The (Cmnrtg TLjecorrx! j ? r K EVERY* TIIVASVAI- AT KIX&STBXI, ... C. i C. W. WOLKi ^wrroir ant* Piu-* tr G?Q. S. I i X !\ AV.'* S j __ r , i tfr tr.v v0. j > ?! s oh or. rSi.'.i.u :1'i 1 Sni- pn> a Lie is. advasiee. ? 5r.T Ct?. ?~?4 * \ --?.*? ? Out- Iin-li, iirsi in>v t; .. . eaeli j - '^rii 't ncu:>*-rtt mi. a ;? rj' -. Ooirr- i ;? ii' - j? 't over 100 "Diils clmr^td l >r tegular :(ivertHe'M.t-. Liberal cton-iion u a'lvertis- j .mu made for three, -i.\ and twtlve month-' I'oisti'lit't". f n > uim' lr S'Toinpanied iv th? real name and addiv.-s of tin*! w i i t r r in ord *r to reetivv attention. No yoiiiiuuuic*ati<>n of a personal nature I * il! be publblisii except f.s all adver-i ? Addi < s- all letters and make all drafts | EW\ub.c to C. Y?". Wolff, Kientree. J ! II ! i i *?m vw ? ( THURSDAY. AUGUST 25, 130!. ; WHAT'S THE EXCUSE NOW"? Tbe communication signed uCit*; Is^en'' ia a litnelv criticism of the j town council, a majority ox w?oui | are on record a? opposing the pub- \ 1.cation of an itemized statement j showing the receipts and disburse-1 n;ents of town funds during theiri term of o?ice. At the meeting,! when a motion was made bv Dr.! 1 fcrockintoo to publish this report. ! tiie objection- urged against it was | he expense. Since tben this ob-j j ction has been removed by our; fcffer to publish the report a? one-; ?jurth ttie legal rate. The tepor i still remains unpublished; hence! the-inference is plain that the! vounci! is, to say the least ol it.' w ?t very ai.xious to have itipuh-j l:>hed. The rate we offered barely cov-j trs the cost of type-setting, a I- . Lowing practically nothing tor thej space taken up; but we believe, SU., to v novort f fr, ceo wluirfi VIIV V*C tvwTJt i*r WW ? .*v. ?. , heir moiwy goes^awl consequently made the offer. Beyond this it is a matte? of indifference to us whether the report is published or uot. .... ~ OUTCLASSED BY MANNING. Kingstres Dffsaled. by a. Score of | Nine to One. Nine in one in favor of Man- ; Kin}:! Thai was the score in Tnes- j day's game, in which the hn:n? : team escaped a shut out ub.v thei skin of'their teeth/' For three j innings the game went on very: auspiciously. only one of Man-j sing's men scoring, btit in the i. fourth the Kingstree b'ovs became!, rattled, and, after two men were ! out, allowed the visitors to pile! up five runs. With I he exception i of 1 his fatal inning, in which sev-i eral inexcusable errois were made, j the game was a beautiful one, many brilliant plays being made! on both sides. The battery work! on each side was excellent, Gil-l land striking out II men and | Subletl. for Manning. S. With the Manning team canie quite a number of their friends and the grounds were crowded with spec-. fator.>, manv of whom came from ! a distance to witness the game. Following is the line up and score by inning*: Ivingstiee?MeC'utchen, ss; Mar-; tin. 2b; Kpps c: Manna. Ji; Gil-i land, YV. p; Scott, lb: Gilland, i).; 3b; Jacobs, rf; Mcintosh, cf. Manning?Tisdale, lb; Kollin-: son, if, Biackweil. s.<; Appelt, ri; Lanham, c; Sublett, p; Canity. 2b;' Davis, oh; McDeod, of. 12 3* 5 6 7 S !> i Jvingstree 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1?lj Manning 0 10 5 0 0 0 0 3?0 Umpire, Coiclough Davis: Scorers: for Ivingstree, Wallace; for Manning Kolimson. The King^-tree team left yesterday morning for Georgetown to ;?lay a series of three games. They. axe expected to win al least two sot of three. \j ?' . v. 