The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, February 14, 1901, Image 5

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I .M'-'r?.-. --.r frv V !T 1 B j, > *? ,1 <! t. V / . :1 5l{ <3 r Nobcx y knc vs rJj about it. Jinci r.ei'i:nr. now Known, \ m I i'.iwavf, cure V r , Doctors rry.^cotts iimui*;on ot lOct uvcr uu when . tlrjy think i: is caused by im] cri'j'. t ci'.vstion ui food. Von' con do th same, i[ , ... , ~*l? i.:U\ ( . :K.U. 1.0l LC '.<iiiSC(l hv tiuMaiiure of .-toir.ach and Lowe's t.> d.) their work. Ii' k it is. von will cure it; if not. you will clo no harm. The way, to cure a disease t j.:> to stoo its cause, and help r * the bodv <ret back to its habit [ ' "V-Lvf health. * When Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil docs that, it , . i,- r. r\r\ f i~ /lr\n f Ui u um it tivyn tj iu \u\six v cure. It never docs harm. jv" * ?TVj The genuine has f- this picture on it, tike tM^h\ i 00eihcrf / ;5>' / v 11 -cn *lsve not I /' tried it, send for free tj ' s .npie, itr. agreeable :. [' I 1 j taste will oi'rurise - y. I you* I ? t \ SCOTT ,v v - ; /aU^> ' ch. I acq Pear! 3'>.\ andSi.oo: aiiui. . F' v r , In Memsriam. Mis J'srtla S'ukim a A > ' j.-nis.j wfte oj L. W. Me* atit<, ?ii-; '??i tins ! fe .binu.?rv 2 ) ?. ; * ueel 5S vear?. Mrs * v i .?j i been a member of the *> ' list ; church 33 veirs, when . > ti-.'-J ! the was a member of ~ lai SvVlUIJ) Vi>'l hoJaSt cliUtf S?l? 1m l b tii married 34 vea?? m * Ifl^ ? -.even riii .' ??! two 'n?*nih< i<i 'he ?N\ c : ?r FOll I (litis b- 1. I lie ;t ut." cam- l??r wife aii'i mm >er, uflei an ): ness of one a ? ? hou? ? her ,-?ul took i' - fl irlii ; k to b * i<h I ?? - Crod win) i> A *\iv and devoted mo!* loving wit.-, a l.?ya! lrien i ia? a - goo i ne rubor has gone : her I rew. I A sin p iu Jesus, bleesed sleep, w * From which none ever wakes to We-p. ii her. farewell n other, " p. fcef"! b.- thy sileru res?,, Slumber -weetly, God knew best, When to call thee home to rest. Farewell mother. fan we'.1 >ther, "\Vt- in jst s/.y our last farew-11, Till .ve inetu bevond the river. Happy ther- with thee to dwell, F IKND. I Wood rSeeds I S are grown and selected with special B reference to their adaptability to ^ I so^ aU(' r*"15a'e the ^outb. H On our seed farms, and in our trial W S3 grounds, thousands of dollars are F B expended in testing and crowing Kg the very best seeds that it is poseiK blc to crow. By our experiments . K- u e are enabled to save our customK M ers much expense and loss from B' flf planting varieties not adapted to IT our Southern soil and climate. | Wood's Seed Book for 1901 & i? fully np to date, and tells all is about"the best Seeds for the South. It surpasses all other pub5} locations of its kind in helpful and I <3 useful information for Gardeners, n Truckers and Farmers. Mailed free. Write for it. I T. W. WOOD & SONS, : j Seed growers & Merchants. | RICHMOND, VA. I LARGEST SEED HOUSE IN THE SOUTH, j I , A i . v? f. o.r -to . A.i " if . Saturday.. 1 t-b. f? ist ' .Vn, S. C., nJr. K. L Lloyd, of (ifor^'town, S (?., and Vi-s Si^!er,ot Ho.Springs Ark ,*veie u f n t ed in marna:re. n< wedding was a wry quiet nlfair, only a few friends being present <\ :Ire ceremony, which took place the Episcopal church, Iiev. (J it. Johnson officiating. Mr. Lloyd is connected with the A. C. Lumber Co., of Georgetown, >.many friends in this, as v.eil k< in Georgetown county. i-s Sigler is quite n favoiit?? in G- urgetown, having resided hem i r some months with her sister, Mrs. B. 11. Henderson. 