WMKmthina illflll ^by ismostHkeand t ^Atf'c FmiiUlftn 4 UWIV V_? !is the best fee*! end medicine i for teething babies. They pi a gain from the start. J jV n.l f. r ti free Mnj|?)e. f SCf?!TA hOW.N'E, Cbcmii-ia, | 409-4:5 fc; rl Sireet, tVw York. C| naU Ji.oe; all IN THE BLOOM OF YOUTH # ' Bl...c*wood Gordon McOj =ou?h J Stricken Down. After an illness of eighty-two davs. on Sunday, June 16. 1091, .it 5.10 p m , Blackwood Gordon j McCullongh j assed peacefully ! away at the home of his father, Mr.S E. McCullough, near Greens, S. C. Everything possible was dwue to alleviate his suffering and promote hi- recovery by I he tender ministrations ol' kind and loving hands and the sk'Hed '^eattnerti of two of our besi ni Jiai>s, bat God, who doeth a'l things] well, saw lit to take htm iway. j During his long illness i?e wa# : never heard to con.plaiu of kisi sutF'ring or murmur at the ways! ot Providence. 21 e sang several hymns during his sickness and asked those around him to join him aw singing, one of his favorite songs being, "The Beautiful City ol Gold/' On one occasion hej a-kvd his little brother if he did not wish to go with him to that beautiful mansion. This spirit of resignation and devout piety it a great consalation to his bereav". I ?iur?no for the loss of their t ? ? mmk cut down (?n the threshold ot voting manhood?or he would have '?eeu twenty-one years old had he lived until Anguit 15 ol this year. Few, ves very few, young meu'? j live* are as exemplary as w?6 that THE HOME GOLD CURE. An Ingenious Treatment by which Drunkards are Being Cured Daily in Sptve of Themselves. N.O NOXIOUS DOS KB. NO WEAKENING OK ! IIICNKUV1CM. A PLEAS AN r AND POSITIVE CUKE POK TH? LiqUOK IIA BIT. It Is now Generally known and understood that drunkenness i? a disease and not weakness. A body filled with arid nerves completely 'shattered by -periodical or constant u?e of In t-oxleattng liquors, requires an antidote I liable ol neutralizing and eradicating this poison, aud destroying merravniK fi>r intoxicants. Sufferers may now cure themselves at home without publicity or loss of time form bu*in?-s by this wonderful "home gold Cckk" which has iteen perfec* after many years of close sttdy and treatment of inebriates. The faithful use according to directions of this wonderful discovery is positively guaranteed toeure the most obstinate case, no matter how haid a drinker. Our records snow me mareeioas transformation of thousands of bruukards into sober, industrious and upright men. \VlVS8 CCKE YOt'r hl'bbakos:: ciiij.DHKV COKE YOl'r fathers!! thisremedy is in no senses a nostrum but is a sjiecifie for this disease only, and is so skilfully devised and prepared that it is thoroughly soluble and pleasant to the taste.so that ii can Ik- given In a cup uf tea or coffee without the knowledge of the person taking it. Thousands of brunieards have cured themselves with this priceless remedy, and as many more have h#n cured and made temjmwttta men by having the "cork" administered by loving friends and rvlatires without their knowledge in rolfee >r t"?. and believe today that they o not wait. 1>c? not be deluded I by uppare/it aud niislradinjj "improve- j incut*" Drive-out tin; .'! >? at once ' and for al> time. The aowr cold! ci:rk" is sold at the extremely low i price of One Dollars. thus placing with-! in reach of everybody a treatment more effectual than others costing $,J5 j to *T>0. Full directions accompany each ; package. Special advice by Aided phv-. Hclaos wheu requesti-d without extra | charge. s-nt prepaid to any part of the I wurjd ?d li since with mv children, and have taken great pl-asure in sounding its praises to all mothers of young children. I found it invaluable even after the teething perhnl wa? pa?