The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, August 01, 1901, Image 5

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l|' I Sceti's ^alsioo I | n V/ c.".Y;r?: ; ick'y trby to 5* '" ' -? - * ? lf?_ J Op.1,. (/-:c v. z> day, thin!: | 'Li s~'; n>ce %r '3 creQ:rr- * ^B y < B Entnm :i?t# Howard, of the | United S:afo? department of aiiri B ( culture, c tributes to the Review <>! Reviews for August n valuable I article ou ' as Transmitters ??f Disease.*' In the fl course of Dr. Howard describes t lie lemarkable experiB incuts con I acted under the direc! of lite Department by Dr. ES Reed in Cuba, which have demonstrated iay'-nd ijiicstion the part B played by ?Iu moquitos in trans? Uiittinj: veliow-fevt-r serins. m The - in oi the voting kingof > fcpatn $7"?0.C00 a year. THE I!CME GOLD CURE. I An Ingenious Treatment Dy wnrcn Drunkards a; e Soirg Cured Daily in Spile of Themselves. y<> \oxior> i?o?: no we ak::nint. ok Till. \EKVK-. a PLJ.a^ANl" AND POSITIVE t L H>. KOIC Til X l.l<iUOK It N now Ccnt-nt'ly known and understood tlo.t drunkenness i? a d'sense and not weakness. a t?o<i tilled with I#<>1-0:1. au-.l i.e. vr* <-<>:n|?k-tHy shattered hy pc. odi-1! ore uisrant ascot' in tcxicntiii- ?r>. vci'iiires tin antidote capable ?> in 1::rali/inga:id eradicating lips 1. atiu de iroir.o 'lie craving |t??r < a;' - Satfe vr> may now rurv - nt home without ]>ul>Iit or ! s- >t'ti:tif form l?u- n?* s !>y this \v<>:oi, :; ';)! "homk (i 'j.d ctkk" i wlii; h ha- he- J! i> "t" > v' a fit*' many years of clo.'C * t?!\ iiiil t r.*ar au nt of ineonates Ti: faithful ti-e a? riling t<> 'lire :'i n- Of }.; ? wonder; u! discovery i.s positively % ,tr: uned to tin- til*' most chs e.i*e. iv> ma t?-r how haul a dri .k"r. O r ret'fd- show the ntarccleu transformation of thousands of l;ri:nkar(i> into >?.licr, industrious and i priylit men. \V:\ is - I YO' :: HPSBAXD*!! CHI;.I.kks ? :Yuri: kati:kks! ! "j'liisr?* i- i;i :n ;i nostrum hut is a -.rj oil:i' for this ciisvase only, and is so ':K:'ii!ly de vi>i d and prepared that it"mughlv soluble an I pleasant to tliv t.'^ that it can V given in a cup i ! tea or coifet' without 'ho knowledge ; " the person taking it. Thousands of l rimkar 1 - have cur. d themselves with this pric?-!e>s remedy, and as many c iiaVi l?Oe:i < :ir d and :u i tcipo.nte men by bavin" the -icrRn" ad\ .iaisiered bv iov i'g friends ana re I a* t' /es without tin ir ktn wledge in eotl'ee t a. ami Ixdieve today that they disc itinued drinking of thoi: own fro" [' v. :!l. lo vn wvir. 1 M> tioi be deluded bv aptatr -nt and misleadii g improve uunt."' Drive out the disease at onee :;nJ f<?r all time. The "ho.vk <;oLt> \ ci'Kk" i- the i\tre:iiely low : ; rke of ( .j 1? Dollar-, tiMb plaeinjj wi;hii! reaeli < f ev t n-atm*?if more effmual t ' .-r- cost in^ *2.1 to >"0. J-'tiil c' : eiiojis : vorii} ?jy o.u-li jwckajS. S^ ei:t: r vie" l?v -ki.'K.-U i tii- vi:v!i r. ; " '' \% l.o.i: extra charge. s ::t ore;.'< arv part of r' e vorld on m eipt ? ! One lioilr.r. Adt Jiv-s L '* . KDW1V B. Dl!j;s.v I < oMPAN'Y. Di pl. .. ;tr.;l S' ^ Market ivir? "t I'Jjii.o'i i.v(. All eo' .