The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, July 11, 1901, Image 4

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TF?' ?R V Tip: Comity 3U.tG.trrl ; ' PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT1 \ K (NGSTKEE, S. C. M, " . . i ..... ? .i .i ii ' ' I C. V/. WOLFE. Editok and rxrrniNTO?.. ; CEO. ?. EAR ft, AS-OCTA!K Kpitoi:. if i'KIIMS. 7 -bscniptiox ijates : ! >nc cor.v. one year, - - - $1.(0. One eoj y. siv month*. - - - .."i t.' One- copy, tiuee month*. - - .2">. ' .Hnl)>er?prions |-:iv:ii>!?. in advance. One inrb, first insertion, $1.00; each . subsequent insertion. '?? cents. Obituaries Tributes < f Ke.-p"ct over 10) * onls charged for as legnlar advertisement*. Lineral"reduction on advertis- I ilitf nude for three, six and twelve' month*' contract*. <,?.> viii.-t be accompaniedj * hv tile real nan:c and atMre>* of the; writer in order t<? rcceivcatieptloii. No ! tfoinniuuication of a personal nature j Kill be publish*'.! except ;u- an advertisement. Address all lcttersan.l make all drafts | puyaLue to (J. W. Wolfe, King*trvt\ S.C. i _| L = THURSDAY. JULY li, ICCI. A Fourth of July Picnic There was nothing unusual in the dawning of Thursday morn ing bright and clear, bat some- ! thing ol" unusual interest to many ! was to take place during the day. | f,re the dew sparkled in the sun light of early morn, before the ; warbling notes of feathered song- > stersgreeted the dawning of the; Fourth, many happv-hearted ; pleasure-seekers could be seen i wending their way to ituem s I Landing in response to invita- j lions to a basket picnic to take place at liiuisey's (Love. i>y S o'clock tin.' crowd lial gathered: and wer?* re i 1 v to e?:j >y th' ho? j pitaWiy o' M u* or.% Men oJ Winyah,by wliom the picnic was given.; Happy faces bright with n.nici pation rellecieu >i: ^;r! uearis c?i , those who were to rartiriivUe i;.' 1 - * ?he pleasure ol the day. Many ; already married and many that would like to many were in this group. But the time ol' departure ai rives, the ropes are loosened and seaward bounds the Emma A Twrings. Ilo! 11 ullot/! rings from the hilltop?but loo late, the boat . :s gone. A jolly crew and a mer-j r.y boat-load il is indeed. Down-; ward we glide to the lan 1 that ' will 11 iw wish milh and honey, on : this Fourth ot July. Soon we, reach inner!;> n s lunc.'ng, anu; another hunch of t! nver> is pinned j to the brrnv u! the Emma A 'iwiggs. O11 we g", j?a>J rice-feb!; and farm house, for we are bound t for Kamsey's Grove, seeking Ihej pleasures of the nation's 1::??;iI \ day. Yonder i> the place, the Georgetown boat has'u?t unload-; ed. What a lovely place lor a! days outing! <$ee the shady; boughs tanned by the touch oi1 the gentle diy-r. Many happy j faces, pleasant smiles silent glances or stroking figures are seen as the crowd mingles to-; gather on the green carpet oi 0 p 1 Karaseyo? Landtag. Then dinner is announced.! . Ah! this is refreshing to the inner num. A quick forward tuovej mental a lively step greets ihe-1 announcement, The table fairly groans beneath the burden <>| good things. Here is a bounty to; please the most fastidious. Ice-: cold lemonade an 1 water are plentiful and without price. Bui the day, however pleasant, must cams to an end. The 1;lowing of th 3 whistle I rings the : crowd to the river's edge, and J with ring nc cheers for Marion's I Men of Winy ih we crn'nrk homeward bound. This was an ideal gathering, no drinking or ill conduct to inar the pleasure oi' v*. i deport ;nent ofall was . :ellent and the visitor; were royally enter!nine i. Son?3 were sunjr that would rellect credit on any church service, and kindness and courtesies were as lavish as they were appreciated. We can tiuthfullv say that plenty anil pleasantness were the order of tlie (lav. We shall long remember with grateful hearts the Fourth ol July, and the *>;:>ket picnic at Ramsey's Grove, given by .Marion's Men of Win yah. Visitor GREELEY YILLE ?N'D VICINITY. <terv>S of Current Intrrest in and Around Town. Miss Bertha Kpps.of Kings!ree. was in town a few days last week visiting Mrs. N. 1>. Lesesne. Miss Marion Iziar, of Orangeburg, who l'ormeriy taught the O'Brien school, is spending some time with the family ot Mr O'Brien. Miss Izlar is an accom plished young lady, and we wish her a pleasant visit in our column nil v. Mr. S.J. Lan!