r ,j()frBy 50Cents!! 1 | to make your baby strong and |.j < * v/oi! A fifty cent bottie of f ] I Scott's Emulsion I will char ? a sickly ro a a phi "p> romping cA Jo. 5 Only one cent a day, think fi of it Its as nice as cream. Ij Vend for a free scrapie, and try it. m j SCuTi & Bo UN.:, CbetuOT*. jru:ik;rt,ds have cured themselves with ' ihi* pricelc>s remedy, and as many J more have been cured and made tem-.i perate men by having the "ot'KE" ad- j ru'miso red by loving friends and relu- j fives without their knowledge in eotl'ee i or tea, and believe today t hat they di>-1 fct continued drinking nf tin.tr own free ; will. I'o not Wait. I)o not be deluded! by apparent and inisli ading'-improye-! jiifiit." Drive out th" disease at onec | ami for all time. The homk ?;old ci ke" D .-old. at the extremely lowprice of One Dollars, t hut? placing w ithin reach of everybody a treatment more effectual thau ?thers costing i'i5 i to S*r>0. Full directions accompany each ; package. Special advice by skilled plf the : world on receipt, of One Dollar. Ad-J dre-s K. K?, KDM'IX ii (IILKS COMPANY. Dept. 2M0and i'"31 Market Street Philadelrhkt. All tor.t-spoudeijce strictlv confidents . i Card ot Thanks As I was about to enter the pulpit on the second Sunday I evening Dr. A. M. Snider said. I ''Did you know that a couple are to be married at m\ house at S:30 i p. !!. ic.niruw fad to be1 thert on time. 'rhe question excited :oy curiosity a::d I, of course, was on hand Monday eve* I ning on schedule time. Nine; o'clock came and the couple had not put in an appearance. The preacher began to leel a little loue1 some and to wonder what the trouble could be. A few minutes after nine, however, nearly the | whole town, men and women, old j and young, boys and girl?, large and small, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians and Episcopalians, came crowding in and took possession of the house and preacher. Still the couplo on "matrimony intent" did not show up. A glance at the voune men and maidens present sufficed to show that! it was not for the want of handsome young men nor of beautiful ; young women that the marriage j failed to materialize. About 10 p. m.. some one said,; "Come this way." I went.I saw, I I was conquered. Just back oli tlie stairway, stood h large table! packed to its utmost capacity with ! almost everything necessaiy for J the kitchen pantry?hains, coffee,J sugar, fioar, rice, canned goods I &c... not omitting a brace of nice ! trying size chickens. Then and ! there the preacher proposed to | many any couple or ccupies for! one-half the usual price paid bv a! gentleman and to credit the groom I if he did not have the cash r?t hand I to pay the fee. Every effort to | get up a maraiage proving inef-j feclual, the crowd pas-ted lhe| evening very pleasantly together, j and at a late hour quintIr diapers- J ei Jo their re-pective h??ni*? ?. leaving nt I ? *-< ont> tho hHj>p;or (or i th* occasion. He now wishes to' thank the donors lor the delightful pounding they khvh him. j Their gilt* are apprecia'ed for the material comfort which th<-v have brought to his hnu?;?di(i|d. but I'm*: - > - .1. ... ? IIJOIV unt** in* Mu;>r**'."iwards him as a minister o! '.lie gospel. May God's richest blessing lest on each one who participated in , that pounding. G. T. Grk.sijam. Manning, S. (J., June 15, 1'JOl.j '* "" It was Solomon's wisdom lhatj kept him from backing his .judge-; ment at the tacen. Columbus. (Ja.. *c<;. 2t, 1872 j I>r. C. J. Moffkit ? Dear Doctor:! We gavr your TEETHISA (Teething ' Powders} to our little grandchild with ' the happiest results. The effeet? were almost magical, and certainly tuore satisfactory than froni anything we over used. Your* rpry truly. josech s- key. Pastor of St. Paul Church. (NowRlshopKautbern Methodist church; The tru.