The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, February 07, 1901, Image 8

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' * ii ciyptt I In charge of W. L. BASS, Esq. v 11 ' ? Mr. Buck Ward's residence oil Jones Street is goin?; upright along. W. L. Bass, Esq., and Mr. W. E.' -Severance spentFriday in Florence. I>r. T. It. IFinnant returned liome Friday from a visit to flie "Old \ortb State.1' Mr. A. X. SutclifTe. of Charleston, lii< ilfinohtpr. Mrs. .I. (]. I- * ir?? . 1*1?> !??.? ~ " Fulmore. Mr. L. II. Koper went up to Flor enee Friday and the Florence Iron Works to do some repairing on an engine. Senator A. H. Williams came home Sunday and remained over until Monday night, when he returned to Columbia. Mr. L. D. Timmons, one of the most substantial and highly respected citizens of the Friendfieid section of Florence county, spent Thursday incur town. Mr. W E. Severance has purchaa 0(1 a lot on Main Street just west of Mr. J .1 Morris' residence. He will build nil welling for himself in the early spring. M. J Hirsch and LeRoy Lee, Esqrs.,appeared before Magistrate (iaskins :t few days ago represontingone Benjamin McClani who was charged with selling property under lein. They put uu a hard fight for thei: client. Acline Avenue has been laid out up to Lake Street, and the roadway and sidewalks have been built between Main and Valley streets, t Aeline (pronounced ack-line) is the new name for Railroad Avenue, which sounds too much like a flag station lobe appropriate to a growing, live town. Aclioe is formed by taking the initials of thy first two words and the lust word of Atlantic Coast Line. The Latin verb niuo lias about seven hundred variations, while the English love has only six. Nevertheless a young trail of our acquaintance (he is a good manipulator if he does repeat syllables when nervous) has managed to make only one of those six variations .(first person, singular?very singular?number, indicative mood, present tense, emphatic)encompass the earth, for he says she is all the world to him. Commercial fertilizers arc coining to this place in very large quantities. The side track from the station honse to Main Street presents a line of cars day after day. As soon as one is emptied another takes its place. The wagons form an interesting and lively spectacle. Yet in the thinking mind apprehensions will arise. It were a waste of time llJUiiei U WIMU <m Mauaiii; \/? * tt? interpose ? feeble, ugo slow," but we can not keep from wondering if regrets will be reaped next fall, Mr. X. Myers Graham, Jr., of Scranto-i, and Miss Kva Andrews, wf Bethel, X. (J., were united in marriage at the Baptist parsonage, bake City, on January :10th by Rev. T.J. Rooke. Immediately after the ceremony the young couple board* ed the south bound train, followed by the wishes of a number of the friends (?fthe bridecroom who had gathered to speed the departing lwain. Mr. Graham is a son of our sheriff and is well known and highly esteemed in this town. During the year 1000 Magistrate Gaskins turned over to the county treasurer from fines &l*>4.20 and sent prisoners to the chain-gang who served an aggregate of 360 day*. We are inlomied that this record far, far exceeds the combined showings of all the other nine magistrates of thceouuty. For this service Magistrate Gaskins receives the beggarly salary of $75. We knew some magistrates in other counties who are much inferior to \Shoat-" Gaskins in ability and in conscientious discharge of duty,but are paid three or four times as much for their services. This is not as it should be. The brick manufacturing plant of which we wrote some weeks ago, is beginning to loom in sight. We understand the gentlemen interested in forming the company Jiave about agreed upon terms and will soon have matters in permanent shape. In order to settle upon the exact location for the plant they have sent clay from different points around town to be tested, and will build where these tests show the best clay. Blind tigers lrivo seemingly si bout gone out of business in tin's section. During the hist two months there bus been less evidence of drinking than at any other time within two years. There are several theories for this falling ofF i?i bottle tilting, among which may be mentioned the aetivityof the eonstables, the attitude of the council and the closing of the Kingstree dispensary. Which is nearest the tree cause we are not prepared to say, tui of this we are certain, that there bus been u considerable fall inp off in public drunkness und that j too at the very season when the n.se1 o?" liquors is usually greatest. Representative J. Davis Carter spent Saturday and Sunday it 1inm<> PiV thr> wuv it was with feelings of pride and gratification that we noted his vote on I the education hill. Mr. Carter is! not a college bred man, but lie is a I man of sound sense ami good judg-! ment and be realizes that the great-1 est need of our .State is good com-! 