The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, September 05, 1901, Image 8

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imw - y il 1 fflli] I . charge of \Y. u. BASS, Esq. - ? LLUi J?' J J,. L. Caldwell i:a jrone to New j- York to buy yoods. ; Mrs. Kiiiifs and children wont to I '* * Now York l:isi veok. ' . IVv. 1> If. Crosl uxl rrearhod at '. :!u- Sunday ni^ht. H WaMaoo J in.-, Jr., is jrettinj* ready u attend the College of] | Charleston, i Mr. J. it. Wat p look a flying I trip to Partington Sunday and returned nday night. ? At til?-. writing. Monday, the - ampaige whit r will come to a elo.-o Wednesday, i-- getting warm. Mi-s- Rosa ( !.ami>erlain. who had 1 c .>>-en visiting at V>. Bass/retum-1 ed to her he toe in Charleston Men- j jay. I Roland Pitt man. now of Greonwood, spent some days i:i town lately with friends? He is traveling for the South Carolina Baptist during vacation. The brand of stuff now mostly handled by the blind tigers seems to >e "Ti ie Goiden Wedding." it appears to be a in i.-t murderous cun( oction. Those \? ho on it have regular (iiano.iid jubilees with all the flourishes of a regulation Apache ward me - withjim jams /or desert, ft is actually too vile to ride in an < xpress car. hut sneaks in : > the depot secreted in goods shipped by freight. W i\ >l!ins bought R 1j Blow's residence Saturday. .Mr Blow hat; decided to go to North Carolina, hence tiie sale. He will leave -ome time in the near future a-so-m a? he can get hi.s business in shape and he relieved of his position. \Ve understand that Mr. Blow's reasou tor 1 uwingis that he j has decided to farm, and will go | jack to his. old home to engage in I ihat Itusine.- *Vo are sorry to lose | n'm and his excellent wife, and 1 wish for them pleasure and prosperity whithersoever they may go. j I is successor in the depot is not yet knowni ... Things warmed up a little in the 'lowersessions last week. Judge' \Jaskir.s is beginning to shako the .tinners up. The following cases; were disposed of: King Epps, petit larceny,'*}!,", or 80 days?took the lays; Caesar dingletary, non-pay nent of poll tax, $8 or 20 days? M went to visit Sept. Wheeler; Lave Parson's, carrying shooting iron j where it could ".->t he seen, $10 or 30 .1......?^.i \L*(iftr nn thn trnnP! I Have Parsons as-aplt anil battery, or-'1 nays? u ill move dirt; William JSinjjfietarv, non-performance ..f road duty .*!dor:W days?wont *.(> work file road with Overseer Wheeler. Thus the mill irrind- on. H. K. Vaughn. bookkeeper at the Planters' warehouse, had a close til Saturday. Ho was standing 1>y thi- railroad track at the Main | street cro sin* when 7s nulled out; for the -to. As .she came by he, < tnroufjl; seine unreasoning impulse, grubbed at the train, somewhere about the mn'dle of the mail ear. old 7s reseiit<. 1 the familiarity by hurling him to the ground with such force t nar he was a ndered tmcon-j vious. After the rearrar passed lis | was taker-up ami carried to Dr. j Williams' office. His face was j pretty badly bruised by the clinkers j on wliich l:o was thrown. No bones . were broken, and lie was able to bej out on Monday. .No blame can be' attache*;! to the Coast Line. | La.?i sprint:?; J) Ritchie, a coin-I mission merchant of Wheeling, W. I 1.v/ LJ.V4? .1 I \ it j t"'alilt Ilfi V <mn ia j 1>V0. : lie v/ii.