f ; i fcS founts VOL. XVII. KINGSTREK, S. C., THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1901." N()7 ]i> Positively No New Display Advertisements Will be Received, or Old Ones Changed, Later Than Tuesday Morning. - M, - - ? ??????????? ' Mils of in. AFFAIRS CAUGHT BY OUR LOCAL ! REPORTER AND NOTED. Written in Uondensed Form and Printed in Like Manner tor the Sake of Our Busy Readers. Mr. F P Cooper representing the Stale, is in totrn. W. W. Grayson, ICsq., is fore ?i?tt of grand jwry. Hon. W. II. Walls, of Florence, vi?it?d King* tree on Sunday, Rev. J. E. Dunlop preached at the Presbyterian church Sunday. J C Lynch, Esq. an honored citizen of Florence, was here yesterday. Mr, W. W. Sing'etary, of ScranUin, was among the visitors in town Monday. Miss Virgie Walker, who has been visiting Miss Bessie Kelley, left for Georgetown last night. Coroner C P Dargan, of Darlington county, is in attendance opon the court tnis wees. Misses Maude and Etnma Wilson, Iwochsrming young ladiesof Anderson, spent Saturday and Sunday with Bliss Bessie Kelley. We were pleased to see Messrs. C.G. Carsten, E. H. Sauls, J. McB. Graham and J, J. M. Graham, Jr., of Cades on Monday. The ladies of all denominations who are interested in the Williamsburg Presbyterian cemetery ^ are requested to meet at the Presbyterian church promptly at tour o'clock on Friday afternoon next for the purpose of forming an association for the care of the cem etery. Mems W. F. Clayton, of Florence, W. L. B??8 and H. G. Asking of Lake City; W H Walla, of Florence; A. Schumpert, of Newberry; J. B. McLaughlin, of Orangeburg, F. L Wilcox, of Georgetown, and J. P. McNeil), of Florence, are among the visiting at torn?ys at this seisins of the court. ? " ^?li 1 _/ it6T. J. 1. OiriCRiana, ui vim. too, passed through Kingstree on Saturday enroate to ladiantown, where he expected to preach on Sunday assisting the regular pastor, Rev. Mr. Ward law. In this connection, we will state that Mr. Strickland was suddenly called home on Mouday by telegram on account of sickuess. H M. Cooper, M W Rogers, lion J Davis Carter, Capt. D ? Cordon, J ? Davie, C O Cargten, A M Gordon, W K Cook, J A Ftrrell. J F Cooper, F N Wilson, Hugh McCutchen, J G McCutehen, J 8 McCUm, lion. W M Keels, 1 A s M Bradshaw. Hon. T. ?. Gour din and K.El.l'ittman were notiued among the attendants ut Court Moud&y. Another cur of goooWliiteCorii. W. I. Askiuf. Wanted, To trade a Ittsniii^'ou Hammerl?SIkiI (tllll^oea ) }mt m good Milk Cow. Applv at < !?>? lo Un a Box Nw. 23, lreot S. C. Just r?c?Tf>ii a cur load ot be* whi>? corn, 70 e?wtt pc* boi^veJ. JL /. Burr. Wo understand our town has i ' scooped in" $25 this week, being I the amount paid in for fines imposed by Mayor Kennedy. The town needi improvement, and this money wiP be profitably ex- ' pended. Althengh a Inrge number ol peoplo came to town this wsek, 1 they do not seem inclined to star ' any longer than possible. It is a ' ba?y timo with our farmers, and 1 they ?ee:n to realize the fact that ' their preseree is required at home just now. Uneot ?iltiamsourg s onginesi ( and most intellectual young la- , dies,in a letter to the editor, refers to The Record as 4*the old ( family favorite.*' We appreciate these kind expressions, especially when emanating from such a ; source, as the writer is eminently , capable of giving an intelligent , opinion. I A graat quanty of whisky has been drank in Kingstree this week, i We are sorry to note this fact, as it seems to indicate that whisky < drinking in Williamsburg county is on the increase. It may be < that ail the old topers take ad- ( vantage of court week to come to i Kiagstree to utank t?p,M which makes it appear that the habit is on the iucrea?e, or it may o* mai the imbibers are economiziii: and , drinking Muse X.M The dispensary is pretty well , represented here this week. A F H Dukes, member State board < of control; W II ilolloway, prose i rutins witness in the case against , F M Player; J K BUenna, chief < State constable; Geo 8 McCrarer, dispensary inspector; M II Mob , let, bookkeeper .State dispensary: | J L> Alsbrook, Sta.to constable. | and perhaps others^?** l.ere in j attendance upon the court. It ia wi:h feeling ot profound nor row that we chronicle the death : of Mrs. Jane H Wilsen, of the In- ; diantoWQ section, which sad event I took place in Charleston on Sat- < urdaj last at the home of her 1 daughter, Mrs. Freak L Taylor. s Mrs. Wilson was in her 79th year i at the time of her death, and was i a shining light ia her church for t many years. Mrs. Wilson has led 1 a useful lite and will be greatly missed in her community. Her I remains were brought up on 1 ? ? :j ..j L.. I sunaay 10 uio remuwnce ui net danfhter, Mrs. (Jotea Ervin, and ] laid to rest at the Indianlowu cem- t tery on Mondar. < Try a barrel ot our tioki Medal ^ Flour. None betier. W. T. As- , kin?. ( IVANTED?Everybody call t and inspect my new itock ol goods, j | which I propose to tell at a bar- j sain tor cash. I ran surprise you a aud please you?If you don't be- j liere it come and see for youraelf. Everything I otter is brand new -a i*st Jruf r latLc Wkv hnv nhl and 1 i ?WM UIOV v. I ?rv. Ml ?? ^ . n chain-gang. LeKoy Lee, ?