1 mmediately after the ceremony tiic bridal couple boarded l he out wing train to sj end several weeks vi>i:ini* Philadelphia and othei N >rlhern cities. tn Mcmoriam. Jntne- 1'. 1.ppe, who was killed i) - tiie unconp!i?g of a lumbei train on ihoGeorgetown railroad * n-s I lie oldest sou of I). E. Epps <ii Mouzons. He had two week: previously accepted a position o tiu%t willi 'lie Atlantic Coast Lumber Company, and white standing at bis po.-t of duty, mc it is untimely death. Endowet with good busine?s capacity, fu! oi energy and tact, he was sta> and support of 'he family. W< lever knew a more devoted son oi broi her.or t ruer friend. No wonder that so many shouid gat her ai hegrave tohor.or their dead Fend riv we extend ??ur sympathy 1? <o those left desolate, iu the strick en home, ami Tin Ding unt.;? Ch: i-1, who saith. Unto each Hiring soul, Have faith Through the voiceless hush of death. All the chasm clo?*i? and*. Span nine I>v His love that flows Freely for all human wo-*. A FKIEXD. 8tcps the Cough end Works oft" the Cold. Laxative Jiromo?Quinine Tablet' cure u cold in one day. No no pay. Price 25 cents. The needle always has an evt o business, and seldom fails Ic carry its point. You Know What you are Taking. When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tunic because the formula i? plainly printed on every botth show ing that it is simply iron anc Quinine in a tasteless form. N< cure, no pay. 50c. itself-praise is ail light when in ? j i verted in some gooa auveriisinj medium. To Cure a Cold in OneDay, Take Laxative Bronio Quinini Tablets. All druggists refund thi money if it fails to cure. E. VV Grove's signature is on each box.Sftc Fots o! good resolutions havi been bhattered by a singie"smile.' A powerful engine can not be rw with a vrNik boiler, ami we can't koo> up the strain of an active lifa with west atomach; neither can vre stop th human machine to make repairs. I the stomach mnnot digest enough foci j to kwp the boilys trong such a prepara i Lion as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure slrouli | be u*ed. It dijrest w^Ht yon eat ana 1 ' simply cnn't help but cio you good j Wallace A. Johnson. A dry book will scido.rj satisf j one's thirst for knowledge. Dr. Cody's Condition Powdsrs. Arc just what a horse needs when i bad condition. Tonic, Wood purifier ?n vermifuge. Tlicy are not food bu medicine and the best in use to put horse iri prime condition. Price 25 cte per package. For shIc bj' D. C. Scott How strange it is that only sen sible people agree with you. -?? /7U Thle fclBrnrtfuTr la oe every box of the gomiia Lax^t;v e Bromo-Qinitiae Table*. , the rone*? ibxt ?mii a eetd la one dl/ I r -rtiKWMYMMIMMMI . X*??IWW wm ? I?I *,w *X ~TT?*K yrr-v. jr.