W- ^ W cror S^^l^^lcanbc KW^X^M _rta^growr Lv^ jf^jSIPSwithou'. ii%%' Potash. (RnOiG^M ?' Suonlv I P|> enough Potjy ash and your profits will be 1 large: without Potash your crop will be "scrubby." Oor book-. teT!mg about composition of fertilisers i Best iicajitod :or ail crops, ate free to till farmers. GERMAN' KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., Now V >rl.. First Corpse Cremated in JaDan. Japan is "the country in which cremation is practiced on the largest scale. In an interesting statement made to a hygienic congress, Mr. Ya mane, chief police surgeon of Tokio, v>o !-o-ic/->nc fnr this nrtiotiee. The I g^tX ? C tut A VM.JVUU ? w. r. burning of corpses had Its beginning in Buddhism, a Buddhist priest, it is said, having been cremated at Shinshu twelve hundred years ago. In 1876 police orders were Issued regulating the practice of cremation, and to-day in the environs of Tokio alone there are seven crematories. According to the authority quoted, cremation i3 accomplished in less time In Japan than in other countries. In two or three hours the body is completely reduced to cinders, and that without the slightest odor. Whereas in European countries there are seven or eight classes of funerals, there are in Japan but j five, the prices of which range as fol . lows: 15.40, $3.80, $2.80, $1.60 and 80 I cents. At Kioto and Osaka, as well as in a ! number of other towns, it is estimated that two-thirds of those who die from infectious diseases are cremated, and of others two-fifths. In 1808 out of 38.899 dead. 21.943 were buried and , 17,956. or forty-five per cent cremated. ?Philadelphia Record; Bobby Burn*' Cottucr* Considerable alterations arc in course of being carried out at the birthplace: 1 Pnhort Ttnmr. known as "Burns' ! W ? Cottage," at Alloway, Scotland. It is I intended to remove a hall attached to the back of the cottage, used as a mu- ; eeum and temperance refreshment room, and to transfer the Burns relics from this to a new and larger hall in a range of cottage buildings which have just been completed within the grounds attached to the cottage. The caretaker and his family, who inhabit ' part of the cottage, have also been provided with accommodations in the new buildings. The cottage will thus be restored as far as possible to its original condition. This Will Interest JIany. To quickly introduce thi famous blood pur tiler, 1}. B. B. (Botatuc uioou caun; into new i homes, we will {^ivo sway 10,000 treatments absolutely froe. B. B. B. will positively cure all blood and fkin troubles?ulcers, cancers, scrofula, eczema. eating sores, iicliing humors, swellings, pimples, boils, carbuncles, bone paiiu, rheumatism, catarrh, contagious Mood poison, affecting throat, bones and joints or mucous patches. B. B. B. makes the blood pure and rich, bcs.b every soro or eruptiou and stops all aches and pains. Druggists, SI. For froe treatment, address Blood Balm Co., 12 Mitchell St., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice given until cured. B. B. B. cures old, deep-seated cases that re- 1 fuse to heal under patent medicines or doctors' treatment. t Marble is abundant in the southern ' ranges of the Balkan Mountains. The w ctMac dck. Cuostlpatlan bllla u< A It li a itartcr tor dw rkram" alia tjjp nftenrordL So matter wkat alls A yon will never /rl well sad be w AS rlcat Take oar >4tIc?; start wli w (uaraalee to care or awacj reflu( Meiisotises Hall's Catarrh.Cure is a liquid and is taken internally, and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. Sold by Druggists, 75c. F. J. Cheney ?i Co., Props., Toledo, 0. There are more spinster so by choice than the worldlings would believe. FITS permanently cured. No fits or nervousness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. $'2 trial bottle and treatise free Dr. It. H. Klixe, Ltd., US1 ArehSt., Philu., Pa. Many a man with a line head has a verybad heart. A Colonel in the British South African army says that Adams' Tuiti Frutti wa3 a blessing to his men while marching. All arctic dogs are provided with a thick mat of wool under their hair. The Chicago girl manages to get there _..v i?