1 \ - : . " * ; i f . - % V()f XVII. KINGrSTREE, S. C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1001. NO. 7 _ . I ??i "HI! I TW ??* ? ^c"?r.t.uuu>jL war. ,< ??< ) i I'm ??B??x " *' 1 1 ' ?i^J'n nitii?iu?n.nmw ; i.i.f ctiuu I'jra^i n i?i.mi?w?! Positively Ho Hew Display Adv rtisements Will be Received, cr Old Cues Changed, Later Than Tuesday Morning. i1 HI IIS lit 1M. AFFAIRS CAUGHT DY OUR lOCAL Riit-'ORTErt AND NOTED. WKtt.v r Condensed 5-orm and Printed jo Like Manner for the Sake of Oar Busy Readers. i he femion board rnel Monday. ?.'ole change in auditors notice . Court does not convene here tilt j the tlni Monday in March. ! VV T Wi .Ir-ns has soraethine ! nrrv to say in hits *;adr." this week.j Head it. 'Vh. ro stilt seems to be sotne doubt as to the legality ol our next grand jury. I Cm ti. bacon, flour and provisions; o( aii kinds are gradually gaining\ in value each day. j *ir> Charley Porter, no?v loca'edj iii FlOh i c:*, spcnl Sunday in towii ] Ttsiling Iiis mother. Mr Louis (illland and his friend.Mr. Kichardson, both from South Carolina College, spent Sunday in town We are pleased to see on our streets again Mr. P. B. Thorn, who has been quite sick of la grippe. Mr*. Praerieand Miss Jacobs, ol Albany A. V., stopped over in Kings tree las week and were ihe i j>ae.?ts oi.?r and Mrs Louis Jacobs. J This is St. Valentine's dav. and 1 there is to be a Valentine party i at Mrs. Cliandl r'e to night, which u ill eclipse anything of the kind i we have had in many days. Mr. Pi aerie and wife, of SnmtiT. ] v spent st vera I days in town last week, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs. Mr Fraerie expects ii\ n lew weeks ii> open the kotel (here lo:mer!v run by Mr. Jorvey. Dr. W. L Wallace has bought the Heiler lot running from the couit house square toNelgon street, lie intends building a law oflice on the same for his son, K. K. Wallace, E?q ,Dr Wallace is one ol the largest hearted men in this county. Messrs. M. F. Heller & Co, are selling horses now at the rates ot a car load a week. Only two weeks ago Air. Heller returned Irorki tlie West witij y# head ami we understand thai he leaves lot the far West again about next Saturday to bring several car lets more to supply the increasing demand. Nice line of up-io date shoes. 1 he kind thai *vil 1 wear. W 'i A skins. Sheriff sale still going for 30 days longer. We have received fic-ii: the sheriff of Wayne county another large stock of Dry goods, J floihing. Shoes. Men's and Ladies' ^ Hat-*. which ^ be sold a? 50c on ihe ii #i?t*. Calicoes. check honiespuu. yard-wide cottons wort h G and will go at 4c h yard: Worsted wot:h 25?, going at 12.1c a yard; Men's Shoes worth going at $1; Ladies Shoes worth $1 50 and $2 going at 74r; Hats and Clothing going at 50e on the dollar. Come everybody and examine our stock before buying elsewhere. You will rave (into and money by doing so. South Carolina Bargain House, opposite lielieCs ?!abi?s. Kings! ree, S. C, i Mr. Monty Clarke, ot Stales vide X. t\, spent Sunday in town, i Mr. Clarke is no stranger in these ! p:?ris. Ivi win M. Hirsch. Ksn , one of I # 1 (Iv tags tree's promising young lawi vers, was in Florence Monday on ; professional business. Lynn Fuiton, a negro living in i !?? ? I'Vnnnflit iiMnd .*vitIIr(1tfV | nipht white walking quietv oil one i ol' our stroe! I Miss t'aline Wentherly,ofK?u: netisviile, now teaching at Cade?, spent Saturday and Sunday in town visiting Miss Louise Gilland. T K. Arrowsmith, of Georgetown, paid Kingstree a flying visit Mondav. He came through the * country and sold about 20 head of block on the trip. i Messrs. Isaac and Theodore, ! fc* 11 ?