j 4EZ* Bmmm, We iiv't. by our blood, an ' n j it. W< thrive or starve, as I our blood is rich or poor. There is nothing else to live on or by. When strength is full and spirits high, we are being re* freshed, bone muscle and brain, l.i body and rr.inci, wnn continual ilow of lich blood. This is health. ' When weal:, in low spirits, no cheer, no spring, when rest is not rest and sleep is not sleep, we ar6 starved ; our blood is poor* there is little nutriment in it. Buck of the blood, is food, to keep the blood rich. When it fails, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. It sets the whole body gc 'ng again?man j woman and child. Iv< it !mw tiol tried it. wnd for free sample, Lit? i:t>ic will surprise VOU. SCOTT .T liOWXK, t:l*niists 460-415 Penrl Street, New York, sue. aii?i f 1 one dollar each lor curs-, i 111: on ihe streets yesterday. Mr. ,M. M. Lander, of Anderson, j \\ ho formerly taujrht school here. I and who is now connected with I tin- mull service, >pent yesterday1 in iu?ii wnn iriena*. Coin has gone up lour cents a bushel in I lie f.a-t lew days. AH ! liuK of provisions are hiirh. while: 'he price of cotton remains about 1 I lie >ame. At i!ie social gathering at Mr. Martin's on Monday night the music for the occasion was furnished l?v Misses Mag and Fannie Ken dy, Dell Kellehan, Helen Scott and Mona Fendergrass. All parlies interested in the tire company recently organized are req'ic. ted to meet at otlice of Dr. W. V. Brockiugion, Friday evenhiwo!d Bros., of Smith Mills.j i J is remains were taken to Goldshoro, N. G., the home of his childhood, for interment. Mr. GriswDid was the soul of honor, an honest man, tke noblest work ol God. We have had an unusual spell of weather for several dayfi past tt has been very variable, sometimes almost cold enough for ])eeer?ber and then suddenly we would cot a foretaste of spring. j Ins weather win ronen it-taro the piowth of vegetables and the trucking interests generally, as well as injure young field crops. The verv cloudy nights that we have had during the whole spell j will go rt their debilitated and sickly Infants. 1 have used it wit it | a ery satisfahtorv results the past summer | with my child, ami while we have here- j tufore lost a child or two from teeth- j jug under other remedies, our present hitd. tlut has taken TEKTIIINA, is j a tioc, healthv boy. I am. very re-j spectfully. A. 1\ BKOWX, M. I). (Brother of 17. S. Senator snd Ex-Gov.! Joseph E. Brown.j. ^ f.. 71i. -i_ f lvingstree is -mom to have a new ; ? ':.- bc?i?.?injf for the dispensary. Nir V ..... *; iwv; . * i.i\ th mj ?ot? .. this and aj I brick stop* next door to Ga^.j iOliver Sz ( o's., which will be built! adjotiining. The store will be oc. cupte I by Mr. Louis Schuliz, The j bank building and tliree more) brick stores will also be erected on j Main Street very soon. I The Members and Congregation | generally of (he Methodist church ' | gave their pastor, Rev. W. IS. j j Martin, a pounding on Monday j J night last at his residence. It was | | a complete surprise to Mr. Martin ' I but none th.e less enjoyed by him- j j self and the delighted crowd who j I participated in the affair. These j little things show the high esteem j land love of' the congiegation loi i their pastor. i a testimonial from old; ENGLAND. ! "I consider Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the hot it the world for broil-! chit's," says Mr. William Savory, of! Warrington. England. "It has saved ! my wife's life, she having been a mar- j t.vr to bronchitis for over six years, be-1 i ii)g most of the time confined to hert bed. She is now ^uitc well." Sold by I 1 l)r D. C. Scott An interesting civil case was tried here on Tuesday before J udge I Stutts, over the ownership of an ox. j Sprii g coughs are specialty danger-; ous and unless en red at erne, serious j - ...i... . '??? OiU/.tar Otin "Vfiurifei rr>ui;> ui it'ii if'iivv** v/iiv Coufjli Cure w\.< like magic. It is not acotnwn imxtnrv, but is a Iti^li ok a friend up that's j ao wn. CAUGII r A DRKA DKl'L COLD. Marion Kooke. manager for 'I*. M. Thompson. a large importer of fine millinery at K'vV* Milwaukee Avenue Chicago, says: "DlLlng tlie late severe weather 1 caught a dreadful cokf which kept me awake at night and made mc unfit to attend my work during the day. One of my milliners was taking Chamberlain's Cough remedy for a severe cold at that time, which i seemed to re leave her so quickly that. 11 bought some for myself. It act?