-. ' T,! licit!.. < trictly e:in!i,Va v A' A- .i. V <' I i ? / (H \? i i? * 1 91 , i , r ; ? b \vy y k 4.*.^ M ^ ? f SIM l-T.'.Xj: 'hO, S. C . P :>tii tk-'.k J.'ii' .iNs :;:;PT>:>::-ii ; < 2*. K:-ht i:? Ku-u'vy. > 1*tsicots. Kv;v. r.v. frt?:a $lo.'> 10 >:7" j-.ycar, i \.r catul? <.: . J. A. i.;.\MEV.*J5LL. S;vfV. Wo fford C o Megs Fitting School> SI'AUTAXBriiG, S. C. Elcifi'it new 3Hsi;(ii:i;?. Hoard and tuition f..r year, $!10. All inform;;* ticn glv i) l>y A. M I>1" HHE. Head Masier. Thi Shot * Lived Yacht. AnotVr instance oi t'?e rapid; : passing of a racing yacht's us^fu.- j nets is thai of the grand old J)e-1 i fender, the 1S95 cup racer. It; cost fuiiv $100,000 to build her ? ; :not to run her; just to put her jalloat ready for racing. Those! j who designed the vacht thought i ; that a bronze hu<l with aluminum j t/vi-,?i,loc u /ml.'t vliil.i ll.rrtiti'h t lir> i j "'1 " * water with <:reater celt"iiy than ! any other combination of metals that could be devised lor a huli.j Tliev so informed the syndicate; ordered her. But, they add-j >ed, aluminum and bronze make aj poor combination, and in; time the aluminum will rot where, it joins jhe bronze, and the I)e-; lender will be useless. But what : i mattered that! iSlie was to be j built to delend the Cup; after she 1 had defended it she mijiht rot or j not as she pleased. j Thomas O'Ponne!!, M. P., who; ; a left- months a.rro created intense j excitement in Great Britain by| aJtenintin;: to address the house, of Commons in liie Gaelic tongue, i I I writes til ihe Review of Reviews! ! I (or August 0:1 the modern revival, I of Ire)and's ancient national language and literature. Our Hub Offers* ! The County Bee rd and the Home , and Farm one vear,$1.-5. T!ie County ItevOrd and Thrieo-a-! Week (New York) World one year,' $1.0.). The County Record and Twice-a! Week Newsaiil Courier one year,' i ! Tli" C-inty Iieecri and the.AtI 1 a'.ta or.stitntk a one year,-f!.75. Tho County Decor'! ??<! St-iui1 \\ tvkly \. oin >? f)!.i .* utte, *2.2o. ' '1 e P?'< ?>- 1 :i:h? The Commoner ( ^ iliiain Jenniog lijvan'.s paper),' j*1-7* ' ' | I he w , iov\ i? Va'iiunv Amo'd, (the liri'Iisii ???.*?, is dead. {Dyspepsia Cure! Digests what yo & e&S. i I i artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and reconstructing the exnaustcd di^tlve organs. It lathe la'estciiscoTcrecIdigest* act and tonic, No ether preparation can approach It in eiiiclency. It instantly reiieveaand permane ntly cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia Crctnpsand all other results of imperfect digestion. Price tOc. and ft. LarRecteo contains 2'S ttxes suiiili siisi. JJooir all ulvut <Jysper?ian:uile?;?f;co Pr:rcrcd t>y E. C. DrVL'JTT &CO-, Cbl=cgo. r:*""- -??? i | Seine men lake a iileiime lo! nrovo ho;v hiirIi wisdom thev ' 1 ? -I j lack. rations, ( lit-, tunas, scald ar.c j sores of all kinds quickly healed by] itcWitt'- Wiirli lia/'-l .Salvo. Certain i | rave fbr piles. ivwar oi'c?