Tip Cminio TUcarxI Pi BUSHED KVJEKY TBVR3DAY AT XKfGSTXKE, 8. C. S " J " L?L1 ! _ ? 11 C. W. WOLFE. "EDITOP ANV ri'.O. 'KiETC^ GEO. S. CARP A.-w>. .. \!?.>: .v wr? * "Zt. "....A. One copy. one year. - - (*n? eofsix ni*ntlH. - ~ - .SO. One cojiv, (hiiio nofttb*, - - .?.">. Hubsrfi')^iw,.> payable in advance. Ar>VKKTISl>Xi V.-VrfcS-:: Oiutr iuuU. ftrst insertion, $1.00; each ^jbseq^Hentinsertijcu. SO cents. Obi'te?rics .xn< Tributes, ?f Ucsprvt ever 10) Words charged f?r as tegular ail vert i?ewiciit.?. Liberal reduction on advertising made for three, six and twelve months' contracts. yjimt be ac,eoi??.tnied Vr tbc real n;?nif and address of the Writer in oyder to me ire attention. No aonuBtunuration of a personal nature * iLS bt publisltsd except as an adverse wnt. Addrcw all letters and make all drafts ^ to I Cs W. WOLFE, Kiu^tree, S.O. THURSDAY. MAKCH i4, 1901. j A WORD TO DELINQUENTS. We are revising our subscript tion list this week and sending out notifications to all on our books who are one yea* or more in arrears. We cau readily understand j how a person may neglect these; small aecounts, but when it isj remembered that theie are sever-! ,al hundreds of these small items. <-n our books and that the whole; aggregates a sum that we are very ! much in need otv we feel assured that our friends will use their ut-j most endeavor to have the matI 1er settled. Now, do not put it off' longer, but call in or reniii i?v mail at once and thus favor the paper that ba.s favored jroti. A guilt., if'you are not getting the p&perv we .shall be glad to receive with the settlement iuslcuctt ions, to, again place your nurne on our list. It would please us immensely to be able to send a tree copy of The IUcokd to eve^y home in the couqlyvas.we like to talk weekly 4.0 a big audience;, but we have no endowment fund, nor are we the possessor of a plethoric- pocket bookt.and it takes something like $75 or a month to defray our actual expeuses of conducting the paper. If every delinquent subscriber would come to our help !>v paving his subscription up to date, we should; be able to enlarge and alherwise improve the. naner. as ?* ?r I ?- I I ' ve have been long wanting, to do. IJave vo" ever thought of the fact that it lakes the profit from one paid up subscription to.oil-set one delinquent?. We have just about $200.00 owing us on subscription, and wc need it every dollar.. We have gone to the trouble and, expense of personally appealing to. every delinquent; now won't von.do your part and pay us what we luiye justly earned I -W .. The refusal of our national leg-, iglature to appropriate the snm of $200,000 toward a government building for, the loiter .State and West Indian Exposition,is beneath the dignity of congress and by no means in peeping wi'ii the spirit of llie time*. 'liore a united, peo pje and that sec I i una li sip has been buried. Ju. refusing the pittance ashed for, it shows that congress, if controlled by ?arrow?-niinded who emboldened by their - ! power, did not hesitate to show ! j their hostility towards South Car- j . oiina. However, we hope and believe I : that Charleston has "grit"' enough j i to marie (ho Exposition a success | without a government bui'ding. ; J ; :;rat;,"v?rig'j-deed t? note' v : enlerpi o.? nor. * "mat and broad-mm *d n spacers ot the! North and the West. Moreover, jCharleston is going to work in the j right way with an earnestness and ; fixedness of purpose that cannot but pave the way to victory. I j Senator John L. McLaunn has ! set at rest all doubt as to his political heresy bv renouncing his I allegiance to the Democratic parly and asking that his name stricken from the caucus rolls. Political apostasy is rare in South ! Carolina, especially among men | who have stood high in the party j and been honored with the high| est ofliee in the gift of the people, | as Senator McLaurin Has been. If Mr. McLaurin is conscientious ; in ilia conviction? it will be inconsistent for him to hold on to his joflice, as he no longer represents the people by whom he was i elected. Should be continue in oflice, in the circumstances, he i will stand self-convicted ot duplicity and deception and merit the contempt of honorable men ot both parties. The breaking up of the illegal jstocKade system in Anderson I county is quite a feather in Judge Benet's cap and the help given him bv the solicitor and the grand 1 . jury fpe.