- so impressed with t!ie j trucking future of this tint he determined to move here himself ?nd <ro into the business. I.n-T I riday hoand his voun<r brother came in to carry out ids determination. il" brought his furnitnre, iiois.s /M goods, horse, etc. He wii; i ; \ a farm of three, four < r five liumh- i acres and will settle on it. Mrs. Kip-bio will eome as soon as n house is m cured. Mr. Kitehie seeni - i> he a nice, gentlemanly,' energetic -man and \v< ex I end to him Jisl welcome. Mo:? live, i nerve. "and intelligent truck farmer- would he of ^reat *>oiie5t to oil. section and such will ho receive I witr pleasure. JJtJii't tio (lie top of yonr ij ^wV J'Uy fir/1 piw-rvo Jurr In I l A-S *V. tSeol lfu:sli|i?ri-i!v.v.y. Seal ' i \ j thm l>y the uc>7. quiets. ]| > ~~S J Aa a:,c?h:ic)y re \ . v?t>y 11 ' < o 1::I:j r;f J^iire i j i.' 1'nodpurufne.". ji.s ij 2t?t<F lUs :.o u to or n. -. * < j! A ?'J,t ::lr f ii'ht ; e ; fed ;: v- ip tfv\ j to f. | ;i ' -m C,M vo~ :r " v>*" : ^ j.'' GrgN&A''L ^ ^ t j! A NIGHT OK TERROR "Awful anxiety was felt for the widow ot the brave (icncral Durnham, off, Maehlas. Me., when the doctors said she would die troin pneumonia before i morning,*' writes Mrs. S. U. Lincoln, I who attended her that fearful night, "but she Ijegirctl for Dr. King's New' | Discovery, which had more than once j | saved her life, and cured herofcou-i [ sumption. After taking, she slept all j I night. Further use ??n iroiy curcuj her." Tliis marvellous medicine isi guaranteed t<i cure all throat, chest and lung diseases. Ouly i>Oe and .00. Trial bottles free at I>. C. Scott's drug store. We never knotv what we can do until we try, and then we frequently lind mat we can't. STOOD DEATH OFF. E. R Monday, a lawyer o! Henrietta, Tex., once tooled a grave-digger, ile says: 4,My brother was very low j with malaria! fever and jaundice. I I j persuaded him t'? try Electric Hitters, tad he was >o<>ri ruuch hotter, hut continued th.-ir utu until lie was wholly i-urcd. I am sure Electric Bitters saved his lite," This remedy .expels malaria, kills disease germs and purine* the blood; .-.ids digestion, regulates liver, kidneys and bowels, cures constipation, dyspepsia. nervous diseases, kidney troubles, fen:-de complaints; g'ves perfect health. Only 50c at D. 0. Scott's drug store. The more a man has the more he wants?unless il happens to be twins. A SHOCKING CALAMITY Lately befeli a railroad laborer," writes Dr. A. Kcllett. ??f Wiliiford, Ark. "His foot was badly crushed, but Bucklon's Arnica Salve .jui^kly cored him." ' It's simply wonderful lor burns boils, piles and ail skin eruption*. It's the world's champion healer Cure guaranteed, 2ac. Sold by I). C Scott. JgJealousy is a key that opens i many wedlocks. WORKING SIGHT AND DAY. The busiest and mi;r??tifst little thing that ever was made i* Dr. Kiug's New I Life Pill. These pills change weak-! jje?s into strength, lisilessness into en-: ergy, brain-fag into mental power. lliey iv. wonuenu: 111 umuimg up mc | health. Only 20c per bo?;. Sold bv D C. Scott. For Sale. One-quarter Jersey cow in milk ntui oav Jersey liuil. Apply W. CM 4t. Cooper, S. C. For Sent. 1'Imitation consi-iing of three <?r four horse farm, situated on toiblic road between Kingstreo Sailers. Address A. 1?. C., care County Record. Kingscrce, S. C. 2|. Notice. All [larti.--h'vin^'' laim.'nj?.'iits: the esfHte of Robert *v Fulton deceased, will present same duly attested to Hirseh & Hirsch. Attorney* at. ; [ and those indebted to said estate will make pavtuent to the same. RKN^AMIN P. FCI,TO>*, 3t Qualified Executor. Citation Notice. STATK OF SOUTH CAROLINA. lVli.MAMsm-RG COCNTY. 