>imteri"eii?. i Be sure you tf-t the the origin :1- i>eWltt's, D. 0. Scott. Several deaths irom bubonic j p :??r?ie have occurred in Portugal.! i Mrs. S. ii. AUnort. Johnstown, 7 a..' jsa*s: "fur lirrle jrir! almost strangled | to d'-at!) wiili rraUp' Tin? (Isx'tors? Said j (ouldn't Jive, but site w,:> instantly j rt licved l?v <???. Minnie C'.o^Li CU"e. 0 C. Sv it. ' | Mo::i souIs, like mean nlciiires. j j re o:'ien found in fine looking ! !rnuies. j It'tlie :'.'iioil \ u:r ho-.veis i- rot easy j .'in? regular st ri< useo:uj<iie;>;ions must j :>o tilt- lioal rc-aiil. Ii rWiil's Liilic Ivirh Risers will loniovr this d-nijrer. Safe. p!e:,:j.iiit and elective. L?. ('. ! The odor of a well cooked dinner is !he incensed oi' domestic! love, O. O. Buck, Birne, Ark., says: I wa?I trouble! <\ith con>iipatiou iiHiil l! bought UeWitt's Little Eariv Risers.' a . , Since then have been entirely cured < f my old complaint. I rceonv-nd them D C. Se tt. I || heaiihy Mothers"! jsfij Few mothers are hcalthv, hececie their CL'tics ere so ccactir.jj. The anxiety 2jV |p.j < r pregnancy, me rrocis ci cnuuoirui, w fev^rd the care of young children, areR'8 ?< severe trials on ary woman. 5ut with#* K^Vire of Cardu: within her jrasp, ever; f<"j f} N mother?cvrrv woman in t.:c 'and -can jj " ljuPay the debt of persona' health shctj? KSowes her loved ones. Do you want 3 h gs, rohuat health with ai! its privileges end T o ?J' pleasures? Vine cf Cardui will rive it a3 P^you. p Mi ft 3 I ? Xxl^S:J ailtaJty ! 5 vj strcngthcr.* the female crgcras and invig. j?|: \ borates weakened functions. For cvcrynj.; | S female ? ! or weakness it is the bistfel | Rt] medicine made. your druggist for $I . hlj ui.Ofr bottle Vine of Crdol, and take no ft j* ?, S substitute under any circumstances. pD ! Jl I. Vrs. Ddrix Crxi. Gerpnr-(<\Jirh.i "^"hen 1 fe ? ; 8 J eoouacr.cca us-nc V? ?c of Cordt'i I *'j" hardly *Uc p j P P :o walk a'.XB? : l-otst. Two ^rcks *f:-rI walked 1' j v jS hail' * u.J: d .r-jwb.rrics. Vfcen te\ E T Sj cShchili w* tcr.l I so.'lcrci with bier pains i<I S j; j sj J :,ours. audbadto :iix hi.n en a iortle because I lied a 1 ! Jl5 no :..:iic. Arc- tiiir^Cic 'Vine (fK.-.n.-; p.-rsncr.ry 5 K ) j? i;h?toe. leave ck'.h Luttneoth !oa t-Ay gi-i, .v>J ^ .1 , i\, *cf. :r. labor o.'Jy Jvo bears, with be Ktl; p^iu H gj k' |) end ! have r'*o'V f' oalk. F->r this r* Jt inp.-cvr- R IS I v' CI nut! iii i. v i.e-J'i'. I C-ulc Cod cod U inc elCviu." |j * I For ir. rr.jui-ir.s j-ccid dircr ioos. V ^ j Lj 1 dirc^s. g.vij tyc.jttrfiw, "The LiiitV A'iviwrv J) < ! 1J - Dto.'rtnim-."Tl^C^- |J i, ] V/n i.vt>)ga J.t:ii.-vne Co., u ' jj) l y [jg j 11 k,'/ ^ ^ The summer ?iirl sU-ols her heart in order that it may not be stolen. l)??n"t h.* >a;Isii?'il \\ it!i temporary relief from imlijtestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure permanently and completely removes tins complaint. It relieves TieriMniien'lv Idealise it allows 11;?? tir _tl M'-ilVvi rest. won't I rO^t t!.e st nil-oil. N;if r-_> ivecivcs iiippiit'S rr :n t!.e f < ! wo Cat. Tllo , s-rfisi'.'e ' * lv t(i lit*!fs tin-stomach is to ..So l\o.i< 1 l)v?i>f]><ia(,nr?.'