^ # Rn 17. Willi in/iu lrrrv, LAS 0 MADE. Kjjj^lgL compared with rv^T ts-^ /Jm Line cannot ho jr^/f . _ ftJJ her luanufucy *iic w b*C4in 4 1 each town. ^ 1 f ra for carrlace. uir Catalog free. \' saBSE^ ?%' ?'?/ \ , irockloB. Masa. '4 wESi/asSES?. J Y WITHIN THE REACH t *. Pi advorticorr.cntj < you Is absolutely pure, no R >#* glazing, no coating with jj i egg mixtures or chemi- s ' ^ cals to hide imperfections H& 0 :E you will find a fully illustrated and dc 3 fail to find in tho list some article which they may have by simply cutting out a ct i packages (which is tho only form in whic WOOLSON SPJC2 CO., TOLEDO, OILO. i sure cure for tape worms and tf lble. Any variety of parasites th properly nourish the body, are ly drive them out, and persistent people suffer from worms witl best way to find out is to tak< j joreiw.u call, jis ?Brooklyn < 4 th^ CASCARET *nc- T^e JudS r?/sr* n^Mi utiw i rwr\ DUK nimwrt tnoMn. anpcadlcltU, MUoiata, ttvo Itomsrk. Moated bowrl*. foal Boatk, luafter enttac. llTfr traablr, wllew uut or koarcla doa7t "ore rrffnlartj fM are are poyte tku all ?Oer dlwan* tanillnr. rata aad Imr year* of safertea that cum* )TM, atart taklac CAACAJCITi today, far 'ell all the time oatll you pat year bowel* lb OUCAJtSM today> oader aa absolute tod. tO )??oaeMO*o?*?< / For La Grippe and Headache. These disagreeable and dangerous diseases may be relieved immediately by the t mely use of Hicks* Capudiue Headache Cure. 15c, 25c nnd 50c at all drug stores. If your druggist does not keep it send 6c for postage on trial bottle. Hicks Cuemical Co., Italeigh, N. C. A CT1VK ->IAN by lara* Manufacturing House; in rash pa'11 for IS days' trial; promotion nn?l permanent position if satisfactory. Address, U B. P. CO.. 723 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. 5 3 OlSfCrsSSd THE NEW 19011 RVVna ?GO.OO??rhla.?, with - !4 ra 1 tlon 00 our VUBOICK 5'j l^p5S8??4JLj6d on,y 612,85. The] I i 1 fr0^y^Lf*r"*u^'1? t! f-a? positive four mo ? B b rating shuttle, su tor %2? -Oable bearlmjs,^*tont II ? ^5er foot,patentdrcM tpiard, beaut i\ilI wiej %X\ .trie h?.?t.omfl, cmc d b ra a 11 ft 11 y.\ -* 7 ^M??rdrtin bead cabinet. > LBY LIUl ?T KL. " IT CIO QC wc furnish the lURDICK H oemp, ?-? A ilfciOD anllter.?screwdrivers.6bobbins, S i s can and l.atmetlos Bock which mattes everythinga can operate the machine. Far 7a ~ J I-*"??rr ir! to above a complete set of HIGHEST GRADE fOOi ATTACI box, Including 1 ruffler, I rhlriW plate,Ittuekc: 1 under foot and set of hemmers. different widths up to X of an If yew want these extra foot attachment, at 75 < the fraodest sewls* naehlD. ?alu? arar th2 nffee m any other concern, po matter ho-v attractiro the offer m OUR FREE SEWIMO MACHINE CATALOGUE. We are the UrS save you (10.00 to (tfl.oo on your Addroaa, CCSDC purchase. ORDER TODAY- " W OF ALL! t . I 4 irity is Kept up^> i )? by Constant Kicking 9 Constant Watching, fi have our eye on the purity of jon coffee | will always be kept up! We fl 11 kick if it isn't. "ou will rever need to kick if . use D A (TP scriptive list. No housekeeper, in will contribute to their happiness, :rtain number of Lion Pleads from 3 :h this excellent coffee is sold), iUU - y ' f in ? loss other pests of worms that m; at live in the human stomach or dislodged by Cascarets Candy ( use is sure to do away with th hout knowing it, and get thin ai 2 Cascarets. Never accept i t.., ji the of lutf hou, ^itiz.j. to thrt? worm eighteen feet