V T.* tm -t< - K'kU6IIKD THUKSLa'* AT j , , WXaST5 ^ s. c. -m tfm II 1 C. W. WQiLFE. EDITOR AND RRQRKISTOR. GEO. S. BARS. . Associate Editor. -BE JLL ?"T-"-1 ! -! P TERMS. "^KSCniPTlON RATER: >iw copy, one year, - - - $1.00. r?nn cofy. six month*. - - - .mi. <.?ne co|?y, thieo month*, - - ,2.>. Subscriptions parable in ad ranee. ADVERTISING KATES: One inch, first insertion, $1.00; each subsequentinsertion. a0 cent.*. Obituarjc&a ml Tribute* of Respect over 10)! words, charged for as lobular advertisements. I>ilx*rHl reduction on ad vert isin^r made for three, six and twelve months' contracts. Com mimical tints wiut 1m? accompanied bv the real name and address of the ' - X'.v writer Hi orner u? mTiu aiu-nuvii. 1 toinmunlcation of a personal nature i K ill be published except as au adver-| biseinent. Address all letters ami make all drafts; puyab;e to C. W. Wolfe. King-tree, S.C. THURSDAY. MAY 16, 1901. Terrible Accident at Trio. On Friday night last at o'clock, the boiler in the saw mill of McDuffle & Wells, at Trio, exploded, kiiliug two tnen and in Jjnring tnree omers, among mc ..* injured being Mr. Duvis T. Wells and Mr. S. Kllerbe McDnffie. Mr. MeDuffie died of his injures at 12 o'clock Friday night and was buried: Muliins on Saturday. In the oil Mk McDuilie Willjan)sburg county lost one of her best citnjens,, Mr. McDuffie being a I borough busineef man and a progressive citizen. He leavts > 3 wife and two small children to mourn his loss. In their affliction they have the sympathy of the1 entire community. Ju t ri thi> connection I will state that Mr. McDuffiie married a Miss Merrill, aiui her father was a saw mill man and lost his life in almost . j identically the same way that Mr. idcDuffie did. Mr. Wells the s?rviving partner is improving and j v\e are glad Instate will get well, j Mr. K. L. "Hrunson was killed) outright,.be also leaving a wne| and two.children. We have lail-! ?d to get name of the negro, Out it is said he wag blown 500 feet intheairaud never knew what v Itur.tJi himK being blown to pieces. Hebron. Kditor County Record: 1 am gald to see Tiib Record is advocating ttie establislnueiit ol j telephone lines throughout Wil-j liattisdtirg county. Von spoke in I your la?t issue ot connecting Lake! City and Kingstree. It the line if J run Ironi Lake City to .1 S Mc-I , Clams, thence to Moore's X Koads.l ijebron, Govvdy's store, Aioj l>lveen's Mclnlosh Bros., Mouzonsj post office and then to Kinirstree. this would cover a live and progressive section of the county, I apd I think there would be but | little difficulty in getting up! enough money to build this route.' The people ot? the line of railroad! do not know how* to appreciate aj tiling of this, kind.**? they haye ac-.l cess to the tele irap'i. 1 think ij 'J ut: i l^EQuRT) would.ad.voeate thisJine.! v. * we can all get together and build i j|. IJor one am willing to dp tnyj porfion towards it. L, vv*>uid be Rind if you could jrive us an esti-; mate, Mr. Editor, of what it costs| U> build telephone lines. Think we can easily secure cypress ptilesql" sufl'ci/nt qu^ptitv along our; mute. 1 think your Lake City j correspondent will ajrree with nie' that this is 4Mhe route.'1 S. W. liowDY. | [We think Mr. GpwdvVsugges-i Mou as to the route a sensible one * i*nd the liue, itself .is a necessity.: 2jet tlie people inyet at. the dil'-: lerent places named by Mr. Gow j ,, dv? and se<* hcvw much, cap,be rahp! , tyi toward* it. and\thy let, one m^n ' from eacil section by appointed, and nteej sume day and. talk the! unit ter ovpr^n i&ntfstrye or Lake ; * City, aud we. have no douht.it can ' be built very easily. W? know little as Jo, the cost ot construction, Ipit suppose the wire can be got fyr $3 per mile, and outside of this -* *??1?