VOL. XVII. KINGSTREE, S. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1901. NO. 17 ?I??????1?tt ^ ^ )l| M iuiii.IJ.J. L..iiji I T ' ' ??w . J_ . . " ?;-iitively3To New Display Adv-rtisements Will be Received, or Old Ones Changed, Later Than Tuesday Morning. m nil imisi.j AFFAIRS CAUGHT BY OUR LOCAL REPORTER AND NOTED. I m | Written t Kingstree's land marks. Nice new slock ot 8'.raw Hats? ; Mens Ladies and Children. \V. T. Askins. Il' you wiin? -i Piano or Orcan write to 13. O. Biiatow, Darlin^ Ion, S. C. Try a sack ot out Water(irround Aleul. None betier. W. T. Askins. For Sale?26or 110 bu.-liels Peas W T Ask ms. ? tea j I'I'll III ? . M. 11. .J?;coK?> is in Georgetown! this week. l)r. MeCabe is at home hard at! w ork. .Mr. Gordon McCullough, of Trio, is extremely ill. F. Ii. Wiieox, Esq., of Georgetown was in town Monday on business. .Mr. K. .1. Kirk was* suddenly called to Chorleston on Sunday by the death of one of his rela lives. Mr. W. \\\ Grayson was quite sick on Sunday last, but we are glad to report him much better at this writing. Miss Ltila Strong, who has been indisposed for several days, was out on the streets yesterday looking as charming as ever. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Ervin, of Church, spent Monday night in town guests ot Mr. and Mrs. J. Is'. Haminet. Cap!. Ned Harper has petitioned the council to let him keep hogs on his premises and the board of health has recommended ii, I)r. Rosa Ilirschman, of Charleston, perhaps the first woman enjoying this distinction that ever walked J lie streets of Kings tree, is visiting the family of Mr. Louis Joeobv. Judge S. McB. Scott, one of Kingstree's land marks, is quite sick with pneumonia. We trust; he ir.nv soon he well again. Dr. i Brock mi ton is his physician. I We had the pleasure of meeting | Dr. Oiir lawyer, of Edgefield, on j Saturday last in King-tr e. Dr Sawyer expects to locate at Khems in this county, and we are glad to welcome him here. lie is a young man of much promise and there ire great possibilities beforn him.j .. I The prayer meetings in me Methodist and Baptist churches are well attended and great interest Peems to l.e manifested in these meetings. There is only one coinplaint, and that is !?hat some are' inclined to talk too long, and we haw teen requested by a regular attendant to ask that no one talk longer than ten minutes. Miss Kiltie Rogers, who has finished her school at Dock postofiice in this county,passed throngh Kingstree on Saturday en route to her home in Darlington, where she will spend the summer. Miss K UOJiei'S IlilS mailt: (juiic a jmiv/Ccp? at teaching and is very much liked hv her patrons. The great need of the country is more such 'eachers as Miss Rogers lias proven herself to be. I want to say to my friends and the public generally that I am not in business for fun or tor my health. 1 have a large and well selected stock of goods bought at the very lowest prices with the cash, which I d~sire to sell and will do so at a very close margin l make a specialty of Shoes and Clothing, and will sell cheap. 1 ?-!/> tint cur? fi? ;i shadow Over my competitors by jri^injr prices. I onlv ask you to come and see for yourselves, I guarantee satisfaction to all. W. \V. Grayson. Due on April 10th, another car load Gold Medal Flour direct from mills at old prices. W\ T. Askins Misses May and ftagjiie Flagier j and Mr. Troy Flakier spent Inst j Sunday in town visiting Mr. L. Staofcley a family. Mr. M. I?. Allen, of Florence, who has been clerking in Dr.Scotts* drug store, has given up the Job and returned to Florence. Dr. Rigbv, of Spartanburg, who married a daughter ol Dr. .J. Marion Staggers who formerly lived here was in town last Friday. Mr. Willie E. Montgomery, of the Greeleyville section, has been installed as drug clerk at Dr. Seotts\s. He is h good one. Dr. Clias. E. Houston, of Florence, passed through Kingstree on Monday en route to Forest-on, where he hangs out his shingle. Wish Iiim success. Capt.G. D Nelson is delighted. He has lived to see the day when he will get water at his door steps without drawing it out of an "old fashioned well. The Council.or rathei the street committee, seein to liave suddenly stopped ill work on the streets. If thev are doing: anything towards the sanitary regulations we haven't heard ol it recently. Rev. J. E. Dunlop preached at the Presbyterian church last Sunday morning. Mr. Dunlop is a delegate from Harmony Piesbvtery to the general assembly of the Presbyterian dhcrcb, which convenes in May. Mtf. T. M. 