r ! Teething J Thence baby is most like- | ly nervcus, and fretful, and \ doesn't ?.'iin in weight. ? Scott's Frnwision g is the bestiOo<1 an-1 medicine i * * T.v*v 4 |< lor i>ui j. ^ p || ^atr f itn the staab1e oi neutralizing and eradicating [his poison, and de-tmyihg the craving (or intoxicants. Sufferers may now ure themselves nt home without pubicity or loss of time form bu-ine-s l?y his wonderful "home gold cukk" fhioh has been per fee* after many years f close sttdy and treatment of inebri,tes. The faithful u*e according to dieetions of this wonderful discovery is osidvely guaranteed tocure the most ibstinateoase. no matter how haul a [rinker. Our records show the mareel|us transformation of thousands of drunkards into M.i>er, industrious and bright men. [Wives cure voir husbands!! chicLex cuke youk fathers!! Thisremhy is in no sense a nostrum but is a cific for thi> disease only, and is mi Utfnlly devised and prepared that it I thoroughly soluble :m*l pleasant to le tast( so that it can he given it: a cup I tea or coffee with ?ut the knowledge I the person taking it. Thousands of tankards havt curedtheinselvt * with Bpricoless remedy, and as many re have been cured and made tem|rate men by having t).? "cure" ad Blistered by 1"\ iwc friends and rehires without their knowledge in coffee [pui. and believe today that the, tiisfctinue l dt inxitig o. :i.v:r own free 111. Do^or V.'ait. Do?:<) bo deluded apparent and mi. t1ms phx-jri^ w ithreaeh of everyb?K?.v a treat ni-nt, re effectual t ban other? cost inn 825 J50. Full directions accompany ea<-|i kn>re. Special advice by skilled pin nns when requested without extra ifjro. Sent prepaid to any part of the ->' vfi-eini of One Dollar. Ad IU " ? - ">^*6 E. lr?. EDWIN K GILES vV gMMPAW. I>vpt. 2;?0 and SKR32 AiarB Street Pliiliolelnljia. corrupti:d< ncc strict!}" confiden I j i'atherol thedecased,the syrapathyj of friends throughout the county is j deep and heart-felt. In the midst I of these blighting sorrows it is I hard to realize that "whom tho Lord loveth He chast**net u/' and thai "behind a| frowning providence He hidesa| ! smiling face.'' And vet to wiioni : j but Him can we turn in the midst of sorrow and tribulation? Mar the stricken mother find that balm in Gilead, which alone has power to soothe the heart bowed down with griet and woe. C. Tuskkgee, Ala.. July 28. 1878. Dr. C. J, Moffett?My Dear Sir: Justice to you demands that I should rive you my experience with your excellent medic inc. TEETIIINA. Our little girl, just, thirteen months old, has had much trouble teething. Every remedy was exhausted in the shape of prescriptions from family physicians. Her bowels continued to pass off pure blood and burning fever continued for days at a time. Her life wa< almost despaired of. Her mother determined to try TEETH INA, and in a day or two there was a great change?new life had returned- the bowels were regular, and, thank* to TEETIIINA, the little babe is now doing well. Yours, etc. D. W. McIVER, Editor and Proprietor Tuskegee (Ala.) News. A woman's no sometimes means yes, but her yes never meaus no. ^ Don't be satisfied w ith temporary relief from indigestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure permanently and completely removes this complaint. It relieves nermanentlv because it allows the tir ed stomach perfect rest. Dieting won't rest tl.e stomach. Native receives supplies from the food we eat. The sensible way to help the stomach is to use Kodul DyspepsiaCure. which digest* what.vni eat and can't help hut do you good. I?. C. Scott. Nearly one-third of our exports last year were from the South. P. T. Thomas SuniterviJle, Ala., "I j was suffering from dyspepsia when I , commenced taking Kodo! Dyspepsia Cure. I took several bottles and e?r. i digest anything." Koiol Dyspepsia { Cure is the only preparation containing all the natural digestive fluids. It gives weak stomachs entire rest, restoring their natural condition. D. C. Scott. The first newspaper in the United States was published in Bos ton in 1704. In rases of rough and croup give the little one One Minute Cough Cure. Then Tf-t easy am' have no fear. The child will lie all right in a little while. It never fails. Piea-aut to take, always 1 safe sure and almost instantaneous in efl'eet. I). C. Seott. The University ol Paris is the oldest university in Europe. O. 0. Buck. Birne, Ark., say?: I was I troubled with constipation until I j bought DeWitt's Little Early Risers. | Since then have been entirely cured of j my old complaint. 1 rccomend them i D. C'. Scott. Lake Huron contains over 3,000 islands. Eruptions, outs, burns, scald aad sores of all kind- quickly healed by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Certain cure tor piles. Beware of counterfeits. : Ft: sure you get the the original? I>e! Witt's. D. C. Scott. Women are like cigar??vou can't j judge the filler by lire wrapper. j Mrs, S. H, A11 port. Johnstown, Pa., "Onr little girl almost strangled j to death With croup* The doctors said sbe couldn't live, hut she was instantly relieved by One Minute Cough Cure. ! l>. C- Scott. ! There are 10,0 :0 rakes in the! Mate ol Alinnessoly. I I f tlio action <>f your bowels Is not easy | and regular ious complications must ! he the final result. DeWitt's Little: Early !1 i-ers will remove this danger, j I Safe, pleasant and effective. D. C. j | Scott. ! Milwaukee boasts ol apopula-i i lion of 300.000. ; James White, Bryantsville, Intl.,! ! says Pc "Witt's Witch Hazel Salve healed running sores on both legs. He had suffered G years. Doctors failed to help j him. Get He Witt's, accept no lniitai turns. l>. 