- ' '' >; -,V ' * HSSsJETOi i V v'-SJ. ^vr:f ' - *' Ic vw^ ^ yp*%0w r i&s^A V I i Questions 'Mf for Women \\! j C\J Vv \\ Arc you nervous? VV [Vy Arc you completely exhausted? W Dj yo;i suffer every month? H you answer "yes" to any of E I these questions, you have if!s which ? j Wae of Cardui cures. Do you ;f . appreciate what perfect health would it ! b: to you? A'ter taking "vFine ci N i Cardui, thousands like y -i have real- e i , feci it. Nervous strain, !n? of sleep. ? I I cold cr indigestion starts menstrual g j disorders iL.t arc not noticeable at ft 1 first, but day fcy day stead ly ~row 6 I into troublesome complications, wine f? ! ; of Car dui, us.d just oefore the men. I strcal period, vrlli keep the female R system in perfect condition. This 8 | medicine is taken quietly at home. P There is nothing like it to help L v women enjoy good health. It costs ? j or.!y $1 to test this remedy, -which Is tj ; ? endorsee by 1,000,000 cured women. H ! I i n Mrs. Lena T. Frieburg, East St. Louis, K j I* y * tin a ik:W ^ ( woman, hy reason of mv ase of Wine of 5 I , Cardui oivd ThedforcTs (Hack Draught." tj | | In eas.'< r";ulrit.z npocinl directions, ail- S I dreis, it's- "vcjr.toriH/'Thc l?id!cs'I j . rv in jemrveut." ! he Chattanooga Med?* ? . ; clae Co.. Ch:.ttMu<>og8. ';cnn. j The (tent is! m.iy not be able to I fill a lone-felt want, but bf can . I nchitifc void. * j T.ike bad dollars. all counterfeits of r | He Win'- w itch Hazel S.ilveare worth.! teas. The.oripnal quickly cures piles, , ! sore* and ail skin diseases. Wallace & i Johnson It's a poor article that can't pet ! a testimonial of sotre kind. Recent experiments show Unit nil | eludes of focds nmy be completely di; itesteci r?y a preparation calied Kodnl ! Dv-per-sia cure. which absolutely di) greets what ion cat,. As it is the only j combination of ali the n itu-al ciiges: rants ever devi?ed. the demand for it j has become enormous. It has never i failed to cure the very worst case? of ! indigestion and it always gives inaUuit, I relief Wallace & Johnson. The bank-wrecker may be bail< ed out, but the bank usually sinks. For the weakness and prostration following <*rinne there is nothinir so prompt ai.d effective a* One Minute ) Cough Cure. This preparation is highly endorsed as an unfailing remedy for all throat and lung troubles h:u! its early use prevents consumption I: 4 was made to cure quickly. *j College men never graduate in ?! a hurry?thev do i! br degrees Exports show a greatly increased ! death yate from throat and tung troubles, " j due to the pr-valence of croup, pneul raonia and grippe. We. ad rise the use of One Minute Cough Cure in all of these difficulties. It is the only harmluGa nunoH tr f K ! t rriVnU immAdiutii er>au 1 tc ^ J Children like it. Wallace & Johnson. ij The proof of the pudding is Ihe i. j empty dish alter dinner. if There is always danger in usijg j counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. The original i* a safe and cer11 t?5n cure for piles. It i* a soothing at d p i healing salve for sores all skin di-esaes. a I Wallace & Johnson. | _____ f Some men mind their own busif j! ness, while others employ *a priI vale secretary. r: Person* who can. not take ordinary I i pills find it a pleasure to take I >e Witt's '; Little Early Risers. Tncyare the best j litt le liver pills ever mad?. Wallace & i Johnson. i I he juu^e never si's on tho ijur, but frequently calls tho at| torneys do?-n. " Millions of people are familiar v^ith ^ De Witt's Little Early Riser* and those who use them fintithem to he famous little-liver pills. 