. - ? -!?4-A ~?? I! ?t a v i.jsji ki> /"?* -vtf& m si/%''h is*? a acdscniptto* ^gbgc^oiiniji^lecora?, j y()L. XVII. KINGSTREE, S. C., THURSUA YTAPRIE IE I<>01. NO. 15 Positively No New Display Advertisements Will be Received, or Old Ones Changed, Later Than Tuesday Morning. *w Is if liiij AFFAIRS CAUGHT BY OUR LOCAL REPORTER AND NOTED. Written in Condensed Korm and Printed i in Like Manner for the Sake of Our Busy Readers. Kennedy's store is nearly completed. .1. 1*. McNeill, K-q., of the Florence bar, was in town Monday. w- A Yfurrvlii' u-hn lets i ^vir. xv. rx. .uui i'i.j t ? *>een quilt? sick with pneumonia is heller. The case against the Lake City lynchers was virtually dismissed a year ago. Mr.Walters Montgomery has ?e- ( vepied a position as salesman for Mr. J. Lesesne. Miss Barbara Jacobs is on a i visit lo her cousin, Mrs. Ii. G. As , 'Tins, of Lake City. Edwin L. Hirsch, Esq., has had , a very flattering offer made him ( to irmve to Barnwell. , The egg hunt at Rev. Mr. Mar | tin's on Monday night was vervj, u.iicli enjoyej by the young folks. Watch where a man pots hisji advertisements if you want to seej how lie thinks he can reach the?, -people. Two negroes have applied ts>ji the State board for pension money; for services rendered the Con fed j eracy. Union is trying an experiment on mosquitoes. Pouring fcetosfoe: ? ffering yon Paint "FREE OF Pi LARGE" robs onr action in addressing an open letter toyou, of any oifence, for we really do a sefvice. Naturally we have "an axe to grind P'the quickest way to iutef est one of your merchants is to put L.& M. Paint on the houses of two .n: 1 ,] 01* llirep i50IJU ciu/.t'us, uuu UUH^II strates practically thut it isthecheap . est and best paint made. We will tell yon how many gallons of paint we can give you "for notting," just us soon as you write tiS with particulars, us to raeastuemen's of house, and number of coals re quired: At the same time our experts will suggest very handsome color combinations. Hanks and Merca utile Agencies rate usrtt IlIOHESTin Cupital and Reputation; been making L. & M. Paint 3ft Years; sold in the last live years, Twenty-four .Million Pounds. On account of the amount of linseed o?l that can be added to every gallon of the L. & JM.. it costs less than pure white lead, while it lasts louger and covers bettor. Write us. Truly yours. Longman & Martinez, Paint Makers. 207 Pearl St., >iew York City. For Sale?Good Coffee at 10c; Good Chewing Tobacco at 25c a pound; Good Standard Prints at 5c a yard. \V T Askins. ' The Jenkinsen dry Goods Si id tto/iomia A store that YoKes solely on low \ playing h losing ga'nie. To wlrt sftch i kinson Dry Goods Store it is fteee**ai resent goods of strictly reliable qtrulft Williamsburg county who is posted 01 to compare goods an 1 prices will ad in .??.*) lts>j?l hit tviiiiiSlK* f hmvi R \\V have something that should I ladies in tire way of a tine yard-wide I We picked up a lot of 4,000 yards of th ttoey e.re tea 11 y worth 10c per yard, bu and we let thein go to ortr trado the si at undet value one ease Of 2,500 yards and good cloth\ fit 3j^c peV yard that u cot all you want as long as they last ai Bleaching (Fruit of the Loom) only 7? yard wide Sea Island Homespun only yards of the best [ndigo Blue Prints j of the best standard brands and are \ All kinds of staple dry goods at the lo White (ioodit nad This bids fair to be one of the grej seasons we have had in yeats. and wc are ready to till their wants in this lir the 1?