1 W. E. Haxxa, Esq., Probate Judok. : Whereas H. Kennedy made j suit to mo. to grant him Letters of I ! Administration of the Estate of and j effect- of J. Cooper MeCutcben, dc-( ; ceased. Tbe?e Hie there "ore to cite and ad- j monish aii and singular the kindred : awl Creditors of the s?id J. Cooper j McCutchtn. deec sed.that they be and i ! appear before me. in the Court of; I Probate, to be held at liingstree, on! 115th day of September,ll'Ol. next, after; | pui heat ion there of. at.l 1 o'clock in the j : forenoon, to cause, if anv they j I have, why 'die >aid Administration | j sbouia not lie granted. Given under ruy TTmid, this 2d du> i o: September. Anno Domini. 1001: W. E. Manna. .1 udce Probate. Citation ITetiee." stat?: or south Carolina. vi'jm tamkjltjko countt. w. pi, esq . pr03ath jl'dqe. | i : Whereas. Phillrs Pulton made unit' i to me. to errant her Letters of Admin- j [ lstration of the Estate and effect* of; John Fulton. These are therefore to cite and ad-! ; tuonish all ana singular the kindred i ; and creditor- <?t the .-aid John Fulton j deceased, that they he hk! appear 1*.-; fore me. in the ("<nr: of Probate, to be! heui at XtiiirSuve. S. on the ]6th ! 1 hey September next, after publication | i ther?-of. -it i! (ck in the forenoon,'' tu show nuise. i! any tlicy have, why tiic,s.ii?i Administration should not b<2> jre :ntc,!. Given under mv Maud this 2d day of 1 Scnipt.viuber:. an no Dofnini. 1 koi. w. k. Mnnua, Judge probate. The Hotter ii Gets The more Thin Clothes You Need. RELIABLE GOODS AT FAIR PRICE IS WHAT WE OFFER YOU. Goods Exchanged, or Money Refunded. EVERY ARTICLE WE SELL HAS OUR FULLEST GUARANTEE. SEND US YOUR ORDERS BY MAIL. HIOH I lllj ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS, t Corner King and Haseli Streets, CHARLESTON, S. 0. Attention! Citizens of Williamsburg Co. When you arc in Georgetown, and want to make your expenses, buy your CLOTHING,DRY GOODS. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS. SHOES, from LEVIN & HURWITZ. We guarantee vou a saving of 25 to 35 per rent on every dollar's worth of good* purchased from US. "We are selling ovt our Spring and Summer <?oods for cost and below in order to make rooiu for our enormous Kail and Winter Stock, which will comment e coming in w ithin the next fifteen days, and which will excel anything ever brought South in style, quality and price. I rt/iu r LSIIDtl/lTT 14, nuntll!!., Leading Clothiers and Fur-1 nishers of Georgetown, S.C. i Mail orders attended to the same day received. P. O. ltox W. wtltbass, Attorney at Law.! lakh crrr, s. 0. Practices in State and Federal Courts. WTR CLAYTON j Attorney * at - Law. FLORENCE, C. Practices in all the United SUUis Courts, and in M e Courts of Florence and Williamsburg Counties. In Memoriam. In loving remembrance of JJrs. E. J'. liradhatr. who departed this life August 22, J'JOE She whs taken ill on Friday and was sick only six days. Site was 71 years of aire The remains were interred at the Greeley villeBaptiM church,' of which tl?? deceased had been a j member for many years. She; lived a christian life and (iod saw | fit to take .her home to dwell with ; Him above. Sleep on. beloved one! Take thou thy ro-t. With thy head upon Thv Savior's breast. Catra and pea-rful i- thy ~<-t As an intn-u's sleep: Hut. thou shall awake To toil no wore and wdp. Ilost on. dear friend, thou'rt happy, Free from sin and toil and rare. Once again we ln>pe to me? t thee. And in ilenveu thy glory share. We have on han?l a car load of them linger longer, therefore We Pass Up Th? Don't quarrel with opportunity, last. All the standard makes, such a dock,10 nger, Barber and R. E. June We make you practically a press 01 LIVERY DE! Is