tfe iiEi ti H.| AFFAIRS CA'JGHT BY hjr LOCAL REPORTER 'D NOTED. tAritten in Condensed Form and Printed in L^ke Manner for the Sake of Cur Busv Readers. 1 I t* weather is perleet. Palmetto tans are a back number. Editor \V. E. Cook was in town Monday. Mr "Amos Skefter*' has been leleyatvu to obscurity. . East M' lulav was Yom Ktppur. rite Jewish Day ot Atonement. Mr. L?'!an<] Salter?, of SaIters, was i;i tow n Saturday and Sunday, j Mrs. \V. S, Lynch, ot' Scranton.j bus boon vi 8J;. For seed $13.50 a ton is paid. Mr. C. I). lioilins, of Lake City, attended the dance at the Cole-! man House Thursday evening. Note change of uad"ofS. I.j Till announcing grand opening or*j ' !' *; - -r/.rt/L. of f lio Vaa* ! 1 rl I i ill I J i J 'Il'l Jt r'\7M\AO av in v* i, ? f York Racket Store, Manning. Rev. U. T. (iresham preached' Sunday evening at the Baptist i (* 1 mi:cii 1o an attentive conjrrega-i ti 'ii. lii? subject was the word, j * \\ iiOMH-ver." I tie i-eooti 1 pr'mary in the 7th e?n ?> s.-iona! di>triet between Lever aim Bran'lev came o/T Mon- I dav. Partial returns give Levei j 3,^2 nnd Brantley 2,953. old "7-S," the morning train; f-orn ( hs.rlestf.ii, is failing into' ili>tepiitahi<- habits again. After h fine record of punctuality for some months *he caroe in 2i hours j late Tuexlav. Rapt. .John A. Kelley's family j leturned home last Thursday from j Alt. Pleasant. where they have j spent a delightful summer luxti-j gating in surf bathing and the epicurean dainties with which the j sea abounds. The new town council was sworn j in last week. The first case before Mayor Keiley was that ol j William Brown for drunkenness and disorderly conduct. He got j the limit. $50 fine or 30 days on , chain gang, of which option he, ch ?se the latter. Mr. M. L. Allen came up from yit rerce Monday to take a position with ?)r. W. V. Hrrckimrion ! as assistant druggist, Mr. Allen isi no stranger here, having filled a I Similar position last winter in Dr. I Scott's drug store. Following is the crop report; from Williamsburg as furnished i the I'. S.. department ot' agriculture: Ciretns?The weather has i been fine for picking cotton: about! two-thirds or a crop is indicated] in this section; no corn yet housed;! pea-vine hay is very good, as are J pastures.?L E. Hurkett. On Thursday, last week, ami Tuesday, this week, the following magistrate's court cases were disposed oi: D,.ve Epps, trespass after notice, dismissed with costs, j Hon Dird,larceny from field,guilty.! Sentence, -I'S fine or 20 days chain i gang. Sari Bird, contempt oil court, fined $1.00. Nellie Ken- [ nedv, a-s?t;it and battery, $10; , line (>!' 20 days on chain gang. In ! 4 each case the lines were paid. Mr.Karl O. Page was in town; Monday getting up data tor a biographical encyclopedia of South Carolinians who have fig-j tired more or less 111 public life, i This work, which is being coni-i piled by Jvlitor J. C. Gariington, J of the Spartanburg Herald, is en-' titled "Men ot the Time," and; will include about 1000 names j and sketches of pi ajipent men ! o| the Sia'e. The book is expected ! tv,b? l.aueu about.January, 1902.J j Both Wallace's a i::' Robinson's circn-:?-e ath :?ug dates ' ) tlie up, vr part < v State. At least one ot th'iu ... apt to come this way. One of the most practical and forcible sermons wo have heard tn a long time was delivered bv Kc-v. \V. 8. Martin at the Methodist church Sunday morning. Throushout his discourse Mr. Martin spoke feelingly and earnestly and with an eloquence that had its eflecf on every one present. His sub-J ject was ''Drunkenness," the evils Iia nnriraved in! WI ?.? . .V^ I I colors so vivid that iiis hearers were visibly impressed. If such I sermons were preached oftenerj we believe it would have a reme-' dial effect upon the curse ot in- < temperance. j A gentleman who travels extensively over the State informed us recently that W. E. Jenkinson, of Manning, carried tlie largest and most elaborate stock of dry goods, notions and millinery ot any store in eastern Carolina. This is saying a good deal for .Manning, and still more for the enterprising merchant whose brain and enterprise have built up his enormous business. Mr. Jenkinson is a regular advertiser in The Kkcokd, and those of our readers who* patronize his establishment * - i?* * i.