*ed. MRS. r>. H. HARDY. The hog may be a squealer, but he never give? anything away. The piles that annoy yon so will b* quickly and permanently healed ifroti ush De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of worthless counterielts. Wallace & Johnson. More peolpe dip.froni head failure than from heart failure. A bad complexion generally result* from inactive liver and bowels, in all such cases, DeWitt's Little Early Risers produce gratifying results. Wallace ft Johnson. The best talkers are usually the poorest quitters. It is easier to keep well than get cored. DeWitt's Little Early Risers take* now and then. will always Veep your bowels in perfect order. They never gripe but promote an easy,gentle action. WalUce & Johnson. High words are often used to express low language. Those famous little pills, DeTTitV* Littk? Karly Risers, compel your liver aud bowels to do their duty, thus giving you pure, rich blood to recuperet? your body. Are easy to take. >ev?r gripe. Wallace & .John-on. A dry book will seldom satisfy one's thirst for knowledge. I)eWltt's Witch Hazel Salve should be promptly applied to cuts, burns and scalds. It soothes and quickly heals the injured part. There are worthier counterfeits, be sure to get DvWittV, Wallace A Johnson- . 9 ! iHea!%^i3iCT? I Few mothers arc healthy, because their duties are so exacting. The anxiety of Dftgiuncy, the shock of childbirth, ! and the care of young rhHdren, are II severe trials on any woman. But with i Wine of Cardul within her grasp, every mother?every woman in the land?can pay the debt of personal health she owes her loved ones. Do you want robpst health with all Its privileges and pleasures? Wine of Cardul will give It to you. Borimwnn - a?i I VWvutv mxm strengthens the female orgaju and invigorates weakened functions. For ever)' female ill or weakncsj it is the best medicine made. Ask your druggist for $1.00 bottle Wine of Cardui, andtake no substitute under any circumstances. < Mn. Edario Cr?*?. Gcrroar. Mkh-i "tPhao i ttfamtnctd uainf Vioa at Cardui I *? hardly totraSc acroaa th? houK. Tw? ?r?ki Jttr I wa&rd i hjM 4 culf a ha*. I (arc birth Itattpoeth tot Wy ry*pc[tfia Cure will It contain' all of the natural digestnnts. hence ruuet digest every clans of food and so i prepare it that nature can use it in nourishing tin* body and replacing the wasted tissues, thus giving life, health, ambition, pure blood and good healthy appetite. Wallace & Johnson. There is no insurance against the flautes kindled by a woman's eve*. "I wieh to truthfully srate to you rh preparation quels Kodol Dyspepsia Cure,** It contain* all the natural digestants. It will digest all kinds ?f tcnxl and can't help but do you good. Wallace & Johnson. Moat parents perl'er boy babies to jrirleJ^ because they never come a-miss. . iikaktbuent When the quantity ot food taken is too large . MGUASSEiS. . U\ CRACKERS, . RIOEv CANDY, baking; row hers. hanfs anil others--anything.in the * the lowest. Come aud see us. :elebrated .I3STC3- FLOUB,. ?l Flour on this market to-dav, ani . . er. GEO 55. BA RR. Mgr. i it's a wise o'di saw that cut#-I with its wisdom.teeth.. To Cure a Cold in One Day, Take Laxative llronio Quinine Tablet*. All dritggUf* refund the money if it fail* to cure, K. W ^ Grove'* ^ignature iaon each box.line. . The original lamily tree was ofthe apple variety. Ur. Cady'fr Condition Powders. Are Just what a horse needs when ; bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and' * ; vermifuge. They are not food bus ? medicine and the best in use to put borse in prime condition. Price 2.1 ets per package. For sale by D. C. "SootL . I Lawyers and doctors profit, by . 1 their t wn advice. You Know. What you are Taking When you take (trove'* Tasteles* . Chill Tonic because the formula is-, plainly printed on every bottlq showing that.it i* simply Iron and . " Quinine in a tasteless form. ? < cure-, no-pay. 50e. Karen the buckwheat- cake iu% . to await its turn. Th? Best Prescription tor Malaria. Chill* and Fever, is a bottle of Groves Tasteless Chili Tonic. It La- , 8Jinply-.iro? an and Woi*sa>ff the Cold. I,axativ? gtmn**v t Laxative Brotno-QuioiiK thmi tmtm+ *MM tm MM ??er