*ston, fbjrman of (lie A. C. L. Railroad, paid Greeley ville a ilyinc: visit 011 Saturday, July G. ' The first watermelon of Hie season were seen in town Saturday. Our Santce friends are taking a lively interest in telephone lines. They have already established connection J'rom Clarendon county up to and beyond Gourdins. Mr. ?V. W. Ferrell and his sister, Mrs. Ribert Moore, of Amer?eu>G i,are on a vi>it to theirS'atlier M . W. J. Ferrell. We are <;!.?d so report the stead; ; ... ... >1 .. <. t ti 1.11 *)l ?J V 'C IJ. I'll I U1 .III. 91 - i IMMIIj sou, lumber in-pte'tu (il ii?e Ma'lard Lumber Co.. who lor the past lew u*\ ks has been verv iii. Mr. i'homp-on has secured the services . !' Miss Josie Wen! hurley, a trained nurse from Sumter. To the gratification of her many friends Mrs. J. F. Register, a l ief n prolonged attack of fever, is able to be out again, Mr. W. S. McElveen, who lias been on the sick list, is improving slowly. Mr. Cha !es Harris, the architect of t!ie Mallard Limbei Co., is critically ill. Owing to ins sickness work on I le new chinch sus;hm)<]m] lor tI?e liine -is?*r. We hope soon to soe Ch ?riie\? I'aee among us i.?r:-?in. Mr. flame Drown, ?w!:o h.?> employment in Charleston, is If lis FEI Family Cflagft Busy. Kidney ~ Baelais cur si. Blood' and liver . Sir*ti'i ?"'1 S'!>"5^S^3v' ,w* a:,aildi?S Wulh Great IHccd Cleansing Eoir.edv for Spring. Boadasftes, Ccmtlpataon,' "flrri," iwywa. Dyspepsia Sire Siiliias' Pause j Art yonrdragglst for Almanac for 1901 c< Certificates of the most remarkAb] J&C F-v. Sale by"Dr >r. V. ~HR(X # -7-f . ? - - r-k I .1 . i so*. ''is vacation note wiin I * I hi* parem . i 3Iiss Kclor ' 11IK oi Manning has returned home niter a visit Jo [ the fniniiv of Mr. J. V. Windham, | oi l his place. " Jok. Greens Gossip. Crop prospects are slightly im; proved in this section, hut cotton lis still small and there is some lurassvet. About two-thirds of crop is the best wo. can hope tor, ] with t lie most favorable eondi| tions from now on. Messrs. T. A. Blakelev nad W. D. Bryan spent the 4th of July on Paw ley's Island, A telephone line has been ; built from Greens to the Bel! place bv Messrs. W. D. Brvan anu 1 * Brown Bros. Mr. E. Blakeley's house was jstruck by lightning recently, but | fortunately no damage resulted. Miss Janie Brown has been ' quite sick, but is somewhat better I at this writing. Mr. F. (/. Nesmith and family are up from Georgetown spending sometime with relatives here. Mrs. W. .J. Bryan, the venerable i mother of Messrs. W. 1)., W.J. t 7 ; and Walter Brvan, has returned i to Trio from a visit to her sons in this section. Mr. L. E. Burketr,accompanied by his daughter and Mr. II. A.! i Murray, is visiting relatives at [Central. j Mr. W. B. McOullough made a j >!iort trip to Ciiarl.'ston last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. I) Bryan i re j contemplating-a hip to Glenn j Spring- with the hope of benefit jin;: Mrs. Bryan's heal 111. j We are glad to note that our 'editor'ha? sold ou? his interest it: iihe (J v>r-Mown Ootlook and i> 1 | going to give his whole titr.c to ' Til.1: We can now lock j forward to a plenty of ne vs. I [ Many thanks. The editor will do j his be-t to merit this good opin! ion ?En. IJi:cor.i> ] Bismaick. ? ? - - I III - Horse StrucV by Lightning. I Our es!perued friend and neighbor, Mr. E. ?. Smith. had the mis ; ; lor:une to lose a valuable horse on i l i , Sunday of last week by hiihtnini:. | I , i ' During a thunder shower thesta-l | b'e was struck and the horse i:.