The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, April 04, 1901, Image 1

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VOEXVIR KINGSTEEE, S. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1901. NO. 14 PcritivoiyNo New Display Advertisements Will be Received, or Old Ones Changed, Later Than Tuesday Morning. iota m if ran. I j t < AFFAIRS CAUGHT 3Y OUR LOCAL <L REPORTER AND NOTED. Written in Condensed horm and Printed in Like Mnnrer fcr the Sake of Oor Busv Readers. Next Suiniav Easter. i .Subscribe lor Tn?i Kxcord, Ii will soon be time lor s.iaw-j berric . Caj't. .Ino. A. K el ley spent ibhtdyy i:i Fioronce. Mr I'. & Couitnev spent last I SYisdrv in Lake (. iiv. Mr. E I. Hirsch, of Charleston.1 ruli ej) las-' Friday to see his folks, j Dr. \V. V. Ijiockinton and' daughter spent Tuesday in Fior-p ence. i)r A, D E.ops has graduated' ?'.? .?? jirul is a full lledgoi! j I duclo'* now. valued communication^ ; left out tin;; week, but will aj pear ! in next issu \ Council ha- ordered new well! 11 bored at the corner ol Main and j .Wlson Streets. Mr. end Mrs. E. Z. Lynch, ol j Cowurds. j-pent Monday in town! the guests of LeRoy Lee. Esq. , Mr. Wiikins lias just returned from a trio to Charleston, Hit i we ; never saw him looking better. Mi.-s.Jiinie Boyd, of Darlington,: is snend'ng some time with her} sister Mrs Jon. A. Kellev. ' Mr. R. R. lhidgins, of Forestop, spent last Saturday in town. Mr ! lhidgins is the youngest old tin.n v e ever saw. Rev. and Mrs. Wannamaker, of) ?C)rangeburg. have been spending some time in town gnests of All. and Mrs. \\\ T. Wilnins. Miss hi, B. McCullough, of Wai- i lialla. who is teaching school! a !, Cooper.-; spent Sunday in towi: ( the guest of Miss Louise Gil land. i All the young men in town in '< lerested in organizing a hook and). ladder company are requested toji meet at Dr. Brockinloirs drug; store Friday night at S o'clock. h Misses Mamie and Barbaiaj" Jacubs ar? in Charleston lor aji short while visiting family of S. ; llirschman, ard while there they expect to see their friend Dr. Rosa J | liirschman grad jate. Gagg, Oliver <fc Co.. have on exhibition this week something;, never sceu in Kingstree belore.1 i Its an Faster show window. It is novel and serves as a good adver- ( tisement lor their immense stock J. of goods, and at tlie same lime 1 pleases the young lolks immense- ; iy. ?" ~ - - J Our stock ot Lawns, Organdies, i .. . ;L. 1P?,|, .,ni] ! >> eil^, i/numc* riv.. jo u> ...... | unbroken. Prices temotinglv j ^ low. W T Askins. Try our Che win,: Tobacco at 2o cts per pound. \V T A*km<. il voii want a Piano or Organ; write to I). O. Bristow, Darim;:- * i Ion, !S. C. Another'carol good White Corn. \V. T. Asking. ,1 tic^t received a car load oi best white corn, T."> cents per bu-he!. L J. Ba:r. . ? . . Mr. L. C. Montgomery spoilt | Sunday in Georgetown. i iu'7. J. W. I',unwell prearhet { at Iho I-3;?is;*;?r?:i! church Sunday. J Mrs. Marion F Seott spent a lew j days in town last week, the iiuest ; ol lor. S( ott. j Mr. Fred Westmoreland, of j Wcedruii', S. 0., is ilu::iue$tof Dr. A. V. Snider, this week. We retiret to hear of the illness ol ( iordon NiIters, ami nope ne j will jsooii be better. . Our life long Irtend Dr. W . L.i Wallace has beet) quite sick and I we are glad to see bis familiar) form on our streets again. t'ol. 3v C Logan, who has been >ufiering with a severe case ol ' Lrri}/pc, we arc glad to say, is up and ab'e to be about again. Louis Stackley and Willie Rirrj are both quite sick this ireek and j connot attend school. They are) both better today. Mr. R. W. Fulton, Sr., one of Williamsburg's oldest citizens had i a f.imily reunion and celebrated | his SSth birthday on the 10th ult.i We regret much to hear of I he j iiloess of Dr. J. S.* Fulumre, of Lake < ltv, and trust that his life may be spared for many more rears of usefulness. We learn that a small cyclone passed about five miles below j Kingstree Tuesday night, tearing! up trees, and uiroofing houses' vherwise venting its fury. Ji j r>t-ems n have corro from south j and was passing north ea?U.j Wo have heard ef no lives being; i iost, bat it caused great destrue-i lion to propelly in its pathway.) I! brew (Jown nti Hie our nonces 01 >, Mr. J. C. MMJnSchen ;il Kpos, ;.?o>t ullice. Capi. Kennedy deserves great praise for liis valuab'o work as ! mayor of this town. If he had ; :!'ii? hi> hands he would eer-J tainly give us a clean town and j irood streets. Messrs. Keunedv, i ? 