* ? M ? t ? " W ? j otiiuiiion. sons Oi Mr. iieniV oolo I men of Suniier, spent Sunday in town visiting their father who has been quite sick at the home of Mr Louis Jacobs. Wo are glad to report that Mr. Solomon is better, and hope he will soon be well ' u II o t II On Sunday Mi. W. T. ^'ilkins'' children had the pleasure of meet: iug their great jjrand lather, Mr. : R. K.' Unpins, of Foreston. Mr. iimollis is about S5 years old, and ; mores around almost, as spirightlv I ias a ruan of 50. The writer trusts J that he may live to see his lOOlli j l)irth day. ! Wr. W. B. Oliver, of (lagy, Oli! rer it Co.. has sold out his inter lest in I lie firm to Mr Gaeg, and j intend* in a ew days to leave lor ! Virginia, where lie will engage in i i business. Mr. Oliver has made | many Iriends here who will regret his departure, nn 1 wish him success in Ins new Held of labor. Our eilicie.nl mar?hail, Mr. F' 11 Myers, seems to have taken e\jcepion at car allusion to his i house hist week as tile I'hiiadeli phin Hotel. We regret lliat he j has thus misconstrued what was jment as a mere pleasantry and | hereby tender our most humble j apologies tor mentioning his house Ut all, promising not to so oil'eud : in iuture. During the past few days we have noted the presence in our city of the following gentlemen; J << Re!!, IVidiantown, J N Sauls, Cades, Ed and George Hemingway, Rome, W L Rass and Ji \V Jones, i Lake City, J no M Cooper, Inriianj town. E li Eaxiey, Lambert, Ed, l Sailer?, and others whose names 1 have escaped our memory. Onion b'ets by the barrel], W i 1 Askins. IVANTED?Everybody to call : and inspect my new stock o? goods, which I propose to sell at a barjgain lor cash. I can surptise you 'and please you?It you don't be1 iievo it come and see for yourself, i Everything 1 offer is brand new and first class. V-'hv bHy old and j shop-worn goods when you can j get them fresh and new as cheap jorcheapei? Yours for business, j W. V,7. Grayson, Kir.gstree, C. Just received a car load ol best white corn, 70 cents per bushell, L. J. JSarr, t. VJ \y. \ Mr. and Mrs. iloxi? Askins, o! Lake City, spent xeslerday in town. On yesterday morning tho dispensary doors were thrown open. Mr ! W Coward is now disoen i | ser. Mr. (too. S.McClary, of Laurens, has been in town several days checking up and aranging dispensary matters. Mr. Sammie Myers has gone in jewelry business with Mr. K. K | Wallace. We wish these two young ' men abundant success. The cotton market does not seem inclined to rise, as we were in hopes it would 'o in January and February, 0 cents is about the highest being paid lor it here. We understand that Mr, R. II. Kclleban expect? iu a few weeks. I lot) ii!tu two tie ft' stores betw6eii. Hellers stables and IheGagg. Oliver co; ner. We understand, that the hot supper at Mr. R E Burgess' home on Friday night last,given for purpose of buying an organ lor IJetliel! church was a grand success, they! having received nearly SO dollars I during the evening. One cuke j was voted to Miss Lilly McEiveen as tlie prettiest and'anoll.er to Miss Maggie Kellers, as the most popular young lady present. We received a pleasant visit Monday trora two one-armed veterans, Messrs. W. D. i'arsons and ! Robt. llanna, of the JulinsHnvi'le! J section. Although past liic-ir lirsi ; ! youth they can still get aboci' I with vigor and activity, as is befit-j ting men who wore the gray, lliev are good friends both oj The Recokd and its editor, and their! visits are always welcome to us. j Missrs. Thomas ifc Brndhnm have! ijiist received another car load ol hhe Famous Anchor Busies, I which are being sold at cyclone! i price?, dome vnd get one. I Cox Cotton R'unlers and Acme j j Guano Distributers, cheap. \V T Askins. LETTER TO MIL J. 8. McCUL LOUGH, Kiagstree, S. C. Dear Sir: It is a liberty we take in addressing this open letter to yon;; we feel that you will pardou tis. fori you are iu a position to quickly prove I our sincerity and good intentions through the the Coiuinercial Agen- j cies, all of which rate