111011 schools, and lie is ready to lend j his aid to any move that will tend ! I to improve the miserable system j ; we now have, if it be not irony to 1 j designate such a farce as a system. Mr. Carter voted with the losing i side, but lie voted right, and on the ! child labor bill he was where we | expected him to be. I Some negroes are giving considerable annoyance in the Gaskinsj neighborhood. There are at least j throe in the hand. The swamp and j ? T If If /!.. I orancnes near .Mr. .j. n. \. urasKins j seem to be the headquarters and: lurking place. They come out in j I the fields near these swamps and* j frighten the hands ut work away j t by threats and menaces. At night, i I singly or together, they visit the j | houses in the neighborhood and' annoy the men and trighten the; 1 women and children with all sorts | . of pranks, such as throwing bricks j land pieces of wood against the : h uses, peeping in windows,beating ! I trees, etc. They have, it seems, | tried to break into one or two | houses, and have been disturbed in the act of trying to steal turkeys, etc. In these and various other ways they have the neighborhood ; in a turmoil and feeling against I them is running high. It is not imI probable that the outcome will be I serious. Even petty annoyances j may be carried beyond .he point of endurance. TO THE DEAF. A rich lady cured of dcafne-s and noises in the bead l?y Dr. Nicholson's! j Artificial Ear Drums gave $10,000 to his Institute so that ileaf people unable to procure the Ear Drums may have them free. Address No 11963. | the Nicholson Institute, 780 Eighth j Avenue, New York, U *?. A. When a train ot thought tries to pass through some men's brains, j it gels ditched. A FRIGHTFUL BLUNDER. "Will often cause a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise. Bucklon's Arnica Salves, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures fever sores. Ulcers, bolls. | corns, all skin eruptions. Best pile cure jou earth Only 25c a box. cure guar-) an teed. Sold by Wallace & Johnson, druggists. _ A man ? ho breaks his word isn't necessarily a liar?peibups lie si u Iters. WORKING DAV AND NIGHT. The busiest and mightiest little thing! j that ever wa< Dade is I)r. King's New j Life Rills. These pills change weuk-i j ness into strength, listlessncss into enj ergy. brain fag into mental power. [ Tiiey it* wonueriui in ouiiniug up me 1 health .Only 25c per box. Sold bv Wal~Tee &o hnsui. A consistent man can't he a prohibitionist and a spiritualist at the same time. A NIGIIT OF TERROR. , "Awful anxiety was felt for the wid ow of tl ebrave (Jen. Burnluim, of Ma- j ! chins. Me., when the doctors said tliej J doctors said she would die of pucuino- J ; nia Ik rore morning."' writes Mrs. s.II. j | Lincoln, who attended her that tear-. ! ful night, Gut she-begged for I)r King's I New Discovery, which had more than : once saved her life and cured her of !consuRption. After taking she slept J all night* Further use entirely cured her." This marvelous medicine is . . - - .. ... .. ruaninrceu iro euro mi rur?ui., ciicm i ' and Inny diseases. Only 50c and $1. 1 Trial bottles free at Wallace & John-i son's dmg store. | Tlie new prison building in the! ! penitentiary is be one ol ; i the b-sl in the South. Ills builii joj'granite and lias 280 cells. STOOD DEATH OFF. E. RMunday.a lawyer of II?*nriotrn., Texas, once tooled a grave digger. lie : j says: "My brother was very low with | malarial fever and janmliee. I per-! , sttaded him t<> try electric bitters, and 1 j he was soon much better, hut continued i their use until he wa? wholly cured. ' I am sure Electric Ilitters saved his jlife.'* this remedy expels malaria,: kills disease germs and purities tiiej 1>I()(k1r<1Us digestion, regulates liver, kidney and towels, cures constipation. dyspepsia, nnvous diseases, kidney troubles, female complaints; gives jK-rtcet health. Only 50 cents at Wallace ?t Johnson's drug store. Unprecedented Tr?l,, ~ I v tij. ut; i Quick sales and ready cash aie , more desirable now than profils. We're willing to CUT FHICES on our surplus slock ot WINTER SUITS AND OVERCOATS to hasten their departure. And our Clothing is the kind that pleases men and boys. It is good ; to look at and good to wear. We j still have a splendid assortment ( to select from. I Big Reduction in Boys' Overcoats. inn j vishi Corner Kin# and llasell Streets, CHARLESTON, S. C. ? Mail orderg tilled at me reuucea prices. u mi Hsi! My Stock of DRY GOOD , GROCERIE. HATS, SHOES, and NOTIONS Is oppn for your inspection at the store formerly occupied by W. K. Funk. Kvery article is fresh and new, and selected with j:reat care. 1 I lw> i i am unci umii ni.