always supplied with Good Horses J. L. stuc: Lake OH Stoxei One chance is all we ask to convin OUR SPEC Ibi, isles' flitd Gems' fin THINGS THAT DELIGHT THE THAT CAN" STEWART Lake CJ SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN T Having: sold us her entire stock who is in our employ, will be please at our store. ii i ?? $100 IR/I FOR ANY CHILLS A.: That Cannot T^7"la.e?lea When used strictly by directions. Th meht on the market. The liver and kid 9j9tem treated separately. Wheeler** 1 Curs Intermittent, Sillier The Be*t Tonic; Great Appetizer, Compounded* Contains 1T0 Poison. Ft D. C. SCOTT. K THE FIBST Hasoit last breathed upon us. and tl the case may be. Times are hard w raiiy mieresieu in Knowing ?ncu-i Now, we want you all to come t; money. Times will be hard for a si by getting goods at the lowest possil For the next ten days we offer Rest Flour, 1st Patent Seeond Patent * Corn ... Splendid tobacco, in pour.; Grits ... Good Coffee Sugar, Granulated But's Everything else in the Grocery lino cories. We do not break packages, packages. IJARR & C< Kingstree Grainar W AR EHOUSE, MAIN i WOFFOM) COLLEGE. SPARTANBURG, S$, C. 46th YEAK BEGINS SEFruMBEIt -6. Eight In faculty. Eight departments. Kvpenst'j from $1<>0 to *17> a year, For catalogue, address | J. A. GAMEWELL. | Seety. j Wofford College j Fitting School. | SPARTANBURG. S. Elegant new otumiDg. isourn anu1 tuition for year. $110. All information given by A. >1. DV PRE, Head Master. Ijjmbe, M, D7 DENTIST. WILL BE AT GEORGETOWN, S. tj. DURING .11 LY. Office at Er-idc?ce. Teeth Extracted Without; Fain. Teeth Put in Without Piate. % * ~ " "' -7" BUGGIES, and </a.:\ arFuri<> let 5 Profits to You. hut com'.' now ano buy whih W?ev i.- Hackney, Taylor Ganady. 1 fays. >nt of half the profits you huy now. K? ^ ' 5 ' ' i ami Stylish ami SorvicabluVehicles KEY & CO,, ty, S. O. ; 2<Texv G-cccLs! 3 ice you of the quality of our goods. MALTY IS fife DfjGSfiife LADIES HEARTS AT Pit ICES r HE BRAT. 1 & FLOY'S, .ty, S. O. J 0 DRESSMAKING 4* MILLTN ERY and jjood will Miss Ida G. d to serve her friends and customers M SWARD: ' CASE OF tsTD FBVBa bo Cured by :'s Tor^ic e only combined Chili nod Fever fror?tueys, stomach, blood, brain and nefcjut funic will is and Continued Fever, ; a Logical Prescription Scieuti finally :>r sale everywhere. IXGSTRKK. S. C. \ WatousF* ie crops nr" iih?,r made cr a* -? 'ith our furnj ws, and they urrmutui.. ..?? ,,,.,.,1^ n... ?r/ tun HVI i 4ir > us and see if we cant save you d mrt while, but we must economize ?!e margin. M 1 4.'H) _ . - ?.) i cuddies - - 25 1.7) low down. Come and see us on Grn- i but will save you money on whole ?! Proprietor of tiie id Commission Co. ] CP K f VOSiTH lv V S5 C DENTAL HALF RATIONS.! 1 J V.y *h - ,;l>ovc caption ilio undor^'jricd means that hereafter his time I arid prat-lice will bo divide;! Imweea j Kir.irsiree and Lako City? equally? i ir:. ii'ir the latter place fr- !r: Is: t?> I 'lie IV.h of each month, a:1*: troin the i i?tli ?.- ri..; rtt'th To the t'.TU:*'?. Com- 3 .fueuchtf; at Lake City Mir-th l?t.J Itespoet uliy, A. M. SIS'IDEE, Dent il surgeon. Carlisle \ | Fitting S W0FFGR3 COLLEGE 1 H 1 MA M PT-'Pr: ? i : A/AA k'AX/ LJAk\l? ?J? Excellent educational facilities; -M full faculty of experienced teachers; jj| separate boarding homes for boys?| and girls; tine library, literary soaM cieties. ^ymnasitini, etc, ^ ltoard $7.00 per month; t.tiire-? 9j I $'>2 per year; music *3 per Session opens September ffltyJajf Write for catalogue. . *;? .'lB| . E. G. SHERIDAN, 1 Head Master* Au?; 22 lm ||