*d j | )ike magic and I began to improve :it; I oiiii*. I am now entiivlv well and feel I ! very pleased to acknowledge its meiits ; For sale by l)r D. Sn>tt. i A solt-headed nail and a hard-j 'headed man are both hard to; ! i . drive. ! T1IK BEST BLOOD PURIFIER. The blood is constantly being ptiri? I | fied by the lungs, liver and kidneys, j Keep these organs* in a healthy condi*! ! tion and the l>o\v< Is rcglarand you will i ; have 110 need "f a blood puritlcr. For I tiiis purpose there is nothing equal to I j Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver! j Tablets, one dose of thern will do you > j more good than a dollar bottle of the j best blood purifier. Price, 25 cents, i Samples free at I). C Scott's drug store, j i The man who goes to church ; because he has nothing else to do | j is an idle worshiper. j If troubled by a week digestion, loss j ?>f apfietite, or eonstipatiou. try a few , doses of Chamberlain's Stomach aird i i Liver Tablets. Every box warranted. For sale by 1). ('. Scott. If might doesn't make right, it, seldom gets loft. The Best Prescription tor Malaria. Chills and Fever is a bottle of Ctroves Tasteless Chill Tonie. It is j simply iron and quinie in a tastole; ?s form. No cure?no pay. Price .K). If a vessel is a boal, a blood-ves- j ! sel must be a life?boat. Yon cannot enjoy perfect health, rosy | cheeks and sparkling eves if your liver is sluggish and your bowels clogged, f DeWitfs Little Early Risers cleanse I tbe.whole system. Tkey never gripe.! Wallace Jt. Johnson.. . 1 YoungWomeir! The entry into womanhood is a critical time tor a girl. Little menstrual disorders started at that time soon j grow into iatal compI?catior.s. That temale troubles are tilling graveyards proves this. Wine cf Cardui establishes a painless and natural menstrual ! 'low. when once this important function is started right, a healthy life will usually follow. Many women, young and old, owe their lives to Wine of Cardui. There is nothing like it to gfve v/omen fncciom from pain and to fit young women for every duly of life. $1.00 bottles at druggists. Miss Delia M. Straycr, Tulty, Kan.i "I have suffered untold pain at mcnstrsal periods for a long time, was ncr\ ous, had no appetite, and lost interest in everything, in fact was miserable. I have taken four bottles of Wine of Cardui, with Thedford's Black-Draught, when needed, and to-day I am entirely cured. I cannot e.xpre;s the thanks I feci for what you have done for me." For?dTice tn?ise? requirSnp special dtreotlons. R(1rtrp?S. plnnp *yn:pu>?.i?. ih? l.itrtlw' Advinnrj- IlepartiiiPjit, The Cbattills. DeWitt's Little Early Risers Wilt remove all impurities from your .ysteni, cleanse your boweN, make them regular. Wallace & .!< lisou. (iive i small l) Witch Hazel Salve. It is imitated Ke sure vt it goes a lonjr way. T1IEBE*T REM DY FOR RHEUMATISM. QViCK EKLIKV KKOM PAIN*. All who iis?* Chamberlain's Rain Halm for rheumatism are delighted with the quick relief from pain which it afford-:. When speaking of tliis Mr. I). X. Sinks. o{ Trv Ohio. says: ''Some time ago I had a seven- attack of rheumatism in my ar.n and shoi?ldcr. I tried numerous remedies but no relief until I was recommended by Me-srs. Geo. K. I'iirsons & C'o., druggist of this place, to try Chamberlain's Fain Balm. They recommended it so highly that I. bought a bottle. I was soon relieved of :dl pain. I have since recommended this liniment to many of my friends, who :itrn-e with mc that is is flie lie-d remedy for muscular rheumatism in [ the market." For Sale by Dr. D. C.J Scott. A man who Dies to live like a j king seldom does ft to the queen's j i hsu*. Ton wiir waste trine ff yon try to run' indigestion or dyspepsia by starving yoursels. That only makes it worse when you do eat heartily. You always need 'plenty of good ft km! properly digested. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the result of years of scientific researches? r.?r something that would digest not j only some elements of Io n>n purpose until I tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I have taken two bottles and ; gotten nn. C JKNETTE. FLOKRNOE, S. C. A loll choir in a church increases the chants lor salvation. D*. Cady's Condition Powdars. Arc just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood puritler antf vermifuge. They are not food but medicine and tiie bc?*t in iwe to put horse in prime condition. PHee 25 ctt per package. For by I>. C. ScettLite rs shorir Init nearly all met* outlive their good resolutions.. <0 This tlgnntor* is en evory box of the gonnintf Laxar Bromo-Quinine Tabloid tbo rem- enrrn a col?1 In one , \y. Practices in all the United State* " Omi ts, aud in tl c Courts of Florentv and Williamsburg Counties. HIRSCH & HIRSCH.. Atf orneys-atLawKIXOSTBSE, - - S.C. I have tliV-day associated with nit ? my son Ed/, in L. Hirscli. under the* firm name ot Hirsoh Sc. Hirsch, for ih# practice of Law in the lTnited Statesand State Courts of South Carolina. ;M. J.. HIKSCU. Jan. 1. 1001. Cr?"? s> ox poiicrss ix the : e Assurance Co,:J ciivisettsd S T'E AC II; VK A It. :tual Dividends,. tuai Poiieiesr, Special Agents , vE, & JC.. .1 . %