^wm ? hm early buyer gets ;he ehoice. Don't delay, but call at once. I oiler you good* you want, and i he prices are right. W. A. WE, KING ST REE. S. C. f BARR & CO. Merchandise Brokers, KINGS!REE, S. 0. Respectfully solicit orderc for CORN, OATS, IIAY, FLOUR. BACON", COFFEE, MOLASSES, TOBACC, &c. All kinds of Groceries at Wholesale. We can save ytu money, Try us. The man who teels like a kins I at nielli, usually feels like the I deuce next morning. In the editorial comment on cur I rent ? flairs in the February Review of Reviews, J he death 01 Queen Victoria and the accession i of King Edward, as the over-! |shadowing events of the past! month, demand first place. Ex celleut portraits of the lamented , Queen, the new King. Queen Alex j andra, and other members of I he j orilish royal family ,u,c?mp?ny| the The editor analyzes the j remarkable influence of Victoria, as a sovereign reviews her long and splendid reign, and points out the elements of strength and stability in the monarchy as it will be administered by Edward VII. I higher, wsmm coMr^1 'A'e rise abov? competition on Horses and Mu Buggie ?ou LIVERY DEF Is Complete with New Turin J. L STUC1 Lake Oil No Comfort Without COMFORTABLE THINGS! You will bo perfectly comfortable if you try my Mince Meat, bulk and canned; Plum Puddings, Jams,j Jellies, Preserves; Pickles in hulk j and glass; Raisons.Oitron, Currants, j \ntsand Confoctionaries. Complete line of Teas, Coffees & Spices, j (Highest Grade.) FERRIS IIAMS & BREAKFAST] BACON. California Picnic Ham*, No. 1. Bloated Mackerel, Mullet, Bloaters, j Smoked Halibut. CRACKERS AND CAKES, ENGLISH FRUIT CAKE, In tins of 1,2, 5 and 10 pounds each, j Crego's Eigh Grade Butter, j Fruits, Vegetables, Cigar* and! Fireworks. C. L, FORD, Georgetown, S. C. Mailorders promptly attended to.! I HIESCH & EIE3CH, AUorneys-at-LawKINOSTREK. - - - S C. j I have thi* day associated wirlime1 my son Edwin L. Ifirsrh. under the firm name ot Hirseli & Hirscb, for ihe practice of in the United States and State Courts of South Carolina. M. J. IllirSCII. Jan. t. 1901. 6m ywaaj?Lliii? i ifel=? s^- $ ESs*??! ^sjjifl rata** "S *-^iiS rdmrj 3 tP^i *rJ?f S*?is !|gd|| A woman saw the fi'-t snake, but men have been serin*: them ever since. 1 TX'X'ZCisr les, s, Harness, etc. 3ARTMFNf >ut.s and Unexcelled Service. KEY & CO,, | ty, S. O. 'J * *1 * ?### to a olicd a onk! # m J> OULLDHUnC.n CC OVIT i a I JEWELERS, J I J FI,?KK.\( R S. (', J 3 ^ Clocks, Watches. Silverware, ? 9 ^ Jewelry, Diamonds. * J | SPECIAL t 1 I ATTENTION GIVEN 10 \ j | II Drlcn. | 5 ^?"*I)rop us a ltne nrirl we ? I j f wili send any article liy e.\- J 1 # pie?i lor your select ion, @vwvwwwv*v*wwv*v*(3) W. L. BASS, Attorney at Law. LAKfc CI 1 1, u. Practices in Stale and Federal I : Courts. I DENTISTRY k ' 1*430 1000. I The undersigned, Httor a successi ful practice of I)ent:stry for thirtyj four years, is now located at Kingsj tree, at the Hmrkinlon house, I I where lie is prepared to do any- J | tiling in the Dental line at cut rate || j prices. Live and let live, is his I j motto. No shoddy work shall pass V the portals of his office. Satisfactiou guaranteed. A trial is solicited I Kespectfully, i a \r sxthetl I Dental surgeon. AUDITOR'S NOTICE, i Notice is hereby given tl a v ? vi"it the following places on he days : ine?U ?ned below. Tv tie' p.irpose of taking Tax Returns for the riscal year, commencing January 1st, lOOl. All male persons heiwv.n the age-* of twenty-one and sixty year*, who are not exempt are liable to a Foil Tax. Rreeleyville on the 1st and 2nd of Jan. (Sound ins " '* 3rd .. .. Niitt*n< " " 4th " 5th 44 " Harpers " 41 7th 14 44 Trio 44 4 4 8th 44 9th 44 44 2 SaIters * loth " llth 44 44 K fogs tree 44 ' 12th 44 44 Scran ton 14 44 14th 44 15th 44 44 Lake City 4 4 44 llilh " 17th 4 4 44 Prospect 44 " l<sth * 19th.44 44 j Altmuns " " 21st 44 22nd 4 4 44 ; JohnsMiville 44 2 Jrd 44 44 i Ards 44 44 2 1ti? 44 25th 44 44 : Lamberts 44 4 4 2?>th 44 " . ; Kitigstree 4 4 44 28th 44 44 4 4 Cedar Swamp 44 20th 44 30rh 4 4 4 4 . Rloomingvale 44 Jlst 44 1st 44 Feb. j Kings tree 4 4 4 4 Jnd 44 44 i ' Indian town 44 ' 4th 44 3th 44 44 i Rome 44 4 4 fith 44 4 vJ' ; Morrisviile 4 4 44 7th 44 4 T"*4' Rhems 8ch V*'4 1" .. ^ 3 I i.uncnru utu w | Cades ' " lltli u 12th " l\M ; ITphr.m ? " 13th ' 14lll 4* 'C~^M 1 Mouzons " ' 15th " '' j IvinjjHtree 4- " 18ch " 20th *' " j| ; inclusive. II Z. Hanma. .A u til tor. A Budget of Roosevelt Stories. .j Twenty excellent stories and : anecdotes of Theodore Roosevelt, never before printed, and told I anonymously by the "intimates" I and closest friends ot the vicepresident-elect, vsill be published in the next issue of the Ladies* . Home Journal, j