7 t Myers aud Levin are well fitted I for the positions they hold. Oapt. Kennedy is enjoying bettor rest now. hesavsihis conncii has con- ! ' % ' I : eluded to let hogs go, and keep the people in town. II- f T> 11 i .w.rvri Qf. ;?1 . VI. 1J. ilClIlllli^V <1 > , r/v, | who claimed lo be from Georgelown, was iotind dead iu a ceil at the police station in Charleston Friday night. It appears he had applied for lodging there the night | before. It. is thought that he! must have committed suicide, j Mr. Hemingway Jornierlv lived j Iust below Union ^huich, this , county where his body was brought j lor burial. 1 want to sa^to my triends and j the pubiie generally that I am not ; iu business for fun or lor my! health. 1 have a large and weli selected Stock of goods bought at the verv lowest prices with thej c a -! i, which I d-rsire to sell and will do so at a very close margin. i make a specialty ol" Shoes and Clothing, and will sell clicap. I do not care to cast a shadow over my competitors by iiivin^ prices. I onlv ask vou to come ;ii?d see l'or i * yourselves, I guarantee satisfaction to all. \V. \V\ Grayson. Try a barrel ol our C*old Medal Flour. None belter. \V. T. Asking. f % \ The Governor I;as appointed the following Magistrate* for the county of \V11 iiam>bur#i: II. K. Slutts at Kingstree, W. I? MoCunts at Trio, and J. V. Windham at Greeleyville. They will make good officers.; The following teachers passed at the recent examination and have been given certificates to teach in the common iree schools ' - ? * . i - * i- ... 1 I oi * 11 js county uy ineromuy ucnu of examiners: Misses Susie Covington. Lula Epps, Mary V. VanKeuren, .Janie M Shaw and M I) Unburn. Colored: P A Kruerton, \V C Scott, F \V Shaw, .1 S Cooper, Rev. L L Thomas. W 15 Mouzon, Win Mnuzon, J S Fulmoro. The cotton seed buyers have about wound up their business lor this season. Mr. LI* Kinder who represents the Fee Dee oil mill is spending the week at the home office in Darlington. Mr. D J Epps, wlio represents the Charleston oil mi'i, h;js gone back to his farm and Mr. Marvin Martin, who is agent for the Darlington oil mill, is assisting Treasurer k'/ iln'j in t'Atlinc his A.liyilJil%l lltl J ?f WI4 a < ...v books ni shape. There will be an Easter egg j hunt at Mr. Martin's on next Sat | urdav afternoon at 5 o'clock. The J children of town are invited. Admission 5 cents. There wiill be another hunt lor the voting folks at night at 9 o'clock. Admission 10 cents. j Among the old v-terans who J at tended.the ivmiioii hereon Mor.-j day we noticed Messrs. 1) E (i ?rlion, D K Mouzon, A M Flagler, J l S McCullough, Sr.. \V (} Cant lev J W S Grayson, T J Stewart. Louis I-I/iiiK.' \1 .1 lliivcli I .1 Ilnke. Si il Mouz'iii, II I) Jlollotis, Kdwin Harper, Ii II Ivelleiia 11, and others perhaps whose names have escaped our memery. The Georgetown Strike. It appears that all differences between tiie managers of the A. U. L. Co., and their men have been settled, l'lie trouble was more serious than at first reported. Several men were hurt. It is re ported to us today that all differences have been settled, and the shops have resumed operations, making lull time. LETTER TO MR. A. J. SMITH, Kingstree, S. C. Dear Sir. Any one can readily understand why we give awav Point, when we explain that it helps us wonderfully in establishing an I.. A M. Agency in vour town. Several sample houses painted with L. & M. Paint, quickly convince the merchants we are trying to interest, that our Paint looks better and lasts long- ( er than white lead or other paint ! 0.ih ronrtril in 1 (I Veil 1*S llMS ! been nearly Fifty Million Pounds. ! Over Thirty live Hundred active ; Agencies scattered throughout these j broad U. IS.; able to beat all others, j because the L. AM., is the only pure ! Paint that requires addition of much j linseed oil, and that out-lusts; out-; covers;Jaud under-costs pure white j lead. Ask any Bank or Mercantile Agency about our Capital and Reputation; then take the trouble to write us. Truly yours. Longman A Martinez, Paint Makers. 