yOI, XVII. KINGSTilEE^s7 C.7 THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1901." N(X ~34 1 mi i? ii ?i um\m m ?mm ????p?m?trw > '.rju-nareruubiitf^biiwbwiiiibbfiwn ?! ?? ?rttmnii??pm >,i ?hiiii ji ! ?i mm a mm wrinnw i hi iiihiw i Fo >jitivelvNo Ksw Display Advertisements Will be Received, or Old Ones Changed, Later Than Tuesday Morning. _ ? ifiii iiBi: V AFFAIRS CAUGHT BY OUR LOCAL REPORTER ANL' NOTED. j Written in Condensed I- orm and Printed in Like Manner for the Sake of ' Our Buoy Readers. The sumrcer school closed last ( . .Saturday. v Mr. Louis Sehultz is in New York buying goods. -i Capt. John A. Kellev came up j from Charleston Saturday. Mrs. Marion Scott is spending [ - . T>_ I1. ,, some nine m jui. ww a. I j Mis. H. L. Grayson, of Benson, |? spent Saturday with her sister. s Mrs. Barr. ? ('apt. W. h. Kennedy has open- -j ed his new store on Railroad Avenue. a Mr. T. E. Arrowsmith, of { Georgetown, spent Sunday in .. Kingstree. s Edwin L. Llirscb, Esq., spent d last Friday in Marion on profes- i sional business. c We were pleased to see Mr. T. M. Cooper, of Fowlers, :n Kings- , tree Saturday. a Three bales of cotton from last t vear's crop were shipped from!* Kingstree last Monday by Mr. J. * i'. Shaw. ( Miss Gewinna. of Macon. GaJ who lias been visiting the Missas J Jacobs, returned home Sunday l evening. . : u Miss Agnes Erchmar., of Ciur- J.1; leston, has been spending some ^ time with Mrs. Leroy Lee, on Kail- 1 road Avenue, f Dr. D. C.Scott went to Wilming- f ton Monday to buy a sate for the t bank, which will be ready tor t business early in September, \ . .?v ' Mr. Claude Lesesne, of Man- c . .ivKiting, jbtyfber-ol our fellow towns- t ' \rrian, Mr. C. J.'LeseTne^ spent .sev~*j era] days fn town last week. r Miss Sadie Cohen, who has ' 1 been spending some time with her v lister, Mrs. Louis Schultz,returned - to her home in Savannah last i '' . Friday. i There will be no preaching next 1 Sabbath at Bethesda at 4 p. m., * ' or Cades at'8.30 p. m., as the * pastor will bc.off on a short trip ' to the up-conntry. * Mrs. LeRoy Lee and her two 1 sisters, Misses Mary and Sena < Riser, of Newberry, and Miss t Krchman, ut'Charleston, left Tues- ' day tor New jerry and thence to > Glenn Sonngs, where they will < : . spend some time. " < Kingstree and Manning: are now j connected by telephone. The writer had the pleasure of speak- ( ing to hi? eettes-aaed friend, John ] C5. ? 11SOI1, HliU Hearing mc laiiiiuai , voice as plainly over the wires , Monday morning as if he had been . ^ in our office in Kings tree. ? Mr. Charles L. Porter and- his | accomplished bride s^ent Sunday ; in town with Mr. Porter's'mother ? and-family. Mr. Porter i? a native : of'-.KingRtroe, which town has i never 6ent forth a ion that ahe ' has greater reason to bo prood of than Chas. L. Porter. We extend i our heartiest congratulations to I this young couple snd wish them 1 many years of wedded bliss. I ? Mrs. L. J. Barr and children are . isiting relatives in Sumter count}'. Work was commenced yesterday 0:1 the addition to the court louse. An extension of 20 feet vill be made. We invite attention to the adrertisements ot Woilord College, "arlisle and Bamberg Fitting Schools and Furman University, vhicli appear :n this newspaper. Phpre are no better institutions ot earning in the State. The teachers' examination was leld last. Mondav anu Tuesday. * "* There were eight white applicants, resides seventeen members of the tmifuer school, making twontvive in all. There was also quite t number of colored applicants. ^ The town council still seems omewhat shy about publishing hat itemized statement. After t majority have expressed tliemelves i?! favor of it, it is reinarkible that they do not tako action. Perhaps, however, they have :hanged their minds again. The following "swallows" took idvantage of the summei excurlon rates Wednesday and flited away to various resorts: Hr. and Mrs. M A Kos3, Ocean ITiew. Va.; Mr. and Mrs. A W iagg. Old Point Comfort, Va.; ,^ev. and Mrs. W S Martin and Hiss Mabel Harper,liienu springs; dr, and Sirs. Doane Epps, Wallalla; T M ( ooper, Harris Lithia jipnngs; . Mrs.' Emma Cooper, 5Vedg?