.\viiii-!i digests v."hot v< ii vat and can't 1 u*!p l?at do \ou ? IK C. Svot:. The N<?r wt iTj ii, j? ir!i ha> c'n.'itVrjfi! tin* lijiht i?;Uaiit'ljise on * < > otijfti t.iXj.avers. P. T. Thomas, Smnterville, Ala.. "I was suffering fnan dyspepsia when I .' ottiineocod taking K?>:ol Dystxtpsia < ore. 1 to..k several V'-itles and c >n di"vs; anything."' Kolo; Dyspepsia Cure is tin* only r;: ion eontaiiiintr ,.!l tlio natural diyi -t ive t'.uids. U gives i-."-i- <to;n:ielis enfi:v rest. rest orinj.' J their natural condition. 1>. C. rieoii. j ? ? I i Euiht exu?''!iii<-11s a o beim? I ; !antied to search tor (lie i.oriii ' pole. in rase- of cough ami <;r>?up give t ho lit Me < n<> One Minnta oigh Cure. Then r?t easy am* h v-- no fear. Th.ehi/'t! will hea'! right in a little while. | 't i! -vt r talis I'lea-a: l f< tak , :Hw.?vs safe safe and almost iu^ ailtanm U- in oiled. 1). C. Scott. Jt is staled lhat an American mil it company \v:!l establish a branch in London. .Tames White, Itrvaritsvillc, I ml., says Do Wilt's Witeh Hazel Salve healed Pinning s res on Ixorh legs. He had s;;lfere<l t> year-. Doctor- failed t"> help him. Oct DeWitt's, accept no imitations. IX ('. Scott. Our deeds determine us as) much as we determine oar deeds. ,\ MIJ>J l.It uuuu ??v/itiv. "I had a severe attack ofhiJious colic. g< t a bottle of Cuamb-rhini's f Cuoieta and DJarhoca Keaieily. took two di^'s and was entirely cured," savs Rev. A. A. Power, of Emporia, wan. ".My neighbor across the >trcet was sick for over a wee'e, had two or Hirer bottles of medicine from the doctor, lie used them for three or four dr.ys without relief. tin n called in ar.orhi r doctor who treated liiiu lot some day- and gave him no relief, so. discharged him. ] went over to see < i:iu> the ii-xt morning. lie <riiii his ! bowels were in a terrible fix. that they had been running (.fir so long that it was almost bloody Jlux. I a>aed hiiu if he had tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and he said, 'no.' 1 went home and brought him my hot 3c and gave him one dose; told him to take another dose in fifteen or twenty minutes if he did not nud relief, hut lie took no more and was entirely cur d."' For sale by Dr. D. C. Scott. Sprint Goods! L c At Stack ley's 01711 STOCK OF SPR 1X0 GOOD; PUBLIC IS INVITED TO CA A Fine Line ot LADIES' IIATS, LACES.! Reynold's $2, $2.50 and $3 Sh Remember, we will not be under* Stack X GLENX SPPJ ULEXN Sl'K: . Queen of Southern Glenn Springs has no equal on tin Kidneys, Bowels anil Blood. Hotel o and Service excellent. It is up-to-dal for certificates of cures. For Board a Simp: "Water for sale the year round, fc jLL mt ^n.;mwr Boeto: Presor: , It* xoriEtf ' l aen lor c?nt*,.'