'u^O Srigtv; Ins Vr V" ?*'v r . 1 iviilj v " v 1 mLK NA.V ? " . chassis"" )i for te8 J: ail vli; ^ j? J \ 1 J i ' I RV?ST^^^v^??iags 'j' QSLIEF. A fir i- uaviim il carttully analyzed l.<) r<)ittm. morphine, chloroform, ':.-vr"'?i etlect ,>f votM Asthmalene. Urn ailiiri with >|wsmadio a-alinr.t my cwm skill a- well as many others. Windows on IMUll: street, New York, My wife ri>,ii;v.enred taking ii :i1h?;u 1 ed a r?i !i<-a! improvement. After ii> ed and >hv is entirely tree from all *3 recommend the medicine to ail who: Yours respite 1)3, Tait Ijxos. >!I:dic NK CO. Gentlemen: 1 was troubled with otts remedies, but they have all t'aihsi start*.**' \vit!ja inai ouiue. i ??>u:i?s n yovr full-size bottle, and I am ove* a ail*! lew six years was unable t<> work, d'lin^ business every day. This test it tit. 11nine address, 235 Kivington st '5'r?.ul Pottle Sent Absolut iVt not delay. "Write at onee, ad CO.. 79 East l-'OtU st , N. Y. City. Soiti ay ai! REMODELED AND REPAINTED. Improvements to he M.vJe on O. Temple of Justice. i ll*-* contract for renairinir an remodel in** the court house h> he-*ti h t t, be heim: the I mves! bidde M:* bunk tool; hold at once arid working dallv wit!> a force < hands, Bis contract calls for a addition ot twenty feet to th rear of present building. Th will give two additional down stairs, one lor the- treasure and one lor the supervisor an county commissi tiers. The coror or. who bv law is entitled to a odice in 'ho court house, will o< copy the supervisor's present o fire, while the l*?x-like eomjur' uieirts now occupied bv the a?iu lor and treasurer will !*? mad into one decent sized oll?ce for tli auditor. Up stairs in front will in? ndc ed two tpnras?one on each sidefor tire solicitor and the gran jury.. while the judge's and peti juries' rooms will be moved bac FamSfSy i Ciicl" Um * Kidney,si BaekaeSi CUKE. fioi ai Liver . sasii >KKss im.a:.:lv. '! ;?ero !- nothing lUce A'thnvalcae. 1 iriujjs instant relief, even in the worsi a>es. It cures vibcn all else fails. The Rev. C. F WELLS, of Villa Ui.lpf, 11.. says: "Your trial buttle ol' Asthmaoih1 it reived in good cocdition. i cannot! ell yt?u how thankful 1 feel from the good lorfved from it. i was a slave, chained irii iniinu mirt- uutw ;uki >i^unuvei>n.')kcu your Ives. i'.K resolved to give it ,1 trial. T? >>y astonishment. the trial acted Ilka a harm. Mead me a fuil-si/.e bottle." KEY". 1>R. MORRIS WIXIISLER. | Rabbi of ' he Cong. Israel. N>.w Vokk. Jan. 3, 11W1. >ks. Tatt Ftxt.-s. Mkoicixk Co.. Cont.'enicn: Your Astlimaleno is an ex eilcnt remedy for A.-rinna and Hay Fever, ind its composition alleviate- ali troubles vhich eonibinc with .Asthma. Its success > astunishiug and wonderful. , we can state that Asthiisiiene contains ctiter Very tnil v yours. KEY. I)R. MORRIS \VE? IIFI.KK. Avon Si'kings, N. Y.f Feb. I. l?uL. :la! from i sense of duty, leaving tested the t. 1 the cure of Asthma, My wife has for the past 12 years. Having exhausted I chauced to sec your sign upon \ou? I at once obtained a Ijultle oi' A uhnvif'-tic. the liot of November. 1 *ry som ix tiding o:m tmttle her asthma has dis-ipfrar uipt nr.s. 1 feel that I e::i> consistently ire atllicted with this distressing disease. Lfully, O. 1). PHELPS. M. D. Kt'l). 5. 