*???1 . \ * be truch cx- } r . , t- l?opP tO | < ; . ' n.u j-'T,ple{ uj . > * uow.j ..lis 1 . #.?, x j mcl ;; viily way iuu it is ; 1 c./ine together and build the line.? Kditor llecord.] Wi lliamchiiror Micfot'tf '* c> ?? f We cheerfully insert the letter | < below from Kev. K. 11. Wardlaw ; and endorse the project The i History of Williamsburg Church, ; by Wallace, is a valuable book i and now out of print, and we ! think there would be a good ile- I niand for it all through this sec- < tion. We hope Mrs. i'arham will < be successful in getting the work I reprinted. ! Fowler, S. C.. May 13, 1901. Mr. C. w. Wolfe, Kingslree, 8.0: 1 have received a communication from one Mrs. W. J I'arham, Mobile, Alabama. ?Shc is a descendant. of some of the earliest settlers in Williamsburg, and i j interested in tracing up her ai. 1 cestry. She has secured a copy ol I he ''History of >Y illiamsnurg J Church." by Wallace, and pro- , poses to have it reprinted. She } ask6 tr.e to get the names ot some J subscribers at 75 ceni* per copv J to help defray the expense of (he s undertaking. If this appeals to < your interest in the history 6i ( Williamsburg a notice containing ] the above information in the I Kecord would dollbtless aid her ( in the prryect. Names and ad- ( dresses shoulp be sent to Mrs. W. i J. I'arham, Mobile, Ala. As this I scheme is not for the sake of J tnonev making, but history, I do not hesitate to suggest it. Very truly. F.'ll. Ward law. Tu. U/k!.Lu Cull ( jlhc t?iii&r\j latmt Editor County Uecord: I would like to s;ir a few words in rejrard to ill" dispwnsary. I notiee from Tiik Rkcoud that (iree- * Ieyville ha> voted whisky out ol ? her borders. In view of all I'e ( trouble Kinjistree dispensary has caused 1 Ihirk it would be a wise step to vote it out of town. Some people t ?lk about the money beiiif: y used tor educational purposes. It's t u shame to acknowledge it, and the child thus educated willbe ashamed of it when he comes to r years ot moral discretion. The < dispensary money is little short of biood money. I am free to confess that between thw dispensary and barroom systems I would ( vote dispensary every time?it is j not the dispensary I am fljrhtin^, a it's whisky, and I want it put out * of 1 he way. I The icndency lo-day, Mr. E*?i- f lor, is against whisky. People ire ' gradually coming lo ir. It will j ^ take a long time. They have Io j ^ he educated iij> to it. It is lor I he boys that are now being raised t' that I am pleading. f ivakltok. 1 $ It's exceedingly hard "to get 1 along with a balky horse. * DR. FEN Family M Cough Honey, i' Kidneyj^Bachache.: Bloi and Liver !.s ?i?' Nerve Tonic; i area* Blood Cleansing Remedy for Spring. Headaches, Conatlpauon."Tlred." Nervous.1 Dyspepsia Cure Golden Belief: i St. Vilas' Dance s Ask your druggist Tor Almanac for 2901 con CerUfleafcoe of (bo moot remarkable Fnr *atr? hv Dr. W. V. FFO The Health Station. e telesran * : '* Or ' K\ ?i..