*>?]? iras defendant's council. The State ti. Elian Williams, iliag Elian Brown, solored, house>reaking and larceny; not guilty. The State ra. August Gamble. Defendant plead guilty and was leatenced to three months on :hain gang or pay a fine of $40. The Statova. Robert Couuts and ['res Robinson, colored, murder. 1V\ F. Clayton, Esq., appeared for Jounts, and LeBoy Lee, Esq , was Appointed by the court to defend Bobinson. In this case the jury las been oat for several hours tnd no rordict on up to his (Wednesday} Afternoon. The JSfit# fa. llfrtfj Graham. rolored. PkaA df ??ihy entered md sentenced H bine months on thaiti-giingf. The ve. K. P. Koberson, vhr.e, obtaining gootlo sutler false pret#n*d4. Not guilty. Messrs. I. it. MeLaughliw and lloxie G. Asking were counsel for defen-' lent. The S'.aU vs. Larry Dick and 0 Boots Cannon, house breaking and | larceny. Dick plead guilty and ; received a sentence of eight! months on chain-gang. The Slate vs. F II Llodge, whit#, j aggravated assault and battery, j was under way when the court i took a recess at 7 o'clock this: evening. Messrs Gillaod and Kirk are attorneys for the defense in this case. The Stat# vs. Jehn T. Bryan, Jr? no! prosed. A true bill has been rendered in the case of the State against Frank M Player for breach of trust with fraudulent iutent. When this case was called for trial, the defendant being absent, his attorney, LeRoy Lee, Esq., explained to the court that j he had received information that: i his client, who is on bond, was j sick at his home, whereupon : Judge Watts by request of the so- J licitor,issued a bench warrant and > sent alter the defendant, not deetniug his excuse valil without the certificate ot a physieiun. II is Honor also instructed the sheriff to have Doctor j W. G. Gamble accompany him I to examine into Mr. Players condition and, if necessary, give hi**' the required certificate. Several hours later the sheriff returned with Mr. Player, Dr Gamble certifying that while Mr. Player*# vi J tality was somewhat reduced as a result of influenza, he did not I think it to tmneri! tllCi latter'* life or to jeopardize hi*! health. The case will be tried to-morrow morning. We learn that Mexori. Jack ?!cCIary and ? lianna, livingj near Epps pctoflice, were out : hunting last Saturday morniug and that Mr- Hanna shot at a rabbit and hit Mr. McClary, one ihof taking effect in the ere. Dr. Scott treated the ease, but is afraid to remove the shot for fear of losing the eye, ani advised Mr. McClarv to see a specialist. t ' Try our Chewing Tobacco at 35 I cts per pennd. W T Askina. If you want a Fiano or Organ write to B. O. Bristow, Darlington, S. C. i3k ? REA] *] nuin wh fund wel Im one y to xatixf and thie Jar dre: Hue of Suit (11 ?ml A poep These si and all I 1 so that jl w? arins ' I !j\ style V I // 1 Hnlo ; JrTu ii | are th.xi ! // ssyi I J union la :.PM nni illfs m RoatESTtn.224 Ki,,i %Co^ __ H\k Mall on I South Carolina Covernors. t Editor County iteeoid: Will you be kind enough to i publish a list oi the governors ot Carolina, beginning with the proprietary governors; then gi*e ns names of royal governors, and ? give uk the names of covernors Ilected by the pewple from 177*5 p to the nresent time, which , when published we believe will convey information that few know. Also dates and terms of office of each. South Carolina. [We will with pleasure give list as above in next issue. Ed. Record] LETTER TO MIL D. C. SCOTT, Kingstree, S. C. ? Dear Sir: The problem in your town was "How to get a good L. s Our Club Off*rs . The County Record and the Home and Farm oua year,$1.2*. The County Record and TUrioe-aWeok (New York) World one year, * o r fl.M. The County Record and Twice-aWoek News and Courier one year, $1.75. The Ctiaty Record and the Atlanta Constitution one year, $1.7a. The County Record and S?ati< Weokly Columbia State, $2.25. The Record and The Commoner (William Jonniug Bryan's paper), $1.75. DT FOB SPBING, 1901. lere is ono time in lhe year when a nt? to look unusually neat and fresh l-dreaaed. i*. la aprimr. And if thee* ear and one store more than another y this natural desire, it i* this year t store. We present to the particu j.ser of thin locality our new spring s, Hats, Neckwear and Underwear. of our last year1* spring suits, $!??. $12, we have marked down t* io. in our window will convince yon. lits are all hand-made bntton-hoion, :hc canvas in them are well shrunk, they will not lose their shape 00 ; them. and see tbe new celebrated spring DUNIi'M HAT, union made, at nt for this city. ur merchant-tailor dcnartmet. we nly concern in this city that will on ft suit of clothes from $1:1 to H* ?? k? nrilitn tuiinpy htivillff t?ft ?v ........ 0 JhjI or each suit. a: Mo Brown's 1ITE CL0IHIE HOUSE, ^ St. Opposite Academy of Music Chttrient.w, S. C ten* promptly ait*# de