15K11. Asthma for 22 vers. I lssive tried ritimer. I ran across your advertisement and t lief at once. 1 have since purchased ratotful. I have a family of lour child.en. L a:u now in the best of health and aiu ix>nv von can make such use <>f as v?u see .net.* S. RAPHAEL. 6? ilast 129th St., New York City, fly Free on I'ceeipt <>r?o%ial. dressing DR. TAKT DUOS*. MEDICINE. Cruggists jso as iu c?uie within tlie extension. I Besides llie two addiiional office* j il'jin front the seating capacity of' 11 lie court room will he cnns:der,rtjali!y irxtreased. In addition to i>;tbis tlx* old KniMing w il >i thoroughly overivmled, repla-terr. ed where necessary and the dinar rpil pnlnr so lone an eyesore. re- i >}'! placed by a coat ot paint more hi j n: harmony with jmod taste. ie | Improvements similar to what is! is outlined abore have recently Sj been made on the court house at >r 'Sumter at a cost of over $500). j U 1 Supervisor Chandicr says that the j i_j work done on onr temple of justice u ; will compare favorably with that I -'at Sumter ami the cost will he| ; much iess. Moreover, he informs i-j us that these improvements will; i- be paid for without its beiti*: e necessary to increase the tax levy e at all. I j The great Austrian violiniwt aswl musical genus. Kubelik, wi.ll make '1 L a tour of America during the wink tey. . i \ Medicines. For Coughs, Colds, Grip, or ! "Cold^ia ANY PART of botfy. COLMAN. Mich..SopL 27,1900. | ?. For a whole year 1 could do no work and ; ty walked only by holdting or. to a chair. I docK tored with four did. n ot phvsiolautf butre"I ccivcd no relief. The u-h> of two bottles of Dr. Former's Kidney and Backache C*rcI gave-ni Tixee voira ago f ha J \ *y fosc . *~l i :?: d a 3 of- tic prepar.'.' Vas all , ;J ti.j own w?rr>.r;i!i without aT-t 11. I 41?:iieV nrescribed Dr. Former a Dyspepsia ^ Cure and tht u^of iteilvctod a r.ut?. Mirny Lf' mir- v -htd!hr?.*i^s that have come un^;rmy v ote.-rv uimi totvi: cm> d !?y U* Ilys- ' L , '.''in'. Pr. F. J. I.? ! J l!y IV vr l>r. Former. lYcdc niri. N. 1*. ?I 1'h^rPOseJ ?3nnor's Goldec Belief for ( I many jvfrrs for thf- disease* and accidents j ft tor i > -advertised and have found it jk fully to all you claim for it. ? J. POXP ESPY, ! I' - Presiding Elder M. K. Churcn. j sj UtsedfOE Cuts* Bfoisea, Bams, Old Sores, J *" Spraiuc, Cclda, Grip, Sove Tcrort, Colio, \ 1 Bysentery, Bowel Troubles, it is unfailing. Alu-on, Oiiio, Jan. i, 19W. ] ?r.v. M +KX5F.K. FRslonta. \. Y.. "ffn >,ivi> w>l<1 many ct>?r? of near Pt. Vitus' Dan.s . p'Cirtn and uvrry nw-'tii fcmn cured t?.' If. It j>rovr I 1.1. .Vrv." AL/.F..V-OI.AlwK Uiift; CO. j containing descriptions of the Remedies ajuu .hie cures ever achieved, by medicine. 3CKI > CTON, Kinfrtrec.TS. iS - ? ft * . * - I ' 1 ' ' \ In Memoriam. ' Died, at Trio, 8. C., July 25, I 1901, James Herbert.infant son of Louis W. and Wilbemitia Loryea. 'God in bis infinite wisdom has 'removed ii>:s lit !e r?iId from a world ofcur * \ 1 sin 'o > renhnj of pur-- -.'I .\liii-i it is f'.r.d to tri?e up our cherished one | <'i 11 we must l>e resist.( ! to the | will of Him who doeth :tl) things' I well. The pood poet has trrcly said. i There is no fleck, however watched > ami tended, | lint oik; dead lamb, is there, i Thvre i- no Preside, huwsoe'crdefended ! I lint lias one vacant eha^r. ! Us is wet dead?the child of our af-! lection? i Hut pone unto that school When- lie no lon^.