-l may be able to limit the output ot whisky, but it can't ! limit the input. Eczema, salt rheum, tetter, chafing.! ivy j>oisoriiug and all skin tortues are quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch' Ha/.le Salve. The certain pile cure, j Wallace A Johnson. - ? -- ?? The ice man sells more ice than j he cuts. A surgical operation is not necessary i * - -It-- T\ ?M.' \m i?,?b | i'.' cure pm->. !'< ?? in. t> urn Salve saves all that expense :-in?i never ; fails. Bew are of counterfeits. Wal-. lac & Johnson. Sober second thoughts are oflen | accompanied by a dark brown taste; and a headache. Mr. James Brown.of Putsmottlh, Va. over 9A years of age suffered for years i with a had sore 0:1.his face. Physicians | could not help him. DsWitt's Witch J ll/itcl Sab? cured him permanently.! Wallace Ai 'Johnson. You can't always judge, a man by the cigarettes he dosemt smoke. Danger, disease and death follow ne- ' gleet of the bowels. - Us>* DeWitt's Little Early Misers ta? regulate them and j you will add years to your life and life i n? your years. Easy to tak*. never grip. >\'a! lac-; A JohtlSoH. . n ^Youi\g Women The entry into womanhood is & critical time for a gtri. Little menstrual disorders starts at that time ?ooq grow into fatal complications. That female troubles are filling graveyards proves this. Wine of Cardta establishes a painless and natural menstrual flow, when once this important function is started right, a healthy life will tauallv follow. Many women, young and old, owe their uves to Wine <3 I Cardtri. There is nothing like It to give women freedom from pain aad to fit young women for every dcty of life. $1-00 bottles at druggists. Miss Delia M. Stroyer, TuBy, Karu "1 have suffered untold ptin at menstrual periods for a long time, was nervous, had no appetite, and lost interest in everything. In fact was miserable. I have taken four bottles of Wine of Cardui, with Thcdford"s Black-Draught, when needed, and to-d*y I am entirely cured. I cannot express the thanks I feel for what you have done ' for tnc." Kor sUeine In cniws requfrtne *pee?n! flirtation#. urtdre##. flniitf srHipUiKW. th? Artvtvirr iHj'cartTijnjit. The ObaUnD-oj* iloUIcine Company, Cballoanofpt, Toao. Some children are naughty becan**. Iliey have heard that the good die young. The bilious, tired, nervous man cannot successfully compete with 1)is healthy rival. I>?Witt's Little Early Risers the famous pills for constipation will remove the c.ius-i tif your troubles. Wallace & Johnson. Wlii.ky is a drujr on l he market when vein have In get it on a drui: store prescription. The doctors told me niv cough vv.o ineur.il>!". l hyspesia Curt and can ?< ? out my breakfast ami wih-r meats with a relish and my food is t hornughly digested. Nothing equal* Kodol Dyspepsia Core for stomach troubles." H. S. I'ltts. Arlington, Tex. Kodol I>ys|H'i?sia Cute digests what you eat. Wallace it Johnson. Prohibition will never be a sue cess until a law is enacteti that will abolish I hirst. Dyspeptic* cannot be long 11 \wl because to live requires nourishment. Ko0 each. i __ __ M The Citadel cadets to the number of l.r>0 are holding their summer encampment at Floience. ' i j Dr. .James H. Carlisle, the venlerahle nresidoHt of Wnfford Col lege, who lia?l tendered his resig. nation, has consented to serve I anoitier year at the head of the 1! college. You may as well expect to run a steam engine without water as to Und an active, energetic man with a torpid ii\..r nut vnn tn-iv k-Tifiw lh:ir. h's livf-r ' is torpid when he docs not relish his . food or feels dull and languid after eating, often has headache and some j t imes dizziness. A few doses of Cliani; hcrluin's Stomach and Liver Tablets i will restore his liver to it> normal functions, renew his vitality. Improve his ! dlgesiioti and make h'm fee! like a new I nun. Price, 2-"? cents. Samples free