-tks well for the law-abiding citizens of Anderson. A great deal more fuss than neeeson, u:is made ahout the matter.! j since it seems that the neJarious | system of locking up a"d shackling i laborers like convicts wr as con lined , to four or live individuals. The exaggerated reports of the affair wnich have gone out creates an erroneous impression, and brings reproach upon the whole State lor the wrong-doing of a few lawless men. The admiratiou of her Southern | friends has received a sudden j check bv the announcement that I Virs. Carrie E .Nation has gone : I into the newspaper business with j ; h negro ?n the publisher. Her I ! paper, the "Smasher's Mail,1' is i tilled with such contributions as 'Letters from Help and other ; rather lutid productions. Meati| time she still puts her theory into | practice and continues to smash. BSB Bl ,'fl jfcjj JMKk Br** BR Family IVI Cough Honey. 1 w.j . Moneyam dciumuiik CURE. 1 Blood and Liver i i*"*"' Nerve Tonic Great Blood Cleansing Remedy for Spring.! Headaches. Constipation,"Tired." Nervous. Dyspepsia Cure jGolden Relief St. Vis' Dance i itk your Anvsrlit for Almaafcc for 1901 coj CoYUAcrUa of tUo -mitt TMu.rfca&c For Sale y. KROC 1. f El President Benjamin P. Harrison reported to he in a dyins condition, his tenure of life bein<; at best but a lew hours. He is ill at his home in Indianapolis sur rounded by his family and iilends. Doing;* at Dork. d? from'he am :;n* oi i..:. :s toeit;/ '-^d farmer? u: preparing lor nu unusually lt?rge cotton crop. Wagons and carts have been constantly ou the go for the past two months hauling fertilizers. While felling a tree a few days since Mr. F. M. Nesniith had the misfortune to cut himself seriously by the axe missing the tree and striking his leg just below the knee. We hope Mr. Nesmitk may soon recover from his painful hurt. St. Valentine's day passed off merrily here, the young folks having lots of fuu exchanging mementos of Hie season, the comic kind being mostly in evidence. Ur r J?' H rA/?bin! nn nf TtiHtan. town, favored us with the light of his countenance for a short while last week. Miss Agne? Tallevast. one of Dock's most popular vnung ladies, has returned homo alter an extended visit to relatives in Darlington. Mr. Jesse Tallevast visited Lake City one day last week. Now, I wonder from what stagnant poo! did ^Nightingale" imbibe his knowledge ofns holding claims agaiuirt the said estate Will present same duly attested to the undersign. T. E. KING, W. 11. KING, Mar. 7. 4t. Executors. Lost, Strayed or Stolen. One large white pit d 1 our.d Dog about two years old. Disappeared with block and chain. Libsral reward paid to finder. 7-14. F. KHEM&SOXS. For Sale. Th? llussrll Improved Rig Boll, Prolific Cotton Seed at sixty cents, (60c) per buidiel; or exchange tl re* for one. S. P. CUNNINGHAM, Indiantown, S. C. 7-14-21. ediciry^. For Coughs, CqJ^b, Grip, or "Cold" in ANTPART of body. < ? ? CotttokXi Mich.. Sept. i!7,1000. For a whole year 'Leonid do no work and walked oidy by holding on to a chair. I doctored with four UllTetont pnyalrluna but recutv??d no rollcf.v The uu of t wo bottle* of Dr. Fenner's Kidney and Bacltaoho Cure tcavw mo ft purfect euro. J. M. McKixxky. CrfiirfuNl l*o Pa.. Junfl IS. 1!)00. Three years apo I had a sever** attack of Erysipelas and blood t*>l>on, bronklnp out on my bead and face, My physician attended mo for several months without n*su!t. 1 thfti t?x>k 3 bottles of Dr. Fenner's Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonio and MCAir?