-r ricctfc our noor ' protection. And (iod II base If doth rule*. I Notice. Mr. R. I>. Tll.tkcley, County Crmsi-- | sinner: You arc hereby notified to have i the MTcrseei's of mads in Hope. Law-, j IVnn, buttons- and Andeivou towu-i ; ships order oat their road fcamis and ; have, tlveir road" worked at < nc<\ It. It. C1IAXDLKR. ' c. s. w. c. j i Carlisle ! Fitting School OF , WQFF0R3 C3LLEGE. BAMBERG, S. C. Excellent educational facilities; full faculty of experienced teachers;' separate boarding homes for boys and girls; fine library, literary so cieties. gymnasium, etc. Board $7.")0 per month; tuition $32 per year; mi: vie per month. ! Session opeiu .September 2-t, i \V rite for csitnlo^iie. H. G. SHEEIDAh", | Head Mas'er. A U2 22 1 in WHY SUFFErFR The world ( BARGAINS F 3iv?osq.ui: Are now in order, call amige* prices Divjrs and Windows. Be sure to ex:i Gents Furnis Just received a nice liue Spring. j quklf a gtvt yoiUT pkk. DRY G< Prices o?i Latros> Percals, Calicoes, No trouble to show goods. - O- EOCI ?; Always fresh and guaranteed to be Always vours to ulaase, w Latest Styles ! Spring & Sumir LACFS. IIAMHYROS, KIRRONS, r HATS,SHOES. MEN AN The Finest Assortment Also full 1 N E\V M ATTIN iS R l'GS, OILFI.()' \\Y nru closing out all our \V. F. J discount. On all I ho above goods we gjarar ent with honest goods. Ask to see oni' Yellow-Iloir.aspuri Your money back withour arguiii , Yours truly, 1 GAGS, OLIv 5. ;. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. aomerning new unctr The Sun " All Doctors haw tried to cure OATAKRH by the use of powders, arid ; gases, i bale rs and drugs iai ?? ?. Tl>eiF \ ^?ch package entraining intern 1 and eMrruaimc lie-lit -liliicieiu {or a months' treatnn ut atoil every thing necessary to its pe'Iect-oKv. ' JSNt-vtLts" is tin only perfect C.vtakkh ciritKcVer made and is now recognized *s ilic only sate aaid p in tile HEAD. Oatakku when neglected often leads, io c'ONN'-i MPrioN? 's^uku es" will, save you if you use it at orve. It is no ordinary remedy, but a complete treatment which is positively guarut teed to cure caT.vkkH in any focmoc stagjf used according to the direction* which accompany each package. Don't delay bet send for it at mire, .tad writ'* ? full particulars as to your coaditiou and yon will receive-special advice the discoverer of this wonderful remedy regarding your case without cost, to you beyond the regular price ? f "SXrVFI-KS the GL ABaNTHEI) CATARim CI'ttK." Sent prepaid to any e-'dn s; in rh?? 1'niteo S ates or Canada tm -ecHpt <>f ( ne Dollar. Addr-ss Dent E. 15, EDWI v n. GILES & COMPANY. and 2&12 M. rket Street. 1'iii .delpliin. V^WS L-H ILLS, r cVtHS ^IYI NIGHT SWEATS ? aH other forms of maladies when you \\ can be cured by >j erts' Chill Tonic '% M' loes not contain a better remedy. Many , cures made by it. 35 cents a bottle, nded if it fails to do the work. Delight- , i -M ocal Druggists. 1 | - fr I, ^roashT Lto IbTets . I also bavo a nice- line of Screen* tmine before boying. hing Goods. Hals UiUit3 anil Sec?e Coats. CoratjOODS, ect., are too nu?nerou9 to ifientiorr, ?i y | I KzaJ eoiiai wt. nJoN *^rm^ ^mi#m*" Invest price*.. ILK1NS. ler Dress Goads IKIIITS, MEN'S AND WOMEN'S- ^ D BOY'S CLOTHI.NO. of Groceries in Town, , Line 01' FH, HAKIxWARS & 71XWARE. ; Main A Co s jewelry tit >0 per cent itee 1 .west possible t>ric**,? con&wti :it cents a yard. ;:ot sattsfled purchase. rER & GO,,,