'Oilland intends erecting h neat cottage on his lot on West .Main and coiner Jacobs Street*. We understand it ha* already been spoken fur. There is not a vacant house in town and if any one was !o ^ret burned out he or she would have to pull up stakes *s*tfcew?is no .place to move to. Mr. '{. NV-. Ootvard, of Florence count\, spent several days in Kinirstfee la?d week with hi* son, Mr. .1. W. Coward, who is dispenser here. Air. Coward was very] much pleased with his visit and likes tlie place and the people so well that he speaks of moving here himself. We have a plenty of room for all such men as Mi. ' 'oward. LETTER TO .M11-SJJTJ1 PHELPS, Kings tree, S. C. Dear Sir: It takes numerous visits from salesmen to establish u paim agency in a town. Several well painted sample houses do the business quickly, and therefore in your town, we intend to spend money in FREE PAINT, rather than on salesmen's visits. Any house owner who sends us tlie the measurements of his house, will 'it once receive tasty coloi combinations, and at the same time we will tell hirn how many gallons of paint we will give him "for nothing." Our house was established in ' 57" Been making L. & M. Paint 30 years Sold Five Million Pounds last year. Ask any Mercantile Agency or Bank about our Capital and Imputation. L. & M. Paint needs the addition of linseed oil, covers better, and lasts longer than white lead. You will be glad that you investigated. Very truly. Longman & Martinez, Paint Makers. 207 Pearl St., New York City. For Sale?Good Coffee at 10c; Good Chewing Tobacco at 25c a pound; Good Standard Prints at 5c a yurd. W T Asking. THE JENt DRY GOOD: Stands ready and anxious to serve liamsdurg County with a stock of High cauirot be beat anywheretn the State, j charges on all orders aggregating ai Commencemer, The season is close at hand for com tions, and in view of these coming ever domestic and imported "White Organdie ed and domestic Dotted and Plain Whi White Mulls and Persian Lawns and a and Silks on hand all the time. to Drtsiilii Stands ready with its ten operatives to our care. Satisfaction guaranteed. Millinery De; If the ladies of Kingstree would sei one time we feel confident that we wo v after. In sending us a hat order you r you don't please, they may be returned ing hats to Columbia and other large adies are charmed with our hats. j 25 to 50 Per Cf We will sell you hats from 2d to oft buy them in larger citks. Ladies'* sen or if the h its are nat satisfactory they W, I JEN Can vou ? Can you hear? IF YOU CAN, VO OUR IMMENSE S HEAR OUR HARE A YD AFTER HE [ WILL BE CONV i Wg Will ? Respectfully, | :H:. ID. zeszei C\ READ" Mf^t,lcr % A want a^S3\. 11 nt* well-d sSGytJ^vs. ,m one yew ff \yy f\ to satisfy I / \ anu tnw si / ' I V Jar dresse \*y I * line of VSi ft ^ Suits, 7 K rl A",,f A\ le=5i Uand|l: / i \ Pi A peep in / I \ These suit: / I and all the i I so that tin /} wearing tl i /I Call at j style YOL I Sole agent ! In our I are theottli j IIIHKr J>?U I 7 I that is uiai | i / union Ialx' k HoCHESTER. ?^ Kiii^ Si V3>"' VVY v Mail >rder CINSON S STORE fho people of King-tree and WilC'lass Merchandise al prices that mil we always prepay express let over. it Dresses. mencements and school exhibits we have in stock a full lino of ? from 10c to$l a yard; iinportte Swisses from l#e to "?0c a yard ; full line of Fancy Dress Goods I Epiim execute all orders entrusted to partment id um their orders for hats "just ftld have their patronage hercuu no risk, for if the hats we send I fit our expense. We are seudplaces. and in every case the int Cheaper. per cent cheaper than you can d your orders. You run no risk, can be returned at our expense, mm. -gr, s. cl i j ,\lE AND SEE TOOK-. )TiME PRICES A KING YOU IXCi'.D AND Je7/ You. XDHDICSsSl. i FOR SPRING, 1901. e is one tune in 1 ho year when u s to look unusually neat and fresh tressed. P is sprintr. And if there r and one store more than another lids natural desire, it is this year ore. NVe present to the particur of this locality our new spring x Hats, Neckwear and Underwear. our last year's spring suits, $10, ^ *, we have marked down t* ?G. our window will convince you. s are all hand-made button-holes, ' canvas in them are well shrunk ?y will not lose their shape on item. id see the new celebrated spring 0 JSU'S HAT, uuion made, at f:;. for this city. merchant-tailor donirtnud w<; concern in this city that will a suit of clothes froln $l.'l to $4"> :le tip by union tailors, having the I ?n eaen sun. Ho Br?wit's IE CLOTHING HOUSE, - t. Opposite Academy of Music. Charleston, S. (J s promptly uil? > ded to?