-fieid; Mrs. W G Gamble, lemlerKonriile, N. C. Mr. W. >V. Kennedy, member rom 1 hi3 county of the State )o?r?I of equalization, has been ippointed on a committee to in estigaie tlie fertilizer property if the State to compare their reurns with the real value of the property. Mr. Kennedy's c?mnittee will visit Charleston and 3e*utnrt, and the investigation villi continue several days. N The writer had the pleasure of risiting Charleston last week, and vhile there stopped at the Galloon. which is under the raantgement ot' Mr. Guy A. Stoner, ibly assisted by Chief Clerk J. P. Waters and Messrs. John O'Keefe tnd J. E. HeiFron. Mr. Stoner las succeeded in maktng this one if the most popular hotels in the State. The house is well farlished and the table is supplied frith everything the raarket afords. The traveling public cftn io no better than to s(op at the ustlv popular old Calhoun. ' f During, the'past lour years'the interprising tirm ' of * Thomas & Bj-adham iiave built np a business in Kings tree that an? one night be proud of. JBy honesty tnd square dealing they have gained the confidence of the people, with the result that each year their business has shown a substantial growth. Tjiis year they are preparing to do a bigger business than ever before. Mr. J. E. I'omlinson, their * manager, has already made man? friends here, iud he says that if good stock can t>e sold.1'/at small profits in Williamsburg he intends to make things lively this fall. ** Dr. C. J. Tomiinson, ot Claren-j don county, visited his brother,. Mr. J. K. Tomiinson, Tuesday and Wednesday ot this week. The first bale ot this year's cotton was shipped from Orangeburg county. August 17, consigned to Ininarf*vi1Go|JkThis bale was shipl ped bv J. S.Connors and brought ten cents a pound. An Attempted Outrage. 7 On the r.ight of August IS,' Liney Cook, a white man living, near E?ingham, Florence county, wjtiie driving Miss Beulah Lynch, af . the same neighborhood, to Bethany church, assaulted her and attempted ; an outrage. The young'Jjidv resisted and managed" to\ct?out of the buggy and escap**" - ( j ecktohhe woods neajrbv, where she ^ " S" it' '* ' " was-*hortlv af terwards discovered by? friends.- Cook drove , away from the scene of his'outrageous cjanduct and has not been seen since, although the sheriff is after hnn with a warrant for his arrest. Cook Is 21 years old and Miss Lynch only 16.* Telephone Connection. A telephone exchange for Kingstree is now a certainty. The central olfloe will be established in a short time and be' ready to connect with the various countv lines. At * meeting of t k c citizens interested in the work Messrs? LeRoy' Lee, Geo. S. Surr M F. Heller were..appointed 1 a committee to look alter the construction ot the iino in town, and tli >y will go right to work to get uj> the switch board and locate central to be ready for business in a short while. Thi? will he one of the greatest strides in the line of progress-J hat Kingstree has made, and will lead to greater results. Eennser.^rfli-iefs. . At Ce'dar-?S>) amp Methodist church. 7^3041.111, by.Kev. J? McConntll, Miss Eugenia Nesraith and iMr. Marion Barrineau were united in marriage. Congratulations. Mrs. D. C. Scott and daughter, Miss Helen, are visiting Mrs. Marion Scott. Mrs. Julia Chandler, wife of Rev. J. C. Chandler, of the- S. C. Methodist Conference, and Miss: Carrie Flagler", of, Cades section, were guedTof Mr, and Mrs. J. B.' Chandler a tew,days last. week.. Rev,' W. S. 1 Martin* filled his regular appointment last Sunday morning at Cedar Swamp M. E. church. v rU Cotton is suffering Jronv overtrnfoh rain.. If the diurna}'Showers continue much ionger it -is likely that the crop will be seriou$l^,affected. . w; ,r* v ' ? & . p Suttons Siftings. V A protracted meeting, conducted by Rev. ,f)grry Evans, was held at this place la^t weeK.: Mrs. F. Spivay.