^ ! speaK Ml ine nigliesi leniw wi mr prompt attention they receive and the excellent quality of the goods they buy from Jenkinson's. Mack James Dead. l)r. James McCufchen James died last Monday at 0.30 p. m., in the St. Xavier's Infirmary, Charleston, his death being the result of serious injuries sustained 111 a run away accident at Cheraw. Dr. **Mrtck'" J nin > i* a s?>n of Dr. J A. Jauie*, who some years ago . removed from this county i<> Che-| raw. Young Dr. James i> be?i ! known a* a ba>ehali pitcher. ill- j career on :he ?ii ouoinl iiclinbd} several se;o?ui< in the National' League, where he was rated a! cracK pifch'-r. Dp to last July J he pitched ior Brooklyn. Ijj.n deatli will be sad n^w*to his many admirers, and especialh toliis relatives in this his native county. ?^i Among the Magazines. Small occurrences which might change the course of history are always interesting. Leslie's Monthly for September contains; an interesting letter written to; {'resident J?tier.son Davis, ot the! Confederate States of America, in ! 18*52, containing advice thai only ' had to be i oil owed lo alter the I most critical campaign of the' Civil War. As commonly happen-, l lie iuIv'cs wa> not ioilowed and hittury went as history went. Of ail the accounts of Agtunnaldo's capture which have come before the American public, none Scott's Emulsion is not a ^ood medicine for fet folks. ,Vc have never tried giving il V? V/ 0 a real fat pcrscn. Wc clonk lare. You see Scott's Emulien builds new ficsh. Fat eoolc don't v/ant it. Strong t o 1 f :.h-: don't need it. Bui if you r.rc thin Scott's knuision is the medicine lor or., it doesn't tire you out. There is no strain. The work .3 all natural and easy. You ust take the medicine and '.hat's ail there in to it. The next thin^ vcu know t) ? voe feel better?you cat better ?and ycu weigh more. It is i quiet worker. Scr.?i for fiec snmplc. SCOTT & DOH'NE. (. hcinSu. 4t>> IVarS St.. N. Y. y>c *i*a ft .uo, ?U * +~ RSSwl; I A really healthy woman has lit- I f tle pain or discomfort at tne B menstrual period. No woman I iuaraui will quickly relieve those 3 smarting menstrual pains and Jv the dragging hcu's. One is a department of humor, the other a depaitnient of practical suggestions lor women who wish r i i... i. .. i? *rifiiicy i'J in*4iiv: mwii\. | i I here, are thousands of women f who. il trained, would be excellent ^ workers, and of hers who could j execute ablv if plans were devised s tor them. In order to bring together the forces of the women ol ideas and the ^otnon of practical ability, Everybody's offers a prize of $50 to whoever sends in the t most praetica', novel, and elFeo- ' tive suggestion lor immediate ? self-support for urn rained women before December 1M. I TIIK LOGIC < F DRESS. * 1 ' Mv young friend," said Lin- ' juinais. anticipating the inquiry, i J "we receive an unknown person | | according 10 ins ures>?ive iai\e < [leave of him according to his 1 . I merit.*'?Nixon Waterman in ! ,kTiie National Magazine*' lor j September. s S. I. Till's big millinery open- 1 ing, October 2il and 3d. That will ! be a big day in Manning. Get your hat lrom S. I. Till, j Manning,. lie is the man that , j sells so cheap. < S. I. Till, of Manning, sells I | woisted remnants cheap. See them. * 1 October I'd and 3d are big days 1 in Manning. S. i. Till's millinery ; opening. $20,000 warlh of Goods shown j at Till's store in Manning, Octoi ber 2d and 3d. Mrs. Stella Bass, of New York, j the great pattern hat designer, is ' at S. I: Till's ot Manning, this seaj son. See her before you get your ! hat. SEED OATS?A limited quantity of Seed Oats for sale at 60 cts per bushel. Apply at once to j Barr & Co., Kingstree, S. C, 9. _ _ _ Every Bay is At Stackley's There is an immeasaxable differ* [)f onr goods and the low class price A dollar goes further when spen the amount anywhere ole. Thelar' ;>ur counters would not be drawn bj that most irresistible attraction?pri Vou will Find a full line of DK F8S G OODS, UriiUnVft AfTTT fiats, Caps and Genl (FULL LINE OF BERY'S CL( Reynold's Iliirli Roller $3.50 SI Remember, we will not be undei ~ Stack ley's GLENN SPRI ULENN Sl'I Q,ueen of Soutben Glenn Springs has no equal on tl Sidneys, Bowels and Blood. Hotel ( ind Service excellent. It is up-to-di lor certificates of cures. For Boajd i Simp Water for sale the year round. Drop Prospects a And the Oid Reli mTTAlT AH 0 muiviiis & is prepurinjar to meet yc ?IX THi'. Horses, Mules, ? and m The like of which lots never h On your Patronage