our capital1 and reputation highly. We wish to ; make a present of "paint" to you or ! any other property owner, who in-1 j tends jointing; tiiis Sjn ing. Tell us; dimension of buildings to be painted j and bow many coats, and we will quickly advise as to the number of; gallons we can donate, suggest some hand ome combinations of colors and explain why I- & M. Paint out-wears j i w bite lead. We've beeu making this ; paint 30 years; sell 5 million pounds annually, have 3,500 agencies; tasiest way to secure new agencies is to exhibit several well-painted houses in the merchant's town as lasting testi-! nionials. THIS EXPLAINS THE GENKROSiTY OF Ol'R OFFER. Trusting that you will communicate wtth us. We are, very truly. liOngmau & Martinez, Paint Makers. 207 Pearl St., New York City. Try a barrell of our Gold-Medal Flour the acme of excellence. W T Aaskius. \ ffasfo'si $ m fSf fa a $ 8 * tiV <1? Bp" its H d* fci* L,' IMMI iPlali^ii -AT|0^ A T5SSE23ERSE3Z&2IZ32 In order to reduce our stock before are determined to give the people som to your advantage to come and .see us your dollar go ?nuch farther than itev An ohwolnfo cm mrunfoe m?e? with p cold just as represented. We haven't think this will he interesting to you. 11-4 California Blankets, firmer 11-1 California Bankets, former i 11-4 All-Wool llla:.kct?, former Sateen Comforts, elegant quality Sateen Comforts, former price 3. Sateen Comforts, former price 2.' Vv hite Bedspreads, foimer price White Bedspreads, former price White bedspreads, former price C'Oc and GOv' Silks reduced to 29c, Ally ttf oar Outings, former pr.et You can have 14 varus "Fruitof 4-4 Bleach that sold at 7c, now 5c Kid Gloves, all shad; s, $1 quality at J?! Tkere never was a better time to buy DRESS t We think ths following; prices will con The$1.25 kind at89c 'i'he 75c kind nt G8c The 35e kind at 25c, and TOWEI.S?A household necessity?l 12'.j pair, at 7Lc ; Linen Towels Towels, large, formerly 50c and t LADIES SHOES?Fine quality, math $2.50 and $:>, now $1 90; E i>y am and $1.75, now $1.35. A word to our gentlemen ?Yiends a hoc savinghore of oO to h ) pe, cent. We sold at $350, 4, 3 and J; your choice $3. Our ltue of latest Stiff and Soft Hats they Inst -i We could quote further, hut the above can save money by going to Isear's Clear George tow Remember thi is loiiiuj'eaii uiioru au mias una. MODS. : vinee you: t The .$1 kind at 79c ' The50c kind at 39c :'.ll th.110c and 12\?c kind at Sc 'otton Towels, former!v 10c and . formerly 25c pair, at 19c; Linen jO.- juiir, at 45c. ?to wear and dressy, former price 1 comfortable, former price $1.50 it trousers. There is a positive have about 2#K> pairs trousers that i that sold at $2 and $2.00, while ;ioo. will ffive you an idea of how you ance Sale, , j n, S. C. in only. charged during this sale. Our Club C filers . The County Record and the Home id Farm oneyenr.#l ?5. The County ittvord and Thriee-alafilr / Muiv ViihL-i Vv'url/l l HI ? VA:! : r CUI\ y*'V tl 1 V* H / ! UiiU VUV J V??a ? .66. The '"ounty Record ami Twice-areek News and Courier one year, ^ .76. The County Record and the Atmtu Constitution one year, $1.76. 'i'h( C' unity Record and SeniiI'eekly Columbia State, $2.25. The Record and The Commoner A illiain Jenniutf Bryan's paper), 1.75. < Must go Eegsrdless of i Cost. i rt"; a flpniifinnffl Mn\ l?n lNl\ J mill iiiUilnlflu) I DOWN' Sit I'KK CKXT BELOW a'm v rir v ("\ i j: us ( {)ST. n't wiili u; carry any over to next season. liedn-Mon in all oar Winter \ V * I'lKlerwea *. raiid Shirts in a need clown to :>Sc. XT.iVED? f Sprlrig S^aps, Voung Bat. t S'5 union made hat in this city. Ap-ni- for Hamilton ('arharrt, r Overalls, $1.00 i>er suit, and frouse rs. ze- of Klark Cat Brand Stockings u tvuts ?;cr pair. Mo Brown's ilE CLOW HOUSE, >t. Opposite Academy of Music C harleston, S. (J promptly a11?? tied to. _ v ^