207 Pearl St., New York City. TO THE <> Kings tree ad } Knowing that a goodly portion <: Wiliij'ij;?:!>nr<ri< sent oil' toother plat witii the hope of <ecnrio^ a part of t j to hold ??iit inducements in our Fine nioni> which should prove worthy ol Ladies, just drop us a postal car< our Fine I.?ross (loods, Silks, Washth and soo if wo oin'i compete suece.ssfi in both pri:*<, quality and st\ !e. As ??:ty express or freight on all orders t laidics, if you wish your dresses i to your satisfaction as we keep a No ably assisted by from six to eight ox ; too satisfaction in our Dress-n aking G/Iilli^ery I Our hood Milliner has just retn where she lias "recti buying our Spsi: Should you favor us with an order ii you will not 1> disappointed. C-8!ltl( While wo have devoted much of and this s reasonable, for by right tli tiling, yet eve wish to impress it upoi (il?NTS, HOYS and CHILDREN COLLARS, Cl'FFS : ! Also a full line of the latest style 1 lintl our line of Clothing as cheap as Sin. oesl Our line of Ladies and Gents Sh< part of the State. You can do no he j Reynold's?:).".!) High Roller Shoes. the reputation <>r giving nrst-ciuss sa Just Received?A full line of La< Ties, all at popular prices. Hoj in^ to receive a portion of tli Yours respectfully, Ws Is III FLOUR! FLO Carload of all Grai Which ? e ofl'er you si ONE HUNDiiKI) SACKS GfUTS We are still offering, strictly A '//inter Clothi Comfort Iiesperlfbl]^ ID, C\ EEAI If th Y _J man wai VKStw up1' /f? w rK Is ,),,e Ff /\ l\ 1" *?tisfi A . /1 \\ j \ and this' M [ ^4 V J?r dr?.s f>' , i ] % / A I 'Ml. / /\\ *Uan<H i / / I \ rl/y **' Pta'p i J / 1 \ uS Those .su \y \ and all t 1 so that t ; i /) weiring I Call // style Y( jf Sole a?jo i i in "i J I are the* I j make y* I I that is it I J union la \,P 4 % fjk ?Oy Ell ? rochester --1 & whmv a ^ v '^u?C^ _ .Mail ore L. D*? F Williamsburg >f the lino dre<s goods busfn^ss of* res, we address this to the ladies heir patronage, as we are prepared Dress (roods and Millinery i)epartr their consideration. .1 with n request for samples from [>ods and White Goods Departments, .illy with any concern i:i the Stated an extra Iinlii'-ement, we will preimounting to -to or over. naue up in -tyle youc-m get?i t << ne rthcrndres -maker in our employ, pert mantiu-niakors. We guaranDepartment. \ )epartment. -ii rued froin the Northern markets I:* Stock and ^studying the styles. 1 this department we feel sure that >men. our 'itiie and space to the ladie* o ladies should be lirst in everyn you that we carry a large stock of v 'S* FIXE CLOTHING, SHIRTS, and NECKWEAR. Felt and Straw Hats. You will any first-ciass l ^Uci in the State. * Slices! ics is the equal of anything in thi* rtter than to pet a pair of our L. M. Wherever they are worn they have tisfaetion. lies, Misses and Children's Oxford ic patronage of Williamsburg I am, .. , ' *r S. CILIRi FLOUR! ies Just Received, rietly at Mill Prices. AT KO'JK BOTTOM PRICES. T COST, the remainder of our ng, Blankets, ,s, Etc. 3D3DXC32L. , i )Y FOR SPRING, 1901. i ? ore is one time in the venr when n tits to look unusually neat and fresh -dressed, i* is sprintr. And if there ar and one store more than another r this natnral desire, it is this year store. We present to the purtieuser of this locality our new spring s, Hats. Neckwear and Underwear. >f our last year's spring suits, $lti, M2,we have marked 'down t' n our window will convince you. litsare all hand-made button-holes, he canvas in them are Well shrunk hey will not lose their shape on them. x and set1 the new celebrated spring )lTXU'fi> HAT, union made, at ,U - - - , Ill jor 111!* cny, - :ir merchant-tailor donartmet we i!y concern iii tiiis city that wiN mi a suit of clothes from $13 to $ } ? iado up by union tailors, having the bel on each suit. T Ho Browns lilt CLOTHING HiPft St. Opposite Academy of Music* Charleston. S. C crs promptly aii< ? ded to. u ' '3 * ' f