# anif daughter,I Evelina, of Columbia, are visiting Mrs. B. Richte&on. M. F. Butler, representing But' ler Bros., of Reid*ite, N. C.; wus here last wvek, The^remains of Master Harry jSpivey,'who died a? Columbia recently, were brought here and buried at Suttons church. t ' fkrsonse. If you want a Piano or Orcair write 16' B. 0. Bristow,? Durlinj.'(Jt-* V I iW wiiLr''. .. A I The Jenklnson 1 Take in ft I Briefly it if just this--the season h; all summer goods must be sold or st to another season. \Vc propose to s j So, from the 1st to the -Oth of An go clearance sales ever known to the j burg. We hope to see many of our and if they can't come we will begl orders the best attention. BIG BA i . A beautiful lot of yard wide Pot nice yard wide Sea-island Homespu Colored Scoth Lawns only li}\u a ya 4h;Iy 3c a yard; A large lot of 12:.J at fit 8c and 10c per yard; the best Ia< "everywhere at CTTrttiCM CTTj j * ? , oil During this salt1 our entity lineof sli - :> TKtJNKS A [ 4 We carry the most complete lin Club Bugs of any mise in this parto from 50c to $17.50 each; cents suit ct from 23c to $0. All of these goods * A visit to ur store will save yc j W.E.JENKINS The Welsh Net HAllTSV 1. (to-educational?military, mecl gets through work. 3. Best'.religious ! for bpys and girls, elegantly equipi 5. Property worth $40,900*.?3,000 beii faculty Jivt* in doririitoVk^* with stu< night during study hours* 7. Locati ^cultured corriin Unity. 8.M*atronage 1 hjg eve; y year. 1). A facility of ten i ldges. 10. Very fine depigment of n lieat, $7.50per month; tpiti'on from of instrument, $3,50 per month. ! Address, WFL&H NECK HI V Lt^f TAn Cnc UUi M UI i lis* kJVCi visr ATLANTIC'S] ' SULLIVAN'S ffiirty-five minutes Irom OJhar!" Ferry Boat and a charming spin ( Hotel. Sea Fish in abundance. 1 For rates^write to Jn 27 2m Closing Out St( ' - . We are closing out Summer Clothing .. AT THE LOWEST FIGUR ,;h-. We waut the space for Fall and 4 M?./vdn Una n P , A pici/tjr iiuc vi v. .Matting' Staple Groceries at t' r Kespectfullv, . - . gg|jib, ism *%OOK'?in 'rbef^;i?};Hl\vay.s one wa; jjvr>t getting'a 4'ifolcl brick'-' \vh come'here for e\ &ry tiling and Our reputation has been earm not anora to lev one eusiouu e*n see$the teal v:\ir.? in these EL , ?S?TECIf St. Op{K)s?te:. Churlefltor orders promptly ti * k^X Dry Goods Store s Situation. is advanced to the point where a 11 and a chance of- being carried oven ell all summer stuff off at a sacrist we will have one of the largest tuple of Clarendon and WilliamsWilliamsharg friends at this sale, ad to send samples and give their KGAINS/ | cals at 5c a yard; 2,000 yards vflrv / > n at only 4c a yard; the best fast V * rd; good Shirting Calicos, fast color--, ~Vy id 15 c colored Diinites all closed" out ligo Blue Calicos at 5c a yard, OES! SHOES! * ' iocs will be sold at reduced prices. ND VALISES, .. e of Trunks, Valises, Suit Oases and ' u f the State. Can sell you trunksises from $1.50 to $10 each; club bug* aid at special prices during this suie. ?u money.- . ON. Manning, S. CV )k High School, IIXE, & 0. J. W.GAINES, Principal, lanical. 2. Thorough course-of study" -. ; and moral'influences. 4. Dormitories ?ed; electric 4*gbt-.and furnace heat, tg spent forimprovementS.' G. En tTr." ieuts; teacherewith students-.e,very on healthy, pure water, a reSnftdand "ron) Maryland to Alabama, iner'ea*teacliers, representing our."best -pi- . lusic. IK Hoard, including Tight ahUJ"iWJJIj,-riHri5VJIll-, O. Vy - - 11 ~~ '< is h ore! '.j r T11E ' " 3ACH-HOTEL, ! ISLAND, 6. C: '' eslon. A. de.lightful rids on l!** ui^he Trolley. All cars pass !ho Coofcinj; and Service unsurpassed. J. L..JACOB!, * Lessee hrid Manager. , i )ck!,l . our entire stock of . . - I?I " A 'n < ? />! O U i-v o fv >, '' v' - ^ i lcUb dim vj m vj c; 3 * ES YOU EVER HEARD OF, . , v J y Winter Goods and must.have it, ' .. - - ' at Cost. \ he very lowest prices. ZZDIDZOZZ." If < -y. ? T" K i* of being certain that you art* en. you buy; that way is to anything you need in our line, d bv fair dealing, and we could ?r go away dissatisfied. You ( offerings. Bswcfs HING HQijSE, ^Vcndemy of Music. ), s;c. itui ded to* i u