*.ve kind, we will sell at lOcycry White Dimity, the LD5C kind, will We of White India Lawns from 5e to o$c gaudies from lOc to $LiH) per yard. Ou in width from fio inches to 2 yards wic and Lite Green OrgnVidies for eVert infc A full line of Figured Lawn's and Oil* and 2*>c per yard. FINE DRESS 000 We wish to impress upon the ladr a well selected line of fine Dress Good ported Weaves, with a fall line of sulti DRESS MA We are running In Connection wi making department. This departrtiei Northern dress-maker and is ably assi Ladies, we seek for a portion of your FINE MIL1 We also have a la-ge Millinery D out* store, and any orders sent us will hats we send you is not satis actory th GENTS AND CHILDRENS CL01 W. E, JEN 3!v?ccaajaix LOOK AT TH WE CANT MAKE YOU BUY, HI Lowest Ami tlien if you rather pay hiotr, \ sion, not ours. What do you say about Granulated at 4 3-4 cts a pound; Good Bio Coffee Bice at 10 cts a quart. Gocd Soap as 3 ceeapcr Soap 2 cts a bttr, or $1.80 A b a pound. Everything in stock ut piop Kespecifuilv, T31. ID. ZE3IE] READ lfthe ,' / t>T I \ and this s j /1 L \ lar dress* / ' r^V ^ line of %\\ |, \ Suits ? V rl A11"' / A\ Illantljfl #V\ PT A peep in / \ v 11^ These sui \ XwT andhllth j \ so that tl I ,\ \vt arinK I ; I /n Call a I style YO ;/ Sole alien I In ou are the ?n I make y<>' I 1/ \ I that is inj ]// \ I unhin lab i.P V ^ GHAN * Rochester. Kin^j; AT ' Mail ordc # ore Offers tfahy Attractions 11 Buyers. ;J L?ric?ra to win and hold trndo i* success as i* achieved by the Jen'V that the low nrii-es should rep y. iTVery lady in Kingstree and i dry grtods and who til lets time it that W6 Are snpehor. We make right. :y uoovi.,, >e interesting to the ladies in the Madras Percal at ft cents per yard ese goods while in New Ywk> and it we picked them up very cheap ime way. We also have to offer of 8pring Prints, all fast colors re sold everywhere at 5c. but you t ?V^c per yard. Best yard wide t'e per yard. Very good quality per yard. One ease of 2,5UO *t 5c per yard. These prints are varfanted ubsoletely fast colors, west prices. WiinIi (irnxt*. itest white goods and wash goods ? winn totniorm ine xrsae xnai w<* le. One cane of fine Tndiii l,awn, ard. One case of white Isin Cord sold at 10c per yard. A full line the yard. A full line of White Orr white imported Organdies range le. A nice lot of Blue, Pink, Black wear, t>G inches Wide at Jtoc a yard, lirtes at 5c, 8c, 10c, VI1"-^ 156, I>S AND S*LKS. es of Williamsburg that we carry sand SiHcs in the domestic and im? ible trimmings. KJNG. th oUr store fc ifi rat-class DressIt is under the xu|?ervision of a sted by a corps of mantau-mukers. work, and guarantee satisfaction. LIXERY. epartment run in connection with have our best attention, and if the ey may i>e return -u hi outcajjcu^c THING AND FURNISHINGS. nisti, j-e, s. c. IS! ' j JT WF CAN GIVE YOU TIIK Prices. _ ?l \hy that is your funeral procesSugar ut 5 7-8 cts; Light C Shgar at 9 cts a pound; Prime Whole ..... Untr f.?r M 1.3 r>fa 51 l):in uu t " * " ox. Strictly No. 1 Hams at 10 cts Ortiduately low prices. :D:dic:E?:. Y FOR SPRING, 1901. re is one time in Hie year when a ts to look unusually neat and fresh dressed. ik is spriinr. And if there ir and one store more than another this natural desire, it is this year f'?i'o vv'n urgent to the uartien it of thin locality our new' spring , Hats, Neckwear and Underwear. our last year's spring stilts, $10; It!, we have marked down t #0. our window will tionvinee you. tsare all hand-made button-holes; o canvas in them ate wfell shrunk icy will not*lose their shape on them. nd see the nCw celebrated spring t>N(J'S H.1T, llnioil nlade, at $3. t for thh t'ity. r merchant-tailor dcnartmet we ly concern in this city that will 11 a suit of clothes from $13 to $41 ule up by union tailors, having tin* el on each suit. r Mo Br?wit5? HE CLOTHING HOUSE, St. Opjxwite Academy of Musio Charteft.m, 8. C rs promptly atio ded to? ? ' ' ' ' ' '' ' ' """''I