*, # !i ..ate; v>ard ot health. **s itself: ; Li. Jas. Evans, J. r?e, S. C.. i We have a number ol cases of! skin eruption characterized by J dight or no constitutional symp-l torus; evidently contagious; medi-j :al opinion divided as to chicken ' pox or varioloid. Vaccinated and anvaccinated persons are alike' iltacked and results equally mild; in oil her, case. Originated in school, and practically everv bouse in town has had excellent opportunities for the disease. We io not think there is any occosion tor alarm and can take care of; Lhe disease ourselves. W. H. Kennedy, Intendaut. May 14, 1901. Gentlemen of the Jury. The following is a list of the iury for the May term, which convenes here on the 2*1 111 J M Oribb, H J M. Fadden, R K VlcKnight, 1 W Hughes. D W. Altman, W J Singoaary, S I' Fillraw, J i* Dennis,* J W Hannn, $ A Lesesne,.) W Bolin. H 11 Duranf, SB Thompson, Billy Bryirtt, E L Smith, E A Cook, T S Stewart, Jr, S J Strong, G A Jooper, A D Hemingway. G K Miles, C D Cook, Sr, L L Joy, A. L Cook, C S M Simmons, A W iaskins, N i Coker, J E I'orler, J L Burgess, E C Pendergrass, i A Burgess, D F Baxlev, B D tfuflTin,J J Graham, J S IJuggtns, L H itoper. Often there is a world of sunthine brought to a darkened and lepressed heart by a true smile, \ hearty grasp of the had of friendihip and a kind *ord. These cost scarcely an effort and vet are notigh to dispel the gloom and Irive away the nimbus clouds ol lespnir. It some men had to eat their { cords, the)' would die of mdigesion. If babies are the fruit wf matnnony, cradels must be the fruit d baskets. FLOttrxCK. S. Nov, 36, J900. It was first advised by our lamilv hrskiau In Charleston to use TRET 11XA with our baby when she was but i very yung infant, as a preventive if eofie and to WH'-m and sweeten the tonneb. Latvr it was useful in teetbng troubles, and it? etfert* has bee* otind t?? be so very beneficial and so ree from the dangers that are consc|Uent upon the n-e of drugs and sooi fang vriips. that we have come to rerard it. after use with three children. S one of the necessities when there i> new baby in the house and until the eething troubles ?re over and we take ilc.'isure in recommend in g it. to tmr riend* instead of the horrid s uit that o manv people use to keep their liable.uiet. HAllTWELL M AYBK. (Mgr. Daily Tiiues and Weekly Timeslessenger.) INER'S edicinea, 'or Coughs, Colds, Grip, or Cold" in ANY PART of body. Col-WAN. Mich.. Sept. 27.1900. | For a wbolo year I ruuhl do no Work and J alked only bjr hol<\ufi on to achalr. 1 docsred with four different physicians butre- > eived no relief. The urn* of two bottles of t. Fenner'a Kidney and Backache Care ' avo mo a perfect euro. J. M. McKiSSit. | okne va. Crawford Co., Pa.. June IS. 1000. Three years njto I had a severe attack of Iryslpefas and Mood poison, brciiklne out on ; ty head and face. My physician attended ! 10 for several months without result. I then | sok 3 bottles of Dr. Penner'i Blood and 1 lver Remedy and Nerve Toalc and secured complete cure. Frank Hark man. Miuoleiiobo, Ky., Sept. 7.1900. j My wife has suffered ^Ionjf wlthdjspcpsla. j tried all of the pepsin preparation* and all J f my own prescriptions without avail. 1 1 nally prescribed Dr. Fanner's Dyspepsia tire and tha.useof it. effected a cure. Ms?ny 1 thbr similar cases that have come tinder my tiservation hjivo been cured by, his Dys- j epsla Cure.. Dr. F. J. I^bancqod. i ly Dear Ur. rienncr. rrcaonia. ?. i I have ii sod Dr. Penner'a Golden Relief for i wny mN for the diseases and accidents J or which if Is advertised and havo found It. nil* "tjual t? all you claim for It. J. B0YDE8PY, Presiding Elder M. E. .Church, j Usedfor,Cute, Bruises, Burns, Old Sores, 1 pr&lns,'colds, Orlp, Sore Throat, Oollc, iysentary. Boyel Troubles, it is unfailing. '! Atmn, OJdo,,J*n. !,)*?. J |i?Vj? ? ' r ? ' tt .9 jrv " ...iDcct .. havt-1to . r.W* 1/? ,?i by *<< ??! pmrdei.ga . *, . tn:i|?