-i jolantiy killed A mule In the ad-1 joining stable oscaj ed unhurt. ; Mr. d. !1 Pierce also hM a, ! mule hot week. This aniion'! i i prooamv men irom muurm uum-?, t be:n ; about 37 vears old. II. J. M.! I ! For Coughs, Colds, Grip, or "Cold" in AHY PAET of body. Coi.m \s. M icil.. Sept. 27. h'r,% j j F >r a w)mie year 1 you Id d> no work and ' walked only by 5^ diking on to a chair. I doctored with 'four dittotent physicians bat received uorelief. Tim r.~c of two bottles of ; I Dr. Teener's Kidney and Backache Care , i gayerit; a |h rKctcuro. J. A1., My lvu: v. i (<i::-'KV.y Crawford Co., ra? 3 Jih.O. - i Tlireo years ago I had a severe attack of 1 Erysipelas and blood poison, ty'O.ikiu ; cut en ' my head and face. . .y j l.vsiciaa attended I I ine tor M'vora! months without result. I then took s bottles of Dr. Fencer's Bleed and Liver F.ernsdy and Nerve Tonic and secured ; a con ph tecure. I'KANK KiittCAX. ; vitoTifi XC v 5si ?n '. T. 1( ' <_ My wife b;ts smTWed k?n;i with dysjMwcjn. I tl.vd ; II of the jH.'psiu preparations arc! ;i!l of my own pt\'M-ri?)iions without avail. I finally nnscrihod Dr. Fennsr's Dnv-epsia ' Curs t!iu ink* of It cltc-cu tl a euro. Many other in.liar onsvs that l:avo come under my dbecrration have been cured by his'Dyj- J ' pepsin I'ttro. I>r. F. .1. LreitAKOOOD. j My Dcs;r Dr. IVnnor. Fredonla, X. V. i I liavt used Dr. Femur's Goldex Belie? i> r f many yours for the diseases and aecidehts i i for *.vh!cli it is :i?i vertisvd and have l'^uncl it i: fully eoivul to all vou claim for it. i J. BOYD ESPY, Presiding Elder M. E. Church. I Used for Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Old Sores, Sprains, Colds, Clriy. Sore Thror.i, Colic, Dysentery, Bovel Troubles, it is nn&fling. Akron. Ohio. Jan. X, nxx). ?. M. fTNNra, F-Vrtcnla. N. T. ' V,' h cvp ?<IH nnmy drtzms' of your Sr. Vitus' Durr ' : rifle und rvr-ry ci.chas !xvn ruro! hy it. It hn? prayed o:Mn.; ii. r.- " Al,LES-f?'..'.ITK U?l'l> <T>. mtsining descriptions" of the Remedies and le cares ever Achieved by medicine. IKTXflTOy, Kingtitren. S. r.*? * ? AJUMfc VCXMBDMBtlVBl. U l'?Mt. I?I'IHTJ Life at I cnuc4 Crops are improving since Hie; ;sun has come out ::iiain, but labor, is very scarce. Mr. B. L. Gordon has been very | j sick lor some days, but under tht*' iskillful treatment oi" i>r. Coving| ton Lee, of Harpers, he is thought ! to be improving. Miss Irene Gor. i . ... ir ? J j lion is aiso suiieu rig jrom.nn at-, tack of illness, and Mi?s Suilie Newton has just recovered Irorn r. ' i r | ' : severe attack ot fever, l Miss Genie Pipkin has been : spending seine time with her sis- 1 ' ter, Mrs. L. B. Onion. There will he preaching at;: 1 GotmJins chapel the second Sunday in July at 11 o'clock n. ni., ' | when the Lord's Supper \rr11 be ( | observed. All friends are ccr- ! I dially invited. ' Mr, \V. E. Vv'ard's famiiv have ' i ; i taken a trip to the seashore, I A :rood deal of work lias been ' I < done by the road hands on the i county line road near Cedar creek ! bridge, but I here yet rc-n::wis 1 j much to be done before the liigli! way is put in 2;ood condition. S.-T'T. ' I 11 Notice, Road Overseers. lioad overseers in Lee. Lake, Ri'!;je , and Sumter towi^hips tire hereby re- f ! quested to look closely after their re' .-pective sections, and see that r.cutj and brid^e> within t!icir jurisdiction i are kept in good order. a. m. cook. County Coiniiiis-i:>ner. : Notice. A competitive examination to till! tile vacancy in the Williamdmr/ ( < county schoinrsiiip of the Co!!eg?' oft ,Cliaiic>tftii will b-lieid ;?