*l a complete cur". Frank Uarkuak. . MlDULKltnlto. Ky., Sept. 7. ItOO. My wifo lies suffered loup with dyspepsia. 1 tried u^l of the pepsin preparations and ail of my own prixcrlptlons without avail. I finally tirescrlNsl Dr. Fenner's Dyspepsia Cure and the use pf it effected a cure. Many other similar cases that haf o come under my Observation have berii'-<*urcd by his J>yspe;>sls Cuisj. . Dr. F. S. 1jcua>?OPO. My Dear Dr. Fehner. Fredouta, N. Y? I have used Dr. Fenner's Golden F.ellef for many years for the diseases and accident's for which li. Is advertised and have found It fully equal to all you claim for it. J. BOYD ESPY, Presiding Elder M. E. Church. Used for Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Old Sotos, Sprains, Colds, Grip, Sore Throat, Colic, Dysentery, Bowel Troubles, it is unfailing. .Vkxou, OtAo, Jan. X, 1*00. N. rrtN*ER,TTrSlnnl?.X. T. u havr sntit putnjr Itovii" .?v * ??^ 1 H IJ J IF YOU WANT IT, 1 First,by purchasing your Horses, Hi Second*, in doing' that you buy chea i Third, you get better values for yoi nothing hut what we make gone xcmaiion. ! Wo have just received a car load of j OLINA BUtHHES, which we are ri a carload of the renowned one and we thank vou for yaur liberal p: ; you sood treatment in future busin< Nee Hawkins on Court House Sr Tliomas <2z KINGSTKEK, i ___________________ BARGAIN S j I FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAY; 8TOC SHOES' HA j Gents Unden j AND I AT GREATLY RE oome and be <"();> vincei) i a limited Always touts to Blease vv GREAT BAF OVERCOATS j CLOSING OUT CUR UNTIE j OVER I To Make Room j Trices Marked Down $2 t I Don't Let this I |Jalia Marlowe Shoes EVERY I'AIR ( ?hoes o! Eve Our. 1.00 Ladies S3 ALL LEATHEI GAGG, OLr Dealers in Gene ! KINGSTF | | ijwmmmmmmfnwmmrc ee The JSatiom I for 25 cer EE TO THE NKXT iOO SCRXCRIBl : ? WK WILL MAKE THIS M ? Send us and \re wil 1 g^ 52 times nnd the NATION* g-~ both for a roar. 'I he N g? cleverest up-to-date illns : gr published: regular subsc , g? The RECORD stnnd.^ for ai gg- sire in this section. ItM pi: gg- make it nn* of the best pap g~- Fearless and clean! Ritfb g~ familT newpapcr of VTilliarr gr t i??ti price is $1 00 a year: i SE 200 YEARLY STItSCRIPTIO |? AND NATIONAL M ; gJ: Sample copies way be fc j ? Record. Will you bo * or i^UmiiUiiUUliiiUliiiUUiUiUi V N I COME AND GET IT. 'JTffies Wagons and Hiirnw from >i?. per of ns than elsewhere, tr hard earned dollar*, a a we sell 1 if it does not come up to our repre- f the famous ROCK HILL and CAR- ^ npidly selling at cyclone pri< cs. ARo 'wo horse AUBURN WAGONS, itroange in tho paat, and promise ess. juare. He will treat you right. Bradliam, s. c ALE! rmwi'Mfi 5 I WILL OFFER MY IMMENSE K OF TS, PANTS. year A iAj Winter Goods EDUCED PRICES. OR THIS OFFER IS GOOD FOR TIME ONLY. ILKINS. HGAIN SALE )F? BBBS7 K LINE OF CLOTHING AND COATS for Spring Goods * 9 $4?Regardless of Coct. Chance go by. Battle Aze Shoes. GUARANTEED, ry Description. hoe is Guaranteed LOOK AT IT. m & co., ral Merchandise, *EE, S. C, i / Magazine 3 IS us a year 3 GRS TO THIS C'Of-NTY RECORD 3 M OSC SENSATIONAL OFFER: 3 m I aend you the RECORD 3 A T, MAGAZINE 12 times- -J ATIONAL is ??ne of the ^3 tr.ttod lOtFpage magazines ^3 riptlon price $1.0") Tli* II that in alive and prngres- ^3 in* f?T rhe coming year will ^3 *?ra in the State. Hon?st. ^3 t np to the minute! The ^3 lahurjr county. The sub^crip- ^3 / 1? announced shore we oiler -^3 N? OF BOTH THE RECORD 3 AGAZ1NE FOH 11*25. ^3 -hm e?a st the otflcc of (be :33 ic ot the 20O?M ^ liilliiilillI111|1illilllliill ^ # A i a