2?ever tripe. Wallace k Johnson. The book that is not worth reprinting in time a rare literary cariosity. The Best Prescription tor Malaria. Chill* and Fever is a bottle of ? Groves Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinie in a tasteless forwL Nocnt;p? no pay. Pr c^ae. . f ii w m. tt v??rirw? ?7e arc Still lead im Ml MISS A$D TSIU.MIR'03 ?ALSO? SILKS, LACES, RIBBONS, ^ ^v? J ' A Ft:!' T : ie of Fine 2v?illine: Still Headquarters for Toys and Christr Full Flock ol Reynold's ?2, i?2 50 and Con ntr. Please c?U and ?ct prices, We will Stack ley's C, =~" ~ ii Bli1 Ml I IV! Li 1 M. F* HE Z!ing,3tiee, if yon want a good Horse. Mule, P?u me. Select stock always ou hand. Will s Have on hand a house frill of ( BUGGIES, and within thirty dars will re< Everything sold at rock bottom prices TiBifc! Geo. T. Burn i PRACTICAL TIN. COPPER AND lia and Harto, Gsskin Leave your Tobacco Flues orderScoti a drug Slore. GEO. T. BUS] Sept 8 tf JsrmArvi.Qnr's i^UJJVJL V 1WUJ. U Claims Auc \ < W The following claims were audited and :i December J11, 1901: No. Claim lu whose favor 257 Cuosar Chandler 2.')S Vf H Moore 250 J J H Moutgoraerj 260 Winslow W right 261 Winslow Wright 262 W V? Matthews 26 1 .1 B Leu)"iif 264 W FI Ea wards 26? W B Mc< ants 266 H J B. l tield 267 (.ortdy & voker Ji(H \V T YV ilk ins 269 II M Burrows 270 .1 S Mcl.'litm 271 R H Kellehan 272 1> E MeCutcken 272 X 1> Lcspsne 274 County Kecord 275 H D. Keddiok 276 H D Reddick . 27S J J B Montgomery 270 J H V Gaskins 380 .1 W McCutohen 281 8 A Dozier 232 J B Dozier 283 Yf V Rrockinton 234 W V Brockiuton 285 W T Sporai 286 W II Edwards 287 W H Edwards 238 HG Timrnnns 180 CK Wheeler 200 r 1) Cocktietd 201 K M .Smith 202 J J 14 a una, J r, 203 J T Eaddy 204 J M Sacluj 205 I>J r. pps * 2H6 297 G L >aul* 298 1) F Edward* 291) .) I) Ilaseldeu 800 U C rars?ns 301 J >1 Nexscn 302 ./ >1 Nexsou 303 Wallace & Johnson 8o4 aliace & .1 onn.soil 305 R A Kellehnri 303 Boyd & Lewellcn 207 U MoLenriden 303 T I) Gamble 3u;> .1 T Eaddy 310 .1 K Broekinton., 311 J K Howie 312 LrRov Lee 313 C W tVoir? 314 J J B Montgomery 315 X M Vcniert 315 111> Rollins 317 It I) Rollins 813 R D Rollins 319. II M Burrows All of which Is respectfully "submitted. B. B* UHi To be concluded we ; " . ! GOODS. TO MATCH. * "ELVETvS - 1 OTIONo ETC.. < r3T G- ocd-3. m nas Presents. $3 Shoes?ihe best in the . save you money. iisli Store, isle Mir i GGIES, WAGONS, ' i BESS, El'C. ERY A SPECIALTY, , ; l . . "I 5 FP . L* Wt> La. is J - - - SO f'O*' mm ggy, Wagou or Harness, call on 4,"^j iell for cash or approved paper. COLUMBIA -and HACKNEY ceive forty more. ? ! and guaranteed. ? mi IBS HIS. 1 Florence, S. C, JS SIIEKT IRON WORKER. I and Hsafing Stoves. . w?th M. L. Allen at Dr. D. C OITTE, FLORENCE, S. C. ,T Notice, '?m . , V1 lited. ,-m fflcc of Countr Supervisor.) illiarasbure County, Kingstree, S. C.) ^'V.J itfowed during the quarter ending Amount Amount Claim d Allowed 3u*W &?.t& l i &2 18.00 18 Oo 'd.h 6.23 PL;.. * ?* ?*< 18.84 16-8-1 i , ' t-M 11.50 11.50 lOvi.00 200.00 | , JH 3 K T '? 18 <"> 18 Til 18.7 ) 08 24 08 24 ^^$9 tfO 62 :j0 64 4205 * 42 03 4 U0 4 00 14 50 14 59 4 ' >0 4 00 5o 04 50 00 0 ov 6 01 So yo 50 00 lr? 0") ?.4* 00 13 60 13 MO , i 5 50 5 5tf ? .?. ? 1(5 W IB '* ? * 7iW :>oo 5 ('0 5 00 y " ^ ;{oo 3 00 27 4.* 25 00 ggB r? -o ?00 ^-fe Too 7 50 10 0!) 10 0.) ' V" 345 3 45 1*7 00 127 00 ' oO Ou SO 00 < 10 00 lO oo t \n 5 50 ' 25 CO 2o OJ m <*.; l>0 45 OJ W, 12 50 15 50 12 50 12 50 37. 50 37 50 * 45 00 4-.UJ < 1.3.43 55 1,3 >3 5? , ' &{ 1150 K 5* J . ? \NDLKK, County SupcfrlaMU, Xl *rt*k. . - .