< the tour:' | house in King-tree on Julv h. E. It AN N A. l.'Ut WILL'A.M CiiOi'EIt. WMY SUFFER FR mm Robi I Chill Tonic jjjj The world J BARGAINS F ^oseui Arc now in order, trail 1 midget prices. Doors ami Windows. Bo sure to ex:i /O . . r~? ' uci^is r urn Just received a nice line of Spring 1 quick a get your pick. DRY G< Prices on Lawns, lVrenls, Calicoes, No trouble to show goods. C-t- O 'w T Vnyrl bob^ \sf \u^325^ nca Always fresh and guaranteed to In? Always vours Id please, Latest Styles! Spring & Sumir LACES, IIAMIiVlUiS, JIIiilJONLS, 3 II ATS, SlIoKS. Si EN AN The Finest Assortment AImi full ] NEW MATTINGS, liUGS, OILC'LO: We are closing out all our W. F. discount. On all l;u? ahoy*' good* wo guarai; cnt with honest goods. Ask to set* our, Yellow Homespun Yyur, money hark withuur arguni Yours truly, ' GAGG, OUT/ I. I KH'-JXIJ i-vnr. a wor?Ti--v t?ccrcs?'>f?. "Somc'hlnfr '?ev J 1 -,r T ho Son " All*Darters linvf trior* to nre CA-TAKllli by the ot jk tvVv?. rviil. lMm'S. i' -r.? alitJ )n; ;s in oaste "heir powders dry u;> miteuoiis :nenilir.t!i? s fjiM-ri ?n-'.rav'k opeii. and blet-d 'I he wnftd :>c'd used in the "s h:r *: - ? : f?\va? the same membranes roar dudr maker** have aimed to cure. whim paste anj ointments ran,.ot ranch the disease An old and e.ypeisrpad ( in: irinn i who iia< tor many ye v- ma v .* c!o?e study and hpec'ali.y i>: the trent-nenrof L'ATaKUI!, hu-; at la t pent-.-ted a treatment which u-ed, butly cures CATARRH. !>.v ; cmoving the cause, stopping tin* <li<- h.irges, ami [ urcir.g iullan;nnti><n. J: i, i.e tiily-)"*" remedy kn <w:i t<> si -emv lit:'' actually reaches the aJi'icted parts. This vnnL*rful remedy i- known a- ' SN I KKLES the C'UAKAXTKKl) C.ViAKKH I'I'll E'' and is so id ?L the c-vi.eiiiciy low price of On; Do!]:, e, each package containing intc.t.l and < wrn 'lme<Meii!? uiilirient for a n> mum-c tivatn^ it. and ; verything recess try i?< it- p<- feet -lire. ' .Sxcia Li.s" i - tiiv < iily perfect o'atakkh cent: t ver Ic a 1 is now recognized a the only sa'e a? d po?ilive cure for that auoyingaud dDgusringdiscase. aii huamu.uti ? ipiiekly an i j er i.anenrly and is also wonderfully <,uit!; tt. relieve i;>v ikv-* Eli or COI.I> ili I he HEAD. Catauku v.'hen neglected often lead* tO CONNsJCK ? "ilXlTi I.So" Will save you if you u.v it at once. It is no ordinary remedy, bul a complete treatment which is positively guttrai teed toe':rc CATAi.ttH.iu anj fcr.ncr stage if used according to the ahecti'ori< which accompany eat h package. Don't ueiiiy oi't send tor it a* on.**, ana write full particulars a- to your condition, and you will receive sjierial ad io<- t.uiu the discoverer of tliD worid.rfu! remedy regarding your case without cost to you lie\oml ihe regular nrit-e of 'SSUKFI.ES the GfAR.vXTEKO caTaKUII CIRE." Sent prepaid t" any nldn*s> in the L'uited S ares or Canada < ii eceipr of nc Dollar. I)ei?t E. lo, EDWIN M. (J! L ES & CO M P \ v Y. iniii 2;ci2 M rio-i Street. Phi.adeiphia. CHILLS, FEVERS vm NIGHT SWEATS | all other fornix of maladies when you ! can be cured by erts' Chili Tonic loes not contain a better remedy- Many :ures made by it. 25 cents a bottle, ided if it fails to do the work- Delight- j :cai Druggists. ORCASH! Lto 1ST ets I also have a nice line of Screen mine before buying. hing Goods. Ints, Paut.s si ml Serge Cent.-. Come OODS. ect., are too uu nerous to mention. KBpfOT-ffc C?^pOI LSL^.XX-^ ~j .Jtrd _L J~_J -> best at lowest i rices. ier Dress Goods ; HURTS, MEN'S AND WOMEN'S i) r.ov's clothing. of Groceries in Town. \n nr, HAUDWARK& TIXW.ARE. Wain A (Vs jewelry at -i> nor cent dee lowest possible prices consist- . at 4 cents a yard, tint if jiut sa.^vtiwl.. v.'ith purchase. ER &. CO,,. 9