.f Dnipl Bdioom, ???? > Scind*. '"?ci ?hoy?s. Vtiry tani?h p*in. ir , H ?Vt civt* relief! No mirier do y?m good. T.n <?m|.!e HiOiiui< stn: by in ?.l io any jj , by the k:[?:i j^I Cm., i ffilli i il ? Ml mm ? Jiitrnrnrw Idleness is ho*h a great sin nr.d j the cause of many more. "Through the months of June ami ; July our baby was teething and took a running oft"of the hov.eis and sickness | of the stomach." says (>. P. M* llolliday, of I Joining, Ind. "Ilis bowel- ; would move from five to eight times a lay. 1 had a bort.'e of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea lteiuedy j in the hou4e and g *ve him four dropin a teasjxac.ful uf water and lie got ' better at once.*' tftdd by It. 1>. C'.! Scoot 'I lie coronation o: King F I ward , will take place in .June next. < "My baby was terribly sick \vi::i the diarrhoea," siysJ. H. Dunk. "I' William*. Oregon. "We we were unable! U) cure hi:u with the Moctnrs assistance and as a last resort we trier. Chamberlain'< Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea ' __ K? :e.cdy. I am ha;.j y to say i: gave | iaimciii t:? re;id' and a complete v urc.'" , Fur sale by Dr. D. C. Scott. j, Andrew Carnegie has olfored !' Leadviiie. Cnl\ ;\ if 1 <10,000 hi rarv j 1 The laws of iieaiili require the bowels! ;o move once *-;ieu u.iy ami mi une 11 ; the penalties for vinlatin,* this law is piles. Keep your bowels regular by taking a dust of Chamberlain's Stomach ami Liver Tablets when necessary and you will never have that severe punish- ? uient inflicteu upon you. Pric 23 cents. ( For sale by 1). C. Scott. .. i i ? r- i- -.r -f -fc'Y ?aair Spring Goods! Cash Store. S IS COMPLETE, AND THE LL AND EXAMINE SAME. RIBBONS, SATINS, SILKS. oes?the best in the County. ;old. No trouble to show goods Cash Store , XGS HOTEL. v [NGS, S. C. y Summer Eesorts. : continent for the Stomach, Liver, pen front June 1 to Oct. 1. Cuisine :o, and everybody goes there. Write pply to son & Simpson, Send your orders to PuhI Simpson. ==ii f'S MffiHJS 1 :s find. I W VbCU \ ? iptioa mMM ' [ rv<", Crrvert, Resfi'.^nfa, r.eisl Stores six! Bar>?rs [ u'iicc tnd trnlong -if;. , tl.? nutlet, one ?!il s *nd 01 e thousand ?rsfi? tdd c?s or receipt ot pn.e, & Spruce St., New York City. i A combination of soft coal interests was said to be just on t!io point of completion. What most people wanl i- tiling mild and jjentie, when in n?c.i of physic. Chamberlain's S' h an t Liver Tablets till the bill lo a dot. For sale by !"> ( - -Scott. Peace with God gives power with men. To Cure a Co'ci ir; Q,;e Day, Take Laxaflv" Bromu QuinineTablets. All di'n^gUts refund t!i<> money i^t fails io cure. K. W. L-rovej^j^iiaturi- is on each box.20e. <? God's orovi^ence :s proof of ' His presence. Dr. Caily's Cor.omon Pov.ciirs. re jus' ' a i:t>:se ne? ,i~ when :r: ad . (.n lirioii. 'l'tiiMt*, i.I< < ! Jturiand fenniiiigv?. ii"'} iii'i- I-i ii'i licuii'itu: and the l?e-t in .so u> pur i'jr<C in prime ' iiniii 1:2. I*ri< o J 5 of- m je:" package. For -ah* by IX C. Scott* Indolence J. lut- uinl.'ior o). nisery. You Know //hat you are Taking When you take (Ir:>v ?'s Tasfelew* * 'hill Tonic in cause the formula i>plainly printed on every ,ho\vi*ng that it is simply Iron amS * Quinine in a tasteless iornju :ure, no pay.. 50c. ?