Ions at a the scene after 27 taking two ' S. This I an sure has caused sctth for the past three years. I an cru.' Cascarets, the only cathartic ;n ^ itica by scnsiblo people." . eo. W. Bottles, Ea.rd, Miss. ? roth. . c be"<*n to understand, and bo-' VELS AND LIVER. ottjlrawtkeb to rusCi rir? r*i CABRTtwniMld. Xow It la over alx Balllfos similar a?4leU? la the world. This I. ob* tor best tatlmanlsJ. We hare -"kith. sad yt (nsraiteed to rare or money r?fnndc " - 9 111# IHUIlt I Will Ultlll UblR,lB. prw'fS, Hlfk SrlSw, IM id, Ihi'UrawK, Oak t'ablawt, lO-ywar fuaraattwd BardMX .. by frwifkt C. 0. SUIJECT Tf EXAMIMAT1IIL Jtm it at your freight depot, and If found perfectly sutta tl? aw rwinmltt, aatowd a bhUii as ;h mi kwj wliwwtMM 40.00, THt HOST WOXDIETTL BiEIUIS XTIR UUiaL HONEY AX Y DAY YOU ARE XOT SATUnOA MODEL BURDICKH tkw dwfweu of nunt. For years we have staked our rvpwto* SEWINO MACHINE; we nowoffer it for the first ttmw for Burdlck H it built on honor from very best maXcrtata. tion feedjSelf threadinir vlnatle bobbin winder, adjust- J tension liberator, improved dk,', A tie carrier, adjustable pres Jjj W,y ^aAufc Lei triramlacw. newest unvmcshglnrb Intahed solid oak five* Bid* ^ Jtj_W bXIXG, irlj aolwelwaa. Sftijf w,|777?^Bsl^2il^Bl lete with 1 cloth guide, 1 Ejfl ??? WCWdr l package of needles, oil toklis bUtdf 0 plain uiai even ? cuhu (atalo.aa. IIM1 SO. wc furnish in addition >T ' jB3 I ?ia iSSSS!* "y,Thl.lll..lraliaa a. ifa. Jrnlsh tor k!(h crmScK.w ?/'*? .pp??r.?t?.f tkl. ^%fc^^^^. la?kla althe?uperlo^of J* *r" **11 H, S^TE.t lurllek list onlj ili.ii, it ? 41.' "hl!h mt r*n^k ? ??-** rase wing machine *rom ? "J* *"<" lay seem, until tou ot* rest sewing m&rnlno dealers In the world and csuai^y , ROFBUCK ft CO.. CHICAGO/HI, "dyspepsia"! 1 ' coed not b? endured a da? longer If jxnmm S ^iP 1 [ A natural medicinal water?coaeoatraea*. I 1 Aperient, laxative, tonic. A sped Ac for affi W I 1 liver, kidney, stomach and bowel disorder*. M I 1 It curee?Terpld Liver, Bllloaancee. da? S. , I dice. Chronic Diceaaee of the Kid ana. ] I Dy.prptla Heartburn, Met Ktadatfcek W' ' Dyaeoterr Con.tlpalUn, Plica. r.?hn.?i,?.j w>trr t? the moat e caclous of the natural mineral waters; moat ( i I ) convenient to take; most [ jjfy < >iI | economical to buy. I ( I > The gennlne Is sold by ( | | all druggists with CroU * | I | Apple trade murk on TRADE IE JMtA. , a . every bottle. 1 ? . . j[ CRAB ORCHARD WATER CO.. LooitriWe.r?. J , < iiiiiioimiiaitiiiiiMi* > Cures lik-uma'ism. Neuralgia. Best rub for Hrtiisos nd sprams. If vou (1 -slcrilon'fc ha*e it, send .locint-; wed diver to any ?ddre-s -ddress tiiv; alimtientco..,. ( ({ 1 HL1>fo\, S. c. HDADC; V DISCOVERY;^**** Wit VI I ijuick relief and cruet n>nl e??e?. Bk .k of test iih ii .iI.-> and lO iln ve t atf ?eeu4 Free. iir. H. H. OP.EEN'3 sons. Box B. Atlanta, aaa S4 A DAYSURESS^: a man with rig io Introduce our go-wit In the coontry. Kaimai P.iod t o.. l>?-pt. Alt. Knt>a?'t'lkjf. 31** 'Tbe Sance that tnatlc West Fefnrfni?uM??** ' MclLHENNY'S TABASCO. SGtLES tsfartwn Ga-vrniUenrL frKBHO Write !br rrt>e?. JESSE M.SKDEa!*?" " gags*** ton s f.'hsrles 5;.. ~ CURfcS WMth? ALU LSEFaTLST ? bT W Be3t Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Dao CT Ej In time. Sold by druggists. >oo?o?c?oo??o 9 9 ake the lives of children ^ bowels, and feed on the ^ Cathartic, and expelled. ie unwelcome intruders. ^ id weak, although their ^ i substitute! Z ? joc. S ^ 25c. 50c. ^ NEVER SOLD IN BULK. 0 DRUGGISTS % sn (ko lk? first box of CAM- a i boxes a year, greater tk.na any O boy today, two M? boxes. (f? V as. aad ifyou arc i?t satisfied aa * ? ks* ?im( the cayifWi ts B arskaeed It. simI (?t yew asnry ^ I "tt*r wkat alls yea start today. A the 4mr yon fm ?i?mu prttLTic inmT ?.. lew Twfc me CMayfc > # ? y ' ? v4 : M