Depend* nil nak-> a iiu for it in the most eon vim High Class Goods it the Smaller legitimate Knsincss Methods. With increased facilities hum nr storing Vehicles and Stable room 'on at tin* same old stand. ysr Our livery is better equipped tylish and comfortable Vehicles. Yours for business, Prof. II. S. V. Jones. If is only natural that Charles-; on should be proud of the younc nen who grow up "under the hailow of St. Michael's"' and go >nt into the world and make name mil fame lor themselves. This is; >eie.g done daily by Charleston j H)VS, aii'l among lliOSO Wl)0 llUTH | ateiv oiks into view after having j started out lor ;hemselves upon ile's halites is [Vol. U.S. V. Jones ['rol. J??nes was born and reared n Charleston. ami after taking I he full course in llie College nt Charleston graduated with first honors in 1SS9. lie then obtained i scholarship in Harvard University and graduated from 1hat institution last spring, lie has made a special study of English. *nd within a few months after his graduation he received a flatter-! mg call from Mount Union Col- j lege, Alliance, Ohio, to the chair j ih English. Pie has accepted the ;all and is now on his way to: Ohio, where he will assume his Juries at the opening of the college.?News and Courier. I'rof. Jones is a nephew of Mrs. 'J. M. Chandler, of this town. 'A , 'fi presirvw nnil plcklo#) cpreid rc fr-'j C Ihlc CJlvtlnjf cf Shs 1 mi SEFISED 1 I PfcilOT8E 1 . v;;i i(r<>p ;h''rtsolotoly mnWurn Bod 1 a.-; t w-vf. lVilne, Bargain Day i Cash Store, ;nce between the high-class quality we sell them at. t in our establishment than treble e crowds that daily throng about : ' r idle words or empty boasts. It isice?to which they yield. SATINS, SILKS. JXERY GOODS. Is Furnishing Goods. >THL\G AND FURNITURE. Iioes?the best in the County, rscid. No trouble to show goods Cash Store> XGS HOTEL. - . il.NCiS, S. C. i Summer Eesorts. is continent for tli? Stomacli, Liveiv >pen from June 1 to One. 1. Cuisineite, and everybody gees there. Write apply toson & Simpson, Settid your orders to Paul Simpson. re Better, able Finn of BRABHAM J iur wants this fall with 'r^X^TO : way or? Suggies, Wagons irrie-s. pen seen in Williamsburg County., r Prosperity and we ure Going to ;iug niiinn -r, namely: t Margin oi Profit Consistent wit Ik . , llir.g our Line?larger floor space i for tStock? Wo are here to serve * than ever with fre h Horses and Yours tor business. LTIOMAtS A HKADHA>r. J. K. TOMLIXSON, Manager. SOMETHING TO KEMEMBER. W|joii i cough or co'd i> long neglected consumption almost invariably tol lows.* Hoim-mber Mexican Syrup on I \ costs i"? rents a bottle, and yet has p;nwn in many thousands cases an absolute site cure for coughs, col.'* and consumption. Taken in time it cures "juii kIv. CliiMr. ii like it l)ecause it tastess?> g m ' '.ii rlio vvr inru-i CU'Vll-il. II .......J... arou.-iii ilie h<>'t.e. A TlTIABf P. SIGHT What i? more pitiable than to see a puny, delicate Mile little onc>. whose cheeks wcuid grow rosy, whose eyes would grow brigh. whose lies.11 would he plump aid prettx if only the worms that are knaxving at their vitals xve-e removed, which ieasily effected with Mother's Worm Syrup, so nice to take that childrei ask for it. .Also a cure for tape worm ii. grown people Trv a td"> cent bottle. THE SECRET or GOOD HEALTH. The secret of beauty audgood health* is cleanliness' t'!incss oreeddisease. Internal cleanliness is even of greater importance than external. Keep your liver active and your l>o\ve!thorougiilv clean i>> taking a Mexican Knot occasionally. Their use (ices tb> I nerves, kidneys, etc., g'.K-U also. Onh 25 cents a hox. (luOCil'S QUICK RELIEF. I When yotir ioitits nun your liesb lv*-:< tender and ore. a 2" j cent b**r:!c ot'Goi ch's Quick Relict' will j give yen quick relief. Best cure foi colic. ! HEALTH i' RLthil) MAKE| HEALTHV FLESH: ; To ll.i' e good fleall a'V* ginxl feeling. ! to hrnk wet and fee! well take some ' (ioochh Sarsaptirilla. Nothing else ' good for pal*- and -uc'Rv wutneii. I'iLK-lNF* ("IT ES PILLS! ' Money refunded if i ever fails. A>Ti-AoUK cUiC- chills and l'evee. r?/ GUARANTEED I L!,D"A I cOy-T^I S5.000 DEPOSIT' fR-R-FARE P*,D 200 FREE |j*T' ScholtrsWpi offeree OA.-A^. EUSINF.SSCCLL?OE,.t!.iao?i.Ci> ; <8 < Ihia slgpfitttre is nr. every Ho* of the gonnirr" t Laxati. e Bromo-Quiuine Tables f ibo tcmeCy that cures a mU la one tMV A ' > . ' teste ' : . c,.'. .. M&