at I). C. Scott's drug store. The pawnbroker is always a loan-some p>hii. Mr. W. S. Whedon. cashier of the] Fir?t National Bank of vVinferset, Iowa, in a recentJletter,gives some experience with a carjienter In his employ, that! will be of value to other mechanics, j lie says: "I had a carpenter working lor jne who was obliged to stop work for several days on secount of being troubled with diarrhoea. I mentioned to him that I had been similarly troubled and tliatChamberlainVColIc.f holera and i 1 Diarrhoea Remedy had cured me. He] bought a hottle of it from the druggist here and informed me that one dose j eured him and he is attain at his work." ' For sale by Dr' I>.C. Scotr. 11"h an ill wind that escapes and leaves a flabby tire. A (J(K)D COb'GH MEDICINK. I I It .-peaks well fbr Chamberlain's I ?>U{rh Remedy when druggists use it I in their own.familhs in preference to any other. "I have sold Chamberlain's; Cough Kemcdv for the past five years with complete satisfaction to myself and eustoinors." says Druggist Gold-: smith, Van Etton, N. V. "I haw ai-J ways u-ed it in my own family both, for ordinary coughs and colds and for! I the eough'.followihg la grip|K\ and timl ! it very vtTlc.ieious." > jr sale J?y I?r. L) j C Scott. | A man's l'a#t may bo of the reg-' ; illation pattern. . but his.' clovenbreath Rill betray him. You Know What you are Taking > When you take Grove's Tasteless , Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly- printed on every bottle! showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No1 ctge, no pay. 60c. .. ] Spring Goods!! > Cash Store. | >S IS COMPLETE, AND' THE: ALL AND EXAMINE SAME. I I _ . | RIBBONS, SATINS, SILKS.. ' i v* J hoes?the best in the County. rsold. trouble to show goods Cash Store, ? I NECK CHODL. ostal card and we will take *' s soon as issued, our new. ' " "tyS :k High School, ' IlAiiYSVILLE, S. C. - : \ou can't tell the age of a bibv cle by looking at the teeth in the , sprocket wheel. ' ^ WANTED?I.adies and jrentle men to introduce the "hottest" seller on earth. Asrents are coining ? money. Cures ail forms of scalp ailments, headaches, etc., yet costs . the same as an ordinary comb. Send 50c in stamps for sample. 1). . N. Hose,Gen Mj?rM Decatur, 111. r'M It's a poor Hosloniau that don't ' know beans. T. I The Best Prescription tor Malaria. Chills and Fever is a bottle of Groves Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is . simply iron and quinie in a tasteless form. No cure?no pay. Price 5n * t.. Btops the Cough , The worst o! all '-iatuj" is the rheumatism. and Works ofTthe Cold. Laxative Hromo-Quinine Tablet* . cure a cold in one day. No cup-, no pay. Price 25 cents. The cyclist who <;ets his points from tacks will never be able tc ? ?J To Cure a Cold in One Day, Take Laxative lJronio Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the (money if it fails to cure. E. \V. \ e I Grove's signature is on each box.35c. A man is seidom disappointed ; in love until alter he is married. L)r. Cady's Condition- Powdars. ; Are just what a horse needs when iu i bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food bu* medieiue and the best in use to put littr^p in nrime oonditiou. Price 2 "> ets per package. For sale by D? C. Scott. , Fine teeth make broad grins. ? ? Never look a toy pi=>toi- in the : muzzle. __ ' This i(rratur* is ?Vi every bas of the go?min3 > Laxative Bromo-Quinine TabIo?a ihe remotiv " *' ' nrwi a cofil In one da/ Whom the gods woul I destroy, . they first make scorchers of. W. F. CLAYTON. Attorney -at - Law. FLOKEXCK, S. . ? i Practice^ in all the L lilted < Courts, and in tl e Courts of I'lureiic* and Williamsbur^Ccuutii*. . HIRSCH & HIRSCH,, ACorneye-at law.. KLNUSTRJiK. S.C. I ,have tiiis.tfa.y associated with t?.e my son Edwin L. lliBsch, under tb* r "v ftrm name-or Hirseh Ar.MirSch. to? it?