its tipp'-tiic and nicest ion iiu-! prow. and its health 1-e heifer. Flic, j (.ply t?f cuts. >~o other \v:?rm-kiil?-r so j etltctiv :;k not deckived. J).'.n't think you can nc^icct your' health and reach old aye T way to j ioti^cvity is to he kind to nature and then nature will he kind to y >n. Con-' sumption, inactive liwr, etc.. r.re toes , to nature. Mexican hoot pills help i nature. Try litem. The/ cure by cleansing and strengthing. A COMPLKTECl'UE. When you take Goocli's JSnrsaparilla vou find a complete cure for had blood. PILS-IXE CURES PILES! Money refunded If It ever fails. Anti-Agck curts ClliU* a*d Fever. r rx-rm^vK n>J"7.>*j*mcr.->,~-rtrr ?errr/*?- j.>I It'? ?tl ? ii ij all d iiittpp pf ffllllil ill PiPiw i ? c Buy your clothes from a firm who never intentionally misrepresents anything. Where any dissatisfaction is made good as soon * as reported, and where prices are ns low as reliablequalities willpetmit. This forms the basis of our busiuess principles. OUR FALL & WINTER CLOTHES Are ready, and offer styles and ^ sizes to please everyone. IF YOU CAN'T COME TO US, SEND A MAIL ORDER. t, v rvriiT/ifl:i!im n wtnnitrttrn i mm t mm, ' ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS, h Corner Kin^ and llasell Streets CHARLESTON, S. C. Have !oo Heard itie Latest, From Georgetown ? !v If Not, Read this Ad. Js \m l WSRWIT7 ! iIvc* y~ r ! n :i;r!it South. All we av.. u licr, >?.u *re ir? our city is to eotm in Hiui inspect our stuck nw-i i.et our prices ami ut an* sure that J after comparing trie price- of our; first-class jrooils with others, the! biggest- trouble we will have istoi wrap up the goods ami receive, your money, LEVIN & HC3WS1X Leading Clo&lers and f j: - ; nishcrs &f SecrgstoY/n. C .C j} Mail orders arc!::: '? to the day received. 1*. *). !>ux ' ?. A M BRIBER, j t ? Surgeon Dentist. Kingxtrec 1G*h to 30th of entrl-1 . i mouth. La ice City. 1st to 15th of each nionl h. St. Stephen*. every Saturday. ' Satisfaction Guaranteed, I J. McCASE, 1,0, I DENTIST.': Vv ILL i - #1 j?M.s /Vv XS_ -i Z*ZtF / l<&*+" ^ j^ fii ^ !Jil ' r' TOM AH AM kiv winning iu the race for bus;tio very hour. The best always wins, t'e make irood any defect iu mater rom $1 25 fM ;">ft^^:(SisL- j?- th;it vi ?) /-nil .-inil km? f!i A-XMAY'S HEW 8 The Wele~llcc HAKTSVi !. Co-educational?military, mocli: through work. .'5. ltest ivlij>i<.us >r hoys and ?;irls, elegantly etjuippi . Property worth ' >()?). .ff>,ooo lenity live in dormitories with stud ight during study lmttrs. 7. Loc.\ti< it Lured community. >!. Patronage ft :g every year. 9. A facility of ten tt g?-s. lo Very tine department of in eat. per mouth; tuition from $ f instrument,#.">."?<> per month. Address. WELSH XKCK HK W. L. BASS, ! attorney at Law. LAKE CITY, S. C. 'radices in State and Federal Courts. ll xl 1 11 J vffc'' 'ra RYOU Ji|L BUGGIES, and can't aiTordtoiet 5 Profits to You. v but come now and buy wlrh-thev is Hackney, Tayior & Uanady, Hay'8. 'nt of half the profits if you buy now. JR DARTMFNT t anil Stylish and tier vicabb* Vehicles KEY & CO,, ty, S. O. 3STex^r G-ood.sI ice you of the quality of our goods. JIALTY IS M, dij as? Notions. LADIES HEARTS AT PRICES r BE BEAT. 1 & FLOYD, ty, S. O. 0 DRESSMAKING & MILLINERY and good will Miss Ida G. lUdgers, (I to serve her friends and customers lea I customers teat they arc still doing )n hand a full line of FLOUR, CHEESE, LARD, CRACK KRS, BAf OX, MOLa.sSIv-, BUTTER, STAR LYE, SOAP, ?>IL, (.'ANNED GOODS. ii) the (irscsry co selling at cost: but on the conound, reliable busings at od Kingsnods can be sold?and to this end the public. C9S Before Buying. ccs, or v. ii! insure and ho .1 lor I hem talk with us. ct o-.r- ? w' ? ?j% .? J vk.\V lib * 4 V %' >\ ^ * .. wY u v v?; .. * Aft v.'.\ V ;4 \ SyA -^nv. v. \ -; \ -.0 V >fAS ^4d ^ mwm i { % n.*y li C tu^,~ m. '! !' ? .i;v wiuning :.-v; friends ICvcvy j.siir guaranteed soli i icalhtr. ,;;1 or v 1ik.jul.*hip. Al ices range >w biHgg^w r*-*-y**- i ii m i ii a iimi 11 ?^ RANTED f , J vn<^ J ^ \\ ?"jr >>- *? f ^ aa '-Vo ii. J ii >1 -laaun liiog high but the (jtuaity?nooning Lid dollars. Tomahawk and Arrow Line Shoes, em at -T0EE._ GABS3, S. 0k H:;srk School, J LI.K, > 0. A: r \r /? a ' \?ro tv..:.., ,i .j. u . vi;\ r * uniea!. 1. Thorough coins*.' of study; and moral iniiuoneos. 4 Oormitories **1; electric Ii- tit and furnace heat, gspent j'or iniprovuRicaits. <>. J-Iriti? ont>; teacher.-: with students cwrv m healthy, pure water, a re lined and oin Maryland to Alabama, inereas achers, representing our bo*t eolusic. 11. Hoard, including light and 1 to ft per month; music, with use rli SCHOOL, Hartsviile, S. ( W. F? CLAYTON. Attorney at - Law. FLORENCE, S. C. Practice? in all the Unite*! States Courts, and in the Courts of Florence and Williamsburg Counties.