0. Scott. i | fWM&St'S RELIEF A really healthy woman has lit tle pain or discomfort at the menstrua] period. No woman needs to hare any. Wine of Cardul will quickly relieve those smarting menstrual pains and lthe dragging hood, back and I side aches caused by falling of I the womb and Irregular menses. W8NE?CARDUf has brought permanent relief to 1,000,000 women who suffered ever)' month. It m&kot* the menstrual organs strong and healthy. St is the provision made by Nature to give women relief from the terrible aches and pains which blight so ibacy homes. ,< Ousmrooi. La., Oct. U, 1MB. 1 have been very ales for acme time. I vii taken with a Mvare pain in my Ida and could not ft any relief until I triad a bottle of wh?c of Cardnl. Be foce I bad takae all of It I vu relieved M I feel it mr duty to aay that you haye a wonderful maditiua. B Una. x. a. Yourt. g ffS55B3Bgg3g3E| The actor who has a summer engagement has no fear of a "frost." What most people want is something mild and gentle, when in need of a physic. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets fill the bill to a dot. For sale bv D. C. Scott. Sheep are used as leasts of burden in some oriental countries. "Through the months of June and ' July our baby was teething and took a running oft'of the bowels and sickness ext -ession begins i?f inf rmaiioi* on request. For room* applv to Prof. H T COOK, Granville li one man is as "nod as another, he doesn't have to in>!?! that l;eis Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. Laxative Bronio-Quinine Tablet* cure a cold in one day. No cure no pay. Price 25 cents. Tho wAinan with a oast is alwavi *"v " " 1 ' glad to see a man with a present When a woman says no, sin wants a man to coax her to say yes The Best Prescription tor Malaria. Chills and Fever Is a bottle o Groves Tasteless Chill Tonic. It i: simply iron and quinie in a tasteles; form. No cure?no pay. P rice GO Woman is the lairest creature ot earth?also the unfairest. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W Grove's signature is on each box.2oc A woman may coax a nail, bul she can never drive one. Dr. Catly's Condition Powders. Are just what a liorsc needs when ii bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier run vermifuge. Th<\v are not food bu; medicine and the he?t in use to put fior^e In prime condition. rm:ej.i v.n per package. For sale by D. C. Scott A woman's tongue uiten spoil; a lot ol nice sweet silence. You Know What you are Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula i; plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, no pay. 50c\ ' * Spring Goods! s Cash Store. >L>S 13 COMPLETE, AND Hi"! UT-L AND EXAMINE SAME. , RIBBONS, , SATINS, SILKS. Shoes?the best in the County, ersold. No trooble to show good.-: i Cash Store? INGS HOTEL. RINGS, S. C. >? Qiimmar T?oortrfc u uumiavi A?vovi ugi v the continent for the Stomaoh, Liver, open from June 1 to Oct. 1. Cuisine late, and everybody goes there. Writ? I apply to pson & Simpson, Send your orders to Paul Simpson. are Better, liable Firm of : MATOAM four want* thi* fall with 3-iiIlTS < WAY OF? iTagons & Harness been seen in Williamsburg County, ur Prosperity ami we are Going to ncing manner, namely: est Margin of Profit Consistent with [tilling our Line?larger floor space* m for Stock? We are here to serve i thau ever with fresh. Horses ami Yours for business. THOMAS ?fc BKADHAM. J. E. TOMLINSON. Manager: University, ILLE, S. C. 'if. D., LL. D., President. o the degrees of flaelielor of Art* (D A '/ nd Reading Rowu. Chemical ami Physiii Hall containing Auditoriu.u ami S?y. Expends reduced to a minimum by September 2o. Catalogue and circular." Address. Dr. A. P. MONTAGUE, President. !, S. C. , i One oi the grealesl triumphs of . i?dage realism is the actor's realize- * J tiou of his salary. '; A SUP* 3 PREVENTIVE. , ! It is better to prevent cori-mnptiou. than to afterwards be looking for a cure. Many cases become incurable SI simply because- so lung neglected. | When you first catch cold, when you ' ] first begin to cough, make l:a-te to u?c ^! Mexican Syrup. It may save your " I for it has proven a quick and never faiiingcure for sore and ir-uat<. :r will i never do anyone a hit of barm, should it tail to do him good. It is a good idea to try this remedy if you fee! had am! don't exactly know what ails you. There may b* a tape worm a hundred i feet long that is causing \ou- ! *s> (>t i health. It so a 25 Ci-nt bottle ?-f Moth. er's Worm Syrup will kill ami : mo -ve , ] II lroni your noity. i A REI.IABLE FAMiLY 11 LI.. A Mexican Root Piil taken wiles you begin to feel billion?.. < r when your bowels tail to rt?>vea- they should, may ward oif a iw.g -po! of illness. Get a i! } cent box. 1 PAIN MAKES LIFE \ FT'RLEN If is wrong to Ic't I l.o-o Vou love -offer {min or t?> i>o in {>aii: yourself", . when Goceh's (juick Belief only costin cent' a bottle. Et-f erne foi uam| s and colic* A MOHERN MIRCLL. *fi?jeh*s Sarsaparilla enters into and ' chanires tjie composition of the blond lacking sufficient re i corpusc!* ?tc? make it pure. Tiien t? e pure bioo??, cireuJari'lg with healthful activity. j>?ti meates every fibre of llesli una restor# s f better strength nn. ,, part, complete!) curing sores ami j? tin.. *. PILE-IXE CURES PILR: : ?' Money refnnde'l if n ever fail-. .* A^ti-Acjuk euye* chills and iVvi-r^ I I '.J* J