-r.? and dr*?^s in paste i??rni., Their novders .dry up :l? in the head. Uatakkh when neglected often leads to t'rtvmsi'mptiojf?"snt'ffi.Es" Will save you if you use it ut oucc. It Is no ordinary remedy, bill a romplete treat-j inent which is positively guaranteed to cure catakkh in any form or stage! if used according to the directions! which accompany each package. Don't delay but send for it a?, once, and write full particulars as to your condition, and you will receive special advice from the discoverer of this wonderful remedy regarding your case without cost io, you heynud the regular priee of "snUfki.km the QCARANTEEO CATARRH CCRK.*' Sent prepaid to any address in the I'nited Suites or Canada on ereipr of One Dollar. Address Dent E. I *?, KDWIV It til EES Sc < (?i PA N Y. 23?? anKATTf?N(iS, RT4GS, OII^Lf Wf? are dosing outaHoui: W. H discount.. On liji the atynve goods we gu^ra entfivjth lifjiicst, Aifk. to.seo op? iVvllow^Hcim.eapu Vou? money. Imek withour urgui Yours truly, GAGG, OH1 J as. F. Jolitwm, alias Old Kip,'* of F.iv??t??ville, N t?.? i-s / ' T ' if > I ' wnn. . ce id frit....i St iclCl**> " U alW: ys welcome as !?r is ? lit' I be Cleverest and Most j-vial lel? lows on I lie turf. We do no furnish meals lor ie-s than fifty cents, and hope no m\? will ask it ol us. This applies lo everyone without exception. HaKK's IloTKt.. T Afl^ M JuUO v? 9*. One cream-colored IIor?e. with small [ears and r.tuhed mane. The tinker ! will pi esse no*ifv tne, rare Mr. James | A . fVrrcll, SaIters Depot. b. C. Expenses will be paid DCKuESS I'KTTI FOii l>. Citation Notice. w. E. hanna, Esq.. 1'aohatk jcock. Wiierea* A. \Y\ Mailer made suit to me, t?> grant hiin Letter* of AdniinLtrllt ititl of the KMtute of aril effects '?f W. A. McCrea, Thc*e ate there ore to clto and admonish all nd singular the kindred and Creditors of the said YV. A. McCrea, dere.-sed, that they Ik- and appear before me, in ibe Court ? the said Admin* ration should not be granted. Civen under toy Hand, this 6th d?> of Mav, Anno Domini. 19?>1. W. E. Hanna. Judge lhvlKitc. Notice. All persons are forbidden trespavingnn land* ot the undersigned by fishing. hunting, removing timber or otherwise. Trespassers will I*- dealt with according to law. 0 Iti23. W. I). McCLAHY. Final Discharge. I | Chi the 31 May 190!. F will app'y f<> 1 the .1 ud(fe ??f of Prolate of William-.* | hurjr countv fo dual discharge a-; ' KxeeuT fix of Hit* estate of Mis> mi a M. Henry. II C IIENKY. iiX AM chills. fevers .vjm night sweats i all other forms of maladies when you can be cured by >erts' Chill Tonic does not contain a better remedy- Many . -* r cures made by it. 25 cents a< bottle. [ mded if it fails to do the work. Delight,ocal Druggists :OR CASH! ito UTets <. I also have a nice line of Screef* amine before buying. thing Goods. Ilats, Pauls iuid Serge Coot*. Come OODS. , ect., are too numerous to meritiim.v 3 i J=J to? ; beat ut lowest prices. ILKINS. 4 ler Dress Goods, SKIRTS, MDN'S AND WOMK.VS . S i) ROY'S CLOTH 1X0: of Groceries in Town. Lino, of it" in t> 1 vW.A 1M' x TTV\C \ RV Mil, Main 4CoV jewelry* at 20 per cent intee lowest possible j